916 research outputs found

    Territórios na resistência rumo como estado: rumo a uma constelação de mundos possíveis

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    El presente escrito pretende aproximar a la forma de organización, relación social y acción política de sociedades y colectividades que no se incorporan plenamente a la organización socio-política del poder estatal. A modo de reflexionar la relación del capital con el Estado, en tanto éste se convierte en un punto de tensión de las sociedades políticamente organizadas que resisten al “sistema capitalista moderno colonial”. Consideramos necesario hacer visibles aquellos procesos históricos de sociedades que escapan a la forma de control estatal. El escrito parte de considerar la posibilidad de reinvención de nuevas territorialidades en el contexto del la crisis sistémica. Territorialidades que hoy se presentan a partir de un proyecto autonómico de vida que construye sus propias formas de autogobierno, autogestión y autodefensa. Retomamos dos procesos de resistencia socio-espacial, presentando la región del sureste mexicano, específicamente la zona Selva Lacandona de Chiapas, denominada por los pueblos zapatistas como “Territorios Rebeldes”, los que se dispersan en un aproximado de 350 mil hectáreas, donde habitan medio millón de familias y; la región montañosa del sudeste asiático y sur de China, denominada Zomia, teniendo su despliegue por más de dos mil años en2,5 millones de kilómetros cuadrados, donde llegaron a habitar aproximadamente 100 millones de personas. A partir de dichos procesos intentamos ir desplegando reflexiones producto de una investigación comprometida con las transformaciones sociales en tanto articulamos el resultado a partir de rescatar categorizaciones propias de los sujetos colectivos.Este trabalho tem como objetivo aproximar a forma de organização , as relações sociais e as sociedades e as comunidades políticas que nãoestão totalmente incorporadas na organização sócio-política de ação do poder estatal . Uma maneira de refletir a relação da capital do estado , enquanto ele se torna um ponto de estresse das sociedades politicamente organizadas que resistemao " sistema capitalista moderno colonial. " Consideramos que é necessário para tornar visíveis os processos históricos das sociedades para além da forma de controle do Estado. A parte escrita considerar reinventar novas territorialidades no contexto de crisesistêmica . Territorialidades apresentado hoje a partir de um projeto de vida autônomo que constrói suas próprias formas de auto- governo , auto-gestão e auto-defesa. Retomamos dois processos de resistência sócio-espacial , caracterizando a região sudeste do México , especificamente a Selva Lacandona de Chiapas , os zapatistas pediu como " território rebelde " , que estão dispersos em cerca de 350 hectares , habitada pela meta de milhões de famílias ; as terras altas do Sudeste Asiático e no sul da China, chamado Zomia tomar a sua implantação hámais de dois mil anos para 2,5 milhões de quilómetros quadrados , que vieram habitar cerca de 100 milhões de pessoas. A partir desses processos que se desenrolam reflexões tentei ir pesquisa de produtos comprometidos com as transformações sociais como resultado articulado resgatar -se da temas categorização coletiva.Fil: Gutierrez Luna, Diana Itzu. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios sobre Cultura y Sociedad. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios sobre Cultura y Sociedad; Argentin

    Clothing consumption practice and its impact on the transformation of “public space”. Vía primavera, El Poblado, Medellín

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    [EN] Vía Primavera is a fashion district in El Poblado neighbourhood that has become a public referent of city life in Medellin – Colombia, a space that is shown as inclusive and accessible to all types of collectives. This paper is part of a research which purpose is to understand the connection between the public space with its moral and physical organization and the exclusion processes that the clothing conspicuous consumption generates in Via Primavera. The analysis of this connection is subjected to a mutual play between prior structure and agency and the crystallization, or not, of its existence through an interrelation. In the same way, a concern about the city models resumed in the national and local development plans, and its relevance as the ones that set the social and economic ideal of public spaces arises. An ideal that contradicts with practice, where exclusion processes through consumption practices bring a tension in what is supposed to be public, breaking with its inclusive and collective characterGutierrez, D.; Uribe, N. (2018). Clothing consumption practice and its impact on the transformation of “public space”. Vía primavera, El Poblado, Medellín. En 24th ISUF International Conference. Book of Papers. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 425-433. https://doi.org/10.4995/ISUF2017.2017.6081OCS42543


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    Hydrocarbons from fossil fuels play a key role in supporting diverse socio-economic activities and growth of the global economy. Principally, hydrocarbons are used as fuels for energy generation and as raw materials for manufacturing products of high economic value, such as lubricants, packaging material, and agrochemicals. Due to greenhouse gas emissions associated with use of fossil fuel products, alternative sources of feedstocks to manufacture industrial hydrocarbons are highly sought after. This project explored the utility of a newly discovered cyanobacterial strain (Synechocystis SR) as a source of lipids for industrial applications. In experiments to optimise biomass production, a two-stage system sequencing 5 days of high light (150 μmol.m-2.s-1) followed by 2 days of low light (75 μmol.m-2.s-1) incubation of cyanobacterial cultures produced the best growth results. Because lipid production in cyanobacteria is activated by stress, the impact of NaCl and the mycotoxin fumonisin B1 (FB1) on growth was evaluated. FB1 exhibited no growth inhibitory activity against neither Synechocystis SR nor the control strain Synechocystis PCC 6803. However, salinity stress imposed by NaCl had a disproportionately higher impact on the growth of Synechocystis PCC 6803 than Synechocystis SR. The effects of salinity on cyanobacterial growth were dependent on light, with high light totally inhibiting growth while low light incubation followed by high light enabled the cultures to acclimate and survive the stress. Salinity stress activated expression of all the fatty acid biosynthetic pathway genes, with Synechocystis SR showing higher gene expression than Synechocystis PCC 6803. The activation in gene expression led to a two-fold increase in total lipid accumulation in Synechocystis SR. Even though there was an increase in the amount of total lipid, the profile of fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs) remained unchanged. FAMEs extracted from Synechocystis SR could be used as an industrial feedstock for production of diverse industrial hydrocarbon products

    Yield Stress and Flow Behavior of Enzyme Liquiefied Slurries from Corn Cobs and Corn Stover Pellets

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    With the increase in population, the world will depend on renewable sources to meet the increasing energy needs. The use of lignocellulosic biomass as a renewable source has been proven efficient for conversion to cellulosic ethanol and capable of contributing to thresholds for energy demand while reducing greenhouse gases by 90% when compared with fossil fuels. However, feeding and flow of biomass within biorefineries represent a constant challenge and needs to be addressed. The purpose of this research is to understand the yield stress and flow behavior of enzyme liquefied slurries from Corn Cobs and Corn Stover Pellets and explore the effects of the differences in composition and physical characteristics of the material on the enzymatic liquefaction and rhealogy

    Visual Analysis as a tool for urban intervention in comparative studies

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    [EN] In recent years, urban design development has been an important topic in Latin American cities such as Medellin, Mexico City and Córdoba, due to the transformation of their urban spaces and new methods used to evaluate the social, morphological and, in some cases, economic impacts that have been brought about by urban development projects. When inquiring about the development process and impact of urban studies, and the inhabitants’ relation to a transformed space, it is important to establish the context within which images, drawings and photographs are analyzed, using graphical approaches triangulated with other research methods to define comparative criteria this paper will show, another example were visual analysis tools where used to understand urban transformation regarding economic process.Builes, A.; Correa, L.; Gutierrez, D. (2018). Visual Analysis as a tool for urban intervention in comparative studies. En 24th ISUF International Conference. Book of Papers. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 1413-1421. https://doi.org/10.4995/ISUF2017.2017.5866OCS1413142

    Creative Destruction? Creative firms, workers and residential gentrification

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    An established theoretical and case study literature discusses how the creative industries, and Creative City policies, may drive neighbourhood gentrification. However, this literature is inconclusive on the size of these links; whether creative activity drives neighbourhood change or follows it, and how this happens; and differences across creative firms, workers and activities, notably the role of artists and ‘the arts’ versus other creative sectors. This paper seeks to clarify these questions by testing the links between creative activity presence and residential gentrification. We explore these issues for neighbourhoods in England and Wales, using rich microdata on creative firms and workers for the 2000s and 2010s. We find that the overall links between localised creative activity and subsequent gentrification is small, even in the most creatively-dense neighbourhoods. The role of creative firms is more stable, but substantively smaller, than that of creative workers. The overall picture hides important variations across places, properties and activity types

    ? Puede ser humedal de Tibanica un ambiente de aprendizaje en ciencias naturales para los estudiantes del ciclo II del colegio Gimnacio Caceres?

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    97 p. Recurso Electr?nicoEn el transcurso de este proyecto o tema de investigaci?n nos vamos a encontrar con diferentes problem?ticas ambientales alrededor del Humedal Tibanica ubicado en la localidad de Bosa, basados en esta problem?tica queremos reconstruir paso a paso sus referencias, su historia, su tem?tica ambiental y as? mismo encontrar una soluci?n frente a ella, inmersos en un punto de vista institucional y un poco m?s all? de la comunidad, el Colegio Gimnasio C?ceres nos va a ser de gran ayuda en este proceso, ya que nos va a brindar un punto de vista diferente. Vamos a inmiscuirnos en algunas referencias anteriores de autores o personas que han tratado de solucionar esta problem?tica ambiental, dando nuestro punto de vista y adem?s de ello nuestra manera de llegar a la soluci?n real, por medio de ayudas did?cticas o te?ricas que lleven tanto a la instituci?n, como a la comunidad a tener una mejor perspectiva del uso del Humedal Tibanica, y sus beneficios frente a la misma.During this project or research topic we will find different environmental issues around Tibanica wetland located in the area of Bosa, based on this issue we want to rebuild step by step its references, its history, its environmental issue and the same way get a solution about this, immersed in an institutional point of view and going a little beyond of the community, the Gimansio C?ceres school is going to be a great help in this process, it will offer us a different point of view. We will meddle in some previous references of authors and people who have tried to resolve this environmental issue, giving our point of view and besides our way to get a real solution, through teaching aids or theorical aids which leading as the institution as the community to have a better perspective about how use the wetland Tibanica and its benefits against the same one

    Imagem da psicologia e do psicólogo: a perceção de estudantes sobre o psicólogo da educação

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    Olhando a Psicologia, com especial atenção ao Psicólogo da Educação, esta investigação pretende explorar a perceção que os/as alunos/as têm acerca deste Profissional, do seu papel e funções, dentro dos contextos educativos. Para esse efeito foi conduzida uma investigação de natureza qualitativa exploratória, com 20 participantes, através da técnica do Focus Group e recorrendo à análise temática. Dessa análise emergiram três temas: 1) Contacto com Psicólogo; 2) Psicologia; 3) Psicologia e Psicólogo da Educação. Os resultados obtidos permitiram perceber que a maior parte dos/as alunos/as já tiveram contacto com um Psicólogo, sendo o local mais frequente a Escola. A Psicologia é percecionada como uma área, essencialmente, de ajuda incondicional ao outro, sendo associada aos contextos de saúde mental. Quanto à Psicologia da Educação foi possível caracteriza-la, também, como uma área de ajuda que passa pela resolução de problemas, promoção de competências e bem-estar e principalmente, pela compreensão do ser humano, sendo este o principal propósito do trabalho do Psicólogo da Educação; A look on psychology and psychologist: the perception of students on the Education Psychologist Abstract: Having a look on Psychology, with special attention to the Education Psychologist, this research aims to explore the perception that the students have about this professionals, their role and functions within the educational contexts. For this purpose, we conducted an exploratory qualitative research, with 20 participants, using the Focus Group technique and the thematic analysis. Three themes emerged from this analysis: 1) Contact with the Psychologist; 2) Psychology; 3) Psychology and Educational Psychologist. The results allowed us to realize that most students already had contact with a Psychologist, being school the most frequent contact place. Psychology is essentially understood as a field of unconditional aid to others, and is associated with mental health. The education psychology has, also, been possible to categorize it as a field of support wich endures through problem resolution, well being and aptitude encouragement and mostly through the understanding of the human being. This being the education psychologist, primary goa

    Finanzas a Corto Plazo Análisis del grado de apalancamiento operativo y Financiero de la empresa de producción "El Éxito" 2013

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    Nuestra investigación tiene como propósito Analizar el grado de Apalancamiento Operativo y Financiero en la Empresa de producción “El Éxito” para el 2013. Además investiga por medio de fuentes documentales, conceptos, libros de Autores reconocidos, el manejo y control para la toma de decisiones antes eventos imprevistos en la empresa, el diseño de un plan de mejora continua y el análisis de un apalancamiento seguro de ganancias y no pérdidas en la producción, estimando siempre el punto de equilibrio. Como estrategia metodológica se opta por un estudio múltiple de fuentes bibliográficas. Se analizan dos fuentes en especial, los cuales son : Fundamentos de la Administración Financiera, en esta bibliografía se tomo en cuenta el concepto de administración financieras para comprender la importancia del manejo de recursos monetarios en las empresas , así como en el ámbito personal, además analizar los objetivos que se pretender alcanzar con las finanzas para el desarrollo y crecimiento de la empresa “El Éxito”. Otra fuente bibliográfica es Apalancamiento Operativo y Financiero, en el cual se aplica el análisis del endeudamiento, se dijo que el hecho de una empresa recurrir a ala deuda como alternativa para mejorar la rentabilidad del propietario, también se le conocía como recurrir al Apalancamiento Financiero o recurrir a la Palanca Financiera. Así mismo se explica caso práctico donde se reflejan procedimiento financiero donde se analizan los puntos estratégicos principales para apalancamiento en la producción ya sea operativo y financiero. Este análisis de estudio se realizó con el objetivo de fundamentar nuestro marco teórico para el buen desarrollo investigativo del mismo. Los resultados obtenidos muestran, que realizando una toma de decisión acertada en base a la producción de la empresa, el punto de equilibrio, las razones financieras, el GAO, GAF se tendrá una mayor productividad y control en las ventas así como en ganancias positivas

    “The grass is greener on the other side”:The relationship between the Brexit referendum results and spatial inequalities at the local level

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    Despite seven decades of development of the European Union project, on 23 June 2016, the United Kingdom, Europe and the rest of the world were surprised when the Leave campaign won the Brexit referendum, offering an extraordinary case study for researchers. We spatially disaggregate the vote share data, which allows us to explore where anti-European sentiment took root in the UK and why. In this paper, a spatial dependence model is applied to clarify and quantify the relevance of the different dimensions - demographic, cultural/educational and economic - that play a role in explaining the rise of support for the Leave campaign. The analysis is conducted at the local level, using local authorities (LAs) as the spatial unit of analysis due to the combination of official datasets with newly generated data in the context of an EU H2020 project. A new indicator capturing the affluence of each local area relative to its close neighbours is proposed and included in the model. In general, we observe that most of the main conclusions obtained by large regions or at the national level also hold at the local scale. However, it is particularly interesting that inequalities by LAs are clearly significant, indicating a marked influence on voters' decisions that have thus far been unaccounted for. This result provides further support for the existence of, to use Andrés Rodriguez-Pose's terminology, an even more intense "revenge of the places that do not matter" at the local scale.A pesar de siete décadas de desarrollo del proyecto de la Unión Europea, el 23 de junio de 2016, el Reino Unido, Europa y el resto del mundo se vieron sorprendidos cuando la campaña Leave ganó el referéndum de Brexit, lo que ofreció un estudio de caso extraordinario para la investigación. En este artículo se desagregaron espacialmente los datos de distribución del voto, lo que permitió examinar en dónde arraigó el sentimiento antieuropeo en el Reino Unido y por qué. Se aplicó un modelo de dependencia espacial para aclarar y cuantificar la relevancia de las diferentes dimensiones (demográfica, cultural/educativa y económica) que intervienen en la explicación del aumento del apoyo a la campaña Leave. El análisis se realizó a nivel local, utilizando las autoridades locales (AL) como unidad espacial de análisis debido a la combinación de conjuntos de datos oficiales con datos recién generados en el contexto de un proyecto Horizonte 2020 de la UE. Se propone un nuevo indicador que capta la prosperidad de cada área local en relación con sus vecinas cercanas, que se incluyó en el modelo. En general, se observó que la mayoría de las conclusiones principales obtenidas por las grandes regiones o a nivel nacional aplican también a escala local. Sin embargo, es especialmente interesante que las desigualdades a nivel de AL son claramente significativas, lo que indica una marcada influencia en las decisiones de los votantes que hasta ahora no se han tenido en cuenta. Este resultado proporciona apoyo adicional a la existencia de, según la terminología de Andrés Rodríguez-Pose, una "venganza de los sitios que no importan" aún más intensa a escala local