1,442 research outputs found

    A Systematic Literature Review of the Current State of Knowledge Related to Interventions for Bereaved Parents

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    Aims: The purpose of this systematic literature review is to describe the interventions for bereaved parents, evaluate intervention effectiveness through study methodology rigor, replicability, and theoretical foundations. Methods: We searched MEDLINE via PubMed (1966-2018), CINAHL (1937-present), PsycINFO (1887-present), and Embase (1947-present) using various search words and MeSH terms related to the study purpose. A blinded screening of title/abstract was performed, with conflicting inclusion decisions resolved through group discussions. Matrices for remaining articles were created and discussed among the team. The levels of evidence of the 9 records were rated from very low to high based on the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development, and Evaluation guidelines. Results: Our initial pool included 1025 articles. After the screening of titles/abstracts, 63 articles were retained for full-text reviews. Evaluated based on the inclusion/exclusion criteria, 9 records met the review criteria. Of the 9 records, 1 was graded as very low, 3 low, and 5 low to moderate. The interventions for bereaved parents varied from using single-model interventions such as expressive arts therapy and telephone support to multimodal interventions that combined resources (ie, peer support, resource packets, and health-care support). Only 1 study explicitly illustrated how its bereavement intervention was designed based on the proposed theoretical model. Conclusions: This review highlights the need for individualized, well-tested, and effective bereavement care interventions to support bereaved parents. In summary, the state of the science on interventions for bereaved parents is poor and much work needs to be done to effectively address the needs of bereaved parents, including both their physical and emotional health needs

    Negotiating the Sacred II

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    Blasphemy and other forms of blatant disrespect to religious beliefs have the capacity to create significant civil and even international unrest. Consequently, the sacrosanctity of religious dogmas and beliefs, stringent laws of repression and codes of moral and ethical propriety have compelled artists to live and create with occupational hazards like uncertain audience response, self-censorship and accusations of deliberate misinterpretation of cultural production looming over their heads. Yet, in recent years, issues surrounding the rights of minority cultures to recognition and respect have raised new questions about the contemporariness of the construct of blasphemy and sacrilege. Controversies over the aesthetic representation of the sacred, the exhibition of the sacred as art, and the public display of sacrilegious or blasphemous works have given rise to heated debates and have invited us to reflect on binaries like artistic and religious sensibilities, tolerance and philistinism, the sacred and the profane, deification and vilification. Endeavouring to move beyond ‘simplistic’ points about the rights to freedom of expression and sacrosanctity, this collection explores how differences between conceptions of the sacred can be negotiated. It recognises that blasphemy may be justified as a form of political criticism, as well as a sincere expression of spirituality. But it also recognises that within a pluralistic society, blasphemy in the arts can do an enormous amount of harm, as it may also impair relations within and between societies. This collection evolved out a two-day conference called ‘Negotiating the Sacred: Blasphemy and Sacrilege in the Arts’ held at the Centre for Cross Cultural Research at The Australian National University in November 2005. This is the second volume in a series of five conferences and edited collections on the theme ‘Negotiating the Sacred’. The first conference, ‘Negotiating the Sacred: Blasphemy and Sacrilege in a Multicultural Society’ was held at The Australian National University’s Centre for Cross-Cultural Research in 2004, and published as an edited collection by ANU E Press in 2006. Other conferences in the series have included Religion, Medicine and the Body (ANU, 2006), Tolerance, Education and the Curriculum (ANU, 2007), and Governing the Family (Monash University, 2008). Together, the series represents a major contribution to ongoing debates on the political demands arising from religious pluralism in multicultural societies

    El poder disciplinar de Michel Foucault, aplicado al modelo educativo de Ecuador

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    Anais do III Encontro de Iniciação Científica da Unila - Sessão de Letras, Liguística e Artes II - 07/11/14 – 15h30 às 17h10 - Unila-PTI - Bloco 09 – Espaço 01 – Sala 03Ecuador, país de Sudamérica, ha dado un giro significativo en su historia, con reformas constitucionales que aseguran derechos a sus minorías étnicas, además de promover el estado del Buen Vivir y la sociedad del conocimiento. La educación, según señalan documentos oficiales y el discurso de gobierno, es el vínculo primordial para este desarrollo. Es así que surge la necesidad de conocer algunas reformas que vienen siendo inseridas para el impulso del sistema educativo y como se conjugan a los ideales estatales. Michel Foucault, posestructuralista, aporta conceptos como poder disciplinar para el análisis de las relaciones de poder dentro de las instituciones estatales, es así que tomando estas herramientas encaminamos el estudio de la Constitución, Plan Nacional Para el Buen Vivir y Ley Orgánica de Educación Intercultural, como documentos oficiales que proyectan la educación ecuatoriana. Creer que existen resistencias y oposiciones al currículo oficial, y demás herramientas que están estructurando la Educación Ecuatoriana, nos lleva a problematizar como el discurso del Buen Vivir y sociedad del Conocimiento, es impuesta desde el Estado. Y aún con reivindicaciones constitucionales no ha logrado crear nuevas estructuras de poder con las voces y saberes de los que históricamente han sido silenciados.Bolsista PIBIC-CNPQ; Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana (UNILA

    A global information system for the conservation and sustainable use of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (PGRFA)

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    Poster presented at 2008 Annual Meeting of TD WG-Biodiversity Information Standards. Fremantle ( Australia), 19-24 Oct 200

    Benedito Nunes, idealizador e professor do curso de Filosofia da Universidade Federal do Pará

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    O objetivo do presente artigo é prestar uma homenagem à memória de Benedito Nunes, tendo em vista os dez anos de seu falecimento. Nossa pretensão é destacar o seu papel na criação do curso de Filosofia da Universidade Federal do Pará, seu empenho para a composição e formação do corpo docente do curso, bem como,  para o seu crescimento e qualidade. Iremos também, rememorar alguns aspectos de  sua atuação, enquanto  professor do curso e formador das novas gerações, que o sucederam.

    Lakatos, leitor dos programas de investigação de Popper

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    Lakatos é um filósofo que fez parte do círculo dos discípulos de Popper e que até certo ponto seguiu seu mestre. Ao elaborar sua noção de programa de investigação científica adotou muitas ideias defendidas por Popper, mas também tinha a pretensão de superá-lo Neste trabalho, tomando por base a noção de “programa de investigação”, que no nosso entender se faz presente no pensamento dos dois filósofos, o nosso objetivo é investigar em que aspectos Lakatos deu um passo a frente de seu mestre. Para tal, iremos primeiramente, evidenciar que em Popper já se encontra elaborada a noção de “programa de investigação”, considerando suas ideias acerca da “estrutura organizada,” que norteia as investigações científicas e de “programa de investigação metafísica”. Posteriormente, iremos apresentar a noção de “programa de investigação científica” de Lakatos como uma releitura dos programas popperianos, procurando evidenciar que ele deu unidade e maior sistematicidade aos mesmos e procurou solucionar certos impasses que os fragilizavam

    A dimensão histórica e social da ciência em Popper

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    O objetivo do presente trabalho é mostrar que a teoria da ciência de Popper, apresentada inicialmente em sua obra A Lógica da pesquisa cientifica, na qual a ênfase era dada aos aspectos lógicos, foi complementada, em obras posteriores, por uma abordagem que dá ênfase aos aspectos históricos e sociais. Essa nova abordagem se delineia quando o filósofo elabora uma teoria racional da tradição e uma teoria institucional da objetividade e do progresso cientifico. Deste modo, a ciência passa a ser definida não apenas por meio de um critério lógico, mas também, por seguir uma tradição, de não apenas receber as teorias produzidas, mas de criticá-las e por depender de instituições que fomentem o debate e a critica de teorias de modo a garantir a objetividade e o progresso cientifico

    Gonadal Failure in a Male With 3-M Syndrome

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    OMIM 273750 (3-M) syndrome is a rare cause of severe short stature with variable dysmorphic features caused by pathogenic variants in several genes including cullin7 gene (CUL7). Hypogonadism and hypospadias have been described in only a few males. We report a patient with CUL7 pathogenic variant who had bifid scrotum and perineal hypospadias at birth. He entered puberty spontaneously at age 12 years and appropriately completed pubertal development by 15 years. Subsequently, a regression of testicular volumes, increased gonadotropin levels, and reduced (although normal) testosterone levels were observed. This case highlights the importance of careful pubertal monitoring as pubertal dysfunction may be associated with 3-M syndrome

    Gonadal Failure in a Male With 3-M Syndrome

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    OMIM 273750 (3-M) syndrome is a rare cause of severe short stature with variable dysmorphic features caused by pathogenic variants in several genes including cullin7 gene (CUL7). Hypogonadism and hypospadias have been described in only a few males. We report a patient with CUL7 pathogenic variant who had bifid scrotum and perineal hypospadias at birth. He entered puberty spontaneously at age 12 years and appropriately completed pubertal development by 15 years. Subsequently, a regression of testicular volumes, increased gonadotropin levels, and reduced (although normal) testosterone levels were observed. This case highlights the importance of careful pubertal monitoring as pubertal dysfunction may be associated with 3-M syndrome