14 research outputs found

    Recarga artificial de aquíferos:aplicação ao sistema aquífero da Campina de Faro

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    Tese de doutoramento, Geologia (Hidrogeologia), 2009, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de CiênciasA investigação realizada nesta Tese de Doutoramento enquadra-se no âmbito do Projecto Comunitário GABARDINE, financiado pelo 6º Programa-Quadro de Investigação da União Europeia, desenvolvido no Núcleo de Águas Subterrâneas (NAS) do Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil (LNEC). O seu objectivo consistiu por um lado, no aprofundar dos conhecimentos relativamente às metodologias de recarga artificial de aquíferos, e por outro, na possibilidade deste tipo de técnica poder ser aplicada com a finalidade de contribuir para a recuperação da qualidade de um aquífero poluído por poluição difusa. O caso de estudo seleccionado para o desenvolvimento da investigação foi a parte central do sistema aquífero da Campina de Faro. São conhecidos os problemas de qualidade da água subterrânea existentes nesse local, pelo que, passou a integrar desde 2004, a zona vulnerável de Faro, relativamente à concentração de nitratos. Outra motivação que serviu de base a este estudo, prendeu-se com a obrigatoriedade imposta pela aplicação da Directiva-Quadro da Água de poder ser alcançado o bom estado qualitativo e quantitativo de todas as massas poluídas , num determinado horizonte temporal, mais precisamente até 2015. A recarga artificial de águas subterrâneas apresenta-se como uma metodologia cujo contributo é determinante para alcançar esses objectivos, em termos quantitativos e qualitativos. Foram aplicadas várias metodologias de recarga artificial do aquífero superficial da Campina de Faro in situ. O principal objectivo destes ensaios foi avaliar o seu desempenho em termos de taxas de infiltração, avaliar os efeitos da sua aplicação em termos de qualidade e quantidade da água subterrânea, recorrendo a fontes de água alternativas, como serve de exemplo o escoamento superficial, e determinar parâmetros hidráulicos do aquífero, designadamente permeabilidades e velocidades de escoamento no meio subterrâneo. A informação adquirida foi incorporada num modelo de escoamento subterrâneo e de transporte de massa, que permitiu modelar a resposta do aquífero em tempo real, incorporando a aplicação de diferentes cenários e formas de realizar a sua recarga artificial. Tendo em conta a diversidade de respostas alcançadas, face ao número de cenários que se pretendam estudar, a escolha da decisão mais adequada ou as mais adequadas, sob determinados pontos de vista, pode ser auxiliada com o recurso à aplicação de Sistemas de Apoio à Decisão, considerando um vasto leque de questões ambientais e económicas às quais terá que ser dada uma resposta.This PhD dissertation was carried out in the framework of GABARDINE Project, sponsored by the 6th Framework Programme for Research of European Union. The Project was developed in Núcleo de Águas Subterrâneas (NAS) of Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil (LNEC). The main objective consisted on one hand, to improve the knowledge on artificial recharge methodologies, and for the other, to assess its applicability to improve groundwater quality jeopardized by a diffuse pollution affected aquifer. The case-study selected for the investigation development was the central part of the aquifer system of Campina de Faro. Ongoing problems of groundwater quality are known (nitrates concentration), in this place, so it was considered, in 2004, the vulnerable zone of Campina de Faro. Another driving force that supported this study was the requirement imposed by the Water Framework Directive application to achieve the good qualitative and quantitative status of all polluted bodies , in a predefined time-period, more precisely up to 2015. In this way, several in situ artificial recharge methodologies were applied to Campina de Faro superficial aquifer. The main objective of those experiments was to estimate performances in terms of infiltration rates, to assess groundwater quality and quantity resulting effects, considering alternative sources of water (e.g. surface water surpluses), and to determine aquifer hydraulic parameters (e.g. hydraulic conductivities and groundwater velocities). Afterwards, part of the acquired information was incorporated in a groundwater flow and mass transport model, which allowed simulating real time aquifer responses, incorporating different artificial recharge scenarios. Taking into account the diversity of the obtained results, facing the number of scenarios who can to be studied, the decision of the most appropriate choice, using Decision Support System application is suggested. This would be done considering environmental and also economical questions.Projecto Comunitário GABARDINE, financiado pelo 6º Programa-Quadro de Investigação da União Europeia, desenvolvido no Núcleo de Águas Subterrâneas (NAS) do Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil (LNEC

    Identifying Optimal Cell Size for Geodiversity Quantitative Assessment with Richness, Diversity and Evenness Indices

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    The importance of quantitatively assessing the spatial patterns of geodiversity, and their intrinsic relationship with biodiversity and the ecosystem services provided to society, has been signalized by several authors, due to the relevance of this information in territorial management, the planning of environmental and conservation strategies. Within geodiversity method assessments, the grid system is the most widely used GIS spatial approach to calculate a geodiversity index. Preferred for its simplicity, it implies the fundamental decision of choosing the scale of the analysis, defined by the selection of cell size, determinant for the accuracy and correctness of the final maps. Although this topic has been occasionally approached by some authors within geodiversity assessments, there is no formal procedure for cell size selection. This is a key issue, and, in the scope of the present work, an empirical procedure to select optimal cell size(s) was tested on the national scale in Portugal, in lithology and geomorphology datasets. The quantitative method based on geodiversity indices was applied, using richness, diversity and evenness indices, in a hexagonal analytical grid, through eight cell dimensions. Several descriptive statistical parameters were analyzed, with particular emphasis on dispersion statistical measures. Optimal cell size corresponded to the minimum cell size, once dispersion values were significatively reduced or stabilized, and distributions from evenness and diversity indices were closer to symmetry, which provided more accurate results and higher spatial differentiation, although the final decision should always consider the main purposes of the analysis

    Congenital adrenal hyperplasia with a CYP21A2 deletion overlapping the tenascin-X gene: an atypical presentation

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    Case ReportsObjectives: Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) is a group of genetic diseases characterized by impaired cortisol biosynthesis. 95% of CAH cases result from muta tion in the CYP21A2 gene encoding 21-hydroxilase. TNX-B gene partially overlaps CYP21A2 and encodes a matrix protein called Tenascin-X (TNX). Complete tenascin defi ciency causes Enlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS). A mono allelic variant called CAH-X CH-1 was recently described, resulting from a CYP21A2 complete deletion that extends into the TNXB. This haploinsufficiency of TNX may be associated with a mild hypermobility form of EDS, as well as other connective tissue comorbidities such as hernia, cardiac defects and chronic arthralgia. Case presentation: We report four patients heterozygous for a CAH-X CH-1 allele that do not present clinical mani festations of the EDS. Conclusions: All CAH patients, carriers of these TNXA/ TNXB chimeras, should be evaluated for clinical manifes tations related to connective tissue hypermobility, cardiac abnormalities and other EDS features, allowing for better clinical surveillance managementinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Geochemical Behavior of Lanthanides and Actinides in an Old Uranium Mine, Portugal

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    New insights about the geochemical behavior of actinides and lanthanides in an old uranium mine are provided for the first time in this work. Fifteen samples (water, soil, and sediments) were collected inside and outside the Quinta do Bispo old mine (Portugal) in order to better understand the lanthanide and actinide behavior in the soil–water system. The chemical and mineralogical composition was obtained via ICP-MS, INAA, and XRD. The water sample from the open pit exhibits a higher U and REE dissolved concentration when compared to the other water samples. A positive Eu anomaly is found in this sample. The soil samples collected inside the mine area, including mine waste rocks and the minesoils surrounding the open pit, show uranium mineral phases, higher U contents, an enrichment of LREE relative to HREE, and a lower Th/U. This heterogeneity may be due to the open pit extraction and ore processes, as well as the percolation and water infiltration through the waste rock piles. Soils from outside the mine area have a similar mineralogical and chemical composition, despite their different geological context, which could be related to the influence of the granitic geological unit during the alluvial unit deposition. The sediments have similar REE patterns, negative Eu anomaly, and a high (La/Yb)N

    Surto de hepatite A. Repercussões e intervenção no Distrito de Évora

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    Introdução: Actualmente Portugal é considerado um país de baixa endemicidade de hepatite A. Neste padrão epidemiológico são mais frequentes os surtos, habitualmente em grupos etários mais velhos. Em 2004 e 2005 verificou-se um aumento temporário do número de casos declarados de hepatite A em Portugal.Objectivo: Analisar os casos de hepatite A declarados no Distrito de Évora durante o surto de 2004-2005, descrever a investigação epidemiológica dos mesmos e referir as medidas de saúde pública implementadas na comunidade.Metodologia: Análise retrospectiva dos impressos de Doenças de Declaração Obrigatória, das fichas de urgência e dos processos de internamento (Serviço de Pediatria do Hospital do Espírito Santo de Évora) dos casos declarados de hepatite A, durante o surto de 2004-2005, no Distrito de Évora. Pesquisa dos dados de investigação epidemiológica e medidas de contenção do surto.Resultados: Dos 24 casos declarados de hepatite A(o primeiro em Junho e o último em Dezembro de 2004), a maioria (67%) era de etnia cigana, 20 (83%) tinham idade inferior a catorze anos e treze (54%) ficaram internados. Todos tiveram evolução clínica favorável à excepção de um (4%) que necessitou de transplante hepático por insuficiência hepática fulminante. Ainvestigação epidemiológica revelou um tipo de transmissão pessoa a pessoa e, na maioria dos casos, foi possível identificar uma ligação epidemiológica entre os casos confirmados. Foi administrada a primeira dose da vacina contra o VHA a todos os contactos próximos dos casos.Conclusões: Salienta-se a importância da declaração sistemática e rápida dos casos de hepatite A e do conhecimento dos dados epidemiológicos na implementação de medidas de prevenção e de controlo de surtos da doença

    Fat mass index performs best in monitoring management of obesity in prepubertal children,

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    Abstract Objective An early and accurate recognition of success in treating obesity may increase the compliance of obese children and their families to intervention programs. This observational, prospective study aimed to evaluate the ability and the time to detect a significant reduction of adiposity estimated by body mass index (BMI), percentage of fat mass (%FM), and fat mass index (FMI) during weight management in prepubertal obese children. Methods In a cohort of 60 prepubertal obese children aged 3&#8211;9 years included in an outpatient weight management program, BMI, %FM, and FMI were monitored monthly; the last two measurements were assessed using air displacement plethysmography. The outcome measures were the reduction of >5% of each indicator and the time to achieve it. Results The rate of detection of the outcome was 33.3% (95% CI: 25.9&#8211;41.6) using BMI, significantly lower (p < 0.001) than either 63.3% using %FM (95% CI: 50.6&#8211;74.8) or 70.0% (95% CI: 57.5&#8211;80.1) using FMI. The median time to detect the outcome was 71 days using FMI, shorter than 88 days using %FM, and similar to 70 days using BMI. The agreement between the outcome detected by FMI and by %FM was high (kappa 0.701), but very low between the success detected by BMI and either FMI (kappa 0.231) or %FM (kappa 0.125). Conclusions FMI achieved the best combination of ability and swiftness to identify reduction of adiposity during monitoring of weight management in prepubertal obese children

    How does Chemical Speciation of Rare Earth Elements and Other Trace Metals in Legacy Mine sites Influence Phyto-availability?

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    International audienceThis investigation focused on the chemical speciation of the <2 mm fraction of soils and sediments collected from three legacy mine sites in Portugal: São Domingos and Lousal, two polymetallic sulfide mines, and Quinta do Bispo, a uranium mine. These legacy mining sites vary in geochemical context and stage of the environmental remediation works.A three-step BCR extraction scheme, standardized by the Standard Measurements and Testing Programme of the European Community, was used to determine chemical speciation. The BCR extraction partitions the soil into three fractions defined as the: “easily labile and exchangeable”, “reducible”, and “oxidizable” mineral phases. The remaining soil composition was defined as the “residual” soil mineral pool. Speciation was compared with total trace element concentrations for water, soil, and plant samples collected from the same sites. Analytes of interest included Rare Earth Elements (REE), uranium (U), and lead (Pb). All of the targeted analytes are environmentally significant concerns in mining areas.Low concentrations of REE were associated with the easily labile and exchangeable soil phases, concomitant with a majority of the REE was associated with the residual. Indicating that generally, soil REE are not available for plant uptake. The origin of REE, U, and Pb found in plants may originate from plant manipulations of the rhizosphere weathering soil minerals. Sediments collected from an Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) passive treatment system in Lousal showed a higher concentration and percentage of REE associated with the easily labile and exchangeable and reducible mineral phases when compared with sediments collected from other sites. The association of REE with these two fractions implies that the behavior, mobility, and fate of REE depends on changes in pH and redox conditions. A middle REE (Sm to Tb) concavity across all three sites for all sequential extraction steps suggests that the light and heavy REE (La to Pm and Dy to Lu) are stabilized in the residual mineral fraction. There was a distinct negative europium anomaly (Eu*) for the residual soil minerals of Quinta do Bispo. Accordingly, any positive Eu* can be attributed to less recalcitrant soil mineral pools

    Bioconcentration and translocation of rare earth elements in plants collected from three legacy mine sites in Portugal

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    International audienceRare earth elements (REE), a group of emerging contaminants with commercial and technological applications, share many physical and chemical characteristics and have thus been used as accurate tracers of various environmental samples. They have been shown to increase in receiving waters following the dissolution of host-rock material during mining activities. In this study, spontaneous vegetation and related media were collected from three Portuguese legacy mine sites in November 2020 to evaluate the phytoavailability and fate of REE. Water, soil and plant data were analyzed in the context of the 1) prevailing geochemical context, 2) the mining context, and 3) plant effects. This study presents the REE signatures for different plant species and links the signatures to a potential source of bioavailable REE. The REE accumulated in plant tissue seems to reflect the REE signature of surface waters in the mining areas, showing enrichment in middle REE. Although the soils, sediments, and waters in this study had similar features, certain plants seemed better adapted to translocating Light REE and Eu over others. Given that REE are readily available within the field conditions of a mining site, this study shows how plant physiology and biologic preference towards particular REE contribute to the fractionation of REE and create a unique signature dependent on plant type