629 research outputs found

    Anorexia e bulimia nervosas: diagnóstico, abordagem terapêutica e papel hormonal

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    Trabalho Complementar apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de licenciada em Ciências da NutriçãoObjetivo: Efetuar uma revisão tradicional da literatura sobre o diagnóstico, as abordagem terapêutica e o papel hormonal da grelina e da leptina na anorexia e na bulimia nervosas. Metodologia: Foi realizada uma pesquisa bibliográfica no PubMed, sites de internet e pesquisas em livros de bibliotecas, entre janeiro e julho de 2013. Para a pesquisa no PubMed, utilizaram-se as seguintes palavras- chave “leptina AND eating disorders”; ghrelin AND eating disorders”. Resultados: São várias as perturbações do comportamento alimentar entre as quais: anorexia e bulimia nervosa, entre muitas outras, que se têm tornado comuns na atualidade. A origem destas tem por base vários fatores genéticos, biológicos, psicológicos e sociais. É importante o seu diagnóstico precoce de modo a que seja aplicado o tratamento adequado e multidisciplinar tanto para o doente em questão como para a família que o rodeia. Até ao momento, ainda não existem tratamentos específicos para este tipo de situações, isto porque este tipo de patogénese ainda se encontra um pouco difuso no que respeita ao seu desenvolvimento e à sua origem. É conhecida apenas a existência de algumas hormonas como a grelina e a leptina, que tem ajudado na compreensão das perturbações do comportamento alimentar. Conclusões: A grelina e a leptina são as hormonas que influenciam recetores localizados na base do hipotálamo, que são sensíveis aos níveis de leptina e grelina. São duas hormonas que indicam ao organismo quando deve parar de comer ou quando se sente fome e é necessário alimentar. É de salientar, que existem vários tipos de tratamentos que são considerados fundamentais para que seja possível ultrapassar estes tipos de perturbações. Todas elas são bastante complexas e apresentam-se ainda um pouco difusas no que respeita à sua compreensão. Os indivíduos afetados por estas patologias apresentam distúrbios de personalidade, o que nem sempre facilita na recuperação. O tratamento será sempre acompanhado por equipas multidisciplinares, mas o mais importante é que não só o doente como também a sua família deverão ser sujeitas ao tratamento em questão mais apropriado ao tipo de situação (o que nem sempre acontece). Objective: This study possessed main goal a traditional review of the literature on the role of the hormones ghrelin and leptin developed in eating disorders, anorexia and bulimia nervosa, including the diagnosis and treatment of the same. Methods: We performed a literature search in PubMed, websites and research in library books between January and July 2013. For the PubMed search, we used the following keywords "leptin AND eating disorders"; “ghrelin AND eating disorders”. Results: There are various eating disorders including: anorexia and bulimia nervosa, among many others, which have become common nowadays. The origin of these is based on various genetic, biological, psychological and social. It is important for early diagnosis so that proper treatment is applied and multidisciplinary both the individual patient and the family that surrounds it. To date, there are no specific treatments even for this kind of situations such as this pathogenesis is still somewhat diffuse in respect to their development and their origin. It is known only to the existence of some hormones such as ghrelin and leptin, which has helped in the understanding of eating disorders. Conclusions: leptin and ghrelin are hormones which influence receptor located at the base of the hypothalamus, that are sensitive to leptin and ghrelin. Are two hormones that tell the body when to stop eating, or when we feel hungry and need to feed us. It is noteworthy that there are several types of treatments that are considered fundamental to be able to overcome these types of disturbances. All of these are quite complex and present some still diffuse with respect to its understanding. People who are victims of these present with personality affected, which is not always easy recovery. Treatment must always be accompanied by multidisciplinary teams, but the most important is that not only the sick person as well as your family should be subject to the treatment in question appropriate for the type of situation (which does not always happen)

    Adverse reactions and dietary supplements

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    Over the last years, the use of dietary supplements has increased substantially. Although these products are considered as safe and can be beneficial, there are risks associated with some. Manufacturers are not required to demonstrate their safety and efficacy, so it is essential that consumers have good knowledge about dietary supplements. The attribution of injury to a specific supplement can be challenging, especially because of the multiple ingredients, the variability in quality and content, as well as the vast underreporting of adverse reactions.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Suplementação em doentes com Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2

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    A Diabetes Mellitus (DM) caracteriza-se por uma condição hiperglicémica crónica. Alguns fatores de risco associados a esta patologia são: obesidade, idade avançada e tabagismo. Dados referentes ao ano de 2019 demonstram que 10% da população portuguesa apresenta DM, sendo a grande maioria DM2. A abordagem farmacológica na DM2 pode ser efetuada em monoterapia, terapia dupla ou terapia tripla. O fármaco de primeira linha é a metformina. A DM2 é reconhecida como um problema grave de saúde pública.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Microfluidic deformability study of an innovative blood analogue fluid based on giant unilamellar vesicles

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    Blood analogues have long been a topic of interest in biofluid mechanics due to the safety and ethical issues involved in the collection and handling of blood samples. Although the current blood analogue fluids can adequately mimic the rheological properties of blood from a macroscopic point of view, at the microscopic level blood analogues need further development and improvement. In this work, an innovative blood analogue containing giant unilamellar vesicles (GUVs) was developed to mimic the flow behavior of red blood cells (RBCs). A natural lipid mixture, soybean lecithin, was used for the GUVs preparation, and three different lipid concentrations were tested (1 × 10−3 M, 2 × 10−3 M and 4 × 10−3 M). GUV solutions were prepared by thin film hydration with a buffer, followed by extrusion. It was found that GUVs present diameters between 5 and 7 µm which are close to the size of human RBCs. Experimental flow studies of three different GUV solutions were performed in a hyperbolic-shaped microchannel in order to measure the GUVs deformability when subjected to a homogeneous extensional flow. The result of the deformation index (DI) of the GUVs was about 0.5, which is in good agreement with the human RBC’s DI. Hence, the GUVs developed in this study are a promising way to mimic the mechanical properties of the RBCs and to further develop particulate blood analogues with flow properties closer to those of real blood.COMPETE2020, NORTE2020, PORTUGAL2020, FEDER; FCT Project PTDC/QEQ-FTT/4287/2014 (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-016861); FCT Project PTDC/EMD-EMD/29394/2017 (NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-029394); FCT Project PTDC/EME-SIS/30171/2017 (NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000032); FCT Project PTDC/QUI-QFI/28020/2017 (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-028020); SFRH/BD/99696/2014 PhD Grant;info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Unpuzzling friunavirus-host interactions one piece at a time: phage recognizes Acinetobacter pittii via a new K38 capsule depolymerase

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    Acinetobacter pittii is a species that belong to the Acinetobacter calcoaceticus-baumannii complex, increasingly recognized as major nosocomial bacterial pathogens, often associated with multiple drug-resistances. The capsule surrounding the bacteria represents a main virulence factor, helping cells avoid phage predation and host immunity. Accordingly, a better understanding of the phage infection mechanisms is required to efficiently develop phage therapy against Acinetobacter of different capsular types. Here, we report the isolation of the novel A. pittii-infecting Fri1-like phage vB_Api_3043-K38 (3043-K38) of the Podoviridae morphotype, from sewage samples. Its 41,580 bp linear double-stranded DNA genome harbours 53 open reading frames and 302 bp of terminal repeats. We show that all studied Acinetobacter Fri1-like viruses have highly similar genomes, which differentiate only at the genes coding for tailspike, likely to adapt to different host receptors. The isolated phage 3043-K38 specifically recognizes an untapped Acinetobacter K38 capsule type via a novel tailspike with K38 depolymerase activity. The recombinant K38 depolymerase region of the tailspike (center-end region) forms a thermostable trimer, and quickly degrades capsules. When the K38 depolymerase is applied to the cells, it makes them resistant to phage predation. Interestingly, while K38 depolymerase treatments do not synergize with antibiotics, it makes bacterial cells highly susceptible to the host serum complement. In summary, we characterized a novel phage-encoded K38 depolymerase, which not only advances our understanding of phage-host interactions, but could also be further explored as a new antibacterial agent against drug-resistant Acinetobacter.This study was supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) under the scope of the strategic funding of UIDB/04469/2020 unit. This project has been also funded by a Research Grant 2020 of the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID) to H.O.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Adolescentes com DM1: conhecimento acerca da doença e dificuldades no autocuidado

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    Background: type 1 Diabetes Mellitus is a chronic disease increasingly prevalent in children, thus it is essential to encourage adherence to self-care and minimize the difficulties experienced. Objectives: characterize the knowledge of adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus about their disease and identify their difficulties in self-care. Methodology: quantitative, simple descriptive study. Application of Knowledge Test of Adolescents with DM1 about the disease and the Inventory of Difficulties in Self-Care Roles by Flora & Gameiro (2016). Data collected between june and november 2021 at Diabetes Consultation of a Hospital in the central region of Portugal. Sample of 34 diabetic adolescents with a mean age of 14.9 (±2.3) years. Results: in overall knowledge, adolescents show a level of knowledge between reasonable and good, and it is in domain 1 (Nature of the disease/physiopathology) where they show the best level of knowledge. In the difficulties in the self-care roles, they show higher percentages of difficulty in maintaining a balanced diet, fighting stress and interventions when facing hypoglycemia. Conclusion: adolescents have difficulties in self-care roles, and the nurses\u27 intervention in the implementation of adjusted therapeutic plans is essential to overcome the knowledge gaps and reduce the identified difficultiesMarco Contextual: la diabetes mellitus tipo 1 es una enfermedad crónica cada vez más prevalente en niños, por lo que es fundamental fomentar la adherencia al autocuidado y minimizar las dificultades que experimentan. Objetivos: caracterizar el conocimiento de los adolescentes con diabetes mellitus tipo 1 sobre su enfermedad e identificar sus dificultades en el autocuidado. Metodologia: estudo quantitativo, descritivo simples. Aplicação de Test de Conocimientos de Adolescentes con DM1 sobre la enfermedad y el Inventario de Dificultades en los Roles de Autocuidado de Flora & Gameiro (2016). Datos recogidos entre junio y noviembre de 2021 en la Consulta de Diabetes de un Hospital de la región central de Portugal. Muestra de 34 adolescentes diabéticos con edad media de 14,9 (±2,3) años. Resultados: en el conocimiento global, los adolescentes muestran un nivel de conocimiento entre razonable y bueno, y es en el dominio 1 (Naturaleza de la enfermedad/fisiopatología) donde muestran el mejor nivel de conocimiento. En cuanto a las dificultades en las funciones de autocuidado, estos pacientes mostraron mayores porcentajes de dificultad para mantener una dieta equilibrada, combatir el estrés e intervenir ante una hipoglucemia. Conclusión: adolescentes tienen una dificultad para los en los roles de autocuidado, siendo fundamental la intervención del enfermero en la implementación de planes terapéuticos ajustados, con el fin de llenar los vacíos de conocimiento y reducir las dificultades identificadas.Enquadramento: a Diabetes Mellitus tipo 1 enquanto doença crónica é, cada vez mais prevalente, em idade pediátrica, sendo fundamental o incentivo de adesão ao autocuidado e a minimização das dificuldades sentidas. Objetivos: caracterizar o conhecimento de adolescentes com diabetes mellitus tipo 1 acerca da sua doença e identificar as suas dificuldades no autocuidado. Metodologia: estudo quantitativo, descritivo simples. Aplicação do Teste de Conhecimento dos Adolescentes com DM1 acerca da doença e o Inventário de Dificuldades nos Papéis de Autocuidado de Flora & Gameiro (2016). Recolha de dados de junho a novembro de 2021, na Consulta de Diabetes de um Hospital da região centro de Portugal. Amostra de 34 adolescentes com média de idades de 14.9 (±2.3) anos. Resultados: no conhecimento global, os adolescentes apresentam um nível de conhecimento entre o razoável e bom, sendo o domínio 1 (Natureza da doença/fisiopatologia) onde estes apresentam melhor nível de conhecimento. Nas dificuldades nos papéis de autocuidado, apresentam maior dificuldade na manutenção de uma alimentação equilibrada, combate ao stress e intervenções numa hipoglicemia. Conclusão: verifica-se dificuldade destes nos papeis de autocuidado, sendo fundamental a intervenção dos enfermeiros na implementação de planos terapêuticos ajustados, no sentido de colmatar falhas de conhecimento e dificuldades identificadas

    Toward the Mechanistic Understanding of Enzymatic CO2 Reduction

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    SFRH/BD/116515/2014 PTDC/BBB-EBB/2723/2014 UID/Multi/04378/2019 grant agreement number 810856Reducing CO2 is a challenging chemical transformation that biology solves easily, with high efficiency and specificity. In particular, formate dehydrogenases are of great interest since they reduce CO2 to formate, a valuable chemical fuel and hydrogen storage compound. The metal-dependent formate dehydrogenases of prokaryotes can show high activity for CO2 reduction. Here, we report an expression system to produce recombinant W/Sec-FdhAB from Desulfovibrio vulgaris Hildenborough fully loaded with cofactors, its catalytic characterization and crystal structures in oxidized and reduced states. The enzyme has very high activity for CO2 reduction and displays remarkable oxygen stability. The crystal structure of the formate-reduced enzyme shows Sec still coordinating the tungsten, supporting a mechanism of stable metal coordination during catalysis. Comparison of the oxidized and reduced structures shows significant changes close to the active site. The DvFdhAB is an excellent model for studying catalytic CO2 reduction and probing the mechanism of this conversion.publishersversionpublishe

    CkP1 bacteriophage, a S16-like myovirus that recognizes Citrobacter koseri lipopolysaccharide through its long tail fibers

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    The online version contains supplementary material available at https://doi.org/10.1007/s00253-023-12547-8.Citrobacter koseri is an emerging Gram-negative bacterial pathogen, which causes urinary tract infections. We isolated and characterized a novel S16-like myovirus CKP1 (vB\_CkoM\\_CkP1), infecting C. koseri. CkP1 has a host range covering the whole C. koseri species, i.e., all strains that were tested, but does not infect other species. Its linear 168,463-bp genome contains 291 coding sequences, sharing sequence similarity with the Salmonella phage S16. Based on surface plasmon resonance and recombinant green florescence protein fusions, the tail fiber (gp267) was shown to decorate C. koseri cells, binding with a nanomolar affinity, without the need of accessory proteins. Both phage and the tail fiber specifically bind to bacterial cells by the lipopolysaccharide polymer. We further demonstrate that CkP1 is highly stable towards different environmental conditions of pH and temperatures and is able to control C. koseri cells in urine samples. Altogether, CkP1 features optimal in vitro characteristics to be used both as a control and detection agent towards drug-resistant C. koseri infections.Open access funding provided by FCT|FCCN (b-on). This study was supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) under the scope of the strategic funding of UIDB/04469/2020 unit. DB is supported by the Research Foundation – Flanders (FWO), grant number 1S69520N. JO received a predoctoral fellowship from the UAB and a FEMS research and training grant.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio