2,156 research outputs found

    The Rise of Latina Culture and the Political Economy of English in Kansas: Perceptions of Adult Learners

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    This research is drawn from two focus groups—one with Latina college students and the other with Latinas attending a Kansas City, KS, adult-learning center

    Perceived and experienced mental health needs among Puerto Rican community responders in the aftermath of natural disasters

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    For the project, I will conduct a secondary data analysis using qualitative interviews that he conducted in the first semester of 2018. I will use the data he collected to describe the perceived mental health of the community responders both on the Island and in the United States. I will also provide recommendations, informed from a literature review, to address the population\u27s needs

    Technical and economic prefeasibility study of mini-hydro power plants in Venezuela. Case study: El Valle River

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    The technical and economic feasibility of the installation of a mini-hydroelectric power plant on El Valle River in Venezuela is assessed. Special attention is paid to modeling Venezuela’s energetic and economic scenarios. Sensitivity, risk and emission analyses are also carried out. The results of the study show very attractive economic indicators, such as a 280.3% internal rate of return and a 0.4 years pay-back period. The positive results of the study are indication that clean energies could find very fertile scenarios in countries such as Venezuela, where the advantages of their application may not be eviden

    Technical and economic prefeasibility study of mini-hydro power plants in Venezuela. Case study: El Valle River

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    The technical and economic feasibility of the installation of a mini-hydroelectric power plant on El Valle River in Venezuela is assessed. Special attention is paid to modeling Venezuela’s energetic and economic scenarios. Sensitivity, risk and emission analyses are also carried out. The results of the study show very attractive economic indicators, such as a 280.3% internal rate of return and a 0.4 years pay-back period. The positive results of the study are indication that clean energies could find very fertile scenarios in countries such as Venezuela, where the advantages of their application may not be eviden

    Education and neoliberalism in Yucatan, Mexico

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    Under neoliberalism, at least in Mexico, education has been recast as a service that is to be sold for money, and not as a right of all Mexicans. The economy itself is now seen as a services economy, where everything is expected to make money. Here we reflect on some of the implications of current education reforms on our work at the Autonomous University of Yucatan.Under neoliberalism, at least in Mexico, education has been recast as a service that is to be sold for money, and not as a right of all Mexicans. The economy itself is now seen as a services economy, where everything is expected to make money. Here we reflect on some of the implications of current education reforms on our work at the Autonomous University of Yucatan

    Factores que influyen en el precio de la manzana de exportacion: un estudio de caso.

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    41 p.El objetivo general de este estudio es estimar una función hedónica de precios para la manzana de exportación chilena. Los objetivos específicos son,estimar el impacto porcentual en el precio de exportación, de: a) las variedades Granny Smith (GSm), Red Chief (RCh) y Fuji (Fuj) b) los meses de comercialización abril (abr) y mayo (may) c) calibre de las manzanas (cal) y d) lugar de destino de las manzanas Lejano Oriente (LO), Medio Oriente (MO), otros puertos Europa (OEU), Filadelfia (Fil), Sudamérica (SA), Los Ángeles y Nueva York (LaNy) y Latinoamérica (LA). Para el logro de estos objetivos se revisaron los boletines de exportación de las temporadas 2002-2003 y 2003-2004, de una de las xportadoras de fruta fresca más importantes de Chile, obteniéndose 7.693 datos, los que fueron tabulados en una planilla Excel. Empleando una forma funcional semilogarítmica se estimó la siguiente función hedónica:Esta función explica en un 51 por ciento la variación en los precios de las manzanas exportadas y todos los coeficientes son estadísticamente significativos con un 95 por ciento de confianza. Del estudio realizado puede obtenerse las siguientes conclusiones: • Existe una función hedónica entre precio y las siguientes variables: calibre, mes de comercialización, variedad y destino. • Las variables más influyentes en el precio de la manzana son: - Puertos de destino. Enviar la fruta a Lejano Oriente presenta un incremento notable en el precio de 0,657 USporkilogramo,MedioOrientede0,431US por kilogramo, Medio Oriente de 0,431 US por kilogramo, Filadelfia de 0,101 USporkilogramoyfinalmentevariospuertosEuropeosconunincrementode0,063US por kilogramo y finalmente varios puertos Europeos con un incremento de 0,063 US por kilogramo. - Variedades. Fuji, muestra un aumento en el precio de 0,074 USporkilogramoporelcontrario,GrannySmithyRedChiefmanifiestanunadisminucioˊnde0,120y0,109US por kilogramo por el contrario, Granny Smith y Red Chief manifiestan una disminución de 0,120 y 0,109 US por kilogramo respectivamente. • La variable menos influyente es calibre. Se observó que por un aumento porcentual en el calibre hay un incremento en el precio a razón de US0,001porkilogramo,loqueseconsideroˊdepocasignificacioˊn.lnP=0,4023570,001834cal+0,125794Fuj0,248961GSm0,218185RCh+0,780867LO+0,574672MO+0,108140OEU+0,166378Fil0,058848SA0,037952LaNy0,188640LA+0,051612abr+0,032891mayMesdecomercializacioˊn.PostergarlaventahastaAbrilsignificaaumentarelprecioen0,03US 0,001 por kilogramo, lo que se consideró de poca significación. ln P = -0,402357 - 0,001834*cal + 0,125794* Fuj - 0,248961* GSm - 0,218185* RCh + 0,780867* LO + 0,574672*MO + 0,108140*OEU + 0,166378*Fil - 0,058848*SA - 0,037952*LaNy - 0,188640*LA + 0,051612*abr + 0,032891*may - Mes de comercialización. Postergar la venta hasta Abril significa aumentar el precio en 0,03 US por kilogramo en cambio, postergarla hasta Mayo presenta un aumento de 0,02 USporkilogramo.PuertosdedestinoSudamericanosyLatinoamericanos.Presentanunadisminucioˊnenelpreciode0,032y0,100US por kilogramo. - Puertos de destino Sudamericanos y Latinoamericanos. Presentan una disminución en el precio de 0,032 y 0,100 US por kilogramo, así también, los puertos de Los Ángeles y Nueva York muestran una disminución de 0,020 US$ por kilogramo

    Re-mapping the body: feminine experience in music performance

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    In this project report I analyse how the practice of Body Mapping impacts the bodily performances of women classical musicians. The purpose is to study how the characteristics that define normative gender affect the body and its movement; to interrogate the body as the site where a patriarchal society constructs gender roles (more specifically, femininity); and consequently to assess the effects that these may produce in music performance. Drawing on interviews with six women classical musicians, autoethnography, and Body Mapping as a method, I created a workbook for women Body Mapping students. The goal of my research is to look into the possibilities of how the three fields—music performance, Body Mapping and feminist thought—can connect together, thus laying the groundwork for possible future research in this area. Even more, I seek to apply new approaches to music performance and to contribute, at a practical level, to the development of women classical musicians

    pEPito-driven PEDF Expression Ameliorates Diabetic Retinopathy Hallmarks

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    Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is one of the major complications of diabetes mellitus. It is characterized by retinal microvascular changes caused by chronic exposure to hyperglycemia, leading to low tissue oxygenation and ultimately to neovascularization. Laser photocoagulation and vitrectomy are the most efficient treatments for DR, but display severe side effects such as the destruction of the healthy retina. Another clinical approach uses antiangiogenic agents to prevent and delay progression of neovascularization, but these require recurrent local administrations that increase the possibility of retinal detachment, vitreous hemorrhage, and cataract formation. Studies in human diabetic retinas have revealed an imbalance between proangiogenic factors such as the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and antiangiogenic factors, such as pigment epithelial-derived factor (PEDF). This imbalance favors pathological angiogenesis contributing to DR, and can constitute a therapeutic target. Gene therapy was recently shown to be an adequate intervention for long-term treatment of several retinal pathologies. We have previously shown the newly engineered episomal vector pEPito to be able of sustained gene expression in the mouse retina. We here show that pEPito was able to overexpress PEDF for up to three months, both in in vitro cultures of human retinal pigment epithelial cells and in the retina of diabetic mice after a single subretinal injection. In vivo, in parallel with the increase in PEDF we observed a decrease in VEGF levels in injected compared with noninjected eyes and a significant effect on two hallmarks of DR: reduction of glucose transport (by glucose transporter GLUT1), and reduction of inflammation by decreased reactivity of microglia. Jointly, these results point to a significant therapeutic potential of gene therapy with pEPito-PEDF for the treatment of DR

    Diagnóstico estratégico de la empresa Criscasa del departamento de Matagalpa, durante el año 2014

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    La presente investigación tiene como objetivo Elaborar diagnóstico estratégico de la empresa Criscasa, del departamento de Matagalpa, durante el año 2014. Criscasa Matagalpa cuenta con más de 10 años de operar en el mercado matagalpino, esta empresa se especializa en la elaboración de productos de vidrio y aluminio, teniendo una oferta de productos que incluye ventanas de vidrio, exhibidores, protectores metálicos, cielo raso, puertas corrediza para baños, espejos, entre otros. Como parte de la filosofía empresarial de Criscasa Matagalpa, figura el compromiso con los clientes en cuanto a ofrecerles un producto de excelente calidad, siempre destacando la innovación y creatividad, que se hace de acuerdo a los requerimientos de cada cliente El Diagnóstico estratégico es de mucha importancia que cada empresa lo realice, ya que representa el conjunto de análisis, decisiones y acciones que una organización lleva a cabo para crear y mantener ventajas competitivas sostenibles a lo largo del tiempo, así como la dirección futura, sus metas, desempeño y estrategias. La situación actual de la empresa es muy buena, dentro de esta se realizan distintas estrategias, las cuales han sido de mucha ayuda, ya que gracias a estas se ha logrado crear y mantener ventajas competitivas solidas que la han hecho diferenciarse de la competencia; aunque no se tiene formulado un plan estratégico como tal, por lo que este se debe de elaborar para tener plasmado la dirección que se quiera dar a la empres