2,064 research outputs found

    Produk Tepung Glukomannan Dari Umbi Porang (Amorphophallus Muelleri Blume) Dengan Proses Kombinasi Fisik Dan Enzimatis

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    Glukomannan merupakan serat pangan larut air yang bersifat hidrokoloid kuat dan rendah kalori sehingga berpotensi tinggi untuk dikembangkan pada industri pangan maupun bidang kesehatan. Tujuan dari percobaan ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh ketebalan pengirisan serta ukuran mesh terhadap kadar glukomannan yang dihasilkan dengan menggunakan reaksi kombinasi fisik dan enzimatis. Proses pembuatan tepung glukomanan secara fisik terbagi menjadi beberapa tahapan, yaitu pembuatan tepung porang dan pemisahan tepung glukomanan. Pada tahap awal, umbi porang dicuci kemudian dipotong dengan ketebalan 1, 3, 5 mm dan direndam dengan larutan NaCl 1% selama 20 menit, lalu potongan umbi dibilas dengan air mengalir dan dilakukan pengeringan secara alami dengan panas matahari selama ± 5 hari, kemudian chip dihaluskan. Pada tahap pemisahan glukomanan, tepung porang diayak menggunakan ayakan bertingkat yaitu dengan ukuran ayakan 80, 120, 160 mesh., selanjutnya dibuat menjadi larutan 5% dengan penambahan buffer fosfat sitrat dan dipanaskan pada suhu 95°C. Bila larutan telah mengalami gelatenisasi maka ditambahkan enzim α- amilase sebanyak 1 ml dan dipanaskan pada suhu 95°C selama 45 menit. Setelah itu ditambahkan NaOH 0,1 N sebanyak 1 ml dan kemudian ditambahkan HCl 0,1 N sebanyak 1 ml. Setelah itu larutan larutan ditambahkan air dingin sebanyak 100 ml kemudian dimasukkan lemari pendingin selama 1 jam. Larutan kental tersebut kemudian ditambahkan 100 ml etanol, bila telah terbentuk endapan selanjutnya endapan tersebut disaring dengan kertas saring. Setealah itu dilakuakan pencucian dengan etanol 96%. Kemudian endapan glukomannan tersebut keringkan. Selaanjutnya dilakukan pengujian terhadap kadar glukomannan yang dihasilkan. Hasil percobaan didapatkan kadar glukomannan tertinggi pada variabel ketebalan pengirisan 3 mm dan dengan ukuran 80 mesh dengan kadar glukomannan 75%. Hasil analis, kadar air, kadar abu dan pH dari tepung yang dihasilkan sesuai dengan standar tepung glukomannan menurut Arifin, 2011 ============================================================================================== Glucomannan is a water-soluble dietary fiber that is both strong hydrocolloid and low in calories so it has high potential to be developed in the food industry and the health sector. The purpose of this experiment was to determine the effect of slicing thicknesses and mesh sizes to levels glukomannan generated using a combination of physical and enzymatic reactions Glucomannan flour-making process is physically divided into three stages items, namely the manufacture of flour porang and separation of glucomannan flour. In the early stages, bulbs porang washed and then cut with a thickness of 1, 3, 5 mm and soaked with a solution of NaCl 1% for 20 minutes to remove the sap, and then pieces of bulbs rinsed with running water and drying naturally by the sun's heat for ± 5 days, then mashed chip. In the phase separation of glucomannan flour sifted using a sieve storied porang ie with a thickness of 80, 120, 160 mesh. Subsequently made into a 5% solution with the addition of citrate phosphate buffer and heated at 95 ° C. When the solution has undergone further gelatenisasi α-amylase enzyme is added 1 ml and heated at 95 ° C for 45 minutes Followed by the addition of 0.1 N NaOH and then added as much as 1ml of 0.1N HCl 1 ml. Tambaahkan as much as 100 ml of cold water and fill the refrigerator for 1 hour. Add 100 ml of ethanol, when it precipitates tersbut separated precipitate with filter paper. Then do the washing with 96% ethanol. Glukomannan and dry deposition. The final stage is the test phase glukomannan flour produced. The experimental results obtained glukomannan highest levels in the variable thickness of 3 mm incision and with a size of 80 mesh grading glukomannan 75 % . Results analysts , moisture content , ash content and pH of the flour produced in accordance with the standards of flour glukomannan according to Arifin , 201


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    Di Indonesia tingkat konsumsi ayam broiler sangat tinggi dan limbah tulang ayam yang dihasilkan tidak dimanfaatkan, kandungan kalsium pada tulang ayam sekitar 69% dalam bentuk kalsium fosfat dan dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai Nano kalsium sehingga terabsorbsi dengan sempurna. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memanfaatkan limbah tulang ayam sebagai sumber kalsium. Tahapan dari penelitian ini dimulai dari tahap preparasi sampel tulang ayam dibersihkan dan dikeringkan dibawah sinar matahari selama 3 hari. Proses dekolagenasi dengan larutan KOH 4% selama 48 jam untuk menghilangkan kolagen, selanjutnya dihancurkan menjadi tepung dan diuji kadar logamnya dengan ICP EOS-AAS. Pada tahap Presipitasi, sampel diekstraksi dengan larutan HCl 1N selama 1, 1,5 dan 2 jam pada suhu 90oC. Larutan ekstraksi difiltrasi dan dipresipitasi dengan NaOH 3N untuk mendapatkan endapan. Endapan didekantasi dan dinetralisasi dengan aquadest untuk mendapatkan endapan. Endapan tersebut dikeringkan dengan oven dan di abukan pada suhu 600oC selama 2 jam untuk mendapatkan serbuk kalsium. Dari penelitian ini diperoleh hasil terbaik pada ekstraksi 2 jam dengan rendemen sebesar 14.97%. Hasil pengukuran dengan alat SEM pada perbesaran 10,000x menunjukkan ukuran partikel sebesar 200-1000nm yang mengindikasikan serbuk sudah menjadi nano. Dari karakterisasi tersebut terlihat bahwa tulang ayam memiliki potensi sebagai sumber kalsium dengan ukuran nano pada waktu ekstraksi 2 jam

    Noncommutative Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Cosmology

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    We present a phase-space noncommutative version of quantum mechanics and apply this extension to Quantum Cosmology. We motivate this type of noncommutative algebra through the gravitational quantum well (GQW) where the noncommutativity between momenta is shown to be relevant. We also discuss some qualitative features of the GQW such as the Berry phase. In the context of quantum cosmology we consider a Kantowski-Sachs cosmological model and obtain the Wheeler-DeWitt (WDW) equation for the noncommutative system through the ADM formalism and a suitable Seiberg-Witten (SW) map. The WDW equation is explicitly dependent on the noncommutative parameters, θ\theta and η\eta. We obtain numerical solutions of the noncommutative WDW equation for different values of the noncommutative parameters. We conclude that the noncommutativity in the momenta sector leads to a damped wave function implying that this type of noncommmutativity can be relevant for a selection of possible initial states for the universe.Comment: based on a talk given in Second Workshop on Quantum Gravity and Noncommutative Geometry, 22nd-24th September 2008, Universidade Lusofona, Lisbo

    Detecting ovarian cancer using extracellular vesicles: Progress and possibilities

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    Ovarian cancer (OC) is the deadliest gynecological malignancy. Most patients are diagnosed when they are already in the later stages of the disease. Earlier detection of OC dramatically improves the overall survival, but this is rarely achieved as there is a lack of clinically implemented biomarkers of early disease. Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are small cell-derived vesicles that have been extensively studied in recent years. They contribute to various aspects of cancer pathology, including tumour growth, angiogenesis and metastasis. EVs are released from all cell types and the macromolecular cargo they carry reflects the content of the cells from which they were derived. Cancer cells release EVs with altered cargo into biofluids, and so they represent an excellent potential source of novel biomarkers for the disease. In this review we describe the latest developments in EVs as potential biomarkers for earlier detection of OC. The field is still relatively young, but a number of studies have shown that EVs and the cargo they carry, including miRNAs and proteins, can be used to detect OC. They could also give insight into the stage of the disease and predict the likely therapeutic outcome. There remain a number of challenges to the use of EVs as biomarkers, but through ongoing research and innovation in this exciting field there is great potential for the development of diagnostic assays in the clinic that could improve patient outcome


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    Illegal logging and associated trade have increased worldwide. Such environmental crimes represent a major threat to forest ecosystems and society, causing distortions in market prices, economic instability, ecological deterioration, and poverty. To prevent illegal imports of forest products, there is a need to develop wood identification methods for identifying tree species regulated by the Convention on International Trade in Species of Wild Fauna andFlora in Trade (CITES) and other look-alike species. In this exploratory study, we applied metabolomic profiling of five species (Swietenia mahagoni, Swietenia macrophylla, Cedrela odorata, Khaya ivorensis, and Toona ciliata) using two-dimensional gas chromatog- raphy combined with time-of-flight mass spectrometry (GC3GC-TOFMS). We also performed qualitative, quantitative (based on the measurement of vessel area, tangential vessel lumina diameter,vessel element length, ray height, and ray width), and machine-vision aided (XyloTron) wood anatomy on a subsample of wood specimens to explore thepotential and limits of each approach. Fifty dried xylaria wood specimens were ground, extracted with methanol, and subsequently analyzed by GC3GC-TOFMS. In this study, the four genera could easily be identified using qualitative wood anatomy and chemical profiling. At the spe- cies level, Swietenia macrophylla and Swietenia mahagoni specimens were found to share many major metabolites and could only be differentiated after feature selection guided by cluster resolution (FS-CR) and visualization using Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Expectedly, specimens from the two Swiete- nia spp. could not be distinguished based on qualitative wood anatomy. However, significant differences in quantitative anatomical features were obtained for these two species. Excluding T. ciliata that was not included in the reference database of end grain images at the time of testing (2021), the XyloTron could successfully identify the majority of the specimens to the right genus and 50% of the specimens to the right species. The machine-vision tool was particularly successful at identifying Cedrela odorata samples, where all samples were correctly identified. Despite the limited number of specimens available for thisstudy, our preliminary results indicate that GC3GC-TOFMS-based metabolomic profiles could be used as comple- mentary method to differentiate CITES-regulated wood specimens at the genus and species levels.

    Super Residual Circulation : A New Perspective on Ocean Vertical Heat Transport

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    Ocean circulation and mixing regulate Earth's climate by moving heat vertically within the ocean. We present a new formalism to diagnose the role of ocean circulation and diabatic processes in setting vertical heat transport in ocean models. In this formalism we use temperature tendencies, rather than explicit vertical velocities, to diagnose circulation. Using quasi-steady-state simulations from the Australian Community Climate and Earth-System Simulator Ocean Model (ACCESS-OM2), we diagnose a diathermal overturning circulation in temperature-depth space. Furthermore, projection of tendencies due to diabatic processes onto this coordinate permits us to represent these as apparent overturning circulations. Our framework permits us to extend the concept of "Super Residual Transport,'' which combines mean and eddy advection terms with subgridscale isopycnal mixing due to mesoscale eddies but excludes small-scale threedimensional turbulent mixing effect, to construct a new overturning circulation-the "Super Residual Circulation'' (SRC). We find that in the coarse-resolution version of ACCESS-OM2 (nominally 1 degrees horizontal resolution) the SRC is dominated by an similar to 11-Sv (1 Sv [10(6) m(3) s(-1)) circulation that transports heat upward. The SRC's upward heat transport is;2 times as large in a finer-horizontal-resolution (0.1 degrees) version of ACCESS, suggesting that a differing balance of super-residual and parameterized small-scale processes may emerge as eddies are resolved. Our analysis adds new insight into superresidual processes, because the SRC elucidates the pathways in temperature and depth space along which water mass transformation occurs.Peer reviewe