11 research outputs found


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    Abstract. The aim of this study was to describe the improvement of the students’ achievement in speaking by Role Playing at Drama lesson at English department at Faculty of Teacher Training and Education University of Muhammadiyah of North Sumatra.   The specific aim was how using to apply role play in studying drama and how the role play method can improve the students’ achievement in speaking. This research was used an action research that used two cycles. The subject of the study was 42 students at Academic 2015 – 2016 from English Department.  The instrument of research was speaking test, questioners and observation to collect the data. Technique for collecting data was descriptive qualitative and quantitative. Technique for analyzing data was used descriptive which describe the finding of research which used some tables, frequency which was benefit to describe the achievements of the students in speaking from pre-test, and cycle 1 up to cycle 2. The finding of research was the students’ achievement in speaking were good by using Role playing which conducted one semester. Based on the data, the students’ achievements got improvement in every cycle. The students got A was 23.8 %, B/A and B 76,1 % and there were not students got C/B and  D and E. It meant the indicators of this research could achieve by using Role playing at drama lesson when we compared with conventional method. The study by using role playing is more interested than conventional method. Key words: Improvement, Speaking Achievement, Role Pla


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    This study aims to: 1) Analyze the application of integrated learning model of type connected in reminding creativity and students' learning ability; 2) Analyze student response after application of connected learning model; 3) Evaluate students' creativity and learning ability after applied learning model. This research was conducted at University of Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara. The study was conducted in two years. The first year starts from November 2016 to July 2017 and continues the second year beginning in September 2017 until May 2018. Data are collected from observations and questionnaires. Data analysis is done by finding mean, mastery, ability and creativity of students. The results showed that integrated learning method type connected can increase creativity, generate positive responses to learning and improve student learning abilit

    Ananalysis Of The Students’ Error In Writing Descriptive Text

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    This study deals with an analysis on students’ errors in writing Decsriptive text. The objectives of this study were  to find out the kinds of error made by students in writing descriptive text, and to find out the most dominant kinds of error made by students in writing descriptive text. This study was conducted at SMP SWASTA BUDI SETIA SUNGGAL with the number of population was 175 students of eight grade students. They were into five classes. By using random sampling was conducted to take the sample of research. The total sample was 35 students of eight grade students. Written test as the instrument was used in this research. The method of the research was descriptive quantitative method. The research of this study is only one week. The result of the test showed that there were four types of error in writing. They were omission, addition, misformation and misordering. The dominant types of error in writing descriptive text was omission with 86 or 43% error, then misformation with 45 or 22.5%. Next misordering error with 39 or 19.5%. And the last addition error with 30 or 15%. The cause of error found in students” writing text, they were intralingual interference, interlingual interference and carelessness.Key Word :Error Analysis,Writing,Descriptive Text


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    This research deals with Interjection in Tangled movie script. The objectives of this research are to find out the form of interjection used in tangled movie script, to identify the meaning of interjection used in Tangled movie script. This research was conducted by using descriptive qualitative method and it was taken place in the library of UMSU. The data of this research was taken from movie and transcript Tangled movie. The steps of analyzing the data were watched the movie, reading the script, Finding the form of Interjection from the dialogue in the script, Identifying the meaning of interjection based on theory. The result of this research, There were various of interjection used in the Tangled  movie script.  The total number of interjection in the Tangled movie script is 115 forms and 22 types of meanings of interjection. They are; Wonder (3), Acceptance (24) , Delight (4), Triumph (4),  Fear (13) , Admiration (6), Surprise (7), Greeting (8),Pleasure (1) , Dismay (4), Silance (3), Pain (6), Enthusiasm (1) , Confusion (7),Relief (6), Approval (3), Disguist (2), Annoyance (1), Joy (1), Upset (1), Attantion (2) , Anger (2). The most dominant type of meaning of interjection is Acceptance

    Bandicam: Alternatif Media Pembelajaran Interaktif dan Komunikatif di Masa Pandemi Covid 19

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    This activity is Bandicam-based learning media workshop for teacher aims to elevate the competence of teachers in utilizing online learning media in order to create more interesting/interactive/communicative teaching and learning activities, particularly during the Covid 19 pandemic. In an effort to realize this goal, this activity is carried out in collaboration with partner schools through socialization method and workshop. Based on the results, the teachers reveal that this activity was very benefeted for them in enriching the insight and creativity of the teachers to apply more interesting and interactive learning media for online learning so that students would become more motivated and enthusiastic in participating in learning. It is indicated from the ability of teachers to produce learning videos that are quite interesting and communicative through the Bandicam application

    Description of Toddler Mother's Knowledge of Stunting in Forestry Hamlet, Secanggang Village, Langkat District

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    Background:  Lack of nutritional intake is a significant factor causing stunting in children, affecting their growth and development. The role of maternal knowledge and parenting practices is crucial in preventing stunting.Objective: In This study aims to determine the relationship between maternal knowledge and stunting in toddlers in Forestry Hamlet, Secanggang Village, Langkat Regency.Methods: A descriptive quantitative research design was employed. Data were collected using questionnaires from a sample of 30 mothers of toddlers. The study analyzed the knowledge levels of these mothers regarding stunting.Results: The analysis revealed that 70% of mothers had good knowledge, 26.7% had sufficient knowledge, and 3.3% had poor knowledge about stunting. The findings suggest that higher education levels among mothers are associated with better knowledge about preventing stunting.Conclusion: There is a significant relationship between maternal knowledge and the incidence of stunting in toddlers. Enhancing health education and promoting better understanding of toddler nutrition among mothers can contribute to reducing stunting rates. Health services and authorities should focus on disseminating information through various media to improve maternal knowledge and practices related to child nutrition


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    This study aimed to describe the improvement of the students’ achievement in speaking by Role Playing at Drama lesson at English department at Faculty of Teacher Training and Education University of Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara. The specific aim was how using to apply role play in studying drama and how the role play method can improve the students’ achievement in speaking. This research was used an action research that used two cycles. The subject of the study was 42 students at Academic 2015 – 2016 from English Department. The instrument of research was speaking test, questioners and observation to collect the data. Technique for collecting data was descriptive qualitative and quantitative. Technique for analyzing data was used descriptive which describe the finding of research which used some tables, frequency which was benefit to describe the achievements of the students in speaking from pre-test, and cycle 1 up to cycle 2. The finding of research was the students’ achievement in speaking were good by using Role playing which conducted one semester. Based on the data, the students’ achievements got improvement in every cycle. The students got A was 23.8 %, B/A and B 76, 1 % and there were not students got C/B and D and E. It meant the indicators of this research could achieve by using Role playing at drama lesson when we compared with conventional method. The study by using role playing is more interested than conventional method


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    This study aims to: 1) Analyze the application of integrated learning model of type connected in reminding creativity and students' learning ability; 2) Analyze student response after application of connected learning model; 3) Evaluate students' creativity and learning ability after applied learning model. This research was conducted at University of Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara. The study was conducted in two years. The first year starts from November 2016 to July 2017 and continues the second year beginning in September 2017 until May 2018. Data are collected from observations and questionnaires. Data analysis is done by finding mean, mastery, ability and creativity of students. The results showed that integrated learning method type connected can increase creativity, generate positive responses to learning and improve student learning abilit