500 research outputs found

    Por que razão é importante identificar e analisar os erros e dificuldades dos alunos? O feedback regulador

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    Nas últimas décadas, a avaliação enquanto parte integrante da aprendizagem tem vindo a ganhar cada vez mais importância. Uma das possíveis formas de levar à prática uma avaliação que contribua para a aprendizagem é através do feedback dado pelo professor a produções dos alunos, ainda sujeitas a nova versão. Compreender mais profundamente que características devem ter este feedback e como ele é entendido pelos alunos foi um dos objectivos deste estudo, desenvolvido no âmbito do Projecto AREA. Seguindo uma abordagem metodológica de natureza interpretativa, foi estudada uma turma de 7º ano de escolaridade em Matemática. Ao longo da resolução de uma tarefa relativa à adição e subtracção de fracções, foi feita a recolha das duas versões das produções dos alunos, o feedback escrito dado pela professora e o registo descritivo feito num diário de bordo da discussão que tomou lugar na segunda aula. Os resultados deste estudo apontam que muito do que escrevem os professores nas produções dos alunos não é para eles claro, não contribuindo assim para a sua aprendizagem. Uma prática continuada de realização de tarefas em duas fases comentadas pelo professor parece essencial para a compreensão por parte dos alunos do contributo desta prática para a sua aprendizagem.In the last decades, the assessment as a part of the learning process has been coming to gain more and more importance. One possible ways of acting upon an assessment that contributes to the learning process is through the feedback given by the teacher to pupils' productions, even under the new version. To understand deeply which characteristics must have this feedback and how it is understood by the pupils were the objectives of this study, developed under the Project AREA. Following an interpretative approach, we studied a 7th grade Mathematics class. Throughout the task resolution of the addition and subtraction of fractions tasks, there was done the gathering of two versions of the pupils' productions, the written feedback given by the teacher and the register done in a log book of the discussion that took place in the second phase of the work in class. The results of this study indicate that much of what the teachers write in the pupils' productions is not clear for them, not contributing to their learning. A task in two phases continued practice commented by the teacher seems essential for pupils to understand the importance of this practice for their learning

    Bacterial communities in soils with ability to retain radionuclides

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    Mestrado em MicrobiologiaA procura de soluções para a gestão dos resíduos radioactivos tem sido alvo de vários estudos em vários países, ao longo de mais de 30 anos. O modelo actual preferencial para a armazenagem definitiva de resíduos radioactivos de alta actividade involve a utilização de galerias em formações geológicas de profundidade, o que obriga a estudos prévios do comportamento do solo e da flora e fauna existentes nos locais, de modo a poder prever efeitos futuros na segurança das barreiras de protecção do repositório. Apesar de os repositórios para resíduos radioactivos de baixa e média actividade não necessitarem de obedecer aos mesmos critérios que no caso dos repositórios geológicos, nomeadamente, o terem de ter em conta as altas actividades e a elevada capacidade calorífica associada àquele tipo de resíduos, também eles têm de ser cuidadosamente e profundamente estudados em todas as suas vertentes (geologia, hidrogeologia, actividade sísmica, ocupação humana, comunidades biológicas, etc.), tal como foi demonstrado no passado em relação ao repositório espanhol para resíduos de baixa e média activa, EL Cabril. O solo é um ambiente rico em termos de diversidade biológica e as bactérias estão entre os grupos mais representativos tendo, como tal, uma elevada influência na definição das propriedades do próprio solo. Com este trabalho, pretendeu-se caracterizar as comunidades bacterianas que habitam solos cujas características os classificam como tendo a capacidade de retenção de radionuclidos, em particular do césio (137Cs). Amostras de quatro profundidades diferentes foram colhidas em três locais distintos e analisadas pela técnica do Número Mais Provável (NMP) de modo a estimar o número de bactéria aeróbias totais, anaeróbias totais e sulfato redutoras. As amostras foram ainda analisadas através da técnica molecular independente de cultivo Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis (DGGE), de modo a avaliar a diversidade estrutural das comunidades bacterianas através de perfis de electroforeses que permitem uma comparação espacial ou temporal dessas comunidades. Os resultados indicam, para todas as amostras estudadas, uma tendência para redução na abundância de bactérias aeróbias e anaeróbias com o aumento da profundidade. Verificou-se ainda que o número de bactérias anaeróbias foi sempre superior ao número de bactérias aeróbias. Em nenhuma das amostras estudadas foi possível quantificar bactérias sulfato redutoras. A análise dos perfis de DGGE só foi possível para um dos locais amostrados e indica que as amostras tendem a agrupar por profundidades, indicando ainda que existem comunidades específicas para cada camada de profundidade.The management of radioactive waste has been the target of several studies and solution attempts. The current model for definitive disposal of high activity wastes, studied in several countries over more than 30 years, involves final disposal in deep geological formations, which makes it necessary to study the behavior of the soil and the flora and fauna that inhabit it to be able to predict the future effects on the safety of the repository’s protection barriers. Despite the fact that repositories for disposal of low and intermediate level wastes do not have to observe the same extreme conditions as for the geological repositories, namely the high activities and heat values, they also need to be deeply and carefully studied in all factors involved (geology, hydrogeology, seismic activity, human occupation, biological communities, etc) as shown in the past, for the example of the Spanish repository for low and intermediate level wastes, El Cabril, in Spain. Soil is a rich environment in terms of biological diversity and bacteria are among the most representative groups. As such, they are a major influence on defining some properties of the soil itself. This works addresses the characterization of bacterial communities in soils that possess the capacity to retain radionuclides, in particular Cesium (137Cs). Samples from three distinct locations and four different soil depths were collected and analyzed by Most Probable Number (MNP) technique to estimate the number of aerobic, anaerobic and sulphate-reducing bacteria. A culture independent approach (Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis - DGGE) was also used to characterize the structural diversity of bacterial communities through electrophoretic profiles that allow spatial and/or temporal comparison sediments from different sites and depth layers. The results reveal a tendency for reduction in the abundance of aerobic and anaerobic bacteria with increasing depth for all studied samples. Anaerobic bacteria were more abundant than aerobic groups. However, it was not possible to quantify sulphate-reducing bacteria in any of the studied samples. The DGGE profiles analysis was only possible for one of the sampled locals and indicates that samples tend group by depth. It also indicates that communities are specific to each layer of depth.FCTPTDC/CTE-GEX/82678/200

    Foral Manuelino de Cabrela (1516): Notas breves e transcrição

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    No ano de 2016 comemoraram-se os 500 anos da concessão de foral à vila de Cabrela, por D. Manuel I, em 1516. Assim, no decurso de 2016, a Junta de Freguesia de Cabrela promoveu acções para assinalar o seu quincentenário. Nesse âmbito organizou-se, a 27 de Fevereiro, uma conferência realizada pelas autoras do presente artigo, na qual foi apresentado ao público o conteúdo do foral, a contextualização da sua concessão e a sua importância para o conhecimento da história local. Por essa ocasião foi realizada investigação relativa à história da vila, assim como a transcrição do foral. Foi assim, na sequência desse trabalho, que se publicou o presente texto.UID/HIS/00057/2013 (POCI- 01-0145-FEDER-007702

    Shoulder rotator water training program effects on strength and muscular balance

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    INTRODUCTION: Some studies (Wanivenhaus et al., 2012) have documented that the swimming propulsive forces responsible for total body displacement are mainly produced by the upper limbs, through arm adduction and shoulder internal rotation, which may lead to an agonist–antagonist muscular imbalance, resulting in an injury process. Regarding this issue, some researchers (Swanik et al. 2002) looked for ways to prevent injuries with dry-land strength training programs. However, from our knowledge, there are no studies with water specific strength training programs. This pilot study aims to compare the effects of two training programs on shoulder rotator cuff muscles strength and balance in young swimmers. METHODS: A total of 21 male swimmers were assessed and randomly divided in two groups: the land group (n=11; 13.18 ± 0.98 years old; 49.85 ± 5.77 Kg; 163.18 ± 9.46 cm of height; 5.70 ± 0.67 sessions per week) that performed only a dry-land training program, and the water group (n=10; 13.00 ± 1.05 years old; 49.82 ± 8.03 Kg; 160.11 ± 5.88 cm of height; 6.09 0.30 sessions per week) which performed a training program with exercises exclusively in the water. Both groups were evaluated in the beginning of the season and after 10 weeks. The peak torque of the shoulder internal rotator (IR), external rotator (ER) and unilateral ratios (ER/IR) were evaluated in concentric actions at 60º/s and at 180º/s, performing 3 and 20 repetitions respectively, on an isokinetic dynamometer (Biodex System 3 - Biodex Corp., Shirley, NY, USA). RESULTS: Intra-group analysis showed significant increases in strength only for the shoulder IR of the land group. For the protocol at 60º/s, there was a trend to increase strength on the shoulder ER of the land group. Regarding the IR values, differences arose between groups, with higher strength gains with the dry-land training. The land group increased the unilateral ratios significantly when compared to the water group. CONCLUSIONS: The dry-land training program proved to be more effective than the one conducted in the water, reducing the shoulder rotator muscle imbalances and increasing the IR strength in young swimmers

    Immigrant women's perceptions and experiences of health care services: insights from a focus group study

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    Aim: This study aimed to describe perceptions and experiences related to access and utilization of health care services of African and Brazilian immigrant women in Portugal. Subjects and methods: Six focus groups were conducted with 35 African and Brazilian women with low income and living in Lisbon, chosen through purposive sampling. Content analysis was undertaken through identification of themes and categories. Results: African and Brazilian women expressed different perceptions and patterns of use of health care services. Most participants pointed out several barriers to access and utilization of services related to legal issues, economic constraints or health professionals' attitudes. Conclusion: These results highlight the challenges to providing health care within a multicultural setting and the need to assure the provision of integrated and comprehensive health care services. Improving access to general health care is essential in order to minimize disadvantages from vulnerable subgroups, like immigrant women. Supporting better integration into the health system may lead to improved health outcomes

    Value creation through trust in technological-mediated social participation

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    In this article, we advocate for the use of a social-technical model of trust to support interaction designers in further reflecting on trust-enabling interaction design values that foster participation. Our rationale is built upon the believe that technological-mediated social participation needs trust, and it is with trust-enabling interactions that we foster the will for collaborate and share—the two key elements of participation. This article starts by briefly presenting a social-technical model of trust and then moves on with establishing authors rational that interconnects trust with technological-mediated social participation. It continues by linking the trust value to the context of design critique and critical design, and ends by illustrating how to incorporate the trust value into design. This is achieved by proposing an analytical tool that can serve to inform interaction designers to better understand the potential design options and reasons for choosing them
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