263 research outputs found

    What Shall we do with the Negro?: The Freedmen\u27s Bureau in Texas

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    Left Behind By Design: Proficiency Counts and Test-Based Accountability

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    Many test-based accountability systems, including the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB), place great weight on the numbers of students who score at or above specified proficiency levels in various subjects. Accountability systems based on these metrics often provide incentives for teachers and principals to target children near current proficiency levels for extra attention, but these same systems provide weak incentives to devote extra attention to students who are clearly proficient already or who have little chance of becoming proficient in the near term. We show based on fifth grade test scores from the Chicago Public Schools that both the introduction of NCLB in 2002 and the introduction of similar district level reforms in 1996 generated noteworthy increases in reading and math scores among students in the middle of the achievement distribution. Nonetheless, the least academically advantaged students in Chicago did not score higher in math or reading following the introduction of accountability, and we find only mixed evidence of score gains among the most advantaged students. A large existing literature argues that accountability systems built around standardized tests greatly affect the amount of time that teachers devote to different topics. Our results for fifth graders in Chicago, as well as related results for sixth graders after the 1996 reform, suggest that the choice of the proficiency standard in such accountability systems determines the amount of time that teachers devote to students of different ability levels.

    CLA Final Report

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    Online Mental Health Information Behaviours of Emerging Adults: A Web Usability and User Experience Study

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    This study aims to employ usability study technologies to learn how emerging adults interact online with mental health information

    Equal Care, Unequal Outcomes: Experiences of a REACH 2010 Community

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    Diabetes is growing in prevalence and costs. Guidelines for care have been available since 1983, yet diabetes care and outcomes remain less than ideal. CDC’s Racial and Ethnic Approaches to Community Health 2010 (REACH 2010) identified diabetes in African Americans as a priority for action. This article documents the activities, interventions, and current progress of the REACH 2010 diabetes coalition formed in Charleston and Georgetown counties, South Carolina, in reducing health care disparities and describes next steps for improving outcomes. The Chronic Care Model guided many of the implementation activities, and chart audits were used to document outcomes. Ambulatory care visits (N = 1522) between 2000 and 2004 were reviewed. Significant progress has been made in reducing disparities in process measures, but similar reductions for intermediate outcomes have not been observed

    Evaluating Learning for the Multiple Constituencies of Higher Education: A Call for Action, A Call for Research

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    [EN] This paper explores the rapidly changing world of higher education and the need for different ways to identify learner outcomes and evaluate student learning. In recent years, higher education has experienced significant demographic shifts in student populations. These shifts were the result of numerous variables including the increasing cost of higher education, the demand from business and industry to get people into high-demand occupations faster, and the decreasing number of individuals choosing post-secondary education immediately following high school. The year 2020 brought unprecedented challenges to the world with the pandemic caused by the coronavirus known as COVID-19. The pandemic accelerated the change that was already taking place in higher education. From how education was delivered to where it was delivered, higher education was forced to rapidly change a centuries-old model. This paper explores a tier one research university’s response to the changes in higher education by employing a proven process of mapping learning outcomes, assessing both new and prior learning using innovative technology, issuing microcredentials, and working with policymakers and employers to meet workforce demands.Debacker, D.; Dudek, J.; Patelis, T.; Kingston, N. (2021). Evaluating Learning for the Multiple Constituencies of Higher Education: A Call for Action, A Call for Research. En 7th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd'21). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 615-622. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAd21.2021.12981OCS61562

    An institutional approach to developing a culture of student persistence

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    There continues to be increasing focus on college student retention and persistence. This focus is coming from the United States federal government, accrediting organizations, and from students, parents, and the public. Given the spiraling costs of education and the fact that retention rates have not improved over time, various stakeholders are concerned about the value of a higher education credential. The purpose of this manuscript is to describe the efforts of a for-profit, distance education institution to focus its resources, in an evidence-based manner, on retention and to develop a culture of retention and persistence throughout the institution. The literature review and analysis of internal initiatives demonstrated that (a) institutions must make a commitment to retention, include retention efforts as part of its strategic plan, and provide resources to support retention efforts; (b) mastery of knowledge of the research on retention and persistence is critical for designing evidence-based interventions; and (c) institutions should identify, develop, and implement pilot projects aimed at improving student progress and share results to help stimulate development of best practices throughout higher education.DOI: 10.18870/hlrc.v3i3.12

    Finding emotional-laden resources on the World Wide Web

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    Some content in multimedia resources can depict or evoke certain emotions in users. The aim of Emotional Information Retrieval (EmIR) and of our research is to identify knowledge about emotional-laden documents and to use these findings in a new kind of World Wide Web information service that allows users to search and browse by emotion. Our prototype, called Media EMOtion SEarch (MEMOSE), is largely based on the results of research regarding emotive music pieces, images and videos. In order to index both evoked and depicted emotions in these three media types and to make them searchable, we work with a controlled vocabulary, slide controls to adjust the emotions’ intensities, and broad folksonomies to identify and separate the correct resource-specific emotions. This separation of so-called power tags is based on a tag distribution which follows either an inverse power law (only one emotion was recognized) or an inverse-logistical shape (two or three emotions were recognized). Both distributions are well known in information science. MEMOSE consists of a tool for tagging basic emotions with the help of slide controls, a processing device to separate power tags, a retrieval component consisting of a search interface (for any topic in combination with one or more emotions) and a results screen. The latter shows two separately ranked lists of items for each media type (depicted and felt emotions), displaying thumbnails of resources, ranked by the mean values of intensity. In the evaluation of the MEMOSE prototype, study participants described our EmIR system as an enjoyable Web 2.0 service

    Marginal Reefs Under Stress: Physiological Limits Render Galápagos Corals Susceptible to Ocean Acidification and Thermal Stress

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    Ocean acidification (OA) and thermal stress may undermine corals' ability to calcify and support diverse reef communities, particularly in marginal environments. Coral calcification depends on aragonite supersaturation (Ω » 1) of the calcifying fluid (cf) from which the skeleton precipitates. Corals actively upregulate pHcf relative to seawater to buffer against changes in temperature and dissolved inorganic carbon, which together control Ωcf. Here we assess the buffering capacity of modern and fossil corals from the Galápagos Islands that have been exposed to sub-optimal conditions, extreme thermal stress, and OA. We demonstrate a significant decline in pHcf and Ωcf since the pre-industrial era, trends which are exacerbated during extreme warm years. These results suggest that there are likely physiological limits to corals' pH buffering capacity, and that these constraints render marginal reefs particularly susceptible to OA