172 research outputs found

    Toxicite des extraits aqueux de azadirachta indica a. juss et de Jatropha curcas L. sur Plutella xylostella (L.) (lepidoptera : plutellidae) par contact

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    La teigne du chou Plutella xylostella (LinnĂ©) (Lepidoptera : Plutellidae) est le principal insecte nuisible des crucifĂšres dans les rĂ©gions  tropicales et subtropicales. Les larves de ce LĂ©pidoptĂšre sont dĂ©foliatrices et peuvent causer des pertes importantes de production malgrĂ© l’application des  pesticides. L’objectif de cette Ă©tude est d’évaluer l’effet toxique par contact des extraits aqueux de neem (Azadirachta indica) et de Jatropha (Jatropha curcas) sur les larves de Plutella xylostella au stade L2 au laboratoire. Cette toxicitĂ© des extraits aqueux de poudres de grains de neem (41,5 g/L ; 25,9 g/L ; 10,3 g/L) et de jatropha (59,1 g/L ; 36,9 g/L ; 14,7 g/L) et de pĂątes de feuilles neem et de jatropha Ă  diffĂ©rents concentrations a Ă©tĂ© Ă©valuĂ©e par la dĂ©termination des CL50 en 24 heures et par la toxicitĂ© de chaque traitement au bout de 72 heures. Les rĂ©sultats ont montrĂ© que les extraits aqueux de poudres de grains, de Azadirachta indica 41,5 g/L et de Jatropha curcas 59,1 g/L ont Ă©tĂ© plus toxiques que les insecticides DĂ©cis et Cypercal. Par ailleurs, les extraits aqueux, de pĂątes de feuilles de jatropha 67 g/L et de feuilles de Azadirachta indica 67 g/L ont une toxicitĂ© similaire au DĂ©cis et au Cypercal. Ces extraits aqueux de Azadirachta indica et de Jatropha curcas peuvent donc substituer les pesticides DĂ©cis et Cypercal dans la lutte contre Plutella xylostella. Mots clĂ©s : Azadirhacta indica, Jatropha curcas, extraits aqueux, Plutella xylostella, toxicitĂ©   English Title: Contact toxicity of aqueous extracts of Azadirachta Indica A. Juss and Jatropha Curcas L. on Plutella Xylostella (L.) (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae) Cabbage moth Plutella xylostella (Linnaeus) (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae) is a major pest of crucifers in the tropics and subtropics. Their larvae feed on cabbage and reduced cabbage yield despite the application of pesticides. The objective of this study was to determine the contact toxicity effect of aqueous extracts of Azadirachta indica and Jatropha curcas on the second instar larvae of P. xylostella. The toxicity of the various treatments of Azadirachta indica and Jatropha curcas seeds and leaves powders aqueous extracts were evaluated by determining the LC50 on 24 hours and by the toxicity effect of each treatment after 72 hours. The results showed that the seeds  powders aqueous extracts of Azadirachta indica 41.5 g/L and of Jatropha curcas 59.1 g / L were more toxic than the pesticides Decis and Cypercal on Plutella xylostella. Moreover, Jatropha curcas and Azadirachta indica leaves aqueous extracts 67 g / L have similar toxicity with Decis and Cypercal. The aqueous extracts of Azadirachta indica and Jatropha curcas can be used against Plutella xylostella. Keywords: Azadirhacta indica, Jatropha curcas, aqueous extracts, Plutella xylostella, toxicity

    Effet d’une souche non pathogùne de Fusarium oxysporum sur l’expression de la fusariose chez le palmier à huile (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.)

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    Cette Ă©tude avait pour objectif d’évaluer la rĂ©action vis-Ă -vis de la fusariose de plantules de palmier Ă  huile prĂ©munies auparavant d’une souche non pathogĂšne de Fusarium oxysporum. L’évaluation a portĂ© sur des plantules issues d’un croisement tolĂ©rant et d’un croisement non tolĂ©rant Ă  la fusariose. Les rĂ©sultats ont montrĂ©, qu’aprĂšs quatre mois d’inoculation de l’agent pathogĂšne, 0% et 2,5% de plants malades ont Ă©tĂ© observĂ©s respectivement chez les plantules issues du croisement tolĂ©rant et du croisement non tolĂ©rant Ă  la fusariose. Par contre, lorsque les plantules n’ont pas Ă©tĂ© prĂ©-inoculĂ©es avant avec la souche non pathogĂšne de Fusarium oxysporum, le pourcentage cumulĂ© de fusariose, aprĂšs quatre mois d’incubation de l’agent pathogĂšne, a variĂ© entre 7,5% et 12,5% pour le croisement tolĂ©rant et de 14,5% Ă  47,5% pour le croisement non tolĂ©rant Ă  la fusariose. Il ressort donc de l’étude que l’inoculation, Ă  un croisement sensible d’une souche non agressive de Fusarium oxysporum pouvait lui confĂ©rer le pouvoir fongitoxique et amĂ©liorer la fongitoxicitĂ© chez un croisement tolĂ©rant.Mots clĂ©s : Induction, fongitoxicitĂ©, agent non agressif, prĂ©munition

    Inhibitive effects of 2-mercaptobenzimidazole (MBI) and 2-thiobenzylbenzimidazole (TBBI) on copper corrosion in 1 M nitric acid solution

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    The inhibitive actions of 2-mercaptobenzimidazole (MBI) and 2-thiobenzylbenzimidazole (TBBI) on copper corrosion in 1M HNO3 medium were studied, using weight loss method, at 25 to 65°C and concentrations of 5.10-5M to 10-3M. The results showed that the two compounds had fairly good inhibiting properties for copper corrosion in the medium, with efficiencies of 90.0% for TBBI and 87.7% for MBI at 25°C and concentration of 10-3M. Modified Langmuir isotherm was found to provide an accurate description of the behavior of the two compounds. The thermodynamic functions of adsorption (ΔG°ads,Qads) and the activation energy (Ea) were calculated. Negative values of changes in free energies were obtained, indicating the spontaneity of the adsorption process. From thermodynamic adsorption and dissolution functions, both physisorption and chemisorption were proposed. Quantum chemical parameters such as highest occupied molecular orbital energy (EHOMO), lowest unoccupied molecular orbital energy (ELUMO), energy gap (ΔE) and dipole moment (μ) were calculated for these compounds, using DFT/B3LYP/6-31G (d,p) method in order to discuss the correlation between theoretical data and experimental results. It was found that theoretical data support the experimental results.Key words: Corrosion Inhibitor, inhibition efficiency, adsorption isotherm, free adsorption energy, adsorption heat, theoretical calculation, dipole moment

    Determination des souches bacteriennes impliquees dans l’alteration du chinchard Trachurus trachurus (Linnaeus, 1758) vendu dans le district de Bamako (Mali)

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    La flore bactĂ©rienne d’altĂ©ration et les conditions optimales d’activitĂ© des souches impliquĂ©es dans l’altĂ©ration du chinchard Trachurus trachurus (Linnaeus, 1758) ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©terminĂ©es. Les Ă©chantillons de chinchard ont Ă©tĂ© prĂ©levĂ©s au niveau des points de vente dans le District de Bamako. La flore totale chez le chinchard frais et altĂ©rĂ© a Ă©tĂ© recherchĂ©e sur le milieu PCA, caractĂ©risĂ©e et identifiĂ©e en utilisant les galeries miniaturisĂ©es API20. L’activitĂ© des souches dans l’altĂ©ration de la chair a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©terminĂ©e et l’effet de la tempĂ©rature sur ces activitĂ©s a Ă©tĂ© aussi dĂ©terminĂ© en inoculant la chair du chinchard avec les isolats et incubĂ©e Ă  4°C, 7°C, 15°C et 25°C.Au total, 20 espĂšces bactĂ©riennes ont Ă©tĂ© retrouvĂ©es et comprenant des bactĂ©ries mĂ©sophiles et psychrotrophes. L’activitĂ© des souches dans l’altĂ©ration de la chair dĂ©pend de l’espĂšce bactĂ©rienne qui peut ĂȘtre classĂ©e en bactĂ©rie Ă  forte, moyenne et faible activitĂ© d’altĂ©ration Ă  sa tempĂ©rature optimale d’activitĂ© de 4°C ou 15°C. Chaque espĂšce bactĂ©rienne a prĂ©sentĂ© une tempĂ©rature optimale Ă  laquelle son activitĂ© maximale d’altĂ©ration a Ă©tĂ© observĂ©e. L’activitĂ© peut augmenter avec l’augmentation de la tempĂ©rature jusqu’à la tempĂ©rature optimale puis diminuer aprĂšs, ou diminuer avec l’augmentation de la tempĂ©rature ou encore ne pas changer significativement avec la variation de la tempĂ©rature. Ces rĂ©sultats serviront Ă  optimiser les conditions d’entreposage et de commercialisation des poissons frais au Mali.Mots clĂ©s: Flore bactĂ©rienne, altĂ©ration, souches impliquĂ©es, chinchard, MaliEnglish Title: Determination of spoilage bacteria of sea fresh fish Trachurus trachurus (Linnaeus, 1758) sold in Bamako (Mali)English AbstractThe Specific spoilage organisms and the optimum conditions for activity of the Specific spoilage organisms of fish of sea chinchard Trachurus trachurus Linnaeus, 1758 were given. The samples of Chinchard were taken on the level of the points of sale in the district of Bamako. The total microflora of the fresh and spoilaged chinchard was applied on Plate Count Agar, characterized and identified by using miniaturized galleries API20. The activity of the Specific spoilage organisms of the flesh was given and the effect of the temperature on these activities was also given.Twenty (20) bacterial species were found and were constituted by mesophilics bacteria and psychrophilics bacteria. The activity of the Specific spoilage organisms of the flesh fish depends on the bacterial species which can be classified in bacterium with strong, average and weak activity of deterioration at its optimal temperature of activity. Each bacterial species had an optimal temperature to which its maximum activity of deterioration was observed. Their activity can increase with the increase in the temperature until the optimal temperature then to decrease afterwards, decrease with the increase in the temperature or not to change significantly with the variation in the temperature. These results will be used to optimize the conditions of storage and marketing of fresh fish.Keywords: Bacterial flora, change, saltwater fish, implied stumps, chinchar

    Evaluation de l’introgression du caractĂšre croissance lente de quelques gĂ©niteurs Akpadanou (origine BĂ©nin) chez quelques gĂ©niteurs amĂ©liorĂ©s de palmier Ă  huile (E. guineensis Jacq.) de l’origine La MĂ© (CĂŽte d’Ivoire)

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    La vitesse de croissance en hauteur de 294 arbres appartenant Ă  11 descendances de palmier Ă  huile a étĂ© Ă©valuĂ©e selon la mĂ©thode dĂ©crite par Jacquemard (1980). Ces descendances ont Ă©tĂ© obtenues Ă  partir de plusieurs croisements de type (AKN3 x La MĂ©) x La MĂ© et (AKN3 x La MĂ©) x (La MĂ© x La MĂ©) qui visaient à introduire le caractĂšre croissance lente de l’origine Akpadanou (Benin) chez des gĂ©niteurs amĂ©liorĂ©s de l’origine La MĂ©, CĂŽte d’Ivoire. Les descendances ont Ă©tĂ© comparĂ©es Ă  un tĂ©moin vulgarisĂ© de type DA10D x LM2T. Les rĂ©sultats ont montrĂ© que l’ensemble des descendances testĂ©es ont une vitesse de croissance en hauteur moyenne infĂ©rieure au tĂ©moin. En effet, les valeurs obtenues ont variĂ© de 19,86 Ă  35,89 cm/an au sein de ces descendances testĂ©es, contre 45,25 cm/an pour le tĂ©moin de l’essai. Une rĂ©duction de plus de 20% de la vitesse de croissance en hauteur a donc Ă©tĂ© observĂ©e au niveau de ces descendances. Ces rĂ©sultats laissent entrevoir la perspective de sĂ©lection, Ă  terme, de matĂ©riel vĂ©gĂ©tal Ă  croissance en hauteur fortement rĂ©duite et possĂ©dant un bon niveau de production de rĂ©gimes et d’huile de palme.Mots clĂ©s : SĂ©lection, palmier amĂ©liorĂ©, croissance en hauteur rĂ©duite

    Performance de deux techniques d’extraction des phĂ©nols racinaires pour l’évaluation du marquage de la tolĂ©rance Ă  la fusariose des clones de palmier a huile (Elaeis guineensis jacq.)

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    Les premiĂšres Ă©tudes sur les mĂ©canismes de dĂ©fense du palmier Ă  huile ont mis en Ă©vidence le rĂŽle des composĂ©s phĂ©noliques dans la tolĂ©rance Ă  la fusariose des clones et croisements Ă  partir des racines inoculĂ©es par l’agent pathogĂšne. Notre travail a consistĂ© d’une part Ă  amĂ©liorer les premiĂšres techniques d’extraction en remplaçant l’Ethanol par un mĂ©lange Ethanol-eau et d’autre part Ă  amĂ©liorer les techniques de microanalyses des marqueurs de tolĂ©rance Ă  la fusariose. Les rĂ©sultats ont montrĂ© que les modifications apportĂ©es ont permis d’accĂ©der Ă  une quantitĂ© plus importante de phĂ©nols que la mĂ©thode classique. En outre, les analyses des phĂ©nols totaux et la fongitoxicitĂ© ont permis de discriminer les clones tolĂ©rants des clones sensibles. Ces nouvelles mĂ©thodes nous ont permisd’évaluer plus rapidement la tolĂ©rance Ă  la fusariose des clones aprĂšs inoculation de l’agent pathogĂšne.The early studies on the defence mechanisms of the oil palm tree put in evidence the role of phenolic compounds in the tolerance of wilt disease of the clones and crossings from the roots inoculated by the pathogenic agent. Our work consists on one hand in improving the first techniques of extraction by replacing the Ethanol by a mixing Ethanol-water and on the other hand by improving the techniques of microanalyses of the tolerance markers to wilt disease. The results showed that these modifications permitted to reach a quantity more important of phenol than the classic method. Besides, the analyses of the total phenol and the fongitoxicity permitted to discriminate the tolerant clones from the sensitive clones. These new methods allow us to evaluate faster the tolerance to wilt  disease of the clones after inoculation of the pathogenic agentMots clĂ©s : Palmier Ă  huile – Fusarium – PhĂ©nols – Clones – extraction

    Facteurs affectant la reprise au sevrage des vitroplants enracinés de palmier à huile (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) régénérés par embryogÚnese somatique

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    L’élevage des vitroplants de palmier Ă  huile (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) pour les amener au stade de plants plantables comprend une phase  prĂ©liminaire dĂ©licate. Il s’agit du sevrage, qui a pour but de les acclimateraux conditions naturelles. Cette Ă©tape n’excĂšde pas trois Ă  quatre  semaines. MalgrĂ© la mise au point de nouvelles conditions de sevrage plus adaptĂ©es, l’on enregistre des pertes rĂ©siduelles augmentant ainsi le coĂ»t de production de vitroplants. Pour y remĂ©dier, les facteurs qui influencent une bonne reprise en acclimatation ont Ă©tĂ© recherchĂ©s Ă  partir de 70 000 plants sortis des tubes d’enracinement. A la fin de 3 semaines de sevrage, les plants vivants ont Ă©tĂ© comptĂ©s, puis les pourcentages de reprise pour chacune des 81 combinaisons constituĂ©es de plants ont Ă©tĂ© calculĂ©s. Le pourcentage moyen global de reprise a Ă©tĂ© d’environ 90 % pour  l’ensemble des combinaisons. NĂ©anmoins, les rĂ©sultats sur plusieurs  sorties ont mis en Ă©vidence une influence significative de la qualité  morphologique des plants enracinĂ©s. La reprise dĂ©pend fortement du  dĂ©veloppement foliaire, notamment la taille des plants racinĂ©s. La bonne qualitĂ© des racines produites in vitro concourt aussi au succĂšs de la reprise en l’acclimatation, mais ce facteur n’est pas dĂ©terminant. Le nombre de racines est sans effet notable, mais interagit avec les deux autres  variables. Les plantules ayant enregistrĂ© un bon dĂ©veloppement foliaire et racinaire (Groupe A), celles moyennement bien dĂ©veloppĂ©es (Groupe B) ainsi que celles faiblement dĂ©veloppĂ©es ont exprimĂ© respectivement 97 %,91 % et 77 % de taux de reprise. Le taux de reprise global des plants transfĂ©rĂ©s en sol Ă©tait de 92 %, grĂące Ă  une mĂ©thode de sevrage simple qui assure, pendant 3 Ă  4 semaines, une adaptation progressive desplants aux conditions naturelles et qui regroupe les plants en classes de racines.Mots clĂ©s : Culture in vitro, palmier Ă  huile, enracinement, sevrage, taux de reprise. FACTORS INFLUENCING THE RECOVERY DURING THE WEANING STAGE OF THE OIL PALM RAMETS REGENERATED VIA SOMATIC EMBRYOGENESISRaising in vitro plantlets of the oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.)  regenerated via somatic embryogenesis to the stage where they are ready to be planted includes preliminary delicate phase - weaning - which is intended acclimatize them to natural conditions. This stage doesn’t exceed 3 to 4 weeks. In spite of the development of new conditions of weaning more adapted, we note residual losses increasing the production costs of to ramets. To remedy there, the factors influencing a good recovery in acclimatization of oil palm vitroplants regenerated by somatic  embryogenesis were investigated using 70,000 plantlets taken out fromrooting tubes. Three weeks after the weaning, the alive plantlets were scored, and then the percentages of recovery for each of the 81 plants  combinations were calculated. The total average percentage of recovery  was approximately 90 %. Nonetheless, the results observed on several  outlets showed a significant influence of the morphological quality of rooted plantlets. The recovery strongly depends on the leaf growth, in particular the height of rooted plantlets. The good quality of roots produced with in vitro culture alsocontributes to the success of acclimatization, but this factor is not determining. In contrast, the roots number does not influence  acclimatization, but is correlated with two other variables. Plantlets with good leaf and root growth (Group A), those fairly grown (Group B), as well as those weakly grown (Group C) expressed a success rate of 97 %, 91 % and 77 %, respectively. The overall rate of recovery of plantlets transferred in ground was 92 %, thanks to a simple method of weaning which provides for 3 to 4 weeks, a gradual adaptation of plantlets to natural conditions and which clusters the plantlets in root clusters.Keywords : In vitro culture, recovery rate, somatic embryo-derived  plantlets, rooting, recovery percentage, weaning

    Developing an expanded vector control toolbox for malaria elimination

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    Vector control using long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) and indoor residual spraying (IRS) accounts for most of the malaria burden reductions achieved recently in low and middle-income countries (LMICs). LLINs and IRS are highly effective, but are insufficient to eliminate malaria transmission in many settings because of operational constraints, growing resistance to available insecticides and mosquitoes that behaviourally avoid contact with these interventions. However, a number of substantive opportunities now exist for rapidly developing and implementing more diverse, effective and sustainable malaria vector control strategies for LMICs. For example, mosquito control in high-income countries is predominantly achieved with a combination of mosquito-proofed housing and environmental management, supplemented with large-scale insecticide applications to larval habitats and outdoor spaces that kill off vector populations en masse, but all these interventions remain underused in LMICs. Programmatic development and evaluation of decentralised, locally managed systems for delivering these proactive mosquito population abatement practices in LMICs could therefore enable broader scale-up. Furthermore, a diverse range of emerging or repurposed technologies are becoming available for targeting mosquitoes when they enter houses, feed outdoors, attack livestock, feed on sugar or aggregate into mating swarms. Global policy must now be realigned to mobilise the political and financial support necessary to exploit these opportunities over the decade ahead, so that national malaria control and elimination programmes can access a much broader, more effective set of vector control interventions

    Insecticide resistance status in Anopheles gambiae in southern Benin

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    BACKGROUND: The emergence of pyrethroid resistance in Anopheles gambiae has become a serious concern to the future success of malaria control. In Benin, the National Malaria Control Programme has recently planned to scaling up long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) and indoor residual spraying (IRS) for malaria prevention. It is, therefore, crucial to monitor the level and type of insecticide resistance in An. gambiae, particularly in southern Benin where reduced efficacy of insecticide-treated nets (ITNs) and IRS has previously been reported. METHODS: The protocol was based on mosquito collection during both dry and rainy seasons across forty districts selected in southern Benin. Bioassay were performed on adults collected from the field to assess the susceptibility of malaria vectors to insecticide-impregnated papers (permethrin 0.75%, delthamethrin 0.05%, DDT 4%, and bendiocarb 0.1%) following WHOPES guidelines. The species within An. gambiae complex, molecular form and presence of kdr and ace-1 mutations were determined by PCR. RESULTS: Strong resistance to permethrin and DDT was found in An. gambiae populations from southern Benin, except in Aglangandan where mosquitoes were fully susceptible (mortality 100%) to all insecticides tested. PCR showed the presence of two sub-species of An. gambiae, namely An. gambiae s.s, and Anopheles melas, with a predominance for An. gambiae s.s (98%). The molecular M form of An. gambiae was predominant in southern Benin (97%). The kdr mutation was detected in all districts at various frequency (1% to 95%) whereas the Ace-1 mutation was found at a very low frequency (<or= 5%). CONCLUSION: This study showed a widespread resistance to permethrin in An. gambiae populations from southern Benin, with a significant increase of kdr frequency compared to what was observed previously in Benin. The low frequency of Ace-1 recorded in all populations is encouraging for the use of bendiocarb as an alternative insecticide to pyrethroids for IRS in Benin

    Morphological Differentiation May Mediate Mate-Choice between Incipient Species of Anopheles gambiae s.s.

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    The M and S molecular forms of Anopheles gambiae s.s. have been considered incipient species for more than ten years, yet the mechanism underlying assortative mating of these incipient species has remained elusive. The discovery of the importance of harmonic convergence of wing beat frequency in mosquito mating and its relation to wing size have laid the foundation for exploring phenotypic divergence in wing size of wild populations of the two forms. In this study, wings from field collected mosquitoes were measured for wing length and wing width from two parts of the sympatric distribution, which differ with respect to the strength of assortative mating. In Mali, where assortative mating is strong, as evidenced by low rates of hybridization, mean wing lengths and wing widths were significantly larger than those from Guinea-Bissau. In addition, mean wing widths in Mali were significantly different between molecular forms. In Guinea-Bissau, assortative mating appears comparatively reduced and wing lengths and widths did not differ significantly between molecular forms. The data presented in this study support the hypothesis that wing beat frequency may mediate assortative mating in the incipient species of A. gambiae and represent the first documentation of a morphological difference between the M and S molecular forms
