983 research outputs found

    Cash infrastructure and cash access vulnerability in Spain

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    Artículo de revistaThe article highlights how the distribution of the cash infrastructure affects cash users in Spain. The more cash infrastructures are scaled down and/or concentrated, the wider the gap becomes between those who have difficulty accessing cash and those who have easy access to it. To assess the coverage of the cash infrastructure and, therefore, the level of access to cash throughout Spain, the article examines its geographical distribution and concentration. It also analyses whether the distribution adequately satisfies the demand for cash, according to the socio-demographic characteristics of the different regions of Spain. To this end, a cash access vulnerability index is presented, which identifies the municipalities that have a higher risk of financial exclusion in terms of access to cash. The index shows that cash access vulnerability is low throughout most of Spain, although there are approximately 1,300,000 people who may be considered vulnerable in this respect

    ¿Por qué la importancia de analizar riesgos en el entorno empresarial para contribuir al control de pérdidas y al logro de los objetivos organizacionales?

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    Con el presente estudio se pretende dejar un claro mensaje sobre la importancia de analizar los riesgos a fin de administrarlos y neutralizarlos, ya que los riesgos están en todas partes y en todas las actividades de la vida personal o empresarial, pero, hay que tener en cuenta que estos se pueden evitar, o reducir al máximo, llevando sus efectos nocivos a niveles tolerables a través de la formación de una mentalidad coherente con los retos que nos presenta la necesidad de combatir la inseguridad en el entorno en el cual nos desarrollamos.Pregrad

    Taste and Odor Problems in Clinton Lake Reservoir's Drinking Water

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    This is the published version, made available with the permission of the publisher.This article was published in the Spring 2012 issue of the Journal of Undergraduate Researc


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    The goal of this thesis project was to explore the perception groups related to watershed management in a Great Plains and in an Andean Watershed. It is essential for watershed stakeholders to acknowledge that there are different perceptions about watershed management among themselves. The Q methodology is an innovative and dynamic interview method that uses qualitative and quantitative data to interpret participants' perceptions. In Kansas, the stakeholder group displayed three perception groups: hands-on rural residents; detail oriented urban and suburban residents; and pro data collection and conservation of natural functions government official. The Andean watershed also displayed three perception groups: Manizales needs proactive measures to prepare for future landslide events; it was not waters of Manizales, it was nature; and preventing the incrimination of specific institutions. A better understanding of the contrasting perceptions of individuals making up both of these stakeholder groups can substantially improve water resource management

    The Impact of Expropriations on the Stock Prices of the Parent Companies: Sell on the rumor, buy on the news?

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    We measure the impact of warnings of expropriation and of forced divestments of pri- vate property on the stock prices of the parent company. We use a unique database of 116 events in 12 countries from 2005 to 2013. Our results show signi cant negative effects on the stock prices of different kinds of warnings; the largest effect is when the warning takes the form of a transitory permit revocation. In the case of forced divestments, we nd a signi cant negative impact when there is a permanent revocation of a permit. However, nationalizations seem to generate a positive market reaction

    Key issues for decentralization in municipal wastewater treatment

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    12 p.International audienceThe pressure on water resources caused by accelerated urbanization, the inadequate management and disposal of wastewater and the implementation of sophisticated treatment systems which sometimes with low efficiency and coverage are some of the problems to be solved with alternative and innovative strategies that be in harmony with the recent trends on water management. One of these strategies is the decentralisation in wastewater treatment. In this article, it is proposed an overview of the state of the art and a review of successful cases worldwide, to identify technological, social, economic and environmental issues to be considered for implementation of decentralisation in treatment of municipal wastewater in Colombia. These aspects are a first step in building the conceptual model for the selection of decentralised - centralised treatment schemes

    Political risk and corporate investment decisions

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    This paper analyzes the different definitions and expressions of political risk and proposes a broad and more inclusive definition regarding its origins and effects. Regarding the effects of political risk on corporate investment decisions, this paper shows the multitude of ways by which the different expressions of political risk may influence both positively and negatively the value of investment opportunities and the decisions of firms to invest. Finally, it proposes different lines of research addressing some of the weaknesses identified in the existing literatureCorreia acknowledges research support from Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Proyecto - MCI ECO2009-12551

    Metacognition and reading comprehension : Alireza Karbalaei

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    This paper is aimed to argument, expand and critique some points that were held in the article “METACOGNITION AND READING COMPREHENSION” written by Alireza Karbalaei, 2010, an EFL teacher and Ph. D Graduate in ELT from the Department of English Language, Islamic Azad University. We organize the paper in three sessions. First, we explore the policies for teaching reading in the EFL; contextualizing into a more specific setting and supporting the ideas with the results from the ICFES exam. Then, we continue with the concepts of reading and reading comprehension which are focused on the way we recognize the words from a text and the way we relate those words with our previous knowledge towards making meaning out of it. Finally, we bring up the reading strategies used when approaching top-down and bottom-up processes

    Diseño, desarrollo y plan de negocios de una vajilla institucional para la empresa Ambiente Gourmet

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    El proyecto consiste en el desarrollo de una vajilla institucional para la empresa Ambiente Gourmet, que cumpla con los requerimientos que demanda el mercado institucional y que se adapte a los complementos de vajilla de la empresa, con el fin de ampliar la línea de negocio y ser más competitivos en un mercado que cada vez es más importante en la economía Colombiana.125 p., + anexos (128 p.) + presentación (28 diapositivas)Contenido parcial: Investigación de mercados -- Definición del perfil del cliente -- Análisis de la competencia -- Diseño formal y de detalle -- Diseño de detalle -- Desarrollo del modelo funcional -- Pruebas de diseño final