17 research outputs found

    Планирование производственной программы на предприятии

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    Дипломная работа содержит 91 страницу,8 рисунков, 28 таблиц, 20 использованных источников, 3 приложения. Ключевые слова: производственная программа, выпуск продукции, ассортимент, ритмичность производства, портфель заказов, производственная мощность. Объектом исследования является ОАО «Кемеровский молочный комбинат». Цель дипломной работы - планирование производственной программы предприятия для повышения его рентабельности. Методы исследований: аналитический, расчетный, графический. В процессе исследования проводились анализ выполнения плана по выпуску и реализации продукции, ритмичности производства, качества продукции, среды предприятия, портфеля заказов, использования производственных мощностей. В результате исследования определен план выпуска продукции в натуральном и стоимостном вThe thesis contains a 91-page,8 figures, 28 tables, 20 of references, 3 appendices. Keywords: production program, production, range, rhythm of production, the portfolio of orders, production capacity. The object of study is OJSC "Kemerovo dairy industrial complex". The aim of the thesis - planning the production program of the enterprise to improve its profitability. Research methods: analytical, design, graphics. In the process of investigation the analysis of the plan for the production and sale of products, the rhythm of production, product quality, environment, backlog of orders, capacity utilization. The study set out a plan of issue of products in physical and value terms, reserves of improvement of capacity utilization, assessed the effectiveness of the production program. Level o

    Monitoring of species’ genetic diversity in Europe varies greatly and overlooks potential climate change impacts

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    Genetic monitoring of populations currently attracts interest in the context of the Convention on Biological Diversity but needs long-term planning and investments. However, genetic diversity has been largely neglected in biodiversity monitoring, and when addressed, it is treated separately, detached from other conservation issues, such as habitat alteration due to climate change. We report an accounting of efforts to monitor population genetic diversity in Europe (genetic monitoring effort, GME), the evaluation of which can help guide future capacity building and collaboration towards areas most in need of expanded monitoring. Overlaying GME with areas where the ranges of selected species of conservation interest approach current and future climate niche limits helps identify whether GME coincides with anticipated climate change effects on biodiversity. Our analysis suggests that country area, financial resources and conservation policy influence GME, high values of which only partially match species’ joint patterns of limits to suitable climatic conditions. Populations at trailing climatic niche margins probably hold genetic diversity that is important for adaptation to changing climate. Our results illuminate the need in Europe for expanded investment in genetic monitoring across climate gradients occupied by focal species, a need arguably greatest in southeastern European countries. This need could be met in part by expanding the European Union’s Birds and Habitats Directives to fully address the conservation and monitoring of genetic diversity

    Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome: more insights on structural and functional cardiac alterations, and the effects of treatment with continuous positive airway pressure

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    ObjectivesWe studied structural and functional cardiac alterations in obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), their relationship to the severity of OSA, and the effects of treatment with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP).BackgroundObstructive sleep apnea may influence the cardiac function by several mechanisms in the awake patient.MethodsLeft and right ventricular morphology and function were studied using echocardiography before and after treatment with CPAP in symptomatic patients (Epworth sleepiness score, 10 ± 4.8) with severe OSA (apnea-hypopnea index [AHI], 42 ± 24). The patients (n = 43, 32 men) had no known cardiac disease and were obese (body mass index, 31.6 ± 5.4 kg/m2). The same echocardiographic parameters were studied in age-matched overweight patients (n = 40; body mass index, 26.4 ± 2.3 kg/m2).ResultsThe patients were hypertensive (systolic blood pressure, 153 ± 25 mm Hg), with a higher resting heart rate (77 ± 10 beats/min, p = 0.008) compared with age-matched control patients (n = 40). There was right ventricular dilatation, hypertrophic interventricular septum, reduced left ventricular stroke volume, tissue Doppler-determined systolic and diastolic velocities of the left and right ventricle, and normal pulmonary artery pressure. The structural and functional parameters were significantly associated with AHI (p < 0.004). Multiple stepwise regression showed the interventricular septum thickness, right ventricular free wall, and mitral annulus tissue Doppler systolic velocities to be predictive of a higher AHI (p < 0.001). Six months after treatment with CPAP, significant improvements were observed in the symptoms and hemodynamics, as well as left and right ventricular morphology and function.ConclusionsThe structural and functional consequences of OSA on the heart are influenced by the severity of AHI. These effects are reversible if the apneic episodes are abolished

    Consensus Development and Application of ICD-9-CM Codes for Defining Chronic Illnesses and their Complications

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    Background: One particularly difficult challenge in evaluating disease management (DM) programs is defining the scope of economic outcomes to include in the evaluation. Measuring `all-cause utilization' or `total costs' assumes that a DM intervention impacts the entire spectrum of services rendered and reduces total medical costs, while limiting the evaluation to `disease-specific' costs of the conditions under management may fail to capture any effect the program may have on complications directly related to that primary condition. An acceptable compromise between the two options is to include costs associated with diagnostic codes for the primary condition and those of medical complications directly related to that condition. Objective: To develop consensus on the International Classification of Diseases, ninth revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-9-CM) codes defining the primary conditions and complications of coronary artery disease (CAD), congestive heart failure (CHF), asthma, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Methods: A modified Delphi technique, involving two panels of three physicians each (one consisting of cardiologists and the other of pulmonologists) and a physician consultant, was conducted via email and used to establish 100% consensus on the ICD-9-CM codes to be included in order to capture the appropriate costs for each of the primary conditions considered and their complications. The codes for primary conditions included by the panel were compared with those included in industry references. Results: Total consensus on the codes to be included for each of the primary conditions was reached within three rounds. Near-consensus on the codes to be used for complications for conditions was reached after the first round; however, four additional rounds were required for total consensus. Regarding the primary conditions, greatest agreement between the codes included by the panel and the various industry references was seen for asthma, with poor agreement observed between sources of codes for CAD and CHF. Conclusion: It is suggested that these lists of ICD-9-CM codes developed by consensus be used in evaluations across the industry to define the utilization and/or costs associated with DM interventions. The consistent use of these codes will greatly strengthen the validity of the current evaluation approach and consequently substantiate the value proposition offered by the industry.Asthma, Chronic-obstructive-pulmonary-disease, Congestive-heart-failure, Coronary-artery-disease, Cost-analysis