8 research outputs found

    Development of Learning Materials Based on Local Culture in Basic School Using Waterfall Methods

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    Development of Learning Materials is a process that will be carried out on devices that will be used in the learning process. Education is rooted in national culture and regional culture as a pillar of national culture. This study aims to produce local culture-based learning material in Class IV Elementary School (SD). Local culture is a habit that grows and develops and is owned and recognized by local tribal communities. This culture will later be used as the basis for developing learning materials. The steps for developing teaching materials follow the ADDIE development model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation) with the Research and Development method. The product of development research is the Nosarara Nosabatutu Module with expert validity test results. The Waterfall method is a model that is often called the classic life cycle, which describes a systematic and sequential approach to software development that can be implemented in various developments. The results showed that the module-shaped learning material nosarara nosabatutu is suitable for use in elementary school learning in Palu City as evidenced by the results of language expert validation of 3.9 (good), design experts validation of 4,3 (very good), mater expert validation of 4.5 (very good), teacher validation of 4.5 (very good). This data is reinforced by the validation of the readability of one to one learners by 86.8%, the effectiveness of learning materials through completeness testing in small groups with 100% classical completion results and an increase in the learning outcomes of pretest and posttest by 81.08% (criteria sufficient 29.73% ; good criteria 32.43%; very good criteria 18, 92%). Nosarara nosabatutu module-shaped learning material has been integrated with a communication technology-based learning system by including barcodes from online learning sources that can be operated with QR Scanner Nosarara Nosabatutu (QR. NN Scanner)

    Improving Teacher's Ability through Training in Learning Strategies Based on Cooperative STAD Techniques

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    This research aims to improve the ability of teachers through cooperative learning strategies based on STAD techniques in grades VII, VIII, and IX at Junior High School 8 Bogor. This study using the method of action research. The model chosen in this action research is Lewin's cycle model in Mills which has the view that action research is depicted as a spiral cycle and includes stages: (a) planning (plan), (b) action (act), (c) observation, and (d) reflection and revision of action plans in the cycle if they are still needed for improvement. The results showed that 1) The application of the STAD cooperative learning strategies through training proved to contribute to the second cycle and the third cycle on improving the ability of teachers to design lesson plans; 2) Implementation of learning with cooperative learning strategies STAD techniques, the exploration of teachers provides information with learning media to be analyzed by students, the elaboration of the teacher guides the discussion where each group has a peer tutor and motivates each group to do cooperative skills; 3) The implementation of STAD techniques of cooperative learning techniques through training in the implementation of preliminary learning activities contribute to the second cycle in the third cycle on improving the ability of teachers to carry out preliminary learning activities. The STAD strategy can increase the ability of teachers

    Development of Language Learning Based on Multimedia Devices for Autistic Student

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    The purpose of this study to develop a learning device of Indonesian language based on multimedia for autistic students. This research was conducted at SD Islam Alam dan Sains Al- Jannah. The students involved in the research were 20 students. The developed learning device uses the instructional model approach by Dick Carey and Carey (2009). Subjects of the research were 20 students. The developed learning device consists on applications, videos and manual book for both student and teachers. The developed products have been reviewed by a subject matter expert, an instructional design expert, a language expert, a media expert and an information technology expert. A series of formative evaluations through try-out examination has been conducted. The improvement of the learning device has been developed based on the previous formative evaluations. The results of this study shows developed learning device could improve the student learning outcomes effectively. Based on this result, the learning device could be recommended to be used as an alternative learning resource. Keywords: development of learning devices, autistic student, Indonesian language, multimedi

    Instructional Model Development for Painting

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    Students can paint by developing ideas and ideas through deductive and constructive learning. Painting subject is a subject that is synonymous with learning painting skills. The technical mastery of painting is based on one's talent in the learning process of painting. Painting well is a satisfaction for a painter. Students are required to have a soul of creativity and know themselves as whole individuals in their lives. To grow in a new awareness about what are the ideas of his work, we need a learning model. With deductive and constructivist learning models that provide space for everyone to grow and develop themselves in learning painting. Developing a learning model of painting to be better and more effective and structured in painting without reducing the power of expression in making paintings. The development model in this study uses the Dick and Carey Model and the research method uses the Borg and Gall model. The results of this study are in the form of a development model of learning to work in painting that can increase interest and rank and insight in the field of painting

    Evaluation of Senior High School History’s Program Curriculum Implementation of Curriculum 2013 in the Province of DKI Jakarta

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    The purpose in this study to evaluate of Senior High School (SMA) Historys Program Curriculum Implementation in Jakarta Province. This study used the CIPPO program evaluation model includes: (1) Context, consisting of the fundamental framework, curriculum standards, and curriculum goals; (2), Input, consisting of elements of curriculum developers, principal, teacher, and student; (3) Process, consisting of planning, learning, and assessments; (4) Product, and the effect of history (5) Outcomes, consisting of history.This research is qualitative with documentation studies, interviews, and observations, which are then enriched with a quantitative data in the form of tests. Data analysis techniques include data collection, data condensation, data presentation, and conclusions. The population studied were SMAN 70, SMAN 48, SMAN 77, and SMAN 18 which implemented Curriculum 2013 and opened a class Science Social Knowledge (IPS) where the subjects of History Indonesia and History Interest in the same academic Interest in Students. The results of the study show that there is a systemic bias, starting from stakeholder understanding, curriculum documents, processes by teachers, learning outcomes, to learning outcomes in the implementation of the High School History Curriculum in the 2013 Curriculum in DKI Jakarta Province

    The Assessment of Student Performance in the Practicum Activity of Basic Physics Course

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    Abstract This study was aimed at obtaining factual information on 1) the assessment of Basic Physics course learning achievement of Physics Education students of the Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Faculty of IAIN Raden Intan Lampung that includes process and product assessment and 2) the results of the implementation of assessment on student performance during the practicum component of the course. The study employed Elliot’s Model of Action Research Study, which is a mixed method in nature. It focused on improving instructional condition as the responsibility of the respective lecturer to make it more responsive to the existing needs .Indeed, it requires commitment of all parties involved in the instructional process to participate and collaborate for improved learning achievement, particularly of the Basic Physics course, to be obtained. In conclusion, based on the process and findings of the action research study, the implementation of performance assessment has significantly improved student learning achievement in the Basic Physics course.Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendpatkan informasi faktual mengenai 1) penilaian hasil belajar Fisika Dasar Pendidikan Fisika Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan IAIN Raden Intan Lampung yang meliputi penilaian proses dan kinerja, dan 2) hasil implementasi penilaian prestasi mahasiswa selama praktikum. Penelitian menggunakan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas Model Elliot, yang merupakan metode campuran. Penelitian fokus kepada peningkatan kondisi pembelajaran sebagai tanggungjawab dosen yang bersangkutan untuk membuatnya lebih responsif dengan kebutuhan yang ada. Tentunya, hal ini membutuhkan komitmen dari seluruh pihak terkait dalam proses pembelajaran untuk berpartisipasi dan berkolaborasi untuk peningkatan hasil pembelajaran, khususnya mata kuliah Fisika Dasar. Dapat disimpulkan, berdasarkan proses dan temuan penelitian tindakan kelas, penerapan penilaian kinerja secara signifikan meningkatkan prestasi belajar mahasiswa pada mata kuliah Fisika Dasar. How to Cite: Yuberti, Nomida, D., Nuriah, T. (2016). The Assessment of Student Performance in the Practicum Activity of Basic Physics Course. TARBIYA: Journal Of Education In Muslim Society, 3(1), 121-130 doi:10.15408/tjems.v3i1.3397. Permalink/DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15408/tjems.v2i1.3397 </p

    The Assessment of Student Performance in the Practicum Activity of Basic Physics Course

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    Abstract This study was aimed at obtaining factual information on 1) the assessment of Basic Physics course learning achievement of Physics Education students of the Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Faculty of IAIN Raden Intan Lampung that includes process and product assessment and 2) the results of the implementation of assessment on student performance during the practicum component of the course. The study employed Elliot’s Model of Action Research Study, which is a mixed method in nature. It focused on improving instructional condition as the responsibility of the respective lecturer to make it more responsive to the existing needs .Indeed, it requires commitment of all parties involved in the instructional process to participate and collaborate for improved learning achievement, particularly of the Basic Physics course, to be obtained. In conclusion, based on the process and findings of the action research study, the implementation of performance assessment has significantly improved student learning achievement in the Basic Physics course.Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendpatkan informasi faktual mengenai 1) penilaian hasil belajar Fisika Dasar Pendidikan Fisika Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan IAIN Raden Intan Lampung yang meliputi penilaian proses dan kinerja, dan 2) hasil implementasi penilaian prestasi mahasiswa selama praktikum. Penelitian menggunakan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas Model Elliot, yang merupakan metode campuran. Penelitian fokus kepada peningkatan kondisi pembelajaran sebagai tanggungjawab dosen yang bersangkutan untuk membuatnya lebih responsif dengan kebutuhan yang ada. Tentunya, hal ini membutuhkan komitmen dari seluruh pihak terkait dalam proses pembelajaran untuk berpartisipasi dan berkolaborasi untuk peningkatan hasil pembelajaran, khususnya mata kuliah Fisika Dasar. Dapat disimpulkan, berdasarkan proses dan temuan penelitian tindakan kelas, penerapan penilaian kinerja secara signifikan meningkatkan prestasi belajar mahasiswa pada mata kuliah Fisika Dasar. How to Cite: Yuberti, Nomida, D., Nuriah, T. (2016). The Assessment of Student Performance in the Practicum Activity of Basic Physics Course. TARBIYA: Journal Of Education In Muslim Society, 3(1), 121-130 doi:10.15408/tjems.v3i1.3397. Permalink/DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15408/tjems.v2i1.339