1,654 research outputs found

    Morador del laberinto: mito, símbolo y ontología en "La casa de Asterión", de Jorge Luis Borges

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    Se aborda la resemantización que hace Borges de los mitemas del laberinto y del minotauro, asimismo, se analiza la vigencia del mitema del héroe dentro de la prosa borgeana y su lectura desde la posmodernidad. En general, se busca destacar la reelaboración que hace Borges del mito para llevarlo a la literatura y desde ésta, crear una nueva visión de los mitemas. Finalmente este trabajo quiere incidir en la importancia del mito en la literatura, su constancia y los factores que demarcan las diferencias entre la creación literaria y el mito, así como los recursos que persisten y sin embargo, implican otros significados

    Bisexuality, Biphobia, and its Effects on Sexual Identity, Religious Identity and Mental Health: Examining Clinical Implications

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    Bisexuality is a sexual orientation, sometimes known as “bi,” that includes sexuality in which certain people are attracted to more than one sex and gender. Bisexuality differs from other sexual- and gender-nonconforming experiences (McInnis et al., 2022). According to Ross et al. (2018), bisexuality is frequently described as an invisible sexual orientation, and only in the last 20 years has research on biphobia and bisexuality increased (McInnis et al., 2022). Experiences unique to bisexuality include bisexual invisibility from a societal level (Dyar et al., 2015), bisexuals are more prone to experience sexual orientation instability (Bostwick et al., 2014), and bisexual people report poorer physical and mental health, and higher rates of sexual assault (Israel, 2018). Also, biphobia leads to statements that cast doubt on the validity of the bisexual identity, such as “bisexuality is a phase” (Human Rights Campaign, n.d.). This literature review’s objectives are to investigate the significance of comprehending bisexuality and biphobia, the effects of biphobia on bisexual identity, the junction of sexual identity and religious identity, and the adverse effects of biphobia on the mental health of bisexual individuals. Objectives also include discussing protective factors to improve the well-being of bisexual people. This project includes a broad review of peer-reviewed, published academic journals to provide a comprehensive and current review of the topic, resulting in the following research questions: (1) How does biphobia impact bisexual identity? (2) How does biphobia impact the intersectionality of bisexuality and religious identity? (3) How does biphobia impact mental health and other conditions for clinical attention? (4) How can understanding bisexuality and biphobia influence clinical treatment to promote protective factors and improve mental health disparities for bisexual people? Limitations, clinical implications, and recommendations for future research are examined and discussed

    Critical Perspectives on Reconciliation and Structural Oblivion

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    The contemporary culture of memory places testimony at the center of historiographic production. The testimony of individualized experiences of suffering and pain are utilized to construe collective memory and social consciousness, to create new moral regimes and disclose previously unknown “truths” about the past. However, the possibilities of enunciation from this space of political representation are restricted as they are inscribed in the language of Restoration and Reconciliation promulgated by Human Rights discourse. Albeit the epistemological turn which privileges narrative truth, testimonies are being commodified by the global industry of transitional politics as they become the object of political negotiation. Archives of biographical memory are employed to lay the moral foundation of political projects of nation-building, conditioning testimony to master narratives of reconciliation and forgiveness. Time itself is objectified, “the past” emerges as a category which contains violence and lived experiences of atrocities, falling back in time it distances itself from the future of democratic peace which the teleology of “political transition” proclaims. Scholars in the field of “the Politics of Memory” agree that as truths are unveiled, silences are created. Memory comes with forgetting, a forgetting that is institutionalized by transitional mechanisms of truth-telling and truth-finding in “Post-conflict” societies. Standing from a critical approach towards the Study of Political Transitions, this panel will analyze the meanings of the notion of Reconciliation, challenge the healing properties attributed to testimony, and highlight the systemic oppression concealed by emergent nationalisms. The presentations will challenge the epistemological framework underlying the restorative model of justice, criticize the political deployments of empty signifiers such as “reconciliation” and question how the reconciliatory discourse participates of forms of structural and historical oblivion

    Undermining environmental justice? : community-company conflicts with La Colosa gold mine in Cajamarca, Colombia

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    Colombian government pursues an extractive-led development trajectory in which mining is considered as a key factor for reviving the economy. However, while mining has been important in the economic development of some countries, it has also been associated to conflicts, product of its high environmental impact and, in many cases, unequal distribution of benefits. “La Colosa” is a gold open pit mine project proposed in Cajamarca, Colombia which has being highly questioned by scholars, journalists, communities and environmental organizations due to the possible impacts that it can have on the environment. However, social issues have not been thoroughly investigated. Projects of the magnitude of “La Colosa” are known to generate hope to the local population where they are developed, as they can create jobs and improve the infrastructure of the place. Nevertheless, if the expectations about the benefits of mining are not fulfilled, this can lead to growing misunderstandings, mistrust and eventually conflict among local residents and the mining company. Studying the relationship that the company in charge of the project has with the community helps to understand both actors’ interests and needs, which at the same time helps to ameliorate tensions among them. In this study I analyzed the nature of the Student-Company relation, as students are the future decision makers and citizens of the world. I analyzed this relationship through the understanding of the socio-economic and cultural context in which it is developed. This relationship revealed that students are being marginalized in different ways. First of all, students do not have access to objective information, second, their cultural values are not considered, third they are excluded from the decision-making about the extraction of gold in Cajamarca and finally they are being forced into a “reduced mode of being”. The results of this study showed that there is a high possibility that a conflict will be generated as consequence of this marginalization. If the government of Colombia continues fostering mining as an engine of development, it needs to recognize that mining will affect the social and cultural structure of the local communities, and include these impacts in the decision-making processes. The participation of the local community in planning will be important to reduce tension and to create process more accountable for the community.El gobierno de Colombia persigue una trayectoria de desarrollo extractiva en la que la minería es considerada como un factor clave para revivir la economía. Sin embargo, aunque la minería ha sido importante en el desarrollo económico de algunos países, también ha sido asociada con conflictos, producto de su alto impacto ambiental y, en muchos casos, la distribución inequitativa de beneficios. “La Colosa” es un proyecto de minería a cielo abierto propuesto en Cajamarca, Colombia el cual ha sido altamente cuestionado por los académicos, periodistas, comunidades y organizaciones ambientales debido a los posibles impactos que puede llegar a generar al medio ambiente. Sin embargo, las cuestiones sociales no han sido investigadas a fondo. Proyectos de la magnitud de “La Colosa” son conocidos por generar expectativa en la población local en donde son desarrollados, puesto que pueden crear trabajo y mejorar la infraestructura del lugar. No obstante, si no se cumplen las expectativas sobre los beneficios de la minería, esto puede dar lugar al crecimiento de malentendidos y desconfianza, y eventualmente puede crear conflictos entre los residentes locales y la empresa minera. El estudio de la relación que la compañía encargada del proyecto tiene con la comunidad ayuda a entender los intereses y necesidades de ambos actores, lo que a su vez ayuda a aliviar las tensiones entre ellos. En este estudio he analizado la naturaleza de la relación estudiante-empresa, puesto que los estudiantes son los futuros tomadores de decisiones y ciudadanos del mundo. Analicé esta relación a través de la comprensión del contexto socioeconómico y cultural en que se desarrolla. Esta relación reveló que los estudiantes están siendo marginados de diferentes maneras. En primer lugar, los estudiantes no tienen acceso a información objetiva, en segundo lugar, sus valores culturales no son considerados, en tercer lugar ellos son excluidos de la toma de decisiones acerca de la extracción de oro en Cajamarca y finalmente están siendo forzados a un “reducido modo de ser”. Los resultados de este estudio mostraron que hay una alta posibilidad de que se genere un conflicto como consecuencia de esta marginalización. Si el gobierno de Colombia continúa fomentando la minería como motor de desarrollo, se debe reconocer que la minería afectará la estructura social y cultural de las comunidades locales, e incluir estos impactos en los procesos de toma de decisiones. La participación de la comunidad local en la planificación será importante para reducir la tensión y crear procesos más responsables con la comunidad

    Children of Mexican immigrants: Negotiating school in a two -way setting on the Texas -Mexico border

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    This problem under investigation was the schooling process of children of Mexican immigrants in an American school. The participants for the study included the 56 faculty members and 17 children of Mexican immigrants in school implementing a Two-Way Immersion Program. An ethnographic-like qualitative method was used to investigate the problem. Data was gathered through field immersion, participant observations, and unstructured interviews. Findings revealed diverse characteristics of the children of Mexican immigrants. The school\u27s ethos of reception included numerous attributes that served to accommodate the children and their parents. The practices in the Two-Way Program facilitated the adaptation of the children through the use of Vygotskian-based practices. The conclusion was that the particular program served the children of Mexican immigrants well. The implications were that changes in our educational system can be implemented to better serve all students


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    This study developed an assessment tool to rate the maturity of the current and desired states of lean logistics operations in small and medium enterprises. The tool consists of 48 best practices classified into 8 critical factors: Inventory, Transportation, Administration, Information Systems, Warehouse, Forecasting, Packaging and Supplier Network. Each of the best practices and critical factors were identified throughout a thorough literature review and comparative analysis between authors to define commonalities among them. Using gap analysis; this tool results in a SWOT matrix providing a roadmap for lean implementation. The resulting model was evaluated by subject matter experts in different criteria, including: clarity, content accuracy, relevance, content validity, avoidance of bias, appropriateness of language, and clarity of instructions. The evaluations resulted in some minor corrections but not important changes to the content were incorporated as result of these evaluations. This research project represents the initial steps to developing a self-assessment tool; additional work is required before the tool could actually be used for managers in SMEs

    Heavy metals (Cd, Pb and Ni) in fish species commercially important from Magdalena river, Tolima tract, Colombia

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    Water quality of the Magdalena River, main waterway of Colombia, has been severely damaged by the use of heavy metals from anthropogenic activity. Two commercially important fish Prochilodus magdalenae and Pimelodus blochii, were cap- tured in four of the most important fishing municipalities in Tolima-Colombia, to determine the levels of cadmium, lead (Atomic absorption spectroscopy) and nickel (colorimetric) in the muscle, gill and liver. Pimelodus blochii is the one who bioac- cumulates these chemical pollutants in major quantity, with concentrations of Cad- mium from 0.009 ± 0.001 to 0.340 ± 0.402; lead from 0 to 8.737 ± 1.299 and Nickel from 2.26 ± 1.59 to 31.69 ± 10.26 mg/kg; the port of Flandes stands out as one of the areas of major ecological impact. There was correlation between cadmium concen- trations accumulated and the animal organ which acts as a metal reservoir, showing elevated levels for the liver tissue

    Plan de negocios para FBL Domótica

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    La automatización de diferentes electrodomésticos y dispositivos en un hogar (domótica) es un tópico que hasta hace pocos años se empezó a dar a conocer en Colombia -- Permite mejorar la calidad de vida de las personas aumentando su comodidad, seguridad y confort y creando espacios amigables con el medio ambiente en cuanto a ahorro energético se refiere -- Teniendo en cuenta que la domótica va de la mano con gran parte de los avances tecnológicos alcanzados en la actualidad, y con la conciencia ambiental predominante en el momento, y observando que el mercado potencial para este tipo de tecnología en el país es muy alto, es bastante pertinente pensar en crear una empresa que desarrolle este tipo de tecnología -- Con estos antecedentes se decide crear FBL Domótica, empresa que en la actualidad tiene desarrollado un conjunto de soluciones técnicas para poder entrar a competir en este mercado -- El paso a seguir para la naciente empresa es saber si su estructura de negocio es rentable, y a través de la elaboración de su plan de negocio se logrará responder a este cuestionamiento -- De esta manera, los socios de la empresa tienen las herramientas necesarias que permitan tomar la decisión de constituir legalmente, o no, una empresa de estas característica

    Viabilidad técnica, económica y financiera de una botana de maíz cacahuacintle en Calimaya, Estado de México

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    Este trabajo muestra la metodología para el desarrollo de una botana de maíz cacahuacintle, así como el análisis financiero de su viabilidad comercial.En México los productores de maíz conservan este cultivo por razones sociales, económicas, culturales. A pesar de los varios decenios de mejoramiento genetico y la promoción de las variedades resultantes, gran parte de los productores mexicanos sigue sembrando las variedades locales de maíz (Keleman y Hellin, 2013: 3), por que las semillas criollas poseen mejores capacidades de adaptación a sequias, suelos pobres, condiciones climáticas extremas, e incluso pueden ser más resistentes a plagas y enfermedades (Perales et al. 2003). En el Estado de México más del 80% del área sembrada con maíz está cubierta por variedades criollas de este cereal. De acuerdo con las cifras del SIAP sugieren que cada año se producen casi 50.000 toneladas de grano de variedades para especialidades, incluyendo el maíz de colores (rojo, rosa o azul) y el pozolero (cacahuacintle) (Keleman y Hellin, 2013).Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Méxic