473 research outputs found

    T cell subpopulations in the physiopathology of fibromyalgia : Evidence and perspectives

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    Fibromyalgia is one of the most important \u201crheumatic\u201d disorders, after osteoarthritis. The etiology of the disease is still not clear. At the moment, the most defined pathological mechanism is the alteration of central pain pathways, and emotional conditions can trigger or worsen symptoms. Increasing evidence supports the role of mast cells in maintaining pain conditions such as musculoskeletal pain and central sensitization. Importantly, mast cells can mediate microglia activation through the production of proinflammatory cytokines such as IL-1\u3b2, IL-6, and TNF\u251. In addition, levels of chemokines and proinflammatory cytokines are enhanced in serum and could contribute to inflammation at systemic level. Despite the well-characterized relationship between the nervous system and inflammation, the mechanism that links the different pathological features of fibromyalgia, including stress-related manifestations, central sensitization, and dysregulation of the innate and adaptive immune responses is largely unknown. This review aims to provide an overview of the current understanding of the role of adaptive immune cells, in particular T cells, in the physiopathology of fibromyalgia. It also aims at linking the latest advances emerging from basic science to envisage new perspectives to explain the role of T cells in interconnecting the psychological, neurological, and inflammatory symptoms of fibromyalgia

    Food and the Growth of Introduced Milkfish, Chanos Chanos (Forsskal, 1775) in Sermo Reservoir, Kulon Progo

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    Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengkaji makanan dan pertumbuhan ikan bandeng tebaran di waduk Sermo Kabupaten Kulon Progo. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menebar yuwana ikan bandeng yang panjang tubuh berkisar 5-7 cm dan bo-bot 0,6-1,0 g ke perairan Waduk Sermo sebanyak 10.000 ekor. Sampling ikan bandeng menggunakan jaring insang dilakukan tiap bulan sekali dari Mei sampai Oktober 2015. Ikan bandeng yang terjerat jaring dibawa ke laboratorium untuk diukur panjang, ditimbang bobot individu, dan dilakukan pembedahan untuk diambil saluran pencernaannya. Sampling plankton dilakukan dengan mengambil air permukaan menggunakan ember dan menyaring dengan plankton net, kemudian diawetkan dalam larutan formalin hingga identifikasi dan penghitungan jenisnya. Data dianalisis untuk me-nentukan jenis makanan dan pemilihan makanan, laju pertumbuhan, panjang usus relatif, dan hubungan panjang bobot. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan panjang usus relatif ikan bandeng sebesar 5,4-6,4 yang dikategorikan sebagai ikan herbi-vora. Jenis makanan yang ditemukan pada ikan berukuran 15 cm. Proporsi zooplankton pada usus ikan semakin banyak seiring ukuran ikan bandeng. Jenis fitoplankton yang ditemukan dominan pada saluran pencernaan adalah Nitzschia sp., sedangkan zooplankton adalah Cyclop sp. dan Diaptomus sp. Yuwana ikan bandeng dapat tumbuh baik di kawasan Waduk Sermo. Laju pertumbuhan panjang harian berkisar 0,0084 - 0,2056 cm, sedangkan laju pertumbuhan bobot harian berkisar 0,06301,1182 g. Hubungan panjang bobot ikan bandeng membentuk persamaan W=0,0069 L 3,0186 dengan indeks regresi R2=0,98, sehingga ikan bandeng cenderung memiliki pola pertumbuhan isometrik. Penelitian lebih lanjut diperlukan untuk mengetahui dampak introduksi ikan bandeng pada komunitas ikan di Waduk Sermo

    Cross-immunization against respiratory coronaviruses may protect children from SARS-CoV2: more than a simple hypothesis?

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    In January 2020, a new coronavirus was identified as responsible for a pandemic acute respiratory syndrome. The virus demonstrated a high infectious capability and not-neglectable mortality in humans. However, similarly to previous SARS and MERS, the new disease COVID-19 caused by SARS-CoV-2 seemed to relatively spare children and younger adults. Some hypotheses have been proposed to explain the phenomenon, including lower ACE2 expression in children, cross-immunization from measles/rubella/mumps and BCG-vaccination, as well as the integrity of respiratory mucosa. Herein, we hypothesize that an additional mechanism might contribute to children\u2019s relative protection from SARS-CoV-2, the cross-immunization conferred by previous exposures to other common respiratory coronaviruses. To support our hypothesis, we show a statistically significant similarity in genomic and protein sequences, including epitopes for B- and T-cell immunity, of SARS-CoV-2 and the other beta coronaviruses. Since these coronaviruses are highly diffused across pediatric populations, cross-reactive immunity might reasonably induce an at least partial protection from SARS-CoV-2 in children

    The Effect of Health Promotion by Indonesian Breastfeeding Association on Exclusive Breastfeeding in Surabaya City, East Java

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    Background: Deaths of an estimated 820,000 children under the age of five could be prevented globally every year with increased breastfeeding. Breastfeeding decreases the risk of respiratory tract infections and diarrhea, both in developing and developed countries. Other benefits include lower risks of asthma, food allergies, celiac disease, type 1 diabetes, and leukemia. Breast­feeding may also improve cognitive development and decrease the risk of obesity in adulthood. In Indonesia, exclusive breastfeeding has not reached the desired target. Health promotion by Indonesian Breastfeeding Association (AIMI) participation is one way to increase exclusive breastfeeding coverage. This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of health promotion through the Association of Indonesian Breastfeeding Mothers (AIMI) in increasing coverage of exclusive breastfeeding in Surabaya, East Java, using PRECEDE-PROCEED model. Subjects and Method: This was a cohort retrospective study conducted at AIMI Surabaya branch office and 6 community health centers in Surabaya, East Java, from December 2017 and January 2018. A total sample of 120 lactating mothers was selected for this study by simple random sampling. The dependent variable was breastfeeding. The independent variables were AIMI participation, maternal knowledge, maternal education, maternal attitude, family support, and peer support. The data were collected by questionnaire and analyzed by path analysis. Results: Exclusive breastfeeding directly increased with AIMI participation (b= 1.02; 95% CI= -0.19 to 2.24; p= 0.101), better maternal knowledge (b= 1.48; 95% CI= 0.15 to 2.79; p=0.029), positive maternal attitude (b= 2.22; 95% CI= 1.03 to 3.38; p<0.001), and stronger family support (b= 2.69; 95% CI= 1.25 to 4.11; p<0.001). Exclusive breastfeeding indirectly increased with higher maternal education and strong peer support. Conclusion: Exclusive breastfeeding increases with AIMI participation, better maternal knowledge, positive maternal attitude, and stronger family support. Exclusive breastfeeding indirectly increases with higher maternal education and strong peer support. Keywords: exclusive breastfeeding, PRECEDE-PROCEED model, Indonesian Breastfeeding Association (AIMI

    Effectiveness of Health Promotion by Indonesian Breastfeeding Association in Increasing Exclusive Breastfeeding Coverage in Surabaya City, East Java

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    Background: Breastfeeding is essential for health, development, and child survival by preventing child illness. However, exclusive breastfeeding has not reached the desired target. Health promotion by Indonesian Breastfeeding Association (AIMI) participation is one way to increase exclusive breastfeeding coverage. There are several causative factors that influence exclusive breastfeeding, which can be explained by the PRECEDE-PROCEED model. This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of health promotion through the Association of Indonesian Breastfeeding Mothers (AIMI) in increasing coverage of exclusive breastfeeding in Surabaya, East Java.Subjects and Method: This was an analytic observational study with a cohort retrospective design. The study was conducted at AIMI Surabaya branch office and 6 community health centers in Surabaya, East Java, from December 2017 and January 2018. A total sample of 120 lactating mothers was selected for this study by simple random sampling. The dependent variable was breastfeeding. The independent variables were AIMI participation, maternal knowledge, maternal education, maternal attitude, family support, and peer support. The data were collected by questionnaire and analyzed by path analysis.Results: Exclusive breastfeeding increased with AIMI participation (b= 1.02; 95% CI= -0.19 to 2.24; p=0.101), better maternal knowledge (b= 1.48; 95% CI= 0.15 to 2.79; p=0.029), positive maternal attitude (b= 2.22; 95% CI= 1.03 to 3.38; p<0.001), and stronger family support (b= 2.69; 95% CI= 1.25 to 4.11; p<0.001). Maternal attitude increased with AIMI participation (b= 0.69; 95% CI= -0.18 to 1.57; p=0.116), better maternal knowledge (b= 1.56; 95% CI= 0.72 to 2.39; p<0.001), and higher maternal education (b= 0.71; 95% CI= -0.11 to 1.52; p=0.089). AIMI participation increased with higher education (b= 1.07; 95% CI= 0.26 to 1.87; p=0.009). Family support increased with stronger peer support (b= 2.24; 95% CI= 0.73 to 3.75; p=0.004).Conclusion: Exclusive breastfeeding increases with AIMI participation, better maternal knowledge, positive maternal attitude, and stronger family support.Keywords: exclusive breastfeeding, PRECEDE-PROCEED model, Indonesian Breastfeeding Association (AIMI)Correspondence: Diani Octaviyanti Handajani. Masters Program in Public Health, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Jl. Ir. Sutami 36 A, Surakarta 57126, Central Java. Email: [email protected]. Mobile: +628563328666Journal of Health Promotion and Behavior (2018), 3(1): 1-15https://doi.org/10.26911/thejhpb.2018.03.01.0

    Sosialisasi HIV atau AIDS dalam Kehamilan di RT 27 RW 10 Lingkungan Tirtoudan Kelurahan Tosaren Kecamatan Pesantren Kota Kediri

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    Tujuan Pengabdian Masyarakat (PM) ini adalah memberikan informasi kesehatan mengenai HIV atau AIDS dalam kehamilan yang dapat membahayakan bayi apabila tidak mengetahui cara penanganannya dan diharapkan masyarakat tidak memberikan stigma buruk kepada penderita HIV serta menjauhi penyebab-penyebab yang dapat menjadi HIV atau AIDS. Metode yang dilakukan adalah penyuluhan kepada ibu-ibu yang berpengaruh terhadap tertularnya HIV atau AIDS ke bayi dengan memberikan Terapi ARV ( Anti Retroviral&nbsp; ) sehingga dapat menekan viral load, meningkatkan kesehatan ibu hamil yang positif HIV, dan mengurangi kemungkinan penularan dari ibu ke anak. Pengobatan saat ini merekomendasikan bahwa semua perempuan hamil harus mulai Terapi ARV pada trisemester kedua. Kegiatan PM ini menunjukkan bahwa beberapa hal seperti, nutrisi, kelahiran bayi, penatalaksanaan post partum serta saat menyusui pada ibu juga sangat berpengaruh terhadap perkembangan bayi agar tidak terular HIV

    Hypolipidaemic and anti-atherosclerotic effects of lupin proteins in a rabbit model

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    The biological activities of a protein isolate from lupin (Lupinus albus) were studied in a rabbit model of atherosclerosis. Focal plaque development was induced at both common carotid arteries by perivascular injury. After surgery. animals were fed three different diets for 90d, all with 1% cholesterol. 15 % SFA and 20 % protein: the protein source was casein (CAS), lupin proteins (LUP) or 50 % CAS + 50 % LUP (CAS + LUP). Lower cholesterolaemia was detected in the LUP v. the CAS group at 60 and 90 d of treatment (- 40.3 and - 33-5 %, respectively; P<0-05). Cryosection analyses of the carotids indicated a significant reduction in focal lesion progression in the LUP v. the CAS group (-37.4%; P<0.05). In summary. in a rabbit model of atherosclerosis. a protein isolate from L. albus reduced cholesterolaemia and exerted a remarkable protective activity against atherosclerosis progression
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