623 research outputs found

    The lifelong learner and technology

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    The teaching strategies of the educator alter to suit the needs of the students and technology. The content integration process takes time. It has been stated that teachers\u27 first technology projects generate excitement, but often little content learning. Often it takes a few years until teachers can use technology effectively in core subject areas. Teachers learn to use computer technologies and learn how to bring content learning to the forefront with, in some cases, impressive results on the part of the students. Teachers eventually learn to view the learning process in concert with their new technologies and come to understand the ways content interactions can be approached

    Exponential Runge-Kutta methods for stiff kinetic equations

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    We introduce a class of exponential Runge-Kutta integration methods for kinetic equations. The methods are based on a decomposition of the collision operator into an equilibrium and a non equilibrium part and are exact for relaxation operators of BGK type. For Boltzmann type kinetic equations they work uniformly for a wide range of relaxation times and avoid the solution of nonlinear systems of equations even in stiff regimes. We give sufficient conditions in order that such methods are unconditionally asymptotically stable and asymptotic preserving. Such stability properties are essential to guarantee the correct asymptotic behavior for small relaxation times. The methods also offer favorable properties such as nonnegativity of the solution and entropy inequality. For this reason, as we will show, the methods are suitable both for deterministic as well as probabilistic numerical techniques

    Evaluation of de novo RNA-Seq assemblers in differential expression experiments.

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    The objective of this study is to evaluate methodologies applied on de novo transcriptomics studies, proposing criteria for ranking the data, in order to maximize the chance of correctly identifying a differentially expressed transcript.X-meeting 2015

    Indagini briologiche in aree urbane: diversità briofitica dei centri abitati di Erice (Trapani) e Belmonte Mezzagno (Palermo).

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    Bryologic surveys in urban areas: bryophyte diversity of the population centers of Erice (province of Trapani) and Belmonte Mezzagno ((province of Palermo). The bryophytic flora of the towns of Erice (Trapani) and Belmonte Mezzagno (Palermo) have been studied. The first consists of 53 taxa (42 mosses and 11 liverwort), two of which are new for the province of Trapani, the second of 40 taxa (38 mosses and 2 liverworts), one of which new for the province of Palermo. A comparison between the studied bryofloras and those of other Sicilian urban areas shows that Erice’s bryophytic flora is, given its size, rich in species and families

    Water extract of Cryphaea heteromalla (Hedw.) D. Mohr bryophyte as a natural powerful source of biologically active compounds

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    Bryophytes comprise of the mosses, liverworts, and hornworts. Cryphaea heteromalla, (Hedw.) D. Mohr, is a non-vascular lower plant belonging to mosses group. To the date, the most chemically characterized species belong to the liverworts, while only 3.2% and 8.8% of the species belonging to the mosses and hornworts, respectively, have been investigated. In this work, we present Folin–Ciocalteu and oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) data related to crude extracts of C. heteromalla obtained by three different extraction solvents: pure water (WT), methanol:water (80:20 v/v) (MET), and ethanol:water (80:20 v/v) (ETH). The water extract proved to be the best solvent showing the highest content of biophenols and the highest ORAC value. The C. heteromalla-WT extract was investigated by HPLC-TOF/MS (High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Time of Flight/Mass Spectrometry) allowing for the detection of 14 compounds, five of which were phenolic compounds, derivatives of benzoic, caffeic, and coumaric acids. Moreover, the C. heteromalla WT extract showed a protective effect against reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation induced by tert-butyl hydroperoxide (TBH) on the murine NIH-3T3 fibroblast cell line

    Analyse du contexte institutionnel de gestion du changement climatique au Sénégal

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    Les changements et variabilités climatiques représentent des défis majeurs pour la mise en oeuvre des plans et politiques nationaux de développement. Le Sénégal, avec l’appui du programme « Climate Change Agriculture and Food Security » (CCAFS) a formé une Plateforme Multi-acteurs pour faciliter les échanges entre chercheurs et décideurs autours des questions d’adaptation du secteur de l’agriculture et de la Sécurité alimentaire au changement climatique. La présente étude est faite pour comprendre les goulots d’étranglement qui reposent sur la mise en oeuvre effective des politiques de changement climatique. L’étude révèle qu’au niveau national les actions stratégiques semblent tout au plus être définies avec des objectifs cloisonnés qui n'intègrent pas un cadre de référence concerté. L'insuffisance de synergie des différents départements ministériels disperse les efforts de l'Etat en matière de prévision et de planification des changements climatiques dans les stratégies politiques. En plus le déficit en ressources humaines de l’administration publique, notamment dans le secteur agricole après les réformes structurelles des années 90, a engendré un faible accès aux technologies agricoles et aux bonnes pratiques d’adaptation aux changements climatiques. Il a été démontré que la disponibilité de la technologie culturale pour l'adaptation, au moins à court terme, n'est pas un problème, mais c’est plutôt l'accessibilité à ces technologies qui est difficile. Les services d’encadrement et d’appui conseil sont généralement insuffisants en raison de contraintes financières et de compétences. Pour pallier à ces faits, il est nécessaire de mettre l’accent sur : la sensibilisation du monde rural sur les changements climatiques, faciliter l’accès aux formations et services climatiques, surtout dans secteurs de la pêche, de l’agriculture et de l’élevage

    Tomografia sísmica da litosfera continental algarvia

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    RESUMO: O presente estudo de Tomografia é focado na região do Algarve. Para a localização dos eventos e determinação do modelo de velocidades, são utilizadas as ondas P e S. Os dados foram obtidos entre Janeiro/2006 e Julho/2007. As estimativa dos tempos de origem e coordenadas hipocentrais foram calculadas. A relocalização de eventos e inversão linear respeitaram dois passos: 1) determinação do modelo mínimo 1-D e 2) relocalização dos hipocentros e obtenção da estrutura 3-D em termos de velocidades das ondas P. ABSTRACT: The present Tomographic study is focused on Algarve region. For event location and velocity model determination P and S waves were used. Data was collected between January/2006 and July/2007. The estimation of origin times and hipocentral determination were calculated. Relocation of events and linear inversion respected two steps: 1) minimum velocity model determination and 2) hipocentral relocation and 3-D Earth structure determination in terms of P wave velocities

    "O povo colonizado n?o est? sozinho" : Terceiro Mundo, anti-imperialismo e revolu??o nas p?ginas da revista Tricontinental (1967- 1976).

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    Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Hist?ria. Departamento de Hist?ria, Instituto de Ci?ncias Humanas e Sociais, Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto.A presente disserta??o consiste em um estudo da revista Tricontinental, ?rg?o te?rico da Organiza??o de Solidariedade dos povos de ?frica, ?sia e Am?rica Latina (OSPAAAL), revista de pol?tica e teoria marxista publicada em Cuba a partir de 1967, aqui analisada em suas 48 primeiras edi??es. Buscaremos demonstrar que a publica??o se tornou importante espa?o de debate e reflex?o sobre a situa??o pol?tica e cultural dos tr?s continentes, a partir de uma perspectiva revolucion?ria e anti-imperialista. Considerando as profundas diferen?as pol?ticas, culturais e econ?micas entre os locais envolvidos, indagamos de que modo foi poss?vel construir uma publica??o capaz congregar e mobilizar grupos t?o distintos. Nesse sentido, as edi??es da Tricontinental permitem-nos um olhar privilegiado sobre as esquerdas latino-americanas, africanas e asi?ticas e, principalmente, sobre o estabelecimento de uma alian?a pol?tica de dimens?es globais entre elas, marcada por fortes la?os de solidariedade. Defenderemos nestas p?ginas que um dos pilares do projeto editorial da Tricontinental consistiu precisamente em, por meio da promo??o do debate e da reflex?o, tecer os la?os pol?ticos, intelectuais e discursivos que deveriam unir os tr?s continentes em torno de um projeto comum de liberta??o para a ?frica, a ?sia e a Am?rica Latina; suas p?ginas permitem delinear, portanto, as aspira??es, sucessos, contradi??es e limites desse projeto. Na medida em que foi respons?vel pela produ??o e circula??o de materiais pol?ticos, culturais e te?ricos, a revista operou precisamente na interse??o entre os dom?nios da pol?tica externa e da pol?tica cultural, e atuou, tamb?m, como importante espa?o para defesa e legitima??o da Revolu??o Cubana.This dissertation consists on a study of the Tricontinental journal, theoretical body of the Organization of Solidarity of the People of Africa, Asia and Latin-America (OSPAAAL), published in Cuba since 1967. Here, we analyze the first 48 editions of the journal. Our objective is to demonstrate that this publication became an important space for debate and reflection on the political and cultural situation in these three continents, from a revolutionary anti-imperialistic perspective. Considering the profound political, economical and cultural differences between the locations involved, we inquire how it was possible to congregate and mobilize groups that were so distinct. In this sense, the Tricontinental journal allows us to look into the Latin-American, African and Asian lefts, and most importantly, into the establishment of a political alliance with global dimensions between them. We argue on these pages that the pillars of the Tricontinental editorial project consisted precisely on promoting a debate to weave the ties towards a common liberation project for Africa, Asia and Latin-America. In this manner, Tricontinental allow us to delineate the aspirations, successes, contradictions and limits of such project. As the magazine was responsible for production and circulation of policial, cultural and theoretical material, it operated on the intersection of foreign policy and cultural policy, and acted also as important space for the defense and legitimation of the Cuban Revolution

    Tem-se que se tornar vis?vel, porque o rosto de um ? o reflexo do outro, o corpo de um ? o reflexo do outro : Maria Beatriz Nascimento e a reescrita da hist?ria do Brasil.

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    Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Hist?ria. Departamento de Hist?ria, Instituto de Ci?ncias Humanas e Sociais, Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto.Trazemos para a cena os trabalhos acad?micos e intelectuais da historiadora Maria Beatriz Nascimento enquanto um constitutivo te?rico e historiogr?fico para a disciplina hist?rica, apresentando os deslocamentos postos em suas produ??es que questionam e desnudam as insufici?ncias para a estrutura??o do conhecimento hist?rico. Maria Beatriz Nascimento (1942-1995), foi uma importante intelectual e militante do movimento negro contempor?neo brasileiro das d?cadas de 1970, 1980 e 1990, em suas produ??es defendia e sistematizava a reescrita da hist?ria das popula??es negras sob outras bases metodol?gicas e te?ricas, pois, para a autora, nem o m?todo e nem a teoria que orientavam a disciplina hist?rica no pa?s seriam capazes de lidar com o passado das popula??es negras. Assim sendo, tivemos como objetivo apresentar os caminhos e as fronteiras epistemol?gicas propostas por Maria Beatriz Nascimento para reescrever a hist?ria do Brasil.In this dissertation we bring to the scene the academic and intellectual works of the historian Maria Beatriz Nascimento as a theoretical and historiographic constitutive for the historical discipline, presenting the displacements placed in their productions that question and bare the insufficiencies for the structuring of historical knowledge. Maria Beatriz Nascimento (1942-1995), was an important intellectual and militant of the Brazilian contemporary black movement of the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s, in her productions defended and systematized the rewriting of the history of black populations under other methodological and theoretical bases, For, for the author, neither the method nor the theory that guided the historical discipline in the country would be able to deal with the past of black populations. Therefore, this dissertation aims to present the paths and epistemological borders proposed by Maria Beatriz Nascimento to rewrite the history of Brazil
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