2,731 research outputs found

    Propiedades psicométricas de la escala de actitudes hacia el maltrato animal en adultos en la ciudad de Trujillo

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    El presente estudio estableció como objetivo general determinar las evidencias de validez y confiabilidad de la Escala de Actitudes hacia el maltrato animal en adultos de la ciudad de Trujillo. La investigación es de tipo psicométrico y diseño no experimental, la cual tuvo como muestra a 504 personas adultas, que se encuentran entre las edades de 20 a 59 años, de ambos sexos, los cuales fueron seleccionados utilizando un muestreo no probabilístico por conveniencia. Para el procesamiento de la información se utilizaron programas como Jamovi. En primera instancia se revisó la claridad de los ítems, fue necesario modificar los ítems 4 y 8 para generar una mejor claridad y compresión. Con respecto a la validez de estructura interna se utilizó el AFE Y AFC, en el cual, se llevó a cabo una redistribución de los 25 ítems en 3 factores, dado que el modelo original de la escala no muestra un adecuado valor de ajuste con 4 factores. De acuerdo, a la confiabilidad por consistencia interna se alcanzaron valores que oscilan entre .72 a .94. Para concluir se determinó que la Escala de Actitudes hacia el maltrato animal en adultos de la ciudad de Trujillo cuenta con adecuadas propiedades psicométricas para su aplicación

    Efecto de la adición de grenetina en las propiedades reológicas y de textura de un panqué reducido en margarina

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    To increase the concentration of gelatin in a formulation for pound cake reduced in margarine and partially replaced by canola oil, there is a proportional increase in specific gravity, apparent viscosity and viscoelastic modules, decreasing the size and number of bubbles formed in the batter. In pound cake, there is a proportional decrease in volume and uniformity of the crumb and increase in the firmness, however, the addition of 1.25% of gelatin was the most accepted sensory formulation due to perceived a crumb more consistent and wet, so, the functionality of the gelatin as hydrocolloid, is limited to the final texture of the pound cake, concluding that it may be an alternative to improve the acceptability of a pound cake reduced in margarine, which is also of lower cost.The use of different hydrocolloids in the partial substitution of margarine by vegetable oils, are evaluated to achieve products with characteristics similar to the traditional product. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of the addition of different concentrations of gelatin (0%, 0.75%, 1.25%, and 2.0%) in pound cake formulation reduced in margarine and partially replaced with canola oil. It was determined specific gravity (SG), apparent viscosity, modules of viscoelasticity (G' and G") and number and size of air bubbles in the batter. In the pound cake was determined texture (TPA and sensory evaluation), crumb structure and moisture. By increasing the concentration of gelatin, it was observed a proportional increase of SG, apparent viscosity and elastic and viscous modules, predominating the viscous module with respect to elastic module, and a decrease in the number and size of air bubbles in the batter. In the pound cake, there was a proportional decrease in the volume and uniformity of the crumb, with respect to the size and number of cavities formed, however, sensorially, the most accepted formulation was the addition of 1.25% of gelatin because it perceives a more consistent and moist crumb, therefore, adding gelatin can be an alternative to improve the acceptability of a reduced pancake in margarine, which It's also less expensive.CONACy

    Knowledge and Impact of COVID-19 on Middle-Aged and Older People Living with HIV in Lima, Peru

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    COVID-19 has had an unprecedented worldwide impact, and Peru has had one of the highest COVID-19 case rates despite implementation of an early strict nationwide quarantine. Repercussions on Peru's healthcare system may impact vulnerable populations, particularly people with HIV (PWH). We explored knowledge of COVID-19 and the socioeconomic and health impact of the pandemic among middle-aged and older PWH. A cross-sectional telephone survey was administered to 156 PWH age ≥40 years receiving care in one of two large HIV clinics in Lima, Peru. The majority of PWH (age 52 ± 7.7 years, 41% female, 65% completed secondary school or less) were knowledgeable regarding COVID-19 symptoms and prevention methods. Nearly half of those employed prior to the pandemic reported job loss. Female sex (unadjusted prevalence ratio [PR] 1.85 [95%CI 1.27-2.69]), low educational level (PR 1.62 [1.06-2.48]) and informal work (PR 1.58 [1.06-2.36]) were risk factors for unemployment but not in adjusted models. Increased anxiety was reported in 64% and stress in 77%. COVID-19 has had a substantial socioeconomic and mental health impact on PWH living in Lima, Peru, particularly those with lower educational levels and informal workers. Efforts are needed to ensure continued medical care and socioeconomic support of PWH in Peru

    Transferosomas conteniendo ftalocianina de aluminio clorada como alternativa terapeútica en leishmaniasis cutánea: permeabilidad y biodistribución en ratas Wistar

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    Introducción: Los transferosomas o liposomas ultradeformables (LUD) conteniendo ftalocianina de aluminio clorada (LUD-PcAlCl) podrían constituir un vehículo transdérmico de liberación de compuestos en el tratamiento de la leishmaniasis cutánea.  Objetivo: Evaluar la permeabilidad, retención y biodistribución de los LUD-PcAlCl in vivo. Metodología: Los trasnferosomas fueron obtenidos mediante rehidratación de película lipídica. Ratas Wistar fueron tratadas tópica e intraperitonealmente con los transferosomas por 5 días. La penetración ex vivo fue determinada mediante el ensayo en celdas de Franz y la retención por el método de la cinta adhesiva. Cinco y treinta días post-tratamiento se obtuvo la piel y órganos para determinar la retención del compuesto y realizar estudios histopatológicos. La PcAlCl fue extraída con solventes y cuantificada por fluorometría. Los resultados se expresaron en nM PcAlCl/mg órgano. Resultados: La PcAlCl no penetró la piel en los ensayos ex vivo reteniéndose principalmente en el estrato corneo. Cinco días post-tratamiento tópico la PcAlCl fue retenida en estrato córneo (41,76±0,02) mostrando concentraciones mínimas en bazo (0,09±0,02), epidermis-dermis (0,06±0,17), hígado (0,03±0,02) y pulmón (0,02±0,01 nM). Por vía intraperitoneal se encontró PcAlCl en bazo (0,58±0,4), cerebro (0,07±0,07), corazón (0,07±0,12), pulmón (0,012±0,01) y piel (0,021±0,02 nM). Treinta días post-tratamiento no se encontró PcAlCl en ningún órgano. Los estudios histopatológicos fueron negativos. Conclusión: La PcAlCl contenida en transferosomas fue retenida principalmente en estrato córneo mostrando bajas concentraciones en la dermis sitio donde se aloja el parásito. Se sugiere modificar los componentes vesiculares del sistema para aumentar la permeación del compuesto

    Epidemiological implications of the genetic diversification of dengue virus (DENV) serotypes and genotypes in Mexico

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    Variation and clade shifts in dengue virus (DENV) genotypes are responsible for numerous dengue fever outbreaks throughout Latin America in the past decade. Molecular analyses of dengue serotypes have revealed extensive genetic diversification and the emergence of new genotypes in Brazil (DENV-4 genotype I) and elsewhere in tropical and subtropical America. The goal of the present study is to assess the extent to which the adventitious introduction of DENV genotypes and their increasing genetic diversity affects dengue epidemiology in Mexico. A nuanced sequence inspection and phylogenetic analysis of the C-prM nucleotide region of DENV was performed for specimens collecting in 2009 from the Veracruz State, Mexico. Findings were contrasted with specimens collected in adjacent years and analysed based on the epidemiological patterns reported between 1990 and 2019. Additionally, the identification process of various DENV genotypes was assessed, including: (1) DENV-1, genotype V, (2) the DENV-2 Asian/American and Asian II genotypes (3) DENV-3, genotype III, and (4) DENV-4, genotype I. This resulted in the discovery of a distinct genetic cladistic pattern for serotype DENV-2. Lastly, study findings suggest that a correlation exists between the emergence of novel genotypes and genetic diversification, with the increasing incidence of DENV infections in Mexico in 2009

    Age-related fertility decline: is there a role for elective ovarian tissue cryopreservation?

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    Age-related fertility decline (ARFD) is a prevalent concern amongst western cultures due to the increasing age of first-time motherhood. Elective oocyte and embryo cryopreservation remain the most established methods of fertility preservation, providing women the opportunity of reproductive autonomy to preserve their fertility and extend their childbearing years to prevent involuntary childlessness. Whilst ovarian cortex cryopreservation has been used to preserve reproductive potential in women for medical reasons, such as in pre- or peripubertal girls undergoing gonadotoxic chemotherapy, it has not yet been considered in the context of ARFD. As artificial reproductive technology (ART) and surgical methods of fertility preservation continue to evolve, it is a judicious time to review current evidence and consider alternative options for women wishing to delay their fertility. This article critically appraises elective oocyte cryopreservation as an option for women who use it to mitigate the risk of ARFD and introduces the prospect of elective ovarian cortex cryopreservation as an alternative

    Responsabilidad Social y Ciudadanía: Una perspectiva desde la universidad y la administración pública

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    La importancia de los estudios sobre ciudadanía se vincula con la imperiosa necesidad de fortalecer la democracia en todos aquellos espacios donde se manifiesta, principalmente en países como México, donde la falta de credibilidad en las instituciones democráticas ha permeado a la sociedad.Los desafíos contemporáneos requieren nuevos ajustes en diversos sentidos; al interior de las organizaciones es necesario adecuar los mecanismos con que interactúan frente a la sociedad en la que se desarrollan. Es requisito indispensable que el grueso de las organizaciones sociales se vinculen de manera directa con los problemas globales y nacionales: cambio climático, guerras, exigencias democráticas, movimientos sociales, pobreza, desempleo, inestabilidades políticas etc., ello les exige que se asuman como parte del complejo social, donde sus acciones repercuten de forma directa o indirecta

    Early impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on paediatric cancer care in Latin America

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    Although previous studies have suggested that the complications and mortality rate related to COVID-19 are substantially lower in the paediatric population,1 it is reasonable to consider that children with underlying conditions such as cancer will be at increased risk of severe disease...Fil: Vasquez, Liliana. Universidad de San Martín de Porres; Perú. Organización Panamericana de la Salud; PerúFil: Sampor, Claudia. Fundacion Hospital de Pediatria Professor Dr. Juan P. Garrahan; ArgentinaFil: Villanueva, Gabriela. Fundacion Hospital de Pediatria Professor Dr. Juan P. Garrahan; ArgentinaFil: Maradiegue, Essy. Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Neoplasicas; PerúFil: Garcia Lombardi, Mercedes. Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Hospital General de Niños "Ricardo Gutiérrez"; ArgentinaFil: Gomez García, Wendy. Hospital Infantil Dr. Robert Reid Cabral; República DominicanaFil: Moreno, Florencia. Ministerio de Salud. Instituto Nacional del Cáncer; ArgentinaFil: Diaz, Rosdali. Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Neoplasicas; PerúFil: Cappellano, Andrea M.. Universidade Federal de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Portilla, Carlos Andres. Universidad del Valle; ColombiaFil: Salas, Beatriz. Hospital del Niño Manuel Ascencio Villarroel; BoliviaFil: Nava, Evelinda. Hospital de Niños Jesus Garcia Coello; VenezuelaFil: Brizuela, Silvia. Instituto de Previsión Social ; ParaguayFil: Jimenez, Soledad. Hospital Solca Núcleo de Loja; EcuadorFil: Espinoza, Ximena. Hospital de Niños Dr. Roberto del Río; ChileFil: Gassant, Pascale Yola. Hôpital Saint-Damien; HaitíFil: Quintero, Karina. Children's Hospital Dr Jose Renan Esquivel; PanamáFil: Fuentes Alabi, Soad. Hospital Nacional de Niños Benjamin Bloom; El SalvadorFil: Velasquez, Thelma. No especifíca;Fil: Fu, Ligia. Hospital Escuela de Tegucigalpa; HondurasFil: Gamboa, Yessika. National Children's Hospital; Costa RicaFil: Quintana, Juan. Clinica Las Condes; ChileFil: Castiglioni, Mariela. Hospital Pereira Rossell; UruguayFil: Nuñez, Cesar. Children's Cancer Hospital; Estados UnidosFil: Moreno, Arturo. Hospital Universitario de Puebla; MéxicoFil: Luna Fineman, Sandra. State University of Colorado at Boulder; Estados UnidosFil: Luciani, Silvana. Pan American Health Organization; Estados UnidosFil: Chantada, Guillermo Luis. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Hospital de Pediatría "Juan P. Garrahan"; Argentina. Hospital Sant Joan de Deu Barcelona; Españ