670 research outputs found

    Towards a tailored approach to neuroplasticity enhancement based on brain and behavioral predictors of language learning success

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    Individual differences in the functional and morphological architecture of the dorsal and ventral language pathways may explain part of the variability observed in the ability to learn new words in healthy population and in language recovery of persons with aphasia (PWA). The traditional gold-standard of aphasia rehabilitation is speech and language therapy (SLT), yet in many cases its effectiveness is limited and aphasic subjects are left with enduring deficits. More recent studies suggest that benefits of SLT can be boosted by the use of additional therapeutic approaches such as transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS). The present project seeks to identify brain and cognitive predictors of treatment response that guide the choice of the language pathway (i.e. dorsal or ventral) and hemisphere (left or right) that must be potentiated to maximize individual benefits. For this, the implication of the dorsal and ventral pathways will be modulated with two validated word-learning tasks: phonological word-learning task and contextual word-learning task. Further, the activity of the left or right cerebral hemispheres will be modulated by using 3different tDCS conditions. This project will be implemented through two studies in two different samples: (i) 30 healthy adults, and (ii) 10 PWA. Each subject will participate in 3 sessions separated by a week. In each session, subjects will receive a different tDCS stimulation condition and will be required to perform the two learning tasks. A magnetic resonance imaging session will be acquired at baseline to obtain structural and functional information. The results of this project will provide helpful hints for making decision in the selection of therapeutic algorithms for tDCS as well as for the selection of tailor-made SLT for aphasic individuals.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Is the emergence of speech errors in chronic post-stroke aphasia a result of ongoing compensatory brain plasticity mechanisms?

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    Traditional descriptions of aphasia have ascribed language disturbances to tissue damage but symptoms expressed as repetitive verbal behaviors such as echolalia, perseverations and so forth, cannot emanate from fully dysfunctional. We propose that in aphasia, repetitive verbal behaviors (such as conduite d’approche (CdA) and mitigated echolalia (ME)) may be compensatory behaviors emerging from ongoing plastic changes occurring in the preserved tissue. CdA is the repetitive and self-initiated approximation to a target word during spontaneous speech or naming tasks. ME refers to the echoing of a just heard sentence introducing a subtle change. At brain level, language deficits usually result from lesions affecting the dorsal and the ventral streams. Damage to the main dorsal pathway is related to deficits in verbal repetition and fluency, while lesions affecting the ventral pathway are related to comprehension deficits. Thus, we propose that ME may emerge from spared dorsal stream when the ventral system is compromised, while CdA may result as an attemp of the ventral stream to compensate dorsal damage. In this study we analysed three cases of aphasia at linguistic and structural (MRI and PET) levels. In patient 1, speech was predominantly characterized by instances of CdA, patient 2 presented predominantly ME instances, and patient 3 had both CdA and ME. Results showed that patient 1 had a disconnection pattern that greatly overlapped with the dorsal language pathway, while patient 2 ́s lesion location bisected the ventral pathway discontinuing the projection of fibers that run through it. Patient 3 presented a disconnection pattern in-between the two previous ones. These findings suggest that symptoms as CdA and ME, that frequently appear in the chronic stage of aphasia may represent the behavioral expression of plastic changes occurring within the preserved language network in an attempt to compensate the linguistic functions associated to the damaged pathway.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Residential proximity to environmental pollution sources and risk of rare tumors in children

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    Background: Few epidemiologic studies have explored risk factors for rare tumors in children, and the role of environmental factors needs to be assessed. Objectives: To ascertain the effect of residential proximity to both industrial and urban areas on childhood cancer risk, taking industrial groups into account. Methods: We conducted a population-based case-control study of five childhood cancers in Spain (retinoblastoma, hepatic tumors, soft tissue sarcomas, germ cell tumors, and other epithelial neoplasms/melanomas), including 557 incident cases from the Spanish Registry of Childhood Tumors (period 1996-2011), and 3342 controls individually matched by year of birth, sex, and region of residence. Distances were computed from the residences to the 1271 industries and the 30 urban areas with ≥75,000 inhabitants located in the study area. Using logistic regression, odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (95%CIs) for categories of distance to industrial and urban pollution sources were calculated, with adjustment for matching variables and socioeconomic confounders. Results: Children living near industrial and urban areas as a whole showed no excess risk for any of the tumors analyzed. However, isolated statistical associations (OR; 95%CI) were found between retinoblastoma and proximity to industries involved in glass and mineral fibers (2.49; 1.01-6.12 at 3km) and organic chemical industries (2.54; 1.10-5.90 at 2km). Moreover, soft tissue sarcomas registered the lower risks in the environs of industries as a whole (0.59; 0.38-0.93 at 4km). Conclusions: We have found isolated statistical associations between retinoblastoma and proximity to industries involved in glass and mineral fibers and organic chemical industries.This study was funded by Spain's Health Research Fund (Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria - FIS 12/01416) and Scientific Foundation of the Spanish Association Against Cancer (Fundación Científica de la Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer (AECC) – EVP-1178/14).N

    Neurocognitive signatures of phonemic sequencing in expert backward speakers

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    Despite its prolific growth, neurolinguistic research on phonemic sequencing has largely neglected the study of individuals with highly developed skills in this domain. To bridge this gap, we report multidimensional signatures of two experts in backward speech, that is, the capacity to produce utterances by reversing the order of phonemes while retaining their identity. Our approach included behavioral assessments of backward and forward speech alongside neuroimaging measures of voxel-based morphometry, diffusion tensor imaging, and resting-state functional connectivity. Relative to controls, both backward speakers exhibited behavioral advantages for reversing words and sentences of varying complexity, irrespective of working memory skills. These patterns were accompanied by increased grey matter volume, higher mean diffusivity, and enhanced functional connectivity along dorsal and ventral stream regions mediating phonological and other linguistic operations, with complementary support of areas subserving associative-visual and domain-general processes. Still, the specific loci of these neural patterns differed between both subjects, suggesting individual variability in the correlates of expert backward speech. Taken together, our results offer new vistas on the domain of phonemic sequencing, while illuminating neuroplastic patterns underlying extraordinary language abilities

    Childhood leukemia and residential proximity to industrial and urban sites

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    BACKGROUND: Few risk factors for the childhood leukemia are well established. While a small fraction of cases of childhood leukemia might be partially attributable to some diseases or ionizing radiation exposure, the role of industrial and urban pollution also needs to be assessed. OBJECTIVES: To ascertain the possible effect of residential proximity to both industrial and urban areas on childhood leukemia, taking into account industrial groups and toxic substances released. METHODS: We conducted a population-based case-control study of childhood leukemia in Spain, covering 638 incident cases gathered from the Spanish Registry of Childhood Tumors and for those Autonomous Regions with 100% coverage (period 1990-2011), and 13,188 controls, individually matched by year of birth, sex, and autonomous region of residence. Distances were computed from the respective subject's residences to the 1068 industries and the 157 urban areas with ≥10,000 inhabitants, located in the study area. Using logistic regression, odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (95%CIs) for categories of distance to industrial and urban pollution sources were calculated, with adjustment for matching variables. RESULTS: Excess risk of childhood leukemia was observed for children living near (≤2.5 km) industries (OR=1.31; 95%CI=1.03-1.67) - particularly glass and mineral fibers (OR=2.42; 95%CI=1.49-3.92), surface treatment using organic solvents (OR=1.87; 95%CI=1.24-2.83), galvanization (OR=1.86; 95%CI=1.07-3.21), production and processing of metals (OR=1.69; 95%CI=1.22-2.34), and surface treatment of metals (OR=1.62; 95%CI=1.22-2.15) - , and urban areas (OR=1.36; 95%CI=1.02-1.80). CONCLUSIONS: Our study furnishes some evidence that living in the proximity of industrial and urban sites may be a risk factor for childhood leukemia.This study was funded by Spain’s Health Research Fund (Fondode Investigación Sanitaria–FIS 12/01416 and FIS CP11/00112).S

    Mortalidad por causas esternas en España

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    En España se producen unas 14.000 muertes anuales por causas externas. Según datos de Eurostat 1, en el trienio 2008-2010 España tenía en hombres las tasas ajustadas de mortalidad por causas externas más bajas de los países de la Unión Europea, incluidos los de la Asociación Europea de Libre Comercio (EFTA), y en mujeres sólo Grecia presentaba tasas más bajas. La mortalidad mayor por estas causas se encontraba en Lituania, con unas tasas que para uno y otro sexo cuadruplicaban a las españolas, seguida de Letonia y Estonia. Al hablar de mortalidad por causas externas nos referimos a la que tiene su origen en accidentes, violencia, acontecimientos ambientales, envenenamientos y otros efectos adversos, tal como se recoge en el Capítulo XX de la décima revisión de la Clasificación Internacional de Enfermedades (CIE) y en los códigos «E» de revisiones anteriores 2. Cuando se produce un fallecimiento que obedezca o se sospeche que pueda ser debido a alguna de estas situaciones, es preceptiva la intervención judicial y la práctica de autopsia medicolegal para determinar la causa y circunstancias de la muerte 3, 4. El secretario judicial es el responsable, a partir del informe forense, de cumplimentar el Boletín Estadístico de Defunción Judicial (BEDJ) 5 (hasta 2009 era el documento MNP-52), que es el documento con finalidad estadística a partir del que se selecciona la causa básica de defunción que se codifica de acuerdo con la CIE vigente para la elaboración, por parte del Instituto Nacional de Estadística (INE), de la Estadística de Defunciones según la Causa de Muerte 6. En estos casos se considera como causa básica de defunción el acontecimiento que origina las lesiones que conducen a la muerte, siguiendo las normas de la Organización Mundial de la Salud. Dentro de este grupo tenemos una variedad de causas que de acuerdo con la CIE se pueden clasificar en intencionales (suicidio y homicidio), no intencionales (accidentes, ya sean de tráfico o de cualquier otro tipo, incluyendo las causas de iatrogenia) y de intención indeterminada. Los accidentes laborales mortales no se pueden diferenciar por la configuración de las CIE. Según las fuentes específicas, la mortalidad por accidentes laborales de causa traumática vendría a suponer alrededor de un 11% de todas las defunciones de causa externa no intencional en las edades productivas 7, 8. Las causas de intención indeterminada en España supusieron en el período 2007-2011 solo un 0,6% de todas las externas, porcentaje muy inferior al de otros países. Así, en la unión europea, como media en el trienio 2008-2010 significaron el 5,1%, aunque con grandes variaciones, presentando los porcentajes más bajos los países mediterráneos, y los más altos los del este y, principalmente y a bastante distancia, Portugal (25%) 9. En algunos países, una mayoría de fallecimientos así clasificados responden a la sospecha de que pueda tratarse de algunas causas como homicidio y principalmente suicidio, pero cuya intencionalidad no queda absolutamente clara.N

    Oesophageal cancer mortality in Spain: a spatial analysis

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    BACKGROUND: Oesophageal carcinoma is one of the most common cancers worldwide. Its incidence and mortality rates show a wide geographical variation at a world and regional level. Geographic mapping of age-standardized, cause-specific death rates at a municipal level could be a helpful and powerful tool for providing clues leading to a better understanding of its aetiology. METHODS: This study sought to describe the geographic distribution of oesophageal cancer mortality for Spain's 8077 towns, using the autoregressive spatial model proposed by Besag, York and Mollié. Maps were plotted, depicting standardised mortality ratios, smoothed relative risk (RR) estimates, and the spatial pattern of the posterior probability of RR being greater than 1. RESULTS: Important differences associated with area of residence were observed in risk of dying from oesophageal cancer in Spain during the study period (1989-1998). Among men, excess risk appeared across the north of the country, along a band spanning the length of the Cantabrian coastline, Navarre, the north of Castile & León and the north-west of La Rioja. Excess risk was likewise observed in the provinces of Cadiz and part of Seville in Andalusia, the islands of Tenerife and Gran Canaria, and some towns in the Barcelona and Gerona areas. Among women, there was a noteworthy absence of risk along the mid-section of the Cantabrian seaboard, and increases in mortality, not observed for men, in the west of Extremadura and south-east of Andalusia. CONCLUSION: These major gender- and area-related geographical differences in risk would seem to reflect differences in the prevalence of some well-established and modifiable risk factors, including smoking, alcohol consumption, obesity and diet. In addition, excess risks were in evidence for both sexes in some areas, possibly suggesting the implication of certain local environmental or socio-cultural factors. From a public health standpoint, small-area studies could be very useful for identifying locations where epidemiological research and intervention measures ought to receive priority, given the potential for reducing risk in certain places.This study was funded by Grant No. EPY-1176/02 from the Carlos III Institute of Health (ISCIII) and RCESP FIS-C03/09 (Spanish Network for Cooperative Research in Epidemiology and Public Health)S

    Association between residential proximity to environmental pollution sources and childhood renal tumors

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    FI=3.835 (año 2016), Q1Background: Few risk factors for childhood renal tumors are well established. While a small fraction of cases might be attributable to susceptibility genes and congenital anomalies, the role of environmental factors needs to be assessed. Objectives: To explore the possible association between residential proximity to environmental pollution sources (industrial and urban areas, and agricultural crops) and childhood renal cancer, taking into account industrial groups and toxic substances released. Methods: We conducted a population-based case-control study of childhood renal cancer in Spain, including 213 incident cases gathered from the Spanish Registry of Childhood Tumors (period 1996-2011), and 1278 controls individually matched by year of birth, sex, and region of residence. Distances were computed from the respective subject's residences to the 1271 industries, the 30 urban areas with ≥75,000 inhabitants, and the agricultural crops located in the study area. Using logistic regression, odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (95%CIs) for categories of distance to pollution sources were calculated, with adjustment for matching variables and socioeconomic confounders. Results: Excess risk (OR; 95%CI) of childhood renal tumors was observed for children living near (≤2.5km) industrial installations as a whole (1.97; 1.13-3.42) - particularly glass and mineral fibers (2.69; 1.19-6.08), galvanization (2.66; 1.14-6.22), hazardous waste (2.59; 1.25-5.37), ceramic (2.35; 1.06-5.21), surface treatment of metals (2.25; 1.24-4.08), organic chemical industry (2.22; 1.15-4.26), food and beverage sector (2.19; 1.18-4.07), urban and waste-water treatment plants (2.14; 1.07-4.30), and production and processing of metals (1.98; 1.03-3.82) -, and in the proximity of agricultural crops (3.16; 1.54-8.89 for children with percentage of crop surface ≥24.35% in a 1-km buffer around their residences). Conclusions: Our study provides some epidemiological evidence that living near certain industrial areas and agricultural crops may be a risk factor for childhood renal cancer.This study was funded by Spain's Health Research Fund (Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria - FIS 12/01416 and FIS CP11/00112).N

    Vigilancia de la gripe en España. Resumen de la temporada 2011-2012. Semanas 40/2011 - 04/2012 (del 02 de octubre de 2011 al 29 de enero de 2012)

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    El nivel de intensidad de la actividad gripal registrado en España, desde el inicio de la temporada 2011-2012, hasta la semana 04/2012 (del 23 al 29 de enero de 2012) fue moderado y se asoció a una circulación mayoritaria de virus de la gripe A(H3). La tasa de incidencia de gripe superó el umbral basal de la temporada 2011-12 en la semana 52/2011, registrándose un incremento paulatino en el porcentaje de muestras positivas a virus gripales, desde la semana 48/2011 hasta la semana 04/2012. Desde la semana 40/2011 hasta la semana 04/2012 se han notificado 103 casos graves hospitalizados confirmados de gripe, de los que siete fallecieron. La mayoría de los casos fueron infecciones por virus de la gripe A(H3). De los casos pertenecientes a los grupos elegibles para vacunación, el 44% había recibido la vacuna antigripal de esta temporada. La actividad gripal en la región templada del hemisferio norte continúa baja, aunque con notables incrementos locales de actividad en el norte de América, oeste de Europa y norte de China. El virus más común en el hemisferio norte ha sido el A(H3), a excepción de Méjico, donde ha circulado de manera predominante el virus de la gripe A(H1N1)pdm09, y China, donde ha predominado el tipo B. La actividad gripal en los países templados del hemisferio sur se sitúa de nuevo en niveles de intertemporada.N

    Updating Fearful Memories with Extinction Training during Reconsolidation: A Human Study Using Auditory Aversive Stimuli

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    Learning to fear danger in the environment is essential to survival, but dysregulation of the fear system is at the core of many anxiety disorders. As a consequence, a great interest has emerged in developing strategies for suppressing fear memories in maladaptive cases. Recent research has focused in the process of reconsolidation where memories become labile after being retrieved. In a behavioral manipulation, Schiller et al., (2010) reported that extinction training, administrated during memory reconsolidation, could erase fear responses. The implications of this study are crucial for the possible treatment of anxiety disorders without the administration of drugs. However, attempts to replicate this effect by other groups have been so far unsuccessful. We sought out to reproduce Schiller et al., (2010) findings in a different fear conditioning paradigm based on auditory aversive stimuli instead of electric shock. Following a within-subject design, participants were conditioned to two different sounds and skin conductance response (SCR) was recorded as a measure of fear. Our results demonstrated that only the conditioned stimulus that was reminded 10 minutes before extinction training did not reinstate a fear response after a reminder trial consisting of the presentation of the unconditioned stimuli. For the first time, we replicated Schiller et al., (2010) behavioral manipulation and extended it to an auditory fear conditioning paradigm