32 research outputs found

    CSR practices and labor retention: how can these variables be related?

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    A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and EconomicsCompanies offer volunteering activities and training & development for several reasons but mainly because it is an investment that can have a great impact in one variable with major importance within every company: labor retention, once socially responsible companies are likely viewed as better companies to work with and which value more their employees and their interests and values. Using survey information collected from 100 business professionals, this exploratory study proposed that the investment in both company-sponsored volunteering and training & development will have a positive impact in affective commitment and organizational identification that as last result will reduce the employees’ turnover intentions and consequently there will be a higher retention rate of employees in the company. This is crucial for companies nowadays because it is a competitive advantage which makes them stand out from others, once these socially responsible companies are able to keep their employees trained and with values aligned with the ones that characterize the company, getting positive outcomes from the investment they are making in human capital. Using a sample of 65 employees from different industries and roles within the company, results indicated that these CSR measures have a statistically significant impact on turnover intentions and, by consequence on labor retention

    The use of technology in Portuguese hospitals: The case of MRI

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    A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Economics from the NOVA – School of Business and EconomicsWe study the determinants of MRI use across Portuguese NHS hospitals for patients belonging to specific DRGs. Using data on individual hospital admissions, we estimate a probit model including individual-, hospital-, time- and region-specific variables in order to explain the probability of a patient being sent for MRI. Results convey a tightening effect on the hospital’s budget constraint in the end of each year. Hospitals seem to account for regional characteristics when defining adoption patterns. Individual-specific variables are good predictors of MRI use. Measures taken by the Government only impact the short run. Finally, the gains from an MRI scan, as far as the probability of death is concerned, occur mainly for less severe patients

    Physical exercise and functional fitness of older adults in day care center

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    Poster presented at the 2nd International Congress of CiiEM - Translational Research and Innovation in Human and Health Science. 11-13 June, 2017, Campus Egas Moniz, Monte de Caparica, Portugal.N/


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    This work aimed to evaluate the host response of twelve wheat genotypes to Pratylenchus brachyurus and Meloidogyne javanica in two distinct periods. Tests were carried out in greenhouse with an initial population of 1,200 nematodes per pot, each containing 700 mL substrate and seven wheat seedlings. Evaluation was done at 60 and 83 days after inoculation in the first and the second experiment, respectively. At 60 days after inoculation with P. brachyurus, all cultivars were resistant to the nematode, presenting reproduction factor RF 1. At 83 days, cv. Gralha Azul, in addition to those already mentioned, presented RF>1. The cultivars BRS Gaivota and IPR 85 were susceptible to M. javanica in both experiments. It was concluded that the twelve wheat genotypes presented different host responses to the studied nematodes and most of them were susceptible.

    Plano de ação de unidade de cuidados na Comunidade (UCC) do Concelho de Alandroal

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    O Estágio que serviu de base a este relatório define-se como um processo de aprendizagem que implica a aquisição e consolidação dos conhecimentos e competências de Enfermeiro Especialista e o aperfeiçoamento e capacidade de raciocinar e resolver problemas em Enfermagem Comunitária. De acordo com o previsto no n.º 2 do Artigo 7º, do Decreto-lei n.º 28/2008, de 22 de Fevereiro, “em cada Centro de Saúde funciona, pelo menos, uma Unidade de Saúde familiar (USF) ou Unidade de Cuidados de Saúde Personalizados (UCSP) e uma Unidade de Cuidados na Comunidade (UCC) ou serviços desta.”. No Centro de Saúde de Alandroal não está constituída uma Unidade de Cuidados na Comunidade. Este Funciona apenas como uma UCSP. Este trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo geral de elaborar um Plano de Ação de UCC para o concelho de Alandroal que suporte a candidatura à Administração Regional de Saúde IP e definiram-se como objetivos específicos: reunir contributos para o diagnóstico social e de saúde do concelho de Alandroal; definir prioridades de atuação tendo por base o levantamento das necessidades de saúde e sociais; fixar os objetivos do plano de ação da UCC; selecionar as estratégias do plano de ação da UCC; preparar operacionalmente o plano de ação da UCC; e definir os indicadores de avaliação do plano de ação da UCC. O trabalho desenvolvido teve por base o “ Planeamento em Saúde” o que pressupôs estruturar o Plano de Ação da UCC de uma forma planeada e participada com a coresponsabilização dos diversos parceiros.;## ABSTRACT Action Plan for the Community Care Unit of the Municipality of Alandroal This report is based on an internship that defines itself as a learning process which implies the Specialist’s knowledge and abilities, as well as the improvement and capacity of thinking and solving problems, in Community Nursing. According to what is established by nº 2, Article 7th, from the Decree-Law nº 28/ 2008, of February 22, “on each Health Centre it works, at least, a FHU (Family Health Unit) or a PHCU (Personalized Health Care Unit) and a CCU (Community Care Unit) or its services.” There is no constituted UCC in Alandroal’s health centre, it works only as a PHCU. This work was done with the general aim of creating an action plan for a UCC to the municipality, that could be able to support, regarding the application to the Regional Health Department IP, and there were settled the following specific aims: to gather contributes to the social and health diagnosis of the municipality of Alandroal; to define acting priorities according to the social and health needs. For the UCC action plan the goals were: to set the objectives; to select strategies; to prepare and set operational the plan; and to define its evaluation indicators. The developed work was based in the “Planning in Health”, which supposes to structure the UCC action plan in a planned and shared way with the implication of the different partners

    Avaliação da insatisfação corporal e da auto-estima em crianças e adolescentes com diagnóstico de obesidade vs uma comunidade escolar

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    A insatisfação corporal (IC) pode ser um factor de risco importante no desenvolvimento debaixa auto-estima (AE), depressão e alterações de comportamento alimentar. O objectivo dotrabalho é avaliar a IC e AE de crianças/adolescentes com diagnóstico de obesidade vs umacomunidade escolar.Foram avaliados dois grupos: Grupo Controle (GC=40) e Grupo Experimental (GE=40). A ICfoi determinada pela diferença entre a Imagem Corporal (IC) que considera que tem e a ICque gostaria de ter. A AE foi avaliada com questionário de 10 itens adaptado por Bachman eO'Malley da escala de AE de Rosenberg. Regista-se uma elevada insatisfação corporal emambos os grupos, mais marcada no grupo GE e neste mais acentuado no sexo masculino(p=0,032). Crianças/adolescentes de ambos os grupos apresentam scores de auto-estimamédios (26≤score<36): GE (Criança/adolescente=77,5%) e GC (Criança/adolecente=92,5%),registando-se uma baixa auto-estima (scores<26) em 19% do sexo masculino e 15,8% dosexo feminino do GE. Verifica-se uma correlação inversa entre a insatisfação corporal e o scorede auto-estima: GE: (r=-0,138,p=0,394) e GC: (r=-0,099, p=0,542). A avaliação da insatisfaçãoda imagem corporal e da auto-estima pode ser uma mais valia na abordagem e tratamentoda obesidade em idade pediátrica

    Perceptions of pregnancy in pregnant adolescents

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    Objectives: identifying the perceptions of pregnancy in pregnant adolescents from a Family Health Basic Unit in São Vicente do Serido - PB; investigating how adolescents face body changes during gestation; and the importance of prenatal care. Method: a descriptive, exploratory study with a qualitative approach using the Analysis of Discourse of the Collective Subject Technique. Results: there were detected the repercussions of pregnancy for the adolescent's life in family relationships and the representation of prenatal consultations during this period. The adolescents faced pregnancy naturally, adapting themselves and facing changes caused by the precocious pregnancy, showing interest during prenatal consultations and having family support. Conclusion: precocious pregnancy brought new experiences for the pregnant adolescents who need family support, prenatal care and health education, in order to better face this stage of life

    Perceptions of pregnancy in pregnant adolescents

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    Objetivo: Identificar os impactos e percepções da gravidez em gestantes adolescentes de uma Unidade Básica de Saúde da Família no Município de São Vicente do Seridó-PB. Método: Estudo descritivo, exploratório, com abordagem qualitativa subsidiado pela Técnica de Análise do Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo, aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética da Universidade Estadual da Paraíba sob protocolo 0312.0.133.000-12. Resultados: Detectou-se as repercussões da gravidez na vida da adolescente, seu impacto nas relações familiares e a representação das consultas pré-natais nesse período. As adolescentes procuraram encarar a gravidez naturalmente, adaptando-se e encarando os impactos causados pela gravidez precoce, demonstrando interesse pelas consultas pré-natais e dispondo em sua maioria, do apoio familiar.  Conclusão: A gravidez precoce trouxe impactos e novas experiências para a vida das gestantes, que necessitam de apoio familiar, do acompanhamento pré-natal e da educação em saúde para melhor enfrentarem essa etapa de vida.Descritores:Saúde da Mulher, Gravidez na Adolescência, Pré-Natal

    An overview of visceral leishmaniasis in the city of Gurupi, south region of Tocantins

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    Visceral leishmaniasis (VL) is an endemic disease in the region of Gurupi, with higher prevalence in the pediatric age group, aggravated by the high morbidity and low prophylaxis and prevention strategies of this anthropozoonosis. Objective: To characterize the data reported in the municipality of Gurupi - TO in the years 2013 to 2020 and to outline the epidemiological profile of the disease by determining the risk factors for high prevalence of the disease in this locality. Methods: This is a cross-sectional descriptive epidemiological research, retrospective and documental based, extracted from the database of SINAN (Notifiable Diseases Information System) of Gurupi in the interval between 2013 and 2020. Evaluative questionnaires were applied to all patients notified and found, analyzing the variables described in the study and subsequent statistical application of the chi-square test. Results: In the city of Gurupi, the most affected age group was between 2 and 9 years (37.29%); the most affected gender was male (66.10%); the year of highest prevalence was the year 2017 a total of 37.28% of cases in the analyzed period; and the location of highest prevalence in the municipality were the neighborhoods farthest from the city center.&nbsp; As for the probable sites for contamination, most people point to their own home as a source of contamination. Conclusion: The epidemiological cut shows the prevalence of VL in the city of Gurupi and highlights the need for preventive intervention protocols for the prevention of the disease in endemic areas to decrease morbidity and mortality and control the number of cases