4,494 research outputs found


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    The objective of this paper is to show an alternative technique to smooth time series from Monte Carlo Simulations. The technique considers that time series can contain more than one structural break, coming from movements in coefficients of trend or from intercept. The Hodrick-Prescott Filter (HP) does not provide identification of such possible breaks in order to smooth trend from the series to analyze its cyclical component. If the series are relatively stable, this problem may not have relevant implications. Otherwise, for economies relatively unstable, trend movements may interfere in the specification of the cyclical component, and Hodrick-Prescott smoothing could lead empiricists to achieve simplistic forms to economic cycles. In the context, we present an empirical methodology that allows structural breaks in any point of time, from coefficients or from intercepts. We apply this recursive technique to different models with variations in trend, from coefficients and from intercepts, using series simulated by Monte Carlo. Moreover, we compare the results of both techniques to the Brazilian GDP.

    Using Padlet On Math Collaborative Learning In An Engineering Course

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    This paper describes a study, with the objective of evaluating the possibilities of knowledge construction through collaborative learning (CL) in the innovative Padlet environment. During the practical classes of a math curricular unit of an engineering course, activities and assessments were carried out using Padlet. Program themes are organized by columns as a wall. Each students group accesses a problem proposal using a QR-Code. In the first part of the class, the group must solve the problem correctly, using all the materials and technologies they deem necessary. In the second part, each group will correct another group’s problem. The teacher provides the necessary support with the role of advisor in carrying out the proposed problems. Through the direct observation of the teacher during CL classes using Padlet, the experiences of the authors and the evaluation of the students in these contents, it was possible to collect information that allowed demonstrating that the students developed capacities and reached competences, some of them specific to professionals in the area of this course. Students’ opinion gathered with a questionnaire will also be very important data to be presented regarding their interest in this collaborative activity. In conclusion, this paper will describe, analyse, and discuss the interest in using a CL environment for the development of knowledge and for student motivation in teaching/learning math for engineers. Students’ perspectives will be observed regarding their motivation and interest, allowing teachers to expand the range of perspectives on the contents covered and enriching the necessary discussions for future activities development

    Riparian vegetation subsidize sea lamprey ammocoetes in a nursery area

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    Fluxes of organic matter (OM) from terrestrial ecosystems subsidize stream food webs, which support the production of ecologically and economically important species such as the sea lamprey Petromyzon marinus. Debris have been previously observed in the gut contents of sea lamprey ammocoetes, but their origin and/or the nutritional sources assimilated are still poorly known. We used carbon (δ13C: 13C/12C) and nitrogen (δ15N: 15N/14N) stable isotopes to identify the main OM sources supporting the production of ammocoetes in a tributary of the Minho River (NW-Iberian Peninsula). Ammocoetes δ13C and C:N values increased with length. Smaller individuals likely assimilated more 13C- depleted sources such as fresh or decaying plant material. The increase in the C:N values with length suggests that ammocoetes accumulate lipids to support their metamorphosis and recruitment into an adult animal. Ammocoetes smaller than 30 mm presented an unusual variability for both δ15N and δ13C values, with values varying between 3.2‰ and 17.8‰ for δ15N and between − 38‰ and − 25.5‰ for δ13C in the same sampling site. This suggests that factors such as organic pollution inputs or time to the first feeding may have contributed to the observed variability. Detritus from the adjacent riparian vegetation was identified as the main food source assimilated by sea lamprey ammocoetes. The stable isotope mixing model (95% CI) indicates that the relative contribution of decaying riparian plants detritus varied between 38–59% and 55–73% at the end of the summer decreasing towards the end of the winter (2–34%). The relative contribution of other terrestrial-derived OM (i.e. fresh riparian detritus and particulate OM with terrestrial origin) was only relevant (> 40%) at the end of the winter. This study shows that there is a strong connectivity between the stream food web and the adjacent riparian ecosystem, and that protection of both riparian and catchment forest cover are essential to preserve terrestrial-aquatic linkages which can support the development of sea lamprey ammocoetes.We would like to thank the staff at Aquamuseu do Rio Minho for their collaboration during the fieldwork, to Rodrigo Lopez for providing the map of the study area, and to Dr. Mark Kennard, Dr Stuart Findlay and two anonymous reviewers for their valuable comments and suggestions. This work was partially supported by the Strategic Funding UID/Multi/04423/2019 through national funds provided by FundacAo para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia (FCT, Portugal) and European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), in the framework of the programme PT 2020. All applicable international, national, and/or institutional guidelines for the care and use of animals were followed

    Neutrophils and the calcium-binding protein MRP-14 mediate carrageenan-induced antinociception in mice.

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    BACKGROUND: We have previously shown that the calcium-binding protein MRP-14 secreted by neutrophils mediates the antinociceptive response in an acute inflammatory model induced by the intraperitoneal injection of glycogen in mice. AIM: In an attempt to broaden the concept that neutrophils and MRP-14 controls inflammatory pain induced by different type of irritants, in the present study, after demonstrating that carrageenan (Cg) also induces atinociception in mice, we investigated the participation of both neutrophils and MRP-14 in the phenomenon. METHODS: Male Swiss mice were injected intraperitoneally with Cg and after different time intervals, the pattern of cell migration of the peritoneal exudate and the nociceptive response of animals submitted to the writhing test were evaluated. The participation of neutrophils and of the MRP-14 on the Cg effect was evaluated by systemic inoculation of monoclonal antibodies anti-granulocyte and anti-MRP-14. RESULTS: Our results demonstrate that the acute neutrophilic peritonitis evoked by Cg induced antinociception 2, 4 and 8 h after inoculation of the irritant. Monoclonal antibodies anti-granulocyte or anti-MRP-14 reverts the antinociceptive response only 2 and 8 h after Cg injection. The antibody anti-MRP-14 partially reverts the antinociception observed after 4 h of Cg injection while the anti-granulocyte antibody enhances this effect. This effect is reverted by simultaneous treatment of the animals with both antibodies. After 4 h of Cg injection in neutrophil-depleted mice a significant expression of the calcium-binding protein MRP-14 was detected in the cytoplasm of peritoneal macrophages. This suggests that the enhancement of the effect observed after treatment with the anti-neutrophil antibody may be due to secretion of MRP-14 by macrophages. It has also been demonstrated that endogenous opioids and glucocorticoids are not involved in the antinociception observed at the 4th hour after Cg injection. CONCLUSION: These data support the hypothesis that neutrophils and the calcium-binding protein MRP-14 are participants of the endogenous control of inflammatory pain in mice despite the model of acute inflammation used

    Ideologia liberal e construção do Estado do Brasil

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    Soy protein concentrate as a protein source for Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis Kaup 1858) diets: Effects on growth and amino acid metabolism of postlarvae

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    The objective of this workwas to evaluate the effect of a dietary amino acid imbalance, originating from the use of a soy protein concentrate (SPC) as the major protein source, on the growth performance and amino acid metabolism of Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis) postlarvae. Senegalese sole (85.6724.6mg wet weight) were fed one of two experimental diets: one based on fish meal (FM) and another based on SPC. Diet were isonitrogenous (around 56% crude protein) and isoenergetic. Diet acceptability was very good and the growth rate was 6.9%day 1 for sole eating the FM diet and 6.0%day 1 for sole eating the SPC diet. Mass-speci¢c ammonia excretion and the activities of selected amino acid metabolic enzymes (ALAT, ASATand GDH) did not present significant differences between treatments, although this may have been due to the high variability found for these parameters in the SPC treatment. This variability may suggest different capacities of individual fish to adapt to the possible methionine dietary deficiency. The utilization of amino acids as a substrate for lipogenesis does not seem to be affected by the dietary protein source, since NAPDH-generating enzymes (G6PD and ME) had similar activities in both treatments. Amino acid metabolism in Senegalese sole postlarvae seems to be slightly affected by the dietary protein source. Nevertheless, the changes induced by the SPC diet do not seem to impair growth, at least at the high dietary protein level used in this experiment

    Inter-cultural differences in response to a computer-based anti-bullying intervention

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    Background and purpose: Many holistic anti-bullying interventions have been attempted, with mixed success, while little work has been done to promote a 'self-help' approach to victimisation. The rise of the ICT curriculum and computer support in schools now allows for approaches that benefit from technology to be implemented. This study evaluates the cross-cultural effects of a computer-based anti-bullying intervention on primary school-aged children's knowledge about bullying and relevant coping strategies. Programme description: FearNot! is an interactive computer-based virtual learning environment designed for use as an anti-bullying intervention. It includes interactive virtual agents who assume the most common participant roles found in episodes of bullying. FearNot! was used by children over three consecutive weeks to allow its effectiveness to be evaluated in a longitudinal in situ programme. Sample: Two comparable samples were drawn from the UK and Germany. In the UK, 651 participants (aged 8-11) were recruited from primary schools in Hertfordshire, Coventry and Warwickshire, whereas the 535 German participants (aged 7-10) were sourced from Grundschulen in the Bayern and Hessen regions. Because of lack of parental consent, late joiners and absences/missing responses, data from 908 participants (UK 493; Germany 415) were analysed. Design and methods: A quasi-experimental, pre/post-tests control group design employed pre-published and bespoke questionnaires to collect data. Descriptive and inferential analyses were conducted. Results: UK students possessed higher coping strategy knowledge scores than German participants, but German children's scores improved over time and as a result of the FearNot! intervention. Conclusions: Overall, while not effective at increasing children's coping strategy knowledge in this study, the FearNot! intervention could prove a useful classroom tool to approach the issue of bullying as part of a wider initiative. Cultural differences at baseline and reactions to the intervention are discussed

    Regras morais e convencionais no raciocínio de crianças

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    A make-believe mode can help children to construct a selfcontainedworld within which they accept premises and conclusions thathave no counterpart in their everyday experience (Dias e Harris, 1988a,b, c; no prelo a e b). Thus, we asked if the construct of that make-believeworld would have the same effect in syllogistic problems that convene either moral or conventional rules. The results show that neither of thepopulations studied (Brazilian and English children from medium SESfamilies and Brazilian children from Orphanages) distinguish betweenmoral and conventional rules as found by Turiel (1983). The make-believemode helped the performance of children from medium SES familes.However, children from Orphanages Showed similar reasoning under thetwo types of context, as children did with known fact premises that agreedwith subject's experience (see Hawkins, Pea, Glick & Scribner, 1984;Dias e Harris, 1988a, b). For these children premises that contravenemoral or conventional rules to the two other populations, seems beaccepted as empirically true without need of the make-believe play.RESUMO - Uma apresentação de brincadeira de faz-de-conta pode ser usada para induzir crianças a criarem um mundo independente, onde os eventos podem ocorrer diferentemente daqueles do mundo empírico, facilitando assim a ocorrência de raciocínio dedutivo com base em premissas contrárias aos fatos (Dias e Harris, 1988a, b, c; no prelo a e b). Analisou-se então, se a criação deste mundo de faz-de-conta proporciona o mesmo efeito em problemas silogísticos que contêm premissas contrárias aos dorhfnios morais ou convencionais. Os resultados mostram que, em nenhuma das três amostras estudadas (crianças brasileiras e inglesas de NSE médio, e crianças brasileiras de orfanatos), houve distinção entre regras morais e convencionais como encontrado por Turiel (1983). O contexto de brincadeira favoreceu, como nos estudos anteriores, o desempenho das crianças inglesas e brasileiras de NSE médio. No entanto, as crianças brasileiras de orfanatos raciocinaram similarmente em ambos os contextos, como acontece quando o conteúdo dos problemas está de acordo com a experiência dos sujeitos (ver Hawkins, Pea, Giick & Scríbner, 1984; Dias e Harris, 1988a, c). Para estas crianças, afirmações que representam violações de regras morais, convencionais ou empíricas para as outras amostras, pareciam ser aceitas como verdades empíricas, facilitando seu desempenho mesmo em problemas apresentados verbalmente, sem necessidade do contexto de brincadeira

    Realidade X Fantasia:: Sua influência no raciocínio dedutivo

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    Many studies have shown the importance of mode ofpresentation in tasks aimed at evaluating cognitive performance.In three experiments concerning the understanding of syllogisticproblems whose content runs counter to subjects' practical worldknowledge, we examined the hypothesis that the presence of thetoys in a make-believe condition, would significantly improve children'sperformance, since encoding of the premisses would be facilitated.Experiments I, II and III showed that, as in the study of Dias& Harris (submited), children's performance was significantly betterwhen the premisses were presented in a make-believe play moderather than in the standard verbal mode. The make-believe contextof play is what facilitates children's reasoning, when the premissesof the problems run counter to their experience.A importância do modo de apresentação das tarefas para avaliar o desempenho cognitivo tem sido enfatizada em muitos estudos. Em três experimentos sobre a compreensão de problemas silogísticos com conteúdos contrários à experiência do dia-a-dia das crianças analisou-se até que ponto a visibilidade de brinquedos durantea tarefa onde brincadeiras eram incluídas, seria um fator fundamental no desempenho na medida' em que favoreceria a memorização das premissas. Os Experimentos I, II e III demonstraram que, como no estudo de Dias e Harris (submetido), o desempenho das crianças era significativamente melhor quando as premissas eram apresentadas dentro de um contexto de brincadeira do que quando eram apresentadas de modo verbal comum. O contexto de faz-de-conta mais do que a visível presença dos brinquedos durante a apresentação é que facilita o raciocínio das crianças quando as premissas dos problemas vão de encontro à suas experiências

    Engagement And Solidarity While Learning

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    2020 and 2021 were difficult years for students attending higher education and secondary education especially if they were preparing to enter higher education. Teaching was adapted, and assessments were the possible ones according to what we lived and experienced. Thus, students need innovative and stimulating teaching and learning practices that motivate and involve them in the teaching/learning processes. Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and digital platforms have seen their indiscriminate use, not without sometimes, teachers and students questioning whether they were being used in the best conceivable way or taken full advantage of. Face-to-face group work and involvement with the needs of colleagues lost some space for achievement and effectiveness. The preference for individual work and the visible reduction in solidarity among colleagues was an issue/question posed at the beginning of this study. An activity was proposed over a semester to students of Statistical Methods from Informatics Engineering. This curricular unit enrols 533 students, 85 on an after-work basis. The objective of this proposal was to create a collaborative learning platform where students could interact with each other within the scope of the curricular unit. Cumulatively, it was an objective that students deepen the topics taught in class, including references provided, and reviewing exercises conducted by their colleagues. Regularly professors corrected the materials proposed by the students. All students who participated had access to all the work developed. The evaluation of students\u27 involvement, collaboration, and solidarity in addition to the results will be discussed and presented
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