4,308 research outputs found

    Species of Contracaecum Parasitizing the Magellanic Penguin Spheniscus magellanicus (Spheniscidae) from the Argentinean Coast

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    Anisakid nematodes have a worldwide distribution and are associated with fishes, birds, and marine mammals from freshwater, brackish, and marine systems. The aims of this work are to report for the first time Contracaecum mirounga parasitizing the Magellanic penguin Spheniscus magellanicus, to report another Contracaecum species in the same host species, and to discuss the validity of Contracaeceum spheniscus. Several dead chicks, juveniles, and adults of S. magellanicus were collected along the Argentinean coast from 2002 to 2009. Nematodes were removed from digestive tracts and studied using both light and scanning electron microscopy. Nematode prevalences were 2.38% for C. mirounga and 12.5% for Contracaecum sp. Contracaecum mirounga was found in 1 penguin from Península Valdés, Chubut. This species is known as a specific parasite of marine mammals such as Pinnipedia, thereby suggesting that this nematode is not as specific as believed. Another species of Contracaecum sp. was found parasitizing 1 penguin from the Río de la Plata coast. It possessed an unusual interlabial morphology and arrangement of male caudal papillae. Despite the low prevalence, the distinct morphological features are convincing and support the presence of a new Contracaecum species. However, a formal description is not presented because sufficient male specimens are lacking. Finally, C. spheniscus is considered a junior synonym of Contracaecum pelagicum. Future molecular studies might be helpful to determine the real diversity of Contracaecum species parasitizing S. magellanicus considering the number of sibling species recognized among the anisakids.Fil: Garbin, Lucas. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. División Zoología de Vertebrados. Sección Ornitología; ArgentinaFil: Diaz, Julia Inés. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Centro de Estudios Parasitológicos y de Vectores. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Centro de Estudios Parasitológicos y de Vectores; ArgentinaFil: Navone, Graciela Teresa. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Centro de Estudios Parasitológicos y de Vectores. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Centro de Estudios Parasitológicos y de Vectores; Argentin

    Are Rapid Population Estimates Accurate? A Field Trial of Two Different Assessment Methods.

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    Emergencies resulting in large-scale displacement often lead to populations resettling in areas where basic health services and sanitation are unavailable. To plan relief-related activities quickly, rapid population size estimates are needed. The currently recommended Quadrat method estimates total population by extrapolating the average population size living in square blocks of known area to the total site surface. An alternative approach, the T-Square, provides a population estimate based on analysis of the spatial distribution of housing units taken throughout a site. We field tested both methods and validated the results against a census in Esturro Bairro, Beira, Mozambique. Compared to the census (population: 9,479), the T-Square yielded a better population estimate (9,523) than the Quadrat method (7,681; 95% confidence interval: 6,160-9,201), but was more difficult for field survey teams to implement. Although applicable only to similar sites, several general conclusions can be drawn for emergency planning

    Correção atmosférica de imagens termais utilizando perfis verticais de alta resolução simulados por um modelo de mesoescala

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    A estimativa da temperatura da superfície terrestre ( LST ) por sensoriamento remoto no infravermelho termal (TIR) é dependente d a realização de uma correção atmosférica apropriada que , em geral, necessita de perfis atmosféricos como dados de entrada. Dados globais de reanálise são uma alternativa prática para a obtenção desses perfis, mas podem apresentar limitações. Nesse contexto, o presente estudo teve como objetivo analisar a utilização do modelo numérico Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) para gerar perfis verticais de alta resolução , refinando dados de reanálise , visando a correção atmosférica no TIR para o cálculo de valores de LST. Para tal, foram realizadas simulações com o modelo WRF com dados de reanálise do NCEP Climate Forecast System Version 2 (CFSv2) como condições iniciais e utilizando duas grades aninhadas com resoluções horizontais de 12 km (G12) e 3 km (G03). Para estimar a LST, foram empregados: o método da inversão direta da Equação de Transferência Radiativa (RTE) , o modelo MODTRAN e valores de radiância da banda 10 do Landsat 8 TIRS. A pesquisa avaliou o desempenho do modelo através dos perfis verticais, dos parâmetros atmosféricos de correção (transmitância atmosférica e radiâncias upwelling e downwelling ) e dos valores de LST, utilizando como referência dados de radiossondagens in situ , no sul do Brasil . Adicionalmente, foi executada uma análise de sensibilidade a dois esquemas de parametrização de camada limite planetária . Os resultados indicam que o modelo WRF simula de maneira satisfatória os perfis atmosféricos que, por consequência, geram parâmetros de correção e LST com baixos erros. Contudo, não existe melhora significativa nas métricas estatísticas entre os perfis extraídos diretamente da reanálise CFSv2 e os simulados pelo WRF . Em alguns casos, a utilização de um perfil de grade mais refinada resultou, até mesmo, em maiores erros. Os valores gerais de RMSE para a LST foram: 0,55 K ( CFSv2), 0,79 K ( WRF G12 ) e 0,82 K ( WRF G03 ). A escolha do esquema de camada limite mostrou - se caso - dependente. Conclui - se que não há necessidade especial de refinar a resolução dos perfis de reanálise visando estimativa de LST, por meio do método da RTE .The Land Surface Temperature (LST) retrieval from thermal infrared (TIR) remote sensing depends on performing an appropriate atmospheric correction. In general, this approach requires atmospheric profiles as input data. Global reanalysis data are a practical alternative to obtain these profiles, but they may have limitations. In this con text, this study aimed to assess the use of the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) numerical model to generate high - resolution vertical profiles, downscaling reanalysis data , to be applied in TIR atmospheric correction for LST retrieval . WRF simulations were carried out using NCEP Climate Forecast System Version 2 (CFSv2) reanalysis as initial conditions and two nested grids with horizontal resolutions of 12 km (G12) and 3 km (G03) . To retrieve the LST, we used: the Radiative Transfer Equation (RTE) based method , the MODTRAN model, and radiance values from Landsat 8 TIRS10 band . Th is research evaluated the model performance through vertical profiles, atmospheric correction parameters (atmospheric transmittance and upwelling and downwelling radiances) , and LST values, using in situ radiosonde data ( in Southern Brazil ) as reference. Moreover, a sensitivity analysis to two planetary boundary layer parameterization schemes was performed . The results indicate that the WRF model satisfactor il y simulates the atmospheric profiles that, consequently, generate correction param eters and LST with low errors. However, there is no significant improvement in statistical metrics between profiles extracted directly from the CFSv2 reanalysis and those simulated by WRF . In some cases, the use of a finer grid profile resulted even in larger errors. The LST overall RMSE values were: 0.55 K (CFSv2), 0.79 K (WRF G12) , and 0.82 K (WRF G03) . The boundary layer scheme choice proved to be case - dependent. We concluded that there is no special need to increase the resolution of reanalysis profiles in order to retrieve LST using the RTE - based method

    Eficiencia en el uso del agua de pasturas consociadas dominadas por Festuca Alta (Festuca Arundinacea Schreb) bajo dos sistemas constrastantes de pastoreo ovino en el Valle Inferior del Río Chubut

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    Tesis para obtener el grado de Magister Scientiae en Riego y Drenaje, de la Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, en 2018Uno de los cultivos más importantes en el Valle Inferior del Río Chubut (VIRCh, Patagonia Argentina) son las pasturas irrigadas, sin embargo, presentan una baja producción atribuible al manejo deficiente del pastoreo y del agua de riego. Ante el escenario futuro de escasez de agua, modificar las prácticas agrícolas surge como un camino factible para gestionar exitosamente este recurso. Los sistemas de pastoreo pueden determinar la eficiencia en el uso del agua del cultivo (EUA, oferta forrajera/evapotranspiración del cultivo) debido a los efectos sobre la vegetación y el suelo. En este trabajo se comparó la EUA de una pastura representativa del VIRCh bajo dos sistemas de pastoreo ovino contrastantes, con diferente tiempo de permanencia y carga animal instantánea. Además se evaluaron variables físico-químicas del suelo, con el fin de explicar eventuales diferencias entre sistemas, y las condiciones climáticas, para conocer el grado de incidencia en el cultivo. La EUA de las pasturas sometidas al pastoreo con alta carga instantánea y corto tiempo de permanencia (pastoreo frontal=PF) no se diferenciaron de la EUA de las pasturas sometidas al pastoreo con menor carga instantánea y mayor tiempo de permanencia (pastoreo rotativo=PR). Tampoco se encontraron diferencias en la oferta forrajera (OF) ni en la mayoría de las características fisicoquímicas del suelo. Sin embargo, se constató una mayor biomasa de raíces en las pasturas bajo PF y una disminución de la densidad aparente del suelo en las sometidas al PR. Ambos sistemas propiciaron efectos positivos en la vegetación y el suelo, expresados a partir de una mayor OF en la segunda temporada. La radiación solar y la temperatura ambiente, condujeron el crecimiento de la pastura y su relación con la evapotranspiración, exponiendo la importancia de una rápida y densa cobertura del suelo a través de remanentes forrajeros adecuados, independientemente del sistema de pastoreo utilizado.In the Lower Valley of Chubut River (VIRCh, Argentine Patagonia), the irrigated pastures are one of the most important crops. However, their low productivity can be attributed to inadequate water and grazing management. One feasible way to face a future scene of water scarcity is to change the agricultural practices to manage this resource successfully. Water-Use Efficiency of pastures (WUE; forage mass/crop evapotranspiration) can be affected by grazing systems, because they have effect on vegetation and soil. In the present work, WUE of VIRCh representative pasture was compared under two different sheep grazing systems. Each of these systems had different stocking period and stocking density. In addition, soil physicochemical and climatic variables were evaluated to explain possible differences between grazing systems and to know the degree of incidence in the crop, respectively. There were no differences between WUE of pastures under grazing system with high stocking density and short stocking period (frontal system) and WUE of pastures under grazing system with less stocking density and longer stocking period (rotational grazing). There were no differences in the forage mass neither in soil physicochemical variables. Nevertheless, greater root biomass and decrease in soil bulk density were found in the pastures under frontal grazing and under rotational grazing, respectively. Both grazing systems produced positive effects in the vegetation and soil. This was based on the bigger forage mass in the second growing season. Solar radiation and temperature led the pasture growth and their relationship with the evapotranspiration. This fact shows the importance of a fast and dense ground cover through suitable residual forage, regardless of the grazing system implemented.EEA ChubutFil: Diaz, Lucas Damian. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Chubut; Argentin

    Automatic parameter tuning for functional regionalization methods

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    The methods used to define functional regions for public statistics and policy purposes need to establish several parameter values. This is typically achieved using expert knowledge based on qualitative judgements and lengthy consultations with local stakeholders. We propose to support this process by using an optimization algorithm to calibrate any regionalization method by identifying the parameter values that produce the best regionalization for a given quantitative indicator. The approach is exemplified by using a grid search and a genetic algorithm to configure the official methods employed in the UK and Sweden for the definition of their respective official concepts of local labour markets.Los métodos utilizados para definir las regiones funcionales con fines de estadística y políticas públicas deben establecer una serie de valores de ciertos parámetros. Esto se logra generalmente utilizando conocimiento experto basado en juicios cualitativos y largas consultas con las partes interesadas locales. Se propone apoyar este proceso utilizando un algoritmo de optimización para calibrar los métodos de regionalización mediante la identificación de los valores de los parámetros que producen la mejor regionalización para un determinado indicador cuantitativo. El enfoque se ejemplifica mediante el uso de una búsqueda por cuadrículas y un algoritmo genético para configurar los métodos oficiales empleados en el Reino Unido y en Suecia para la definición de sus respectivos conceptos oficiales de los mercados laborales locales.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (grant numbers CSO2011-29943-C03-02 and CSO2014-55780-C3-2-P, National R&D&i Plan)

    Antes del orgullo. Recuperando la memoria gay, Jorge Luis Peralta (editor)

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    A partir de la autobiografía de José Santa Ana Porras Alcocer en torno a su experiencia gay sexoafectiva y militante en los años 60, 70 y 80, escritores e investigadores/as de México, Argentina y España, buscan reponer un memoralismo de los avatares del mundo pre-gay a partir de la articulación entre cine y literatura.