10 research outputs found

    Erratum to: 36th International Symposium on Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine

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    [This corrects the article DOI: 10.1186/s13054-016-1208-6.]

    Blue gum: Assessment of its potential for load bearing structures

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    Portuguese Forest is mainly composed of hardwoods which represented 69% of the forest area in 2010, being Blue gum (Eucalyptus globulus Labill.) the most abundant species (26%) (INCF 2013). The suitability of Blue gum species for structural application was demonstrated in previous studies. However, the most common uses are still related to pulp and paper industry as well as energy applications. The present paper describes a preliminary study on the potential application of non-destructive tests and analytical methods to predict the most important mechanical properties of glued laminated timber (glulam) beams made of Blue gum. The potential of mixed beams made of Blue gum and Poplar (mix of Hybrid Poplar, White Poplar and Black Poplar) was also analysed. Longitudinal vibration method (LVM) and the transformed section method (TSM) were considered. A total of 7 fullscale glulam beams (4 of Blue gum and 3 mixed) were manufactured in laboratory and tested for determination of modulus of elasticity and bending strength. After the bending tests their density and moisture content were determined, and the bonding performance was checked by delamination and shear strength tests. Correlation coefficients were established between the predicted values (LVM and TSM) and the mechanical properties, indicating a huge potential. The determined mechanical properties were above the typical values found in the literature for the most common hardwoods available in European Forest

    Multiparameter Single Sensor for Space Silicone Adhesive Monitoring Under High-Vacuum Ultraviolet Exposure

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    Tilted fiber Bragg grating (TFBG) sensors were demonstrated to simultaneously measure the material thermomechanical and refractometric state in which they are embedded. In this work, for the first time, TFBGs are investigated for three-parameter monitoring of space-qualified NuSil® CV16-2500 silicone operating during high-vacuum ultraviolet (UV) exposure. The first part of the work is focused on the ultraviolet effect on the TFBG spectrum when the sensor is 1) directly exposed to the radiation, 2) covered by a thin cover glass, and with a Kapton layer on top. Successively, the silicone is used as an adhesive in a sandwich structure in which the TFBGs are embedded and exposed under high vacuum to various UV/vacuum UV intensity radiations and durations. The sensors’ spectra were acquired and demodulated to detect the silicone strain-temperature-refractive index variations and correlate the silicone refractometric changes with the equivalent exposure solar hours. The second part of the paper is on silicone degradation state evaluation using the same sensor but during a direct exposure of the adhesive to the radiation. This allowed the UV effects on the silicone to be enhanced but needed a method to compensate for the damaging effect of UV radiation on the TFBG spectrum.Green Open Access added to TU Delft Institutional Repository ‘You share, we take care!’ – Taverne project https://www.openaccess.nl/en/you-share-we-take-care Otherwise as indicated in the copyright section: the publisher is the copyright holder of this work and the author uses the Dutch legislation to make this work publicStructural Integrity & Composite

    Conforming finite elements with embedded strong discontinuities

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    The possibility of embedding strong discontinuities into finite elements allowed the simulation of different problems, namely, brickwork masonry fracture, dynamic fracture, failure in finite strain problems and simulation of reinforcement concrete members. However, despite the significant contributions to this field, a general embedded formulation capable of dealing with strong discontinuities using conforming finite elements is still missing. Therefore a new conforming embedded formulation is herein proposed and compared with other relevant formulations, namely the Generalised Strong Discontinuity Approach (GSDA) [1] and the Generalised/Extended Finite Element Method (GFEM/XFEM) [2-5]. Academic and structural examples are given in order to illustrate the capabilities of the proposed approach in comparison with GSDA and GFEM/XFEM. In summary, the proposed formulation has the following properties: i) variational consistency; ii) no limitations on the choice of the parent finite element; iii) comprehensive kinematics of the discontinuity, including both rigid body motion and stretching; iv) fully compatible enhanced kinematic field; v) additional degrees of freedom located at the discontinuity; vi) continuity of both jumps and tractions across element boundaries; and vii) stress locking free.Structural EngineeringCivil Engineering and Geoscience

    Usability in virtual and augmented environments: A qualitative and quantitative study

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    Virtual and Augmented Reality are developing rapidly: there is a multitude of environments and experiments in several laboratories using from simple HMD (Head-Mounted Display) visualization to more complex and expensive 6-wall projection CAVEs, and other systems. Still, there is not yet a clear emerging technology in this area, nor commercial applications based on such a technology are used in large scale. In addition to the fact that this is a relatively recent technology, there is little work to validate the utility and usability of Virtual and Augmented Reality environments when compared with the traditional desktop set-up. However, usability evaluation is crucial in order to design better systems that respond to the users’ needs, as well as for identifying applications that might really gain from the use of such technologies. This paper presents a preliminary usability evaluation of a low-cost Virtual and Augmented Reality environment under development at the University of Aveiro, Portugal. The objective is to assess the difference between a traditional desktop set-up and a Virtual/Augmented Reality system based on a stereo HMD. Two different studies were performed: the first one was qualitative and some feedback was obtained from domain experts who used an Augmented Reality set-up as well as a desktop in different data visualization scenarios. The second study consisted in a controlled experiment meant to compare users’ performances in a gaming scenario in a Virtual Reality environment and a desktop. The overall conclusion is that these technologies still have to overcome some hardware problems. However, for short periods of time and specific applications, Virtual and Augmented Reality seems to be a valid alternative since HMD interaction is intuitive and natural.Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Scienc

    Physical Modelling of Leixões Oil Terminal - Portugal

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    The Port of Leixões is located in the northwest coast of Portugal. Its oil terminal has one berth that is somewhat exposed to rough environmental conditions and has some operational problems. In order to improve operational and security conditions at that berth (Berth \u93A\u94), the Port Authority has commissioned several studies along the years that have analyzed downtime problems through different perspectives, and proposed several intervention alternatives. Problems are now less frequent than in the past; nevertheless there is still room for further improvement of the present conditions. An R&D project started in 2008 with the aim of clarifying the contribution of some identified critical issues to the downtime of Berth \u93A\u94 and analyzing the efficacy of some interventions proposed in preceding studies. The Project includes the use of physical modelling, numerical simulations and prototype measurements, all integrated in a complementary way. The paper focuses in the physical modelling component that was carried out on a geometric scale of 1/100, and included the construction of two models: the first one corresponding to a simplified reproduction of the berth and its surroundings, and the second one corresponding to a more detailed representation of the prototype\u92s characteristics. Based on the physical model results, it was concluded that increasing breast lines\u92 pretension effectively reduces the moored ship motions while a slight modification of the mooring layout has only a negligible influence in the moored ship response. Water depth was identified as an important factor controlling the behaviour of the moored ship

    Search for anomaly-mediated supersymmetry breaking with the ATLAS detector based on a disappearing-track signature in pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 7TeV$

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    none3019G. Aad;B. Abbott;J. Abdallah;A. A. Abdelalim;A. Abdesselam;O. Abdinov;B. Abi;M. Abolins;H. Abramowicz;H. Abreu;E. Acerbi;B. S. Acharya;D. L. Adams;T. N. Addy;J. Adelman;M. Aderholz;S. Adomeit;P. Adragna;T. Adye;S. Aefsky;J. A. Aguilar-Saavedra;M. Aharrouche;S. P. Ahlen;F. Ahles;A. Ahmad;M. Ahsan;G. Aielli;T. Akdogan;T. P. A. Åkesson;G. Akimoto;A. V. Akimov;A. Akiyama;M. S. Alam;M. A. Alam;J. Albert;S. Albrand;M. Aleksa;I. N. Aleksandrov;F. Alessandria;C. Alexa;G. Alexander;G. Alexandre;T. Alexopoulos;M. Alhroob;M. Aliev;G. Alimonti;J. Alison;M. Aliyev;P. P. Allport;S. E. Allwood-Spiers;J. Almond;A. Aloisio;R. Alon;A. Alonso;B. Alvarez Gonzalez;M. G. Alviggi;K. Amako;P. Amaral;C. Amelung;V. V. Ammosov;A. Amorim;G. Amorós;N. Amram;C. Anastopoulos;L. S. Ancu;N. Andari;T. Andeen;C. F. Anders;G. Anders;K. J. Anderson;A. Andreazza;V. Andrei;M-L. Andrieux;X. S. Anduaga;A. Angerami;F. Anghinolfi;A. Anisenkov;N. Anjos;A. Annovi;A. Antonaki;M. Antonelli;A. Antonov;J. Antos;F. Anulli;S. Aoun;L. Aperio Bella;R. Apolle;G. Arabidze;I. Aracena;Y. Arai;A. T. H. Arce;J. P. Archambault;S. Arfaoui;J-F. Arguin;E. Arik;M. Arik;A. J. Armbruster;O. Arnaez;C. Arnault;A. Artamonov;G. Artoni;D. Arutinov;S. Asai;R. Asfandiyarov;S. Ask;B. Åsman;L. Asquith;K. Assamagan;A. Astbury;A. Astvatsatourov;B. Aubert;E. Auge;K. Augsten;M. Aurousseau;G. Avolio;R. Avramidou;D. Axen;C. Ay;G. Azuelos;Y. Azuma;M. A. Baak;G. Baccaglioni;C. Bacci;A. M. Bach;H. Bachacou;K. Bachas;G. Bachy;M. Backes;M. Backhaus;E. Badescu;P. Bagnaia;S. Bahinipati;Y. Bai;D. C. Bailey;T. Bain;J. T. Baines;O. K. Baker;M. D. Baker;S. Baker;E. Banas;P. Banerjee;Sw. Banerjee;D. Banfi;A. Bangert;V. Bansal;H. S. Bansil;L. Barak;S. P. Baranov;A. Barashkou;A. Barbaro Galtieri;T. Barber;E. L. Barberio;D. Barberis;M. Barbero;D. Y. Bardin;T. Barillari;M. Barisonzi;T. Barklow;N. Barlow;B. M. Barnett;R. M. Barnett;A. Baroncelli;G. Barone;A. J. Barr;F. Barreiro;J. Barreiro Guimarães da Costa;P. Barrillon;R. Bartoldus;A. E. Barton;V. Bartsch;R. L. Bates;L. Batkova;J. R. Batley;A. Battaglia;M. Battistin;G. Battistoni;F. Bauer;H. S. Bawa;S. Beale;B. Beare;T. Beau;P. H. Beauchemin;R. Beccherle;P. Bechtle;H. P. Beck;S. Becker;M. Beckingham;K. H. Becks;A. J. Beddall;A. Beddall;S. Bedikian;V. A. Bednyakov;C. P. Bee;M. Begel;S. Behar Harpaz;P. K. Behera;M. Beimforde;C. Belanger-Champagne;P. J. Bell;W. H. Bell;G. Bella;L. Bellagamba;F. Bellina;M. Bellomo;A. Belloni;O. Beloborodova;K. Belotskiy;O. Beltramello;S. Ben Ami;O. Benary;D. Benchekroun;C. Benchouk;M. Bendel;N. Benekos;Y. Benhammou;J. A. Benitez Garcia;D. P. Benjamin;M. Benoit;J. R. Bensinger;K. Benslama;S. Bentvelsen;D. Berge;E. Bergeaas Kuutmann;N. Berger;F. Berghaus;E. Berglund;J. Beringer;P. Bernat;R. Bernhard;C. Bernius;T. Berry;C. Bertella;A. Bertin;F. Bertinelli;F. Bertolucci;M. I. Besana;N. Besson;S. Bethke;W. Bhimji;R. M. Bianchi;M. Bianco;O. Biebel;S. P. Bieniek;K. Bierwagen;J. Biesiada;M. Biglietti;H. Bilokon;M. Bindi;S. Binet;A. Bingul;C. Bini;C. Biscarat;U. Bitenc;K. M. Black;R. E. Blair;J.-B. Blanchard;G. Blanchot;T. Blazek;C. Blocker;J. Blocki;A. Blondel;W. Blum;U. Blumenschein;G. J. Bobbink;V. B. Bobrovnikov;S. S. Bocchetta;A. Bocci;C. R. Boddy;M. Boehler;J. Boek;N. Boelaert;S. Böser;J. A. Bogaerts;A. Bogdanchikov;A. Bogouch;C. Bohm;V. Boisvert;T. Bold;V. Boldea;N. M. Bolnet;M. Bona;V. G. Bondarenko;M. Bondioli;M. Boonekamp;G. Boorman;C. N. Booth;S. Bordoni;C. Borer;A. Borisov;G. Borissov;I. Borjanovic;S. Borroni;K. Bos;D. Boscherini;M. Bosman;H. Boterenbrood;D. Botterill;J. Bouchami;J. Boudreau;E. V. Bouhova-Thacker;C. Bourdarios;N. Bousson;A. Boveia;J. Boyd;I. R. Boyko;N. I. Bozhko;I. Bozovic-Jelisavcic;J. Bracinik;A. Braem;P. Branchini;G. W. Brandenburg;A. Brandt;G. Brandt;O. Brandt;U. Bratzler;B. Brau;J. E. Brau;H. M. Braun;B. Brelier;J. Bremer;R. Brenner;S. Bressler;D. Breton;D. Britton;F. M. Brochu;I. Brock;R. Brock;T. J. Brodbeck;E. Brodet;F. Broggi;C. Bromberg;J. Bronner;G. Brooijmans;W. K. Brooks;G. Brown;H. Brown;P. A. Bruckman de Renstrom;D. Bruncko;R. Bruneliere;S. Brunet;A. Bruni;G. Bruni;M. Bruschi;T. Buanes;Q. Buat;F. Bucci;J. Buchanan;N. J. Buchanan;P. Buchholz;R. M. Buckingham;A. G. Buckley;S. I. Buda;I. A. Budagov;B. Budick;V. Büscher;L. Bugge;D. Buira-Clark;O. Bulekov;M. Bunse;T. Buran;H. Burckhart;S. Burdin;T. Burgess;S. Burke;E. Busato;P. Bussey;C. P. Buszello;F. Butin;B. Butler;J. M. Butler;C. M. Buttar;J. M. Butterworth;W. Buttinger;S. Cabrera Urbán;D. Caforio;O. Cakir;P. Calafiura;G. Calderini;P. Calfayan;R. Calkins;L. P. Caloba;R. Caloi;D. Calvet;S. Calvet;R. Camacho Toro;P. Camarri;M. Cambiaghi;D. Cameron;L. M. Caminada;S. Campana;M. Campanelli;V. Canale;F. Canelli;A. Canepa;J. Cantero;L. Capasso;M. D. M. Capeans Garrido;I. Caprini;M. Caprini;D. Capriotti;M. Capua;R. Caputo;C. Caramarcu;R. Cardarelli;T. Carli;G. Carlino;L. Carminati;B. Caron;S. Caron;G. D. Carrillo Montoya;A. A. Carter;J. R. Carter;J. Carvalho;D. Casadei;M. P. Casado;M. Cascella;C. Caso;A. M. Castaneda Hernandez;E. Castaneda-Miranda;V. Castillo Gimenez;N. F. Castro;G. Cataldi;F. Cataneo;A. Catinaccio;J. R. Catmore;A. Cattai;G. Cattani;S. Caughron;D. Cauz;P. Cavalleri;D. Cavalli;M. Cavalli-Sforza;V. Cavasinni;F. Ceradini;A. S. Cerqueira;A. Cerri;L. Cerrito;F. Cerutti;S. A. Cetin;F. Cevenini;A. Chafaq;D. Chakraborty;K. Chan;B. Chapleau;J. D. Chapman;J. W. Chapman;E. Chareyre;D. G. Charlton;V. Chavda;C. A. Chavez Barajas;S. Cheatham;S. Chekanov;S. V. Chekulaev;G. A. Chelkov;M. A. Chelstowska;C. Chen;H. Chen;S. Chen;T. Chen;X. Chen;S. Cheng;A. Cheplakov;V. F. Chepurnov;R. Cherkaoui El Moursli;V. Chernyatin;E. Cheu;S. L. Cheung;L. Chevalier;G. Chiefari;L. Chikovani;J. T. Childers;A. Chilingarov;G. Chiodini;M. V. Chizhov;G. Choudalakis;S. Chouridou;I. A. Christidi;A. Christov;D. Chromek-Burckhart;M. L. Chu;J. Chudoba;G. Ciapetti;K. Ciba;A. K. Ciftci;R. Ciftci;D. Cinca;V. Cindro;M. D. Ciobotaru;C. Ciocca;A. Ciocio;M. Cirilli;M. Citterio;M. Ciubancan;A. Clark;P. J. Clark;W. Cleland;J. C. Clemens;B. Clement;C. Clement;R. W. Clifft;Y. Coadou;M. Cobal;A. Coccaro;J. Cochran;P. Coe;J. G. Cogan;J. Coggeshall;E. Cogneras;C. D. Cojocaru;J. Colas;A. P. Colijn;N. J. Collins;C. Collins-Tooth;J. Collot;G. Colon;P. Conde Muiño;E. Coniavitis;M. C. Conidi;M. Consonni;V. Consorti;S. Constantinescu;C. Conta;F. Conventi;J. Cook;M. Cooke;B. D. Cooper;A. M. Cooper-Sarkar;K. Copic;T. Cornelissen;M. Corradi;F. Corriveau;A. Cortes-Gonzalez;G. Cortiana;G. Costa;M. J. Costa;D. Costanzo;T. Costin;D. Côté;R. Coura Torres;L. Courneyea;G. Cowan;C. Cowden;B. E. Cox;K. Cranmer;F. Crescioli;M. Cristinziani;G. Crosetti;R. Crupi;S. Crépé-Renaudin;C.-M. Cuciuc;C. Cuenca Almenar;T. Cuhadar Donszelmann;M. Curatolo;C. J. Curtis;C. Cuthbert;P. Cwetanski;H. Czirr;Z. Czyczula;S. D’Auria;M. D’Onofrio;A. D’Orazio;P. V. M. Silva;C. Via;W. Dabrowski;T. Dai;C. Dallapiccola;M. Dam;M. Dameri;D. S. Damiani;H. O. Danielsson;D. Dannheim;V. Dao;G. Darbo;G. L. Darlea;C. Daum;W. Davey;T. Davidek;N. 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Franchino;D. Francis;T. Frank;M. Franklin;S. Franz;M. Fraternali;S. Fratina;S. T. French;F. Friedrich;R. Froeschl;D. Froidevaux;J. A. Frost;C. Fukunaga;E. Fullana Torregrosa;J. Fuster;C. Gabaldon;O. Gabizon;T. Gadfort;S. Gadomski;G. Gagliardi;P. Gagnon;C. Galea;E. J. Gallas;V. Gallo;B. J. Gallop;P. Gallus;K. K. Gan;Y. S. Gao;V. A. Gapienko;A. Gaponenko;F. Garberson;M. Garcia-Sciveres;C. García;J. E. García Navarro;R. W. Gardner;N. Garelli;H. Garitaonandia;V. Garonne;J. Garvey;C. Gatti;G. Gaudio;O. Gaumer;B. Gaur;L. Gauthier;I. L. Gavrilenko;C. Gay;G. Gaycken;J-C. Gayde;E. N. Gazis;P. Ge;C. N. P. Gee;D. A. A. Geerts;Ch. Geich-Gimbel;K. Gellerstedt;C. Gemme;A. Gemmell;M. H. Genest;S. Gentile;M. George;S. George;P. Gerlach;A. Gershon;C. Geweniger;H. Ghazlane;N. Ghodbane;B. Giacobbe;S. Giagu;V. Giakoumopoulou;V. Giangiobbe;F. Gianotti;B. Gibbard;A. Gibson;S. M. Gibson;L. M. Gilbert;V. Gilewsky;D. Gillberg;A. R. Gillman;D. M. Gingrich;J. Ginzburg;N. Giokaris;M. P. Giordani;R. Giordano;F. M. Giorgi;P. Giovannini;P. F. Giraud;D. Giugni;M. Giunta;P. Giusti;B. K. Gjelsten;L. K. Gladilin;C. Glasman;J. Glatzer;A. Glazov;K. W. Glitza;G. L. Glonti;J. Godfrey;J. Godlewski;M. Goebel;T. Göpfert;C. Goeringer;C. Gössling;T. Göttfert;S. Goldfarb;T. Golling;S. N. Golovnia;A. Gomes;L. S. Gomez Fajardo;R. Gonçalo;J. Goncalves Pinto Firmino Da Costa;L. Gonella;A. Gonidec;S. Gonzalez;S. González de la Hoz;G. Gonzalez Parra;M. L. Gonzalez Silva;S. Gonzalez-Sevilla;J. J. Goodson;L. Goossens;P. A. Gorbounov;H. A. Gordon;I. Gorelov;G. Gorfine;B. Gorini;E. Gorini;A. Gorišek;E. Gornicki;S. A. Gorokhov;V. N. Goryachev;B. Gosdzik;M. Gosselink;M. I. Gostkin;I. Gough Eschrich;M. Gouighri;D. Goujdami;M. P. Goulette;A. G. Goussiou;C. Goy;S. Gozpinar;I. Grabowska-Bold;P. Grafström;K-J. Grahn;F. Grancagnolo;S. Grancagnolo;V. Grassi;V. Gratchev;N. Grau;H. M. Gray;J. A. Gray;E. Graziani;O. G. Grebenyuk;T. Greenshaw;Z. D. Greenwood;K. Gregersen;I. M. Gregor;P. Grenier;J. Griffiths;N. Grigalashvili;A. A. Grillo;S. Grinstein;Y. V. Grishkevich;J.-F. Grivaz;M. Groh;E. Gross;J. Grosse-Knetter;J. Groth-Jensen;K. Grybel;V. J. Guarino;D. Guest;C. Guicheney;A. Guida;S. Guindon;H. Guler;J. Gunther;B. Guo;J. Guo;A. Gupta;Y. Gusakov;V. N. Gushchin;A. Gutierrez;P. Gutierrez;N. Guttman;O. Gutzwiller;C. Guyot;C. Gwenlan;C. B. Gwilliam;A. Haas;S. Haas;C. Haber;H. K. Hadavand;D. R. Hadley;P. Haefner;F. Hahn;S. Haider;Z. Hajduk;H. Hakobyan;D. Hall;J. Haller;K. Hamacher;P. Hamal;M. Hamer;A. Hamilton;S. Hamilton;H. Han;L. Han;K. Hanagaki;K. Hanawa;M. Hance;C. Handel;P. Hanke;J. R. Hansen;J. B. Hansen;J. D. Hansen;P. H. Hansen;P. Hansson;K. Hara;G. A. Hare;T. Harenberg;S. Harkusha;D. Harper;R. D. Harrington;O. M. Harris;K. Harrison;J. Hartert;F. Hartjes;T. Haruyama;A. Harvey;S. Hasegawa;Y. Hasegawa;S. Hassani;M. Hatch;D. Hauff;S. Haug;M. Hauschild;R. Hauser;M. Havranek;B. M. Hawes;C. M. Hawkes;R. J. Hawkings;D. Hawkins;T. Hayakawa;T. Hayashi;D. Hayden;H. S. Hayward;S. J. Haywood;E. Hazen;M. He;S. J. Head;V. Hedberg;L. Heelan;S. Heim;B. Heinemann;S. Heisterkamp;L. Helary;C. Heller;M. Heller;S. Hellman;D. Hellmich;C. Helsens;R. C. W. Henderson;M. Henke;A. Henrichs;A. M. Henriques Correia;S. Henrot-Versille;F. Henry-Couannier;C. Hensel;T. Henß;C. M. Hernandez;Y. Hernández Jiménez;R. Herrberg;A. D. Hershenhorn;G. Herten;R. Hertenberger;L. Hervas;N. P. Hessey;E. Higón-Rodriguez;D. Hill;J. C. Hill;N. Hill;K. H. Hiller;S. Hillert;S. J. Hillier;I. Hinchliffe;E. Hines;M. Hirose;F. Hirsch;D. Hirschbuehl;J. Hobbs;N. Hod;M. C. Hodgkinson;P. Hodgson;A. Hoecker;M. R. Hoeferkamp;J. Hoffman;D. Hoffmann;M. Hohlfeld;M. Holder;S. O. Holmgren;T. Holy;J. L. Holzbauer;Y. Homma;T. M. Hong;L. Hooft van Huysduynen;T. Horazdovsky;C. Horn;S. Horner;J-Y. Hostachy;S. Hou;M. A. Houlden;A. Hoummada;J. Howarth;D. F. Howell;I. Hristova;J. Hrivnac;I. Hruska;T. Hryn’ova;P. J. Hsu;S.-C. Hsu;G. S. Huang;Z. Hubacek;F. Hubaut;F. Huegging;T. B. Huffman;E. W. Hughes;G. Hughes;R. E. Hughes-Jones;M. Huhtinen;P. Hurst;M. Hurwitz;U. Husemann;N. Huseynov;J. Huston;J. Huth;G. Iacobucci;G. Iakovidis;M. Ibbotson;I. Ibragimov;R. Ichimiya;L. Iconomidou-Fayard;J. Idarraga;P. Iengo;O. Igonkina;Y. Ikegami;M. Ikeno;Y. Ilchenko;D. Iliadis;N. Ilic;D. Imbault;M. Imori;T. Ince;J. Inigo-Golfin;P. Ioannou;M. Iodice;A. Irles Quiles;C. Isaksson;A. Ishikawa;M. Ishino;R. Ishmukhametov;C. Issever;S. Istin;A. V. Ivashin;W. Iwanski;H. Iwasaki;J. M. Izen;V. Izzo;B. Jackson;J. N. Jackson;P. Jackson;M. R. Jaekel;V. Jain;K. Jakobs;S. Jakobsen;J. Jakubek;D. K. Jana;E. Jankowski;E. Jansen;H. Jansen;A. Jantsch;M. Janus;G. Jarlskog;L. Jeanty;K. Jelen;I. Jen-La Plante;P. Jenni;A. Jeremie;P. Jež;S. Jézéquel;M. K. Jha;H. Ji;W. Ji;J. Jia;Y. Jiang;M. Jimenez Belenguer;G. Jin;S. Jin;O. Jinnouchi;M. D. Joergensen;D. Joffe;L. G. Johansen;M. Johansen;K. E. Johansson;P. Johansson;S. Johnert;K. A. Johns;K. Jon-And;G. Jones;R. W. L. Jones;T. W. Jones;T. J. Jones;O. Jonsson;C. Joram;P. M. Jorge;J. Joseph;T. Jovin;X. Ju;C. A. Jung;V. Juranek;P. Jussel;A. Juste Rozas;V. V. Kabachenko;S. Kabana;M. Kaci;A. Kaczmarska;P. Kadlecik;M. Kado;H. Kagan;M. Kagan;S. Kaiser;E. Kajomovitz;S. Kalinin;L. V. Kalinovskaya;S. Kama;N. Kanaya;M. Kaneda;T. Kanno;V. A. Kantserov;J. Kanzaki;B. Kaplan;A. Kapliy;J. Kaplon;D. Kar;M. Karagounis;M. Karagoz;M. Karnevskiy;K. Karr;V. Kartvelishvili;A. N. Karyukhin;L. Kashif;G. Kasieczka;R. D. Kass;A. Kastanas;M. Kataoka;Y. Kataoka;E. Katsoufis;J. Katzy;V. Kaushik;K. Kawagoe;T. Kawamoto;G. Kawamura;M. S. Kayl;V. A. Kazanin;M. Y. Kazarinov;J. R. Keates;R. Keeler;R. Kehoe;M. Keil;G. D. Kekelidze;J. Kennedy;C. J. Kenney;M. Kenyon;O. Kepka;N. Kerschen;B. P. Kerševan;S. Kersten;K. Kessoku;J. Keung;F. Khalil-zada;H. Khandanyan;A. Khanov;D. Kharchenko;A. Khodinov;A. G. Kholodenko;A. Khomich;T. J. Khoo;G. Khoriauli;A. Khoroshilov;N. Khovanskiy;V. Khovanskiy;E. Khramov;J. Khubua;H. Kim;M. S. Kim;P. C. Kim;S. H. Kim;N. Kimura;O. Kind;B. T. King;M. King;R. S. B. King;J. Kirk;L. E. Kirsch;A. E. Kiryunin;T. Kishimoto;D. Kisielewska;T. Kittelmann;A. M. Kiver;E. Kladiva;J. Klaiber-Lodewigs;M. Klein;U. Klein;K. Kleinknecht;M. Klemetti;A. Klier;A. Klimentov;R. Klingenberg;E. B. Klinkby;T. Klioutchnikova;P. F. Klok;S. Klous;E.-E. Kluge;T. Kluge;P. Kluit;S. Kluth;N. S. Knecht;E. Kneringer;J. Knobloch;E. B. F. G. Knoops;A. Knue;B. R. Ko;T. Kobayashi;M. Kobel;M. Kocian;P. Kodys;K. Köneke;A. C. König;S. Koenig;L. Köpke;F. Koetsveld;P. Koevesarki;T. Koffas;E. Koffeman;F. Kohn;Z. Kohout;T. Kohriki;T. Koi;T. Kokott;G. M. Kolachev;H. Kolanoski;V. Kolesnikov;I. Koletsou;J. Koll;D. Kollar;M. Kollefrath;S. D. Kolya;A. A. Komar;Y. Komori;T. Kondo;T. Kono;A. I. Kononov;R. Konoplich;N. Konstantinidis;A. Kootz;S. Koperny;S. V. Kopikov;K. Korcyl;K. Kordas;V. Koreshev;A. Korn;A. Korol;I. Korolkov;E. V. Korolkova;V. A. Korotkov;O. Kortner;S. Kortner;V. V. Kostyukhin;M. J. Kotamäki;S. Kotov;V. M. Kotov;A. Kotwal;C. Kourkoumelis;V. Kouskoura;A. Koutsman;R. Kowalewski;T. Z. Kowalski;W. Kozanecki;A. S. Kozhin;V. Kral;V. A. Kramarenko;G. Kramberger;M. W. Krasny;A. Krasznahorkay;J. Kraus;J. K. Kraus;A. Kreisel;F. Krejci;J. Kretzschmar;N. Krieger;P. Krieger;K. Kroeninger;H. Kroha;J. Kroll;J. Kroseberg;J. Krstic;U. Kruchonak;H. Krüger;T. Kruker;N. Krumnack;Z. V. Krumshteyn;A. Kruth;T. Kubota;S. Kuehn;A. Kugel;T. Kuhl;D. Kuhn;V. Kukhtin;Y. Kulchitsky;S. Kuleshov;C. Kummer;M. Kuna;N. Kundu;J. Kunkle;A. Kupco;H. Kurashige;M. Kurata;Y. A. Kurochkin;V. Kus;M. Kuze;J. Kvita;R. Kwee;A. Rosa;L. Rotonda;L. Labarga;J. Labbe;S. Lablak;C. Lacasta;F. Lacava;H. Lacker;D. Lacour;V. R. Lacuesta;E. Ladygin;R. Lafaye;B. Laforge;T. Lagouri;S. Lai;E. Laisne;M. Lamanna;C. L. Lampen;W. Lampl;E. Lancon;U. Landgraf;M. P. J. Landon;H. Landsman;J. L. Lane;C. Lange;A. J. Lankford;F. Lanni;K. Lantzsch;S. Laplace;C. Lapoire;J. F. Laporte;T. Lari;A. V. Larionov;A. Larner;C. Lasseur;M. Lassnig;P. Laurelli;W. Lavrijsen;P. Laycock;A. B. Lazarev;O. Dortz;E. Guirriec;C. Maner;E. Menedeu;C. Lebel;T. LeCompte;F. Ledroit-Guillon;H. Lee;J. S. H. Lee;S. C. Lee;L. Lee;M. Lefebvre;M. Legendre;A. Leger;B. C. LeGeyt;F. Legger;C. Leggett;M. Lehmacher;G. Lehmann Miotto;X. Lei;M. A. L. Leite;R. Leitner;D. Lellouch;M. Leltchouk;B. Lemmer;V. Lendermann;K. J. C. Leney;T. Lenz;G. Lenzen;B. Lenzi;K. Leonhardt;S. Leontsinis;C. Leroy;J-R. Lessard;J. Lesser;C. G. Lester;A. Leung Fook Cheong;J. Levêque;D. Levin;L. J. Levinson;M. S. Levitski;A. Lewis;G. H. Lewis;A. M. Leyko;M. Leyton;B. Li;H. Li;S. Li;X. Li;Z. Liang;H. Liao;B. Liberti;P. Lichard;M. Lichtnecker;K. Lie;W. Liebig;R. Lifshitz;C. Limbach;A. Limosani;M. Limper;S. C. Lin;F. Linde;J. T. Linnemann;E. Lipeles;L. Lipinsky;A. Lipniacka;T. M. Liss;D. Lissauer;A. Lister;A. M. Litke;C. Liu;D. Liu;H. Liu;J. B. Liu;M. Liu;S. Liu;Y. Liu;M. Livan;S. S. A. Livermore;A. Lleres;J. Llorente Merino;S. L. Lloyd;E. Lobodzinska;P. Loch;W. S. Lockman;T. Loddenkoetter;F. K. Loebinger;A. Loginov;C. W. Loh;T. Lohse;K. Lohwasser;M. Lokajicek;J. Loken;V. P. Lombardo;R. E. Long;L. Lopes;D. Lopez Mateos;J. Lorenz;M. Losada;P. Loscutoff;F. Lo Sterzo;M. J. Losty;X. Lou;A. Lounis;K. F. Loureiro;J. Love;P. A. Love;A. J. Lowe;F. Lu;H. J. Lubatti;C. Luci;A. Lucotte;A. Ludwig;D. Ludwig;I. Ludwig;J. Ludwig;F. Luehring;G. Luijckx;D. Lumb;L. Luminari;E. Lund;B. Lund-Jensen;B. Lundberg;J. Lundberg;J. Lundquist;M. Lungwitz;G. Lutz;D. Lynn;J. Lys;E. Lytken;H. Ma;L. L. Ma;J. A. Macana Goia;G. Maccarrone;A. Macchiolo;B. Maček;J. Machado Miguens;R. Mackeprang;R. J. Madaras;W. F. Mader;R. Maenner;T. Maeno;P. Mättig;S. Mättig;L. Magnoni;E. Magradze;Y. Mahalalel;K. Mahboubi;G. Mahout;C. Maiani;C. Maidantchik;A. Maio;S. Majewski;Y. Makida;N. Makovec;P. Mal;Pa. Malecki;P. Malecki;V. P. Maleev;F. Malek;U. Mallik;D. Malon;C. Malone;S. Maltezos;V. Malyshev;S. Malyukov;R. Mameghani;J. Mamuzic;A. Manabe;L. Mandelli;I. Mandić;R. Mandrysch;J. Maneira;P. S. Mangeard;I. D. Manjavidze;A. Mann;P. M. Manning;A. Manousakis-Katsikakis;B. Mansoulie;A. Manz;A. Mapelli;L. Mapelli;L. March;J. F. Marchand;F. Marchese;G. Marchiori;M. Marcisovsky;A. Marin;C. P. Marino;F. Marroquim;R. Marshall;Z. Marshall;F. K. Martens;S. Marti-Garcia;A. J. Martin;B. Martin;B. Martin;F. F. Martin;J. P. Martin;Ph. Martin;T. A. Martin;V. J. Martin;B. Ma

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