136 research outputs found

    How virtuality impacts start-up employees performance through its influence on entrepreneurship passion

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    There is evidence that organizations have increased the use of virtual teams in recent years and combined with this there are many advantages. However, there is no certainty that these teams have a virtual positive effect on their performance. This study, through a questionnaire, examined how team's entrepreneurial passion mediated the relationship between Virtuality and Team Performance and how the Work Conflict moderated the Team's Entrepreneurial Passion effect on performance. A sample of 41 start-ups was analyzed using a moderate mediation model; and the results indicate that the Virtuality is positively related to Team Performance and that the Team's Entrepreneurial Passion also contributes to good performance. On the other hand, the relationship between Virtuality and Team Entrepreneurial Passion is less clear, and its positive impact depends on the informational value and the extent of use with which the team uses virtual tools to work. Practical implications of the results and possible questions for future research are discussed.Há evidências de que as organizações têm aumentado o uso de equipas virtuais nos últimos anos e aliado a isso existem muitas vantagens. Ainda assim, não há certeza de que estas equipas tenham um efeito positivo da virtualidade na sua performance. O presente estudo, através de um questionário, examinou como é que a paixão empreendedora da equipa mediou a relação entre virtualidade e performance e como o conflito de trabalho moderou o efeito da paixão empreendedora da equipa na performance. Uma amostra de 41 start-ups foi analisada por meio de um modelo de mediação moderada; e os resultados indicam que a virtualidade está positivamente relacionada com a performance e que também a paixão empreendedora da equipa contribui para uma boa performance. Por outro lado, a relação entre virtualidade e paixão empreendedora da equipa é menos clara, sendo que o seu positivo impacto depende do valor informacional e do grau de utilização com que a equipa recorre a ferramentas virtuais para trabalhar. São discutidas implicações práticas dos resultados e levantadas possíveis perguntas para futuras pesquisas

    The vegetarian diet and the increase in muscle strength and muscle mass

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    O termo “dieta vegetariana” define um padrão alimentar no qual há ausência de carne e pescado, sendo que a sua definição inclui vários subtipos. A Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics e a Direção-Geral da Saúde defendem que uma dieta vegetariana bem planeada é saudável e nutricionalmente adequada em todas as fases da vida do ser humano e em atletas, permitindo ainda benefícios na saúde, prevenção e tratamento de algumas doenças. O aumento de massa muscular, conhecido como hipertrofia, resulta de alterações no sistema musculoesquelético e adaptações neurológicas em resposta ao stress fisiológico provocado pelo treino de força. Contudo, a ingestão proteica parece desempenhar um papel crucial neste processo, condicionando o aumento de massa magra em casos de ingestão proteica inadequada. A importância da proteína vai para além da quantidade ingerida, devendo ser considerada a qualidade da mesma, isto é, o teor em aminoácidos essenciais (nomeadamente leucina), bem como a sua biodisponibilidade. O aporte energético total é outro dos fatores que assume um papel relevante, protegendo o tecido muscular de ser utilizado como recurso energético, e promovendo os fenómenos bioquímicos, energeticamente dispendiosos, na base da hipertrofia muscular. Os minerais ferro, zinco e cálcio bem como as vitaminas Cobalamina e Vitamina D, merecem especial atenção nos processos de crescimento muscular e do rendimento dos indivíduos num padrão vegetariano. Estes nutrientes melhoram a performance, participam no metabolismo proteico, contribuem para o desenvolvimento de força muscular e aumento da tolerância ao exercício e previnem anemias. A evidência parece ser sugestiva de que dietas vegetarianas podem ser opções viáveis em atletas, promover e fomentar a sua força, resistência e performance e, ao mesmo tempo, contribuir para o bem-estar ambiental e do indivíduo. Mais estudos, com desenhos experimentais mais bem definidos e mais precisos, são desejáveis, por forma a termos representatividade das amostras para a população específica em estudo.The term “vegetarian diet” defines an eating pattern in which there is no meat or fish, and its definition includes several subtypes. The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and the General Directorate of Health defend that a well-planned vegetarian diet is healthy and nutritionally adequate at all stages of human life and for athletes, benefiting health and contributing to the prevention and treatment of some diseases. The increase of muscle mass, muscle hypertrophy, results from a change in the musculoskeletal system and neurological adaptations to the physiological stress caused by strength training. However, if protein intake does not match requirements, the increase in lean mass will be limited. Furthermore, the importance of protein goes beyond the amount of protein ingested, since its quality, namely essential amino acid content (namely leucine) and bioavailability, must also be considered. Energy intake also plays an essential role because hypertrophy includes very expensive processes from an energy point of view (tissue generation, metabolic adjustments). The minerals iron, zinc and calcium, as well as Cobalamin and vitamin D, deserve special attention in this dietary pattern, as they are also involved in muscle development and performance processes. These nutrients improve performance, participate in protein metabolism, contribute to the development of muscle strength and increasing exercise tolerance and prevent anemia. Evidence seems to suggest that vegetarian diets can be viable options in athletes, promoting and increasing strength, endurance and performance, while also contributing to individual and environmental well-being. However, more studies with more concrete and precise data are needed, since samples are not always representative of this specific population.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    O que é conhecido na compreensão e tratamento da caquexia oncológica?

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    Cancer cachexia is a multifactorial syndrome, associated with an underlying illness, characterized by involuntary weight loss and skeleton muscle mass impairment and reduction, with or without loss of fat mass. It emerges within a systemic inflammation and metabolic disturbance setting, entailing a significant impact in treatment toxicity, quality of life, functional capacity and mortality. Although the conventional nutritional support includes symptom management, inflammation and metabolic modulation and treatment effectiveness, it is not able to fully revert cancer cachexia. The nutritional goals are to provide adequate energy and protein intake along with a combination of anti-inflammatory agents and other nutrients. In this review we focus on the effect of certain nutrients and bioactive molecules in muscle loss, inflammation and cancer cachexia (β-hydroxy-β-methyl butyrate, branched chain amino acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, carnitine, polyphenols and vitamin D). Food sources providing the later nutrients/molecules should be endorsed, in addition to a conventional nutritional support, as it is expected to entail specific functions in cancer cachexia.A caquexia oncológica é uma síndrome multifatorial, associada a uma doença subjacente, caracterizada por perda involuntária de peso e comprometimento e redução da massa muscular esquelética, com ou sem perda de massa gorda. Surge em cenário de inflamação sistémica e distúrbio metabólico, acarretando um impacto significativo na toxicidade do tratamento, qualidade de vida, capacidade funcional e mortalidade. Embora o suporte nutricional convencional inclua o controlo de sintomas, inflamação e modulação metabólica e eficácia do tratamento, ele não é capaz de reverter totalmente a caquexia oncológica. Os objetivos nutricionais são fornecer uma ingestão energética e proteica adequadas, juntamente com uma combinação de agentes anti-inflamatórios e outros nutrientes. Nesta revisão, o foco está no efeito de certos nutrientes e moléculas bioativas na perda muscular, inflamação e caquexia oncológica (β-hidroxi-β-metil butirato, aminoácidos de cadeia ramificada, ácidos gordos polinsaturados, carnitina, polifenóis e vitamina D). Fontes alimentares que forneçam os nutrientes/moléculas mencionados devem ser recomendadas, em adição a um suporte nutricional convencional, pois é esperado que exerçam funções específicas na caquexia oncológica.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Hybrid molecular dynamic Monte Carlo simulation and experimental production of a multi-component Cu-Fe-Ni-Mo-W alloy

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    ABSTRACT: High-entropy alloys are a class of materials intensely studied in the last years due to their innovative properties. Their unconventional compositions and chemical structures hold promise for achieving unprecedented combinations of mechanical properties. The Cu-Fe-Ni-Mo-W multicomponent alloy was studied using a combination of simulation and experimental production to test the possibility of formation of a simple solid solution. Therefore, Molecular Dynamics and hybrid Molecular Dynamic/Monte Carlo simulations from 10K up to the melting point of the alloy were analyzed together with the experimental production by arc furnace and powder milling. The Molecular Dynamics simulations starting with a bcc type-structure show the formation of a singlephase bcc solid solution type-structure, whereas using Monte Carlo one, generally produced a two-phase mixture. Moreover, the lowest potential energy was obtained when starting from a fcc type-structure and using Monte Carlo simulation giving rise to the formation of a bcc Fe-Mo-W phase and a Cu-Ni fcc type-structure. Dendritic and interdendritic phases were observed in the sample produced by arc furnace while the milled powder evidence an separation of two phases Cu-Fe-Ni phase and W-Mo type-structures. Samples produced by both methods show the formation of bcc and a fcc type-structures. Therefore, the Monte Carlo simulation seems to be closer with the experimental results, which points to a two-phase mixture formation for the Cu-Fe-Ni-Mo-W multicomponent system.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Behavior of Cu-Y2O3 and CuCrZr-Y2O3 composites before and after irradiation

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    ABSTRACT: The Cu-Y2O3 and CuCrZr-Y2O3 materials have been devised as thermal barriers in nuclear fusion reactors. It is expected that in the nuclear environments, the materials should be working on extreme conditions of irradiation. In this work the Cu-Y2O3 and CuCrZr-Y2O3 were prepared and then irradiated in order to understand the surface irradiation resistance of the material. The composites were prepared in a glove box and consolidated with spark plasma sintering. The microstructures revealed regions of Y2O3 dispersion and Y2O3 agglomerates both in the Cu matrix and in the CuCrZr. The irradiated samples did not show any surface modification indicating that the materials seem to be irradiation resistant in the present situation. The thermal conductivity values for all the samples measured are lower than pure Cu and higher than pure W, however are higher than those expected, and therefore, the application of these materials as thermal barriers is compromised.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Improvement of Mechanical Properties with Non-Equimolar CrNbTaVW High Entropy Alloy

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    ABSTRACT: CrNbTaVWx with (x = 1 and 1.7) high entropy alloys have been devised for thermal barriers between the plasma-facing tungsten tiles and the copper-based heat sink in the first wall of fusion nuclear reactors. These novel materials were prepared by ball milling and consolidated by Upgrade Field Assisted Sintering Technology at 1873 K under an applied pressure of 90 MPa for 10 min. In this work, the structural and mechanical properties of these materials were evaluated. Consolidated samples presented a major phase with a bcc-type structure with lattice parameter value of 0.316 nm for CrNbTaVW and CrNbTaVW1.7 compositions. Moreover, observation of the microstructures evidences also two minor phases: Ta-Nb-Cr and Ta-V rich (in which carbon is detected). Despite the similarity in the structural properties of these two alloys, their mechanical properties are distinct. The flexural stress for the sample with higher amount of W (CrNbTaVW1.7) is higher by 50% in the 298-873 K range, with an increased strain to fracture, which can be associated with reduced brittleness caused by the additional W incorporation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Inquérito Europeu de Saúde com Exame Físico em Portugal: avaliação das fases de planeamento e implementação

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    O Instituto Nacional de Saúde Doutor Ricardo Jorge (INSA, IP) participou em 2010-2011 no projecto piloto EHES (European Health Examination Survey), co-financiado pela UE e coordenado pelo Instituto Finlandês de Saúde Pública (THL). A pertinência destes estudos reside na possibilidade de aliar a análise de diversas dimensões de saúde numa amostra populacional à máxima validade dos dados e informação obtidos, reconhecidamente superior à de estudos baseados em informação autodeclarada. O objetivo foi avaliar a capacidade dos 12 países participantes para construir e ensaiar uma infraestrutura capaz de implementar um futuro EHES harmonizado. A fase piloto (em Portugal, Inquérito de Saúde com Exame Físico - INSEF) visou explorar diferentes formas de implementação e demonstrar a sua exequibilidade Portugal.European Commission/DG Sanc

    Prevalence of diabetes-associated gene variants and its association with blood glucose levels in the Algarve population, Portugal

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    The global rise in incidence of type 2 (T2D) has been called a pandemic, constituting a major public health concern. Although environmental factors play a substantial role in the etiology of T2D, genetic susceptibility has been established as a key component in T2D risk. Given the absence of studies regarding the prevalence of T2D associated variants in the Portuguese population, our aim was to determine the prevalence of disease-associated variants and determine its relative contribution to this phenotype. For this purpose, we have recruited 221 individuals (93 males and 128 females), between 26-91 years old (mean age 57.1), who were enrolled in the Health Centre of S. Brás de Alportel (Algarve). For each participant, we have measured total glucose levels and collected DNA. In addition, each participant has answered an exhaustive questionnaire including socio-demographic information, health history and lifestyle. We have selected and analysed three of the most significant loci previously reported to be associated with T2D in Caucasian populations (TCF7L2 rs7903146, PARPG rs1801282 and FTO rs9939609) and performed an association analysis between glucose levels in this population and the selected gene variants. The mean total population glucose level was 103.85±35.3 g/dl. We found a significant difference in the mean glucose levels between males (mean = 111.5±51.3 g/dl) and females (mean = 98.4±17.6 g/dl) (Mann-Whitney test P < 0.001). The relative allele frequencies of the genotyped variants have been established. Genotype distribution for all investigated SNPs was in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. We found a marginal association between glucose levels and genotypes at the TCF7L2 locus (Mann-Whitney test P = 0.045) in females but not in males, with carriers of the T allele displaying higher levels of blood glucose than homozygous for the A allele. This difference is also observed in males, although not reaching significance. No association was found between glucose levels and the other genotyped variants. These results suggest that the pathophysiology of the disease may be different between males and females, or that environmental factors are influencing this trait in males. We are currently investigating the later hypothesis by increasing our sample size and by analysing lifestyle information provided by the participants in order to evaluate gene-environment interactions influencing glucose levels in the Portuguese population.The pilot study of the Portuguese Component of the European Health Examination Survey (EHES) project has received funding from the European Commission/DG Sanco (Agreement number: 20092301 – EHES JA – EAHC). This study has also received funding from the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) (Project Reference: PTDC/SAU-ESA/101743/2008)

    Prevalence of alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency and hereditary hemochromatosis gene mutations in Algarve, Portugal

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    Alpha-1 antitrypsin (AAT) deficiency and hereditary hemochromatosis (HH) are two of the most fatal genetic disorders in adult life, affecting million individuals worldwide. They are often under-diagnosed conditions and diagnosis is only made when the patient is already in the advanced stages of damage. AAT deficiency results from mutations in one highly pleiomorphic gene located on chromosome 14, SERPINA 1, being Z and S mutations the most relevant clinically. These mutations will lead to an AAT deficit that compromises the lungs protection, originating emphysema, chronic bronchitis, asthma or even chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and it is also strongly associated with various liver diseases. On the other hand, C282Y and H63D mutations in the HFE gene, located on chromosome 6, are reported to be mostly responsible for the iron accumulation in HH disorder, leading to severe damage in different organs. Disease manifestations include cirrhosis, hepatic fibrosis, diabetes mellitus, arthropathy and hepatocarcinoma. Given the insufficient population-based information about the prevalence of these gene variants in the Portuguese population, the aim of this study was to assess their frequency in a representative sample from São Brás de Alportel, in the South of Portugal. To achieve our goal, we have genotyped a total of 208 adult subjects, including 118 females and 90 males (mean age: 58 years, range: 26-91). Regarding AAT deficiency, we found 4,3% MZ, 0,5% SS and 15,4% MS genotypes. The calculated frequency for the Z allele was 2,2% (95% CI: 0-11,7%) and for the S allele was 8,2% (95% CI: 0-17,4%). About HH, we found 1,4% C282Y/H63D, 2,4% H63D/H63D, 5,8% C282Y/N and 23,6% H63D/N genotypes. Frequencies of C282Y and H63D alleles were 3,6% (95% CI: 0-13%) and 14,9% (95% CI: 6-23,8%), respectively. The observed allele frequencies were in Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium and no association was found with related diseases likely due to the smaller sample available. Our findings show the highest prevalence of Z allele from SERPINA1 gene found, when compared to other populations. The remaining findings are in agreement with previously published studies. Future studies involving a larger sample size will be necessary to evaluate the penetrance of the studied gene mutations and to assess gene-environment interactions that influence disease risk, contributing to reduce the burden of these diseases which can have a great public health impact.The pilot study of the Portuguese Component of the European Health Examination Survey (EHES) project has received funding from the European Commission/DG Sanco (Agreement number: 20092301 – EHES JA – EAHC). This study has also received funding from the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) (Project Reference: PTDC/SAU-ESA/101743/2008)