58 research outputs found

    L’approche Genre dans le droit de la décentralisation au Sénégal

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    Thèse, Université Gaston Berger de Saint Louis, 2007-2008The table of contents for this item can be shared with the requester. The requester may then choose one chapter, up to 10% of the item, as per the Fair Dealing provision of the Canadian Copyright Ac

    Facteurs associés aux longs intervalles intergénésiques au Sénégal. Analyse approfondie de l’EDS-MICS 2010-2011

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    Cette étude examine comment certains couples sénégalais atteignent un intervalle   intergénésique long malgré une prévalence contraceptive de 13%, toutes méthodes, parmi les femmes en union et contribue à en déterminer les facteurs explicatifs et leur poids relatif. Les facteurs les plus importants sont dans l’ordre: 1) désir de la dernière grossesse; 2) durée de l’aménorrhée post-partum;  3) âge au décès de l’avant-dernier enfant; 4) abstinence post-partum; 5) niveau d’éducation du mari; et 6) survenance de décès fœtal. Des recommandations sont faites par rapport à l’accès aux services de planification familiale et à la réduction de la mortalité infanto-juvénile. Des pistes de recherches futures sont aussi avancées

    Improving communication between parents and adolescents on reproductive health and HIV/AIDS

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    Cette recherche opérationnelle avait pour but d’évaluer la fonctionnalité et l’efficacité d’un modèle d’intervention destiné à prendre en charge les besoins d’informations des adolescent(e)s en matière de santé de la reproduction et cela à travers le renforcement et l’amélioration de la communication entre les parents et les enfants/adolescent(e)s. Les résultats ont montré la faisabilité de mettre en place un programme qui est spécifiquement destiné à améliorer le niveau et la qualité de la communication entre les parents/tuteurs et les adolescent(e)s sur les questions de SR/VIH/SIDA et cela malgré le caractère encore sensible de cette question dans le contexte socioculturel sénégalais. Pendant toute la durée du projet, les efforts pour mobiliser les dirigeants politiques, administratifs, religieux, et communautaires ont continué, ce qui a grandement contribué au succès du dialogue intergénérationnel. Un partenariat entre diverses institutions a montré la faisabilité de l’approche multi-sectorielle. --- The purpose of this operations research study was to assess the functionality and effectiveness of an intervention model to address adolescents\u27 reproductive health information needs through the strengthening and improving of communication between parents and children/adolescents. The results showed the feasibility of setting up a program that is specifically aimed at improving the level and quality of communication between parents/guardians and adolescents on reproductive health and HIV/AIDS issues, despite the still sensitive nature of this question in the socio-cultural context of Senegal. Throughout the duration of the project, efforts to mobilize political, administrative, religious, and community leaders continued, which contributed greatly to the success of the intergenerational dialogue. A partnership between various institutions has shown the feasibility of the multisectoral approach

    Sharing experiences with comprehensive responses to adolescent reproductive health needs in Africa

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    In 1999, the Population Council’s USAID-funded Frontiers in Reproductive Health (FRONTIERS) project, began a three-year collaboration in Senegal on an adolescent reproductive health (ARH) pilot project that showed that a multisectoral, multidisciplinary approach can increase knowledge, enhance attitudes, and foster positive behaviors for reproductive health. Following requests from several neighboring countries, and given the long collaboration with WHO, FRONTIERS initiated efforts in 2007 to enable utilization of these findings in other African countries. The purpose of this report is to promote the utilization of multisectoral approaches for improving ARH programming by governments, donors, and national and international agencies in francophone West Africa. The most important recommendations for those seeking to replicate this approach to maximizing utilization of findings from research and scaling up effective service models are the continued involvement of key institutions from the outset, the use of a participatory process to ensure ownership and build capacity, and widespread and repeated dissemination of the results expressed as programmatic recommendations

    Mainstreaming adolescent reproductive health in Senegal: Enhancing utilization of the findings from the youth reproductive health project

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    From 1999–2003, FRONTIERS implemented a Global Agenda program of operations research projects to address the reproductive health (RH) needs of adolescents in four countries—Bangladesh, Kenya, Mexico, and Senegal. The project was implemented in urban areas of Saint-Louis and Louga, in northwestern Senegal, and was known as Improving the Reproductive Health of Youth in Senegal. The project supported a public-sector, multisectoral intervention to enhance young people’s knowledge and behavior regarding HIV prevention and RH, and systematically tested its feasibility, acceptability, effectiveness, and cost. The intervention had a significant positive impact on young people’s awareness and understanding of RH issues. The pilot project showed that a multisectoral partnership with government agencies and involving interventions in communities, schools, and public health clinics could have significant positive results. Based on the pilot’s success, FRONTIERS worked with the Ministries of Health and Youth to launch a follow-up project. As noted in this report, the project (2004–07) focused on sustaining adolescent RH activities in the two pilot districts and enabling scale-up in other areas of Senegal as well as replication by other organizations in francophone West Africa

    Enhancing utilization of the findings from the youth reproductive health project in Senegal

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    This operations research (OR) study focused on providing information appropriate to the cultural context of Senegalese adolescents on a variety of reproductive health issues including: knowledge of the human body; puberty; sexuality; gender roles; different cultural, familial, and peer values regarding sexual and reproductive behavior; contraception; responsible parenthood; STIs and AIDS; and sources of help and services. The study was undertaken in three urban communities in northern Senegal and had an overall positive result on young people\u27s reproductive health knowledge, enhanced community understanding of youth reproductive health needs, and showed that a multisectoral approach is vital to supporting young people’s healthy growth. This success prompted a follow-up effort to institutionalize youth reproductive health in the study districts, create a favorable policy and funding environment for adolescent reproductive health at the national level, and scale up the intervention in Senegal and to other francophone African countries (Mauritania, Guinea, Burkina Faso, Mali). This summary describes the essential process elements of this institutionalization effort. FRONTIERS provided technical assistance to the government ministries to develop action plans which were submitted to development partners for funding

    Malaria Risk Factors in Dielmo, A Senegalese Malaria-Endemic Village, Between October and November of 2013: A Case-Control Study

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    International audienceThe incidence of malaria has decreased recently in parts of Africa, coinciding with the widespread use of long-lasting insecticide-treated nets (LLINs) and artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT). This reduction was also observed in Dielmo, our study area, and it was associated with the use of ACT as the first-line treatment against malaria beginning in 2006 and the implementation of LLINs in 2008. However, an unexplained slight increase in malaria incidence was observed in October and November of 2013. The aim of this study was to identify individual and environmental risk factors for malaria using a case-control study approach. Thirty cases and sixty controls were investigated. The use of LLINs was protective against malaria (adjusted odds ratio [AOR] = 0.10; 95% confidence interval [95% CI] = 0.02–0.45; P = 0.003). The risk of malaria transmission was high among villagers who watched television outside the house or the bedroom during the night (AOR = 8.83; 95% CI = 1.39–56.22; P = 0.021). The use of LLINs should be reinforced by the use of individual protection measures to avoid malaria transmission outside of the home. BACKGROUN

    Evaluation du risque thromboembolique veineux et pratique de la thromboprophylaxie en médecine interne

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    Introduction: Le risque thromboembolique veineux en médecine a été largement incriminé dans la charge humaine et financière de l'ensemble de cette pathologie. Les facteurs de risque sont identifiés et côtés pour optimiser la prise en charge. Notre objectif était d'évaluer le niveau de risque thromboembolique et la pratique de la thromboprophylaxie.Méthodes: Il s'agissait d'une étude rétrospective réalisée sur une durée de 12 mois dans le service de médecine interne du CHU le Dantec. L'inclusion des patients était systématique à l'exclusion des patients ayant une durée d'hospitalisation de moins de 3 jours et de ceux venus avec un traitement anticoagulant.Résultats: Nous avons colligé 352 dossiers. Le sexe ratio était à 1,21 en faveur des hommes. L'âge moyen des patients est de 47ans. Le niveau de risque  thromboembolique a été faible dans 23%, modéré dans 22%, élevé dans 36%, et maximal dans 19% des cas. Les facteurs de risque retrouvés sont représentés  par l'alitement (98%), l'âge compris entre 41-74 ans (47%), les néoplasies (20,1%). L'insuffisance cardiaque et les affections respiratoires graves sont  rapportées  chez respectivement 9,3% et 8,5% des patients. Une prophylaxie était nécessaire chez 77% des patients hospitalisés mais seuls 12% des patients en avait  bénéficié.Conclusion: La nécessité d'une prévention de la maladie thromboembolique veineuse est bien cernée par les praticiens mais se heurte à de nombreux obstacles d'où la nécessité d'une mise en place d'outils pratiques et fonctionnels de dépistages et de produits anticoagulants accessibles

    Multisectoral youth RH interventions: The scale-up process in Kenya and Senegal

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    As in many developing countries, young people in Kenya and Senegal (aged 10–20) account for about 25 percent of the population. To ensure their future contribution to their countries, it is of vital strategic importance to safeguard their welfare. Rapid social change in both countries exposes youth to sexual and reproductive health (RH) risks, including unintended pregnancy, sexually transmitted infections including HIV, and sexual violence. Beginning in 1999, the Population Council’s FRONTIERS program conducted operations research studies that tested the feasibility, acceptability, and cost of a public-sector, multisectoral intervention to enhance young people’s RH knowledge and behavior. Study findings showed improvement in young people\u27s RH behavior and knowledge, successful engagement of government ministries, and increased understanding of RH needs among communities. Communities and the participating ministries in Kenya and Senegal expressed interest in incorporating elements from these interventions into their routine operations. FRONTIERS and its local partners launched follow-up projects in both countries to adapt, expand, institutionalize, and scale up the activities. This brief describes the processes involved in institutionalizing and scaling up the multisectoral interventions
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