1,764 research outputs found

    Detecting bifurcation values at infinity of real polynomials

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    We present a new approach for estimating the set of bifurcation values at infinity. This yields a significant shrinking of the number of coefficients in the recent algorithm introduced by Jelonek and Kurdyka for reaching critical values at infinity by rational arcs

    Big Data as a Technology-to-think-with for Scientific Literacy

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    This research aimed to identify indications of scientific literacy resulting from a didactic and investigative interaction with Google Trends Big Data software by first-year students from a high-school in Novo Hamburgo, Southern Brazil. Both teaching strategies and research interpretations lie on four theoretical backgrounds. Firstly, Bunge's epistemology, which provides a thorough characterization of Science that was central to our study. Secondly, the conceptual framework of scientific literacy of Fives et al. that makes our teaching focus precise and concise, as well as supports one of our methodological tool: the SLA (scientific literacy assessment). Thirdly, the "crowdledge" construct from dos Santos, which gives meaning to our study when as it makes the development of scientific literacy itself versatile for paying attention on sociotechnological and epistemological contemporary phenomena. Finally, the learning principles from Papert's Constructionism inspired our educational activities. Our educational actions consisted of students, divided into two classes, investigating phenomena chose by them. A triangulation process to integrate quantitative and qualitative methods on the assessments results was done. The experimental design consisted in post-tests only and the experimental variable was the way of access to the world. The experimental group interacted with the world using analyses of temporal and regional plots of interest of terms or topics searched on Google. The control class did 'placebo' interactions with the world through on-site observations of bryophytes, fungus or whatever in the schoolyard. As general results of our research, a constructionist environment based on Big Data analysis showed itself as a richer strategy to develop scientific literacy, compared to a free schoolyard exploration.Comment: 23 pages, 2 figures, 8 table

    Southwest airlines Co.: consistency for the future

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    This Work Project consists of an Equity Research report of Southwest Airlines Co., forecasting the future company’s performance. Currently, the company is one of the market leaders and has a higher operating margin than the industry. However, the arising of low-cost and ultra-low-cost airlines will increase the industry’s price pressure. Moreover, the company will face operating costs management challenges in the future, mainly related to labor and fuel, which will affect its operating margin, enhancing the company’s concerns regarding increasing operational measures. Hence, it was issued a “Hold” recommendation, estimating a price target of $58.76, as of December 2020

    Episiotomia Seletiva Nos Dias Atuais: Indicações, Técnica E Associação Com Lacerações Perineais Graves

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    Episiotomy is a controversial procedure, especially because the discussion that surrounds it has gone beyond the field of scientific debate, being adopted as an indicator of the "humanization of childbirth". The scientific literature indicates that episiotomy should not be performed routinely, but selectively. Objectives To review the literature in order to assess whether the implementation of selective episiotomy protects against severe perineal lacerations, the indications for the procedure, and the best technique to perform it. Methods A literature search was performed in PubMed using the terms episiotomy or perineal lacerations, and the filter clinical trial. The articles concerning the risk of severe perineal lacerations with or without episiotomy, perineal protection, or episiotomy techniques were selected. Results A total of 141 articles were identified, and 24 of them were included in the review. Out of the 13 studies that evaluated the risk of severe lacerations with and without episiotomy, 5 demonstrated a protective role of selective episiotomy, and 4 showed no significant differences between the groups. Three small studies confirmed the finding that episiotomy should be performed selectively and not routinely, and one study showed that midline episiotomy increased the risk of severe lacerations. The most cited indications were primiparity, fetal weight greater than 4 kg, prolonged second stage, operative delivery, and shoulder dystocia. As for the surgical technique, episiotomies performed with wider angles (> 40°) and earlier in the second stage (before "crowning ") appeared to be more protective. Conclusions Selective episiotomy decreases the risk of severe lacerations when compared with the non-performance or the performance of routine episiotomy. The use of a proper surgical technique is fundamental to obtain better results, especially in relation to the angle of incision, the distance from the vaginal introitus, and the correct timing for performing the procedure. Not performing the episiotomy when indicated or not applying the correct technique may increase the risk of severe perineal lacerations.38630130

    Corporate Governance Practices in Listed Banks-Impact on Risk Management and Resulting Financial Performance

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    This research aims to analyze the relation between the quality of corporate governance practices and the financial performance of international listed banks. In order to meet this goal the variables related to company returns- IL/GL; NL/TA; ROA; ROE and Tier 1- were associated with the following standards of corporate governance: independence of the board of directors(INBD); indepence of the president of the board of director (INDPR); size of the board of directors (SZBD);voting power concentration (VPC) an the company's shareholder indepence indicator (BvDep.). For the composition of the sample we selected listed banks in severeal European, American, and Japanese stock markets from the period between 2006 and 2009 . Results show a significant relation between best corporate governance practices and financial performance of studied banks. This research confirms results attained in previous work but also provides evidence on previously unexplored relations namely between BvDep and IL/GL and NL/TA variables

    An Empirical Investigation of the Portuguese Housing Prices (2004-18)

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    This article presents an integrated macro view of the Portuguese housing market with macroeconomic indicators. Firstly, it compares the housing market and several macroeconomic indicators from 2004 to 2018. Then, the dynamic analysis of the housing prices by different regions in Portugal and its typology included. Also, the article is complemented with the regression analysis to identify the relationship between the house prices and macroeconomic indicators.Results show that the current negative interest rates are increasing the demand for houses and the housing prices. The housing stock in Portugal is mostly fixed but may experience limited growth as the rebuild program and new constructions. GDP and the housing prices have a positive correlation. Houses in Algarve and Lisbon are markedly more expensive than in the interior. From the regression analysis, the unemployment rate is the closest correlated variable

    Atypical points at infinity and algorithmic detection of the bifurcation locus of real polynomials

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    We show that the variation of the topology at infinity of a two-variable polynomial function is localisable at a finite number of "atypical points" at infinity. We construct an effective algorithm with low complexity in order to detect sharply the bifurcation values of the polynomial function.Comment: minor edits in this last version before print; to appear in Math.