18 research outputs found


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    A study on the exploration of bird diversity in Gunung Ambang Nature Reserve was performed to collect much information on the existence of the bird species especially the endemic bird species in Wallace bioregion. This research was done by using two methods, an irregular transect method and a method with mistnet installation to determine the bird morphological characteristics. The observation area was determined purposively. A total of68 species has been recorded from this research and those were dominated by family Columbidae. From the total species found, it could be classified into 32 families and 28 species including the endemic bird species. Seven bird species have been obtained from the mistnet method and among them, four species were found as endemic species. They were Dark-eared Myza (Myza celebensis celebensis), Matinan Blue Flycatcher (Cyornis sanfordi), Speckled Boobook (Ninox punctulata), and Sulawesi Leaf-warbler (Phylloscopus sarasinorum nesophilus)


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    Forest conversion in watershed may lead to erosion, sedimentation, and water quantity fluctuation. Prediction of erosion and sedimentation quantity is one way to describe condition of a watershed. ANSWERS is one of good hydrological model since it can be linked with map. It can formulated the best land use composition and distribution based on simulation. However, most of steps in ANSWERS are conducted manually, especially during thematic map development. The objective of research are (1) to combine the GIS and Remote Sensing in order to reduce technical error during thematic map development, (2) to predict the value of erosion and sedimentation to map the class of erosion and sedimentation range. Research is done in Cipopokol water cathment, Cisadane Hulu sub watershed, Bogor district at June untill October 2005.Keywords: Sedimentation, erosion, water catchment area, GIS, Spatial dat

    Roosting selection by red and blue Lory (Eos histrio Muller, 1776) in Karakelang Island North Sulawesi

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    The Red and blue lory is an endemic parrot species from Talaud Islands, North Sulawesi. The use of existing resources is suspected that occurs of selection including the roosting trees. The research aims to identifying the characteristics of Red and Blue Lory roost tree and determining variables in its selection. We measured 14 variables to identify the characteristics and selection of roost tree. Mann-Whitney test, T-test, Chi-sqare test and Binary Logistic Regression were employed to analyze data. We detected 11 roost trees in study field, there are Gehe (Pometia coriacea Radkl) nine individual, Binsar (Ficus variegata) and Lawean (Sterculia sp) one individual. The Chi-square test identified five variables which related to roost tree selection, i.e; branch-free bole length, canopy diameter, canopy density and the number of trees around the roost tree on diameter 20 - 40 cm and > 41 cm. The Logistic regression analysis detected three variables that gave the most influence on roost tree selection, but branch-free bole length gave the most influence on roost tree selection


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    Forest conversion in watershed may lead to erosion, sedimentation, and water quantity fluctuation. Prediction of erosion and sedimentation quantity is one way to describe condition of a watershed. ANSWERS is one of good hydrological model since it can be linked with map. It can formulated the best land use composition and distribution based on simulation. However, most of steps in ANSWERS are conducted manually, especially during thematic map development. The objective of research are (1) to combine the GIS and Remote Sensing in order to reduce technical error during thematic map development, (2) to predict the value of erosion and sedimentation to map the class of erosion and sedimentation range. Research is done in Cipopokol water cathment, Cisadane Hulu sub watershed, Bogor district at June untill October 2005.Keywords: Sedimentation, erosion, water catchment area, GIS, Spatial dat

    Penanganan Distokia dengan Sectio Caesarea pada Anoa Dataran Rendah (Bubalus depressicornis)

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    Distokia merupakan kejadian parturisi berkepanjangan yang dapat terjadi pada hewan sehingga diperlukan penanganan oleh tenaga medik veteriner. Distokia umumnya disebabkan oleh gangguan atau kelainan pada komponen utama proses kelahiran yang meliputi kekuatan induk mengejan, kecukupan saluran kelahiran, serta ukuran dan posisi fetus. Seekor anoa berumur delapan tahun di Anoa Breeding Centre Manado menunjukkan tanda-tanda distokia pada Juli 2021. Umur kebuntingan yaitu 310 hari dan induk merupakan betina nulipara. Anoa teramati sudah mengalami anoreksia dan penurunan suhu tubuh satu hari sebelum partus. Proses partus ditandai dengan induk yang merejan kuat, terjadi poliuria, serta keluarnya vaginal discharge dengan frekuensi yang meningkat disertai darah. Setelah lima jam, proses partus terpantau tidak progresif dan induk berhenti mengejan sehingga dilakukan restrain fisik terhadap anoa ke area isolasi.  Hasil pemeriksaan palpasi intravaginal mengindikasikan adanya kesalahan postur fetus dengan postur kaki depan menekuk (bilateral carpal flexion) dan ukuran kepala fetus relatif besar dibandingkan pelvis induk (fetopelvic disporportion). Tindakan yang dilakukan yaitu sectio caesarea dengan kombinasi anastesi umum dan anastesi lokal. Insisi dilakukan pada flank kiri secara vertikal. Terapi pasca operasi yang diberikan yaitu sediaan antibiotik, antiinflamasi, hematopoetik, suplemen, anti hemoragik, dan hormon oksitosin. Anoa menunjukkan persembuhan dua minggu pasca operasi dengan kondisi luka jahitan menutup rapat dan mengering tanpa bantuan pelepasan benang jahit. Siklus estrus induk teramati kembali normal dua bulan pasca operasi sehingga memungkinkan untuk dilakukan perkawinan berikutnya.Dystocia is a prolonged parturition that can occur in animals and requires treatment by veterinarian. It is generally caused by disorders or abnormalities in the main factors of parturition such as contraction (power), birth canal (passageway), and fetus condition (passenger). An eight-year-old anoa at the Anoa Breeding Centre Manado showed signs of dystocia in July 2021. The gestational age was 310 days and the anoa had no previous history of parturition. Anoa showed symptoms of decreased body temperature along with anorexia since the previous day. The process of parturition is characterized by abdominal contraction, polyuria, and the increasing frequency of bloody vaginal discharge. After five hours, the parturition process is considered non-progressive and the dam stopped pushing. The dam was then physically restrained to isolation area. The results of intravaginal palpation indicated flexion of both fetal forelimbs (bilateral carpal flexion) and the fetal size is too large for the maternal pelvis (fetopelvic disporportion). Caesarean section was taken with a combination of general and local anesthesia. The incision is made on the left flank vertically. The postoperative therapy given was antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, hematopoietic, supplement, anti-hemorrhagic, and oxytocin hormone. Anoa showed recovery two weeks after surgery with fully healed stitches, without suture removal. The dam's estrous cycle was observed back to normal two months postpartum, thus allowing for the next mating

    Identification of Sampiri Birds Colonies Roosting Tree Species in Karakelang Island Talaud Islands North Sulawesi

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    The aims of this study was to identify the species and describe the morpohology of roosting tree used by sampiri colonies. The research was conducted form February to May 2014. Direct observation and recording morphology characteristic of the roosting tree were used as methodology. Data were analyzed descriptively and qualitatively and then displayed in the form of images and tables. There were six sampiri colonies  using different roost trees. The roost trees were gehe (Pometia corriacea Radkl), binsar (Ficus variegata Blume), lawean (Sterculia sp.), dominated by gehe

    Birds Species of Rallidae Family in Forestry and Environment Research and Development Institute of Manado

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    This study aims to determine species and conservation status of Rallidae family in Forestry and Environment Research and Development Institute of Manado; also the prospect of its development. This study may provide a source of data and information on the diversity of certain bird species. Observations conducted in June 2015 included the species of birds in Rallidae family found around the BP2LHK Manado. Data were analyzed descriptively in the forms of figures and tables. Results showed that there were three species within this family found in BP2LHK Manado. Those were isabelline bush-hen (Amaurornis isabellina), buff-banded rail (Gallirallus philippensis), and Barred Rail (Gallirallus torquatus). All three species are not protected in Indonesia and IUCN categorized them as Least Concern (LC). Isabelline bush-hen is endemic to the island of Sulawesi, while buff-banded rail and barred rail have a wide distribution. Weris has a good prospect to be domesticated

    Diversity of Medicinal Plants on Coastal Forest in Tangkoko Natural Reserve

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    The purpose of this research was to determine the potential diversity of medicinal plants in the coastal forests of Tangkoko Nature Reserve. The research was conducted in August and September 2009. The data were obtained through deep interviews with people who use herbs from the Tangkoko coastal forest. Field observations carried out to see what kind of herbs that are known by a list of medicinal plant species interviews. Data were analyzed descriptively and presented in tabular form or image. The results showed there are at least 45 species from Tangkoko coastal forest used in traditional medicine in community village of Batu Putih. Forty-five plant species were grouped into 31 Family which types of Family Euphorbiaceae had the highest number of species are 6 types. Based on habitus, known 25 species classified as trees, 10 species of shrubs, 7 types of herb and 3 types included in the vines. The several types of medical plants are often used consist of Epipremium elegans Engl used for injury., Ear inflammation using Canarium asperum Benth, thrush using Adenostema sp., kidney using Arenga pinata Wurmb Merr, or Callophyllum inophyllum L.), and herb for the treatment of postpartum (Eltingera rosea BLBurtt & RMSm.)

    Prefered Feed of Anoa (Bubalus sp.) at Manado Forestry Research Institute Captivity

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    The present study aims to determine the type of fodder available and the level of scarcity of Anoa’s fodder at the condition prior to captivity at the Forestry Research Institute of Manado. The method employed was a trial of 12 (twelve) types of fodder available around the captivity site given to 2 (two) female anoas. The data were analyzed and displayed in tables and graphs while the data of preferred fodder were analyzed using Neu’s index equation. The findings suggest that anoa put in captivity at the Forestry Research Institute of Manado did not encounter problems during the process of feeding adaptation. The average fodder needs required anoa at the captivity site of the Forestry Research Institute of Manado range from 10.2 to 11.7 kg/ day in which the fodder was given twice a day. Meanwhile, based on the availability and ease of supplying the fodder from around the captivity site, the following are the types of fodder from higher to lower preferences, namely: field grass, kangkung, shoes banana, string beans, beans and cucumbers, respectively. While fodder with the lowest level of scarcity is the type of fodder with a hard texture such as sweet potatoes, carrots or potatoes. Based on the results of a number of studies, it is recommended that variations in anoa’s fodder can be done every 4-5 times a day

    Birds Diversity in Tayawi’s Watersheed Area Aketajawe-Lolobata National Park (Keragaman Jenis Burung di DAS Tayawi Taman Nasional Aketajawe-Lolobata)

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    Aketajawe-Lolobata National Park was selected as one of conservation areas in Indonesia due to its important roles to preserve wildlife natural resources and its unique ecosystem. Our research on fauna diversity was designed to identify bird species diversity that inhabited Tayawi’s watershed within the Aketajawe-Lolobata National Park in North Maluku. We explored the area by using transect method; species identification was carried out by visual and vocal encounter. Fifty five bird species were identified and they belong to 25 families. Among them, 17 species were identified as endemic to Maluku and Halmahera islands. Based on our analysis and field observation, these areas had low fauna diversity. We suspected that illegal logging and hunting might have caused a rapid decrease of the bird population in Tayawi’s watershed area. These can be a serious threat if it is not well-anticipated. Therefore, urgent need is required to discontinue the activities of illegal logging and hunting