149 research outputs found

    O antirracismo dos intelectuais: o caso de Pierre-André Taguieff

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    Among intellectuals dedicated to the study of racism and antiracism in contemporary France, Pierre- André Taguieff (1946-...) is one of the most famous. His work includes various areas, from political philosophy to history of ideas and political sciences. On racism and other subjects linked – national- populism, judeophobia, right-wing extremism, is in France one of the most widely read and influential thinker. But he ́s also polemical, criticized and sometimes rejected. This article seeks to explain who is P- A. Taguieff, the causes of the oppositions to his work and the reasons of these causes. Our hypothesis is that the case of P-A. Taguieff illustrates the changes of antiracism in recent decades: from consensus to dissensus. Today, the proper definition of antiracism became controversial.Dentre os intelectuais que consagraram uma parte de seus trabalhos ao racismo e ao antirracismo na França contemporânea, Pierre-André Taguieff é um dos mais famosos. Difíceis de ser delimitadas em termos disciplinares, suas intervenções abarcam desde a filosofia política até a história das ideias, passando pelas ciências políticas. Sobre esses temas e outros conexos – nacional-populismo, judeofobia, os extremismos de direita –, é um dos autores mais lidos e influentes. É também, no entanto, um autor polêmico, contestado, e às vezes rejeitado. Este artigo tenta explicar quem é P.-A. Taguieff, os motivos das rejeições que suscita, e as razões destes motivos. O caso de P.-A. Taguieff ilustra, pensamos, a transformação pela qual passou o antirracismo nas últimas décadas: do consenso ao dissenso. Hoje em dia, nem todo o mundo concorda em definir o que é o antirracismo

    Considerações de um psicanalista sobre as psicoterapias de crianças

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    Serão as psicoterapias de crianças, que se referenciam à psicanálise ou praticadas pelos psicanalistas, um abastardamento da psicanálise, ou psicanálises no diminutivo? Se assim fosse, elas estariam inevitavelmente votadas ao insucesso. No entanto, um certo número de psicoterapias tem um efeito indiscutivelmente positivo. Não só provocam um desaparecimento dos sintomas, mas também alterações mais radicais, alargando realmente o inventário das possibilidades evolutivas. Apesar de nem todos os psicoterapeutas terem resultados tão encorajadores, é necessário analisar correctamente o que é o processo psicanalítico na criança, cuja natureza se mantém muito controversa. A situação psicoterápica é, aqui, particularmente estudada em função das intervenções do terapeuta, e da sua diferença em relação às interpretações propriamente ditas que são dadas no decurso das psicanálises

    Report on the In-vehicle Auditory Interactions Workshop: Taxonomy, Challenges, and Approaches

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    Jeon M, Hermann T, Bazilinskyy P, et al. Report on the In-vehicle Auditory Interactions Workshop: Taxonomy, Challenges, and Approaches. In: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications - Automotive'UI 15. 2015: 1-5.As driving is mainly a visual task, auditory displays play a critical role for in-vehicle interactions.To improve in-vehicle auditory interactions to the advanced level, auditory display researchers and automotive user interface researchers came together to discuss this timely topic at an in-vehicle auditory interactions workshop at the International Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD).The present paper reports discussion outcomes from the workshop for more discussions at the AutoUI conference

    Marché du travail et division du travail dans la Richesse des Nations

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    Labour market and division of labour in The Wealth of Nations. This paper intends to show that, unlike it is generally admitted, the relationship between workers and employers in the Wealth of Nations is not an exchange. In the first part, we expose that the manufacturing division of labour is just a kind of the social division of labour ; in the second part, the wage relationship is seen as an intertemporal exchange between commodities which are delivered today (wages) and commodities which will be delivered tommorrow (products of labour).Cet article a pour objet de montrer que, contrairement à une tradition généralement acceptée, la relation salariale dans La Richesse des Nations n'est pas réductible à une forme de l'échange. Pour ce faire la première partie expose que la division technique du travail n'est qu'une modalité de la division sociale du travail ; et la seconde partie met en évidence que la relation salariale n'est elle-même qu'une expression d'un échange intertemporel entre marchandise aujourd'hui (le salaire) et marchandise demain (les produits du travail).Diatkine Sylvie, Diatkine Daniel. Marché du travail et division du travail dans la Richesse des Nations. In: Cahiers d'économie politique, n°19, 1991. Le marché chez Adam Smith, sous la direction de Hervé Defalvard, Sylvie Diatkine, Daniel Diatkine et Michel Rosier. pp. 69-84

    Présentation générale

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    Defalvard Hervé, Diatkine Sylvie, Diatkine René, Rosier Michel. Présentation générale. In: Cahiers d'économie politique, n°19, 1991. Le marché chez Adam Smith, sous la direction de Hervé Defalvard, Sylvie Diatkine, Daniel Diatkine et Michel Rosier. pp. 1-3

    Offre de monnaie et politique monétaire chez Thomas Attwood

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    Supply of money and monetary policy according to Thomas Attwood This paper argues that, in opposition to an interpretation that considers him a « crude inflationist », Thomas Attwood, who is in favour of non-convertible banknotes, logically builds a monetary theory on the grounds of a credit economy. This economy rests on confidence and he his mainly concerned by the banking and monetary policy which can strengthen it. According to the rules of issue, the value of the monetary unit must be fixed in terms of the full employment wage unit. T. Attwood underlines the wealth effects created by the reevaluation of the monetary unit and the alteration of the means of discharging debts. As a consequence, he proposes that the central bank, acting as a lender of last resort, should manage the money supply in order to prevent any liquidity crisis and hoarding that can destroy the whole payments system and create a macroeconomic crisis.Offre de monnaie et politique monétaire chez Thomas Attwood L'article montre que, contrairement à une interprétation qui en fait un « inflationniste fruste », Thomas Attwood, partisan de l'inconvertibilité des billets, développe une analyse de l'économie monétaire dont le préalable logique est une économie de crédit. Le fondement de cette économie est la confiance, et le problème fondamental qu'il pose est celui des moyens de l'assurer grâce à une politique monétaire et bancaire. Les critères de l'émission doivent permettre d'établir la stabilité de l'unité monétaire en termes du taux de salaire de plein emploi. Il souligne le rôle des effets de richesse liés à la réévaluation de la monnaie et à la modification des conditions de règlement des dettes. Il insiste sur la nécessité d'une offre de monnaie suffisante de la part de la Banque centrale agissant en tant que prêteur ultime, pour éviter toute crise de liquidité et la thésaurisation pouvant mettre en péril la continuité des paiements et créer une crise macroéconomique.Diatkine Sylvie. Offre de monnaie et politique monétaire chez Thomas Attwood. In: Revue économique, volume 45, n°5, 1994. pp. 1271-1288