459 research outputs found

    Mobility and Congestion in Dynamical Multilayer Networks with Finite Storage Capacity

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    Multilayer networks describe well many real interconnected communication and transportation systems, ranging from computer networks to multimodal mobility infrastructures. Here, we introduce a model in which the nodes have a limited capacity of storing and processing the agents moving over a multilayer network, and their congestions trigger temporary faults which, in turn, dynamically affect the routing of agents seeking for uncongested paths. The study of the network performance under different layer velocities and node maximum capacities, reveals the existence of delicate trade-offs between the number of served agents and their time to travel to destination. We provide analytical estimates of the optimal buffer size at which the travel time is minimum and of its dependence on the velocity and number of links at the different layers. Phenomena reminiscent of the Slower Is Faster (SIF) effect and of the Braess' paradox are observed in our dynamical multilayer set-up.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Three years field trials to assess the effect of kaolin made particles and copper on olive-fruit fly (B.oleae Gmelin) infestations in Sicily

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    In most countries of Mediterranean Basin, Bactrocera oleae (Gmel), the olive fruit fly, is the key pest insect on olives. In Sicily this pest causes losses of fruits and a poor quality olive oil. Many researchers have recently carried out some field studies which were based on the use of kaolin and copper against the olive-fruit fly. In the last years these products have been effective several times in reducing olive fly infestation. Kaolin had, also, some important effect in reducing heat-stress in fruit crops and olive-trees. The aim of the present study was to assess the effect of kaolin and copper treatment on olive infestations in Sicily and to evaluate chemical and sensory parameters of oils extracted. For this reason, within 2003-2005, the IX Servizio of Assessorato Regionale Agricoltura e Foreste, selected some olive groves where to carry out trials with kaolin and copper and to realize information and divulgation activities

    Precision Medicine in Alzheimer’s Disease: Investigating Comorbid Common Biological Substrates in the Rat Model of Amyloid Beta-Induced Toxicity

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    Alzheimer’s disease (AD), one of the most widespread neurodegenerative disorder, is a fatal global burden for the elder population. Although many efforts have been made, the search of a curative therapy is still ongoing. Individuating phenotypic traits that might help in investigating treatment response is of growing interest in AD research. AD is a complex pathology characterized by many comorbidities, such as depression and increased susceptibility to pain perception, leading to postulate that these conditions may rely on common biological substrates yet to be determined. In order to investigate those biological determinants to be associable with phenotypic traits, we used the rat model of amyloid beta-induced toxicity. This established model of early phase of AD is obtained by the intracerebroventricular injection of soluble amyloid beta1-42 (Aβ) peptide 7 days before performing experiments. In this model, we have previously reported increased immobility in the forced swimming test, reduced cortical serotonin levels and subtle alterations in the cognitive domain a depressive-like phenotype associated with subtle alteration in memory processes. In light of evaluating pain perception in this animal model, we performed two different behavioral tests commonly used, such as the paw pressure test and the cold plate test, to analyze mechanical hyperalgesia and thermal allodynia, respectively. Behavioural outcomes confirmed the memory impairment in the social recognition test and, compared to sham, Aβ-injected rats showed an increased selective susceptibility to mechanical but not to thermal stimulus. Behavioural data were then corroborated by neurochemical and biochemical biomarker analyses either at central or peripheral level. Data showed that the peptide injection evoked a significant increase in hypothalamic glutamate, kynurenine and dopamine content, while serotonin levels were reduced. Plasma Cystatin-C, a cysteine protease, was increased while serotonin and melatonin levels were decreased in Aβ-injected rats. Urinary levels paralleled plasma quantifications, indicating that Aβ-induced deficits in pain perception, mood and cognitive domain may also depend on these biomarkers. In conclusion, in the present study, we demonstrated that this animal model can mimic several comorbid conditions typical of the early phase of AD. Therefore, in the perspective of generating novel therapeutic strategies relevant to precision medicine in AD, this animal model and the biomarkers evaluated herein may represent an advantageous approach

    Screening of hypercortisolism among patients with hypertension: an Italian nationwide survey

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    Purpose Screening of Cushing Syndrome (CS) and Mild Autonomous Cortisol Secretion (MACS) in hypertensive patients is crucial for proper treatment. The aim of the study was to investigate screening and management of hypercortisolism among patients with hypertension in Italy.Methods A 10 item-questionnaire was delivered to referral centres of European and Italian Society of Hypertension (ESH and SIIA) in a nationwide survey. Data were analyzed according to type of centre (excellence vs non-excellence), geographical area, and medical specialty.Results Within 14 Italian regions, 82 centres (30% excellence, 78.790 patients during the last year, average 600 patients/year) participated to the survey. Internal medicine (44%) and cardiology (31%) were the most prevalent medical specialty. CS and MACS were diagnosed in 313 and 490 patients during the previous 5 years. The highest number of diagnoses was reported by internal medicine and excellence centres. Screening for hypercortisolism was reported by 77% in the presence of specific features of CS, 61% in resistant hypertension, and 38% in patients with adrenal mass. Among screening tests, the 24 h urinary free cortisol was the most used (66%), followed by morning cortisol and ACTH (54%), 1 mg-dexamethasone suppression test (49%), adrenal CT or MRI scans (12%), and late night salivary cortisol (11%). Awareness of referral centres with expertise in management of CS was reported by 67% of the participants, which reduced to 44% among non-excellence centres.Conclusions Current screening of hypercortisolism among hypertensive patients is unsatisfactory. Strategies tailored to different medical specialties and type of centres should be conceived

    Foregrounds for observations of the cosmological 21 cm line: I. First Westerbork measurements of Galactic emission at 150 MHz in a low latitude field

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    We present the first results from a series of observations conducted with the Westerbork telescope in the 140--160 MHz range with a 2 arcmin resolution aimed at characterizing the properties of the foregrounds for epoch of reionization experiments. For the first time we have detected fluctuations in the Galactic diffuse emission on scales greater than 13 arcmin at 150 MHz, in the low Galactic latitude area known as Fan region. Those fluctuations have an rmsrms of 14 K. The total intensity power spectrum shows a power--law behaviour down to ℓ∼900\ell \sim 900 with slope βℓI=−2.2±0.3\beta^I_\ell = -2.2 \pm 0.3. The detection of diffuse emission at smaller angular scales is limited by residual point sources. We measured an rmsrms confusion noise of ∼\sim3 mJy beam−1^{-1}. Diffuse polarized emission was also detected for the first time at this frequency. The polarized signal shows complex structure both spatially and along the line of sight. The polarization power spectrum shows a power--law behaviour down to ℓ∼2700\ell \sim 2700 with slope βℓP=−1.65±0.15\beta^P_\ell = -1.65 \pm 0.15. The rmsrms of polarization fluctuations is 7.2 K on 4 arcmin scales. By extrapolating the measured spectrum of total intensity emission, we find a contamination on the cosmological signal of δT=ℓ(ℓ+1)CℓI/2π∼5.7\delta T= \sqrt{\ell (\ell+1) C^I_\ell / 2\pi} \sim 5.7 K on 5 arcmin scales and a corresponding rmsrms value of ∼\sim18.3 K at the same angular scale. The level of the polarization power spectrum is δT∼3.3\delta T \sim 3.3 K on 5 arcmin scales. Given its exceptionally bright polarized signal, the Fan region is likely to represent an upper limit on the sky brightness at moderate and high Galactic latitude.Comment: Minor corrections made to match the final version printed on A&A. A version with high resolution figures is available at http://www.astro.rug.nl/~bernardi/FAN/fan.pd

    A microcosm treatability study for evaluating wood mulch-based amendments as electron donors for trichloroethene (Tce) reductive dechlorination

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    In this study, wood mulch-based amendments were tested in a bench-scale microcosm experiment in order to assess the treatability of saturated soils and groundwater from an industrial site contaminated by chlorinated ethenes. Wood mulch was tested alone as the only electron donor in order to assess its potential for stimulating the biological reductive dechlorination. It was also tested in combination with millimetric iron filings in order to assess the ability of the additive to accelerate/improve the bioremediation process. The efficacy of the selected amendments was compared with that of unamended control microcosms. The results demonstrated that wood mulch is an effective natural and low-cost electron donor to stimulate the complete reductive dechlorination of chlorinated solvents to ethene. Being a side-product of the wood industry, mulch can be used in environmental remediation, an approach which perfectly fits the principles of circular economy and addresses the compelling needs of a sustainable and low environmental impact remediation. The efficacy of mulch was further improved by the co-presence of iron filings, which accelerated the conversion of vinyl chloride into the ethene by increasing the H2 availability rather than by catalyzing the direct abiotic dechlorination of contaminants. Chemical analyses were corroborated by biomolecular assays, which confirmed the stimulatory effect of the selected amendments on the abundance of Dehalococcoides mccartyi and related reductive dehalogenase genes. Overall, this paper further highlights the application potential and environmental sustainability of wood mulch-based amendments as low-cost electron donors for the biological treatment of chlorinated ethenes

    Castel di Sangro-Scontrone field camp – structural and applied geomorphology

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    The Geomorphological Field Camp 2014 in the Castel di Sangro-Scontrone area is the result of geological and geomorphological teaching field work activities carried out in Central Italy by a group of 23 students attending the Structural Geomorphology and Applied Geomorphology courses (Master's Degree in Geological Science and Technology of the Università degli Studi ‘G. d'Annunzio’ Chieti-Pescara, Italy, Department of Engineering and Geology). The Field Camp 2014 was organized in May 2014, following regular classes held during the fall term. General activities for the field camp were developed over four main stages: (1) preliminary analysis of the regional geological and geomorphological setting of the area; (2) preliminary activities for the analysis of the local area (orography, hydrography and photogeology investigations, and geographical information system processing); (3) field work, focused on the analysis of a specific issue concerning structural geomorphology or applied geomorphology (e.g. landscape evolution, river channel change, landslide distribution, and flood hazard); and (4) post-field work production of the map. Finally, the fundamental role of field work in the analysis of landscape and in land management was outlined: indeed, the overall field camp enhanced the crucial role of field-based learning for young geomorphologists in order to acquire a strong sensitivity to geomorphological processes and landscape evolution

    No impact of NRAS mutation on features of primary and metastatic melanoma or on outcomes of checkpoint inhibitor immunotherapy: An italian melanoma intergroup (IMI) study

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    Neuroblastoma RAS Viral Oncogen Homolog (NRAS) mutant melanoma is usually considered more aggressive and more responsive to checkpoint inhibitor immunotherapy (CII) than NRAS wildtype. We retrospectively recruited 331 metastatic melanoma patients treated with CII as first line: 162 NRAS-mutant/BRAF wild-type and 169 wt/wt. No substantial differences were observed among the two cohorts regarding the melanoma onset and disease-free interval. Also, overall response to CII, progression-free survival and overall survival were similar in the two groups. Therefore, our data do not show increased aggressiveness and higher responsiveness to CII in NRAS-mutant melanoma. The controversy in the published data could be due to different patient characteristics and treatment heterogeneity. We believe our data adds evidence to clear up these controversial issues. Aims: It is debated whether the NRAS-mutant melanoma is more aggressive than NRAS wildtype. It is equally controversial whether NRAS-mutant metastatic melanoma (MM) is more responsive to checkpoint inhibitor immunotherapy (CII). 331 patients treated with CII as first-line were retrospectively recruited: 162 NRAS-mutant/BRAF wild-type (mut/wt) and 169 wt/wt. We compared the two cohorts regarding the characteristics of primary and metastatic disease, disease-free interval (DFI) and outcome to CII. No substantial differences were observed between the two groups at melanoma onset, except for a more frequent ulceration in the wt/wt group (p = 0.03). Also, the DFI was very similar in the two cohorts. In advanced disease, we only found lung and brain progression more frequent in the wt/wt group. Regarding the outcomes to CII, no significant differences were reported in overall response rate (ORR), disease control rate (DCR), progression free survival (PFS) or overall survival (OS) (42% versus 37%, 60% versus 59%, 12 (95% CI, 7-18) versus 9 months (95% CI, 6-16) and 32 (95% CI, 23-49) versus 27 months (95% CI, 16-35), respectively). Irrespectively of mutational status, a longer OS was significantly associated with normal LDH, <3 metastatic sites, lower white blood cell and platelet count, lower neutrophil-to-lymphocyte (N/L) ratio. Our data do not show increased aggressiveness and higher responsiveness to CII in NRAS-mutant MM
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