59 research outputs found

    Portfólio coletivo reflexivo: ferramenta potencializadora do trabalho em equipe, raciocínio crítico e tomada de decisões Portafolio colectivo reflexivo: herramienta motivadora del trabajo en equipo, pensamiento crítico y toma de decisiones Collective re

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    Objetivo: analisar a experiência de construção de portfólios coletivos reflexivos como ferramenta de ensino, aprendizagem e avaliação, potencializadora do trabalho em equipe, raciocínio crítico e tomada de decisões, no ensino das Políticas de Saúde. Métodos: pesquisa qualitativa utilizando a análise documental de portfólios coletivos (119) e grupos focais (48) construídos na disciplina de Políticas de Saúde. Participou do estudo um total de 1.043 estudantes universitários dos cursos de saúde nos anos de 2008 a 2015 (16 semestres letivos). Resultados: os portfólios estimularam a autonomia, responsabilidade e empoderamento dos estudantes na construção de seus projetos de vida pessoal, social e profissional, com ênfase no trabalho em equipe interdisciplinar, a partir da superação das adversidades com criatividade, crítica e reflexão. Os estudantes desenvolveram, gradativamente, os pensamentos cognitivos e metacognitivos, buscando novas fontes de reflexão, assumindo atitudes mais responsáveis, comprometidas e questionadoras, próprias da juventude

    Ilha Grande, one of the locations with the most records of bat species (Mammalia, Chiroptera) in Rio de Janeiro state: results of a long-term ecological study

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    Faunal inventories provide quantitative and qualitative data for different sites and are relevant sources of information for identifying areas of high species richness and endemism. Biological collections are important in this context for increasing the precision of species identification. The objectives of this study were to update the list of bat species of Ilha Grande by analyzing specimens in zoological collections as well as records obtained in areas where no such studies had been undertaken before; to compare five different studies conducted on Ilha Grande using mist net sampling; and to compare the results of studies on Ilha Grande with sampling results from other areas in Rio de Janeiro state. The occurrence of 36 bat species was confirmed for Ilha Grande. Five studies on Ilha Grande formerly conducted by the authors were compared with 34 fauna inventories in Rio de Janeiro state. The studies on Ilha Grande had distinct objectives and sampling techniques applied to different locations in the same area. Ilha Grande is one of the regions in Rio de Janeiro state with more bat records both in terms of abundance and number of species, as well as one of the areas of highest bat capture effort

    Efect of vitamin A suplementation: a systematic review

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    To evaluate the effect of vitamin A supplementation in postpartum infants and women on serum retinol levels and breast milk. The databases Medline, PubMed, Lilacs and SciELO were consulted. The descriptors used were vitamin A, dietary supplement, child, postpartum period, infant and nutrition programs policies. Search found 7432 articles. After elimination of duplicity and application of eligibility criteria, 8 studies remained. All evaluated the effect of vitamin A supplementation on immediate postpartum, five studies used retinyl palmitate supplementation, one with retinyl palmitate and two did not specify the form of supplementation. Six studies evaluated colostrum and two included supplementation of children. It was found that supplementation in the puerperium increases the concentrations of serum retinol and breast milk, however, this result was in the short term and was relevant when the previous concentrations of the mother were low. When maternal serum concentrations are adequate, the retinol content in milk does not change, with little relevance for children. Further studies should be performed to evaluate the effect of megadoses supplementation on serum concentrations of children.Avaliar o efeito da suplementação de vitamina A, em lactentes e mulheres no pós-parto, nos níveis de retinol sérico e no leite materno. Foram consultadas as bases de dados Medline, PubMed, Lilacs e SciELO. Os descritores utilizados foram: vitamin A, dietary supplement, child, postpartum period, infant e nutrition programs policies. A busca identificou 7432 artigos. Após eliminação da duplicidade e aplicação dos critérios de elegibilidade permaneceram 8 estudos. Todos avaliaram o efeito da suplementação de vitamina A no pós parto imediato, cinco estudos utilizaram a suplementação com retinil palmitato, um com palmitato de retinila e dois não especificaram a forma de suplementação. Seis estudos avaliaram o colostro e dois incluíram a suplementação de crianças. Encontrou-se que a suplementação no puerpério aumenta as concentrações de retinol sérico e do leite materno, no entanto, este resultado foi a curto prazo e foi relevante quando as concentrações prévias da mãe eram baixas. Quando as concentrações séricas maternas encontram-se adequadas, pouco se altera o teor de retinol no leite, tendo pouco relevância para as crianças. Mais estudos devem ser realizados para avaliar o efeito da suplementação com megadoses nas concentrações séricas de crianças

    Aspectos Relacionados à Aplicação de Videoconferências na Educação a Distância: Estudo de Caso da Universidade Virtual do Estado de São Paulo

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    In Distance Education, there are technologies that allow communication between the student and the teacher and/or learning facilitator. Among them, videoconference is included, a synchronous tool that allows real-time contact between participants. Since the implementation of videoconferences at Universidade Virtual do Estado de São Paulo, there have been no studies showing their impact on the learning process. Therefore, this work aimed to identify and analyze aspects related to the application of videoconferences, such as their offer and dissemination and the participation and interaction of students. For this purpose, responses provided by the facilitators after their video conferences were used, covering questions such as: academic week, day of the week and time of the video conference, disclosure of the date, number of students present and type of interaction established. 41 subjects were offered between October and December 2019, during which 2,368 videoconferences were held. The distribution of videoconferences between disciplines was not homogeneous and there was a low number of participants (6,112) in relation to the number of students enrolled (41,221). The preference for conducting videoconferences was on Mondays and on the night shift, being the use of chat and the microphone the most used forms of interaction. The initial and final academic weeks had the lowest offers of videoconferences, but there was a tendency to increase participation as the weekly content was being fulfilled. Therefore, there is a need for change in this scenario of synchronous communication, such as the implementation of strategies that encourage student participation and interaction in videoconferences. Keywords: On-line education. Educational technology. Active methodologies. Virtual interaction. Synchronous communicationNa Educação a Distância, existem tecnologias que permitem a comunicação entre o aluno e o professor e/ou facilitador de aprendizagem. Dentre elas, inclui-se a videoconferência, ferramenta síncrona que possibilita o contato em tempo real entre os participantes. Desde a implantação das videoconferências na Universidade Virtual do Estado de São Paulo, não ocorreram estudos que mostrassem seu impacto no processo de aprendizagem. Portanto, este trabalho objetivou identificar e analisar aspectos relacionados à aplicação de videoconferências, como sua oferta e divulgação e a participação e interação dos alunos. Para tanto, foram utilizadas respostas fornecidas pelos facilitadores após a realização de suas videoconferências, abrangendo questões como: semana letiva, dia da semana e horário de realização da videoconferência, divulgação da data, quantidade de alunos presentes e tipo de interação estabelecida. Foram compreendidas 41 disciplinas ofertadas entre outubro e dezembro de 2019, período em que foram realizadas 2.368 videoconferências. A distribuição das videoconferências entre as disciplinas não foi equitativa e houve baixa quantidade de participações (6.112) em relação ao número de alunos matriculados (41.221). A preferência para realização das videoconferências foi às segundas-feiras e no turno da noite, sendo o uso de bate-papo e do microfone as formas de interação mais utilizadas. As semanas letivas iniciais e finais tiveram as menores ofertas de videoconferências, mas constatou-se uma tendência de aumento de participações conforme os conteúdos semanais iam sendo cumpridos. Portanto, verifica-se a necessidade de mudança neste cenário da comunicação síncrona, como a implementação de estratégias que incentivem a participação e interação dos alunos nas videoconferências. Palavras-chave: Educação on-line. Tecnologia educacional. Metodologias ativas. Interação virtual. Comunicação síncron

    Saúde da família: desafios no processo de reorientação do modelo assistencial

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    O Programa Saúde da Família (PSF) constitui-se em uma estratégia de reformulação do modelo assistencial de saúde no Brasil. Este estudo tem como objetivo refletir sobre os desafios desta estratégia quanto às práticas de saúde no contexto da atenção primária. Foi realizado um estudo bibliográfico, 90 artigos foram selecionados, sendo 50 considerados de maior interesse. Após quatorze anos de existência, surgem questionamentos quanto ao papel do PSF, suas estruturas continuam permeáveis ao modelo hegemônico que corrompe o processo de trabalho cotidiano. Mudanças nas práticas de saúde, especialmente, no que tange a produção de cuidados, são necessárias e este processo de reconstrução implica muito labor. No entanto, possibilita a construção de práticas de saúde mais solidárias, acolhedoras e conseqüentemente mais resolutivas.The Family Health Program (PSF) constitutes a strategy for reformulating the health assistance model in Brazil. This study was carried out to ponder over the challenges of this strategy concerning to health practices in the primary care context. After existing for more than twelve years, there appear questionings related to the paper of PSF in the reformulation of the way to think and promote health, and their structures remain permeable to the traditional hegemonic model that corrupts the daily work process. Some changes and reconstruction are necessary in the health practices concerning to care production based on light, relational and integrate technologies that are centered on users’ needs. Although the deconstruction/reconstruction process implicates much labor, the advantage in overcoming the challenges faced by PSF rather leads to the transformation of reality and to construction of health practices that are solidary, welcoming, and resolvent

    Prevalence of Diabetes Mellitus among individuals with chronic kidney disease: systematic review and meta-analysis

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    BACKGROUND: Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is currently considered a global epidemic, with alarming estimates for the coming years on all continents, with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) as one of its main consequences when a timely diagnosis is not made. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study is to estimate the prevalence of DM among individuals diagnosed with CKD by means of a systematic review and meta-analysis. METHODS: A systematic review was carried out in the main free-access databases such as Pubmed (Medlaine), Lilacs, Scopus and Scielo. Two researchers selected the articles, extracted the data and evaluated the quality. The collected data were evaluated using a random effects model. RESULTS: Of 994 articles, 17 studies were included that looked at three continents. The group prevalence of DM among individuals with CKD (95% CI) was 29% (23-35%), with heterogeneity I2 = 99,86% and p = 0.00, which was not explained by meta-regression and subgroups. CONCLUSIONS: The present study confirmed the high prevalence of DM among individuals with CKD, especially among those with end-stage renal disease, demonstrating the need for early diagnosis and timely treatment of DM and new studies in this area, considering the social and economic impact of these diseases worldwide

    Cognitive competence: comparing learning between traditional classroom and active classroom

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    INTRODUCTION: The new student profile has required new formats of teaching and learning, with interconnected knowledge based on a pedagogical practice founded on reflection OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to analyze how students evaluate what they learned using the of the Concept Map associated with the Inverted Classroom in the teaching, learning and assessment process compared to the Traditional Classroom. METHODS AND MATERIALS: A cross-sectional study carried out with 90 students at a public university in Brazil in the years of 2016 to 2018. For data collection the authors used a high reliability tool based on the Likert scale of 4 points containing questions regarding the competences to be developed by the students. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov normality test was performed and the Wilcoxon test was used to identify the differences between the two methods. The level of significance was 5%. RESULTS: The mean attributed to each of the two investigated methods was significantly higher (p <0.001) in the Concept Map with Flipped Classroom (3.38) than in the Traditional Classroom (2.75). CONCLUSIONS: While the Concept Map favors the process of meaningful learning with comprehension, integration and assimilation of content in an autonomous and co-responsible form by the students, the Traditional Classroom is based on the passive memorization of the content given by the teachers. Because of this, it is suggested that, the Concept Map with a Flipped Classroom according to the perception of the students was more effective when compared to the Traditional Classroom, by providing the assimilation, interpretation and integration of the contents