1,767 research outputs found

    The Wine Attributes with the Greatest Influence in the Process of Consumer Choice in Spain

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    The commercialisation of wine in Spain is problematic due to two concrete circumstances: the decrease in wine consumption because of a consumer shift toward substitute drinks and the greater presence of national and foreign wine in the interior market, which involves an increase in business competitiveness. The increase in competitiveness of quality Spanish wine depends on producing enterprises’ knowledge of wine consumer preferences so they can offer consumers what they demand. In order to respond to this matter and better adapt supply, 421 wine consumers were surveyed using the Best-Worst Scaling methodology. Various segmentations were also made by consumer income and age groups. The results indicate that the two main attributes which condition consumers in choosing wine are the region of origin and having tasted it previously. The region of origin attribute is valued in general by consumers over 34 years old who have a monthly family income above 1,500 €. The attribute of having tasted it before, which on many occasions is associated with the price attribute, is valued particularly by younger consumers and those with lower incomes.Consumer behaviour, Wine attributes, Food Marketing, Consumer/Household Economics,

    Measuring College Student and Faculty Media Literacy

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    Measuring College Student and Faculty Media LiteracyMonica Diaz, Dr. Tom Hallaq, Yeng Xiong A.Q. Miller School of Journalism and Mass Communications College of Arts and Sciences Within our society, there is constant progression towards the evolution of media and its platforms. European and Commonwealth countries took fast to training students and educators on media consumption. However, in the United States, it has been a slower process of integration. The focus of study for this research is online digital media literacy amongst college students and faculty. The first step of this study focuses on a review of current literature. The literature review focuses on media literacy levels of university faculty and students. The research focuses on a survey that was administered to both students and faculty that analyzes their online media literacy. The research instrument lists a statement for a response then considers the construct and function which are used to finalize the results. Through using statistical procedures, these numbers are then analyzed to produce results and better comprehend media literacy. The results from this research are crucial because if a lack of media literacy progression is identified then it will support the demand for increased media literacy education. Although this research is primarily focused on media literacy among college students and faculty, it may show a wider scale issue of a gap of media literacy levels between college-aged students and their professors, impacting the communication process in the classroom throughout the country. This research will be presented as a case study of media literacy throughout college students and faculty and show if media’s influence is understood at a higher level

    Science and policy : the California Market Squid Fishery

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    With an increasing demand for squid, the fishery has grown enormously from when it first started in the 1800\u27s. Due to the expansion of the fishery, many policies and management plans were implemented to ensure a sustainable fishery. Along with the increase of fishing vessels and new technology, management plans have been created to help with the competition between fishermen and to monitor the squid population. Squid reproductive success and spawning biomass are affected by many climate factors such as El Niño, and monthly temperature changes. Events like El Niño can devastate the population size and the fishery. With the new policies and management plans, are events like El Niño and monthly climate changes being taken into consideration? Can we correlate policy (including MPA\u27s), and climate data with Market squid catch data? Have policy decisions impacted market squid fisheries overtime? With the use of GIS and squid data, I will answer these questions using catch data from 2000 to 2004. The use of GIS can aid in the future process of determining fishery closure areas, such as the Federal MPA\u27s. Based upon the animated illustrations of catch over time I am able to come to the conclusion that the Channel Island MPA\u27s have made an impact on the fishery, however, other factors have had greater effects such as sea surface temperatures changes


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    Consumer requirements for preferably new, quality products with health guarantees are causing competitive adaptation by agro-food businesses. In this sense, cheese-producing enterprises are immersed in restructuring to adapt to the new scene. To assure the greatest possible success in this process it is advisable to determine what the preferences of cheese consumers are. In searching for the answer to this question, 420 surveys were made on regular food shoppers for at-home consumption in the metropolitan area of Madrid (Spain). Treatment of this data consisted in using the Conjoint Analysis technique and maximum willingness to pay. Results show that the main differentiating element for cheese is origin and the maximum willing to pay for an organic cheese with respect a conventional one is 15.42%.Consumer behaviour, Organic, Food Marketing, Demand and Price Analysis,

    Acidophilic phytoplankton in Argentina: the case study of Lake Caviahue (Patagonia)

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    This article presents a review of the studies carried out over a 10-year period in Lake Caviahue, a natural acidic lake located in Patagonia. The main patterns of the phytoplankton populations are described. Five extremophiles phytoplanktonic species were studied in relation to the zooplankton and nutrients bioavailability under the environmental conditions registered in Lake Caviahue: very low pH (~3), high concentrations of iron (18.4 mg L-1) and sulphur (130 mg L-1). During the 10-years studies, the biomass (0.2 and 1.4 mg fw L-1) and the biodiversity were very low being Keratococcus rhaphidioides the dominant species (60 to 100% of the total biomass). Philodina sp. (Bdelloidea) was the only zooplankter responsible of the zooplankton biomass. From the lack of relationship between phytozooplankton biomass, as well as from the results obtained in the feeding experiments, we conclude that no control of algal abundance by the zooplankton occurs. The microalgae were nitrogen limited in the lake and according to the results from experiments with nutrient addition, the phytoplankton showed nitrogen limitation on growth rate and yield. The species have also the capacity to use mixotrophically alternative sources of organic and inorganic carbon and organic nitrogen. The importance of the uptake and the expression of CO2 concentrating mechanisms (CCMs) were demonstrated in Euglena and in the ellipsoidal form of Watanabea but not in the spherical form of Watanabea and in Palmellopsis. The two forms of Watanabea differed in their possession of a CCM.Fil: Diaz, Monica Mabel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Patagonia Norte. Instituto de Investigación en Biodiversidad y Medioambiente; ArgentinaFil: Beamud, Sara Guadalupe. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Patagonia Norte. Instituto de Investigación en Biodiversidad y Medioambiente; Argentin

    US veterans and their unique issues: enhancing health care professional awareness

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    United States veterans are a multifaceted population with a distinct culture that includes, but is not limited to, values, customs, ethos, selfless duty, codes of conduct, implicit patterns of communication, and obedience to command. Veterans experience mental health disorders, substance use disorders, post-traumatic stress, and traumatic brain injury at disproportionate rates compared to their civilian counterparts. Eighteen to 22 American veterans commit suicide daily and young veterans aged 18–44 are most at risk. Health care professionals must be aware of patients’ military history and be able to recognize suicide-risk factors, regardless of age. Advancement in medical technology has allowed servicemen to survive their injuries but, for many, at the cost of a traumatic limb amputation and associated mental scarring. Health care professionals must be able to address physical safety concerns, as well as, emotional health of veterans. Approximately 49,933 American veterans are homeless and face the same difficulties as non-veterans in addition to service-related matters. Separation from military service and issues related to complex multiple deployments are among specifically identified veteran issues. Successful veteran reintegration into civilian life rests upon providing veterans with training that builds on their military knowledge and skill, employment post-separation from service, homelessness prevention, and mental health programs that promote civilian transition. Preparing health care providers to meet the complex needs of a vast veteran population can be facilitated by implementing veteran content into curricula that includes veteran patient simulations and case studies, and utilizes veteran clinical faculty

    Implications of the kinematical structure of circumnuclear star-forming regions on their derived properties

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    [Abbreviated] We review the results of high dispersion spectroscopy of 17 circumnuclear starforming regions (CNSFRs) in 3 nearby early spiral galaxies, NGC2903, NGC3310 and NGC3351. We find that single Gaussian fitting to the Hβ\beta and [OIII]5007A line profiles results in velocity dispersions around 32km/s and 52km/s, respectively, while the IR CaII triplet cross-correlation technique provides stellar velocity dispersion values close to 50km/s. Even though multiple kinematical components are present, the relation between gas velocity dispersion and Balmer emission line luminosity (L-sigma relation) reproduces the correlation for disk giant HII regions albeit with a larger scatter. The scatter in the L-sigma relation is considerably reduced when theoretical evolutionary corrections are applied suggesting that an age range is present in the sample of CNSFRs. To analyse the observed complex profiles, we performed multiple Gaussian component fits to the Hbeta and [OIII]?5007A lines obtaining optimal fits with two Gaussians of different width. These best fits indicate that the narrower component has average velocity dispersion close to 23km/s while the broader component shows average values in the range 50-60km/s for both lines, close to the observed stellar velocity dispersions. The fluxes of the broad and narrow Hbeta components are similar. This is not the case for [OIII]5007A for which the broad components have higher fluxes than the narrow ones, thus producing a clear segregation in their [OIII]/Hbeta ratios. We suggest a possible scenario for understanding the behaviour of CNSFRs in the L-sigma and sigma_gas-sigma_star diagrams involving an inner gaseous disk responsible for the narrow component of the emission lines.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figures, accepted by MNRA

    Pengaruh Penggunaan Media Google Earth terhadap Pembelajaran Peta di Sekolah Dasar

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    The use of technology in learning needs to be realized in real terms, because this is related to the progress of Indonesian education. However, it is very unfortunate that many learning activities in schools still seem monotonous and have not made the most of technology. One way to utilize technology in learning is to use it as media. By using digital media, it will make it easier for teachers and students to interact in class, especially on social studies learning material which has its own level of understanding and difficulty because it is social. In this study the authors used google earth media to help students understand the map material and see how students respond in learning assisted by google earth media. This research uses a descriptive-qualitative method with a case study approach. Sources of data obtained from journals and opinions of experts. The conclusion obtained from this research is that it is hoped that the use of Google Earth media can become one of the innovative and interesting media which can later motivate and improve student learning outcomes, especially in learning maps in Social Sciences subjects

    Endozoochorous dispersal by Lepus europaeus (Lagomorpha, Leporidae) in the Monte-Patagonia ecotone, Argentina

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    La dispersión endozoocórica implica la dispersión de semillas a través de las heces luego de su ingestión por los animales. Este trabajo evalúa el rol de la liebre europea, Lepus europaeus, como dispersor legítimo de semillas, en un ambiente del ecotono Monte-Patagonia de la provincia de Mendoza. Los muestreos fueron realizados en los meses de marzo y abril de 2010. En 43 de las 200 heces analizadas se encontró un total de 129 semillas que correspondieron a 8 taxones de plantas diferentes. Casi el 60% correspondieron a la familia Poaceae, mientras que la única especie exótica hallada fue Polygonum aviculare. Sin embargo, no se puede descartar que este lepórido disperse alguna otra especie exótica ya que algunas semillas de monocotiledóneas no pudieron ser determinadas. Todas las semillas de P. aviculare y de especies de la familia Amaranthaceae se encontraron dañadas, mientras que las semillas de Prosopis spp. aparecieron sanas. Nuestros resultados indican que la liebre europea es un dispersor endozoocórico de semillas, principalmente de Poáceas, en el ecotono Monte-Patagonia.Endozoochorous dispersal by Lepus europaeus (Lagomorpha, Leporidae) in the Monte-Patagonia ecotone, Argentina. Endozoochorous dispersal involves the dispersal of seeds through feces after being ingested by animals. This work assesses the role of the European hare, Lepus europaeus, as a legitimate seed dispersal in an environment of the Monte-Patagonia ecotone in the province of Mendoza. Sampling was conducted between March and April 2010. In 43 of the 200 feces analyzed, a total of 129 seeds was found which corresponded to 8 different plant taxa. Nearly 60% of them belonged to the family Poaceae, whereas the only exotic plant species found was Polygonum aviculare. However, the possibility of this leporid dispersing some other exotic monocots cannot be ruled out because some of them could not be determined. All seeds of P. aviculare and of species of the family Amaranthaceae were damaged, whereas the seeds of Prosopis sp. were undamaged. Our results indicate that the European hare is an endozoochorous seed disperser, mostly of Poaceae, in the Monte-Patagonia ecotone.Fil: Henríquez, Erica B.. Universidad del Aconcagua; Argentina. Instituto San Pedro Nolasco; ArgentinaFil: Diaz Isenrath, Gabriela Beatriz. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Cona, Monica Ines. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto Argentino de Investigaciones de las Zonas Áridas. Provincia de Mendoza. Instituto Argentino de Investigaciones de las Zonas Áridas. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Instituto Argentino de Investigaciones de las Zonas Áridas; ArgentinaFil: Campos, Claudia Monica. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto Argentino de Investigaciones de las Zonas Áridas. Provincia de Mendoza. Instituto Argentino de Investigaciones de las Zonas Áridas. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Instituto Argentino de Investigaciones de las Zonas Áridas; Argentin