854 research outputs found

    Evolution of the mass-loss rate during atmospheric and pressurized slow pyrolysis of wheat straw in a bench-scale reactor

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    In the present study, the effects of the absolute pressure (0.1 or 0.5 MPa) and the reactor atmosphere (pure N2 or a mixture of CO2/N2) on the pyrolysis behavior of wheat straw pellets (at 500 °C) were investigated. The most interesting aspect of this work was the use of a weighing platform (with a maximum capacity of 100 kg and a resolution of 0.5 g) to monitor the real-time mass-loss data for the biomass sample (with an initial mass of 400 g). It was observed that an increased pressure considerably affects the mass-loss profiles during the pyrolysis process, leading to higher devolatilization rates in a shorter period of time. Regardless of the pyrolysis atmosphere, an increase in the absolute pressure led to higher yields of gas at the expense of produced water and condensable organic compounds. This finding could be due to the fact that an increased pressure favors the exothermic secondary reactions of the intermediate volatile organic compounds in both liquid and vapor phases. The switch from pure N2 to a mixture of CO2 and N2 at 0.1 MPa also led to a remarkable increase in the yield of produced gas at the expense of the total liquid. This could be mainly due to the promotion of the thermal cracking of the volatile organic compounds at a high partial pressure of CO2, which is also consistent with the measured higher yields of CH4 and CO. The increased yield of CO can also be seen as a direct result of the enhanced reverse Boudouard reaction, which can also explain the much higher specific surface area (and ultra-micropore volume) measured for the biochar produced under the same operating conditions (0.1 MPa and a mixture CO2/N2 as pyrolysis medium)

    Evolution of the Mass Loss Rate During Atmospheric and Pressurized Slow Pyrolysis of Wheat Straw in a Bench-Scale Reactor

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    A deep study focused on the significant effect of the absolute pressure on the yield of produced gas during the slow pyrolysis of biomass was carried out. In addition, the evolution of the mass loss rate linked to the pyrolysis process was also analyzed

    Intravesical electromotive mitomycin C versus passive transport mitomycin C for high risk superficial bladder cancer: a prospective randomized study.

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    PURPOSE: In laboratory studies electromotive mitomycin C (MMC) demonstrated markedly increased transport rates compared with passive transport. We performed a prospective study in patients with high risk superficial bladder cancer to assess the efficacy of intravesical electromotive vs passive MMC using bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) as a comparative treatment. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Following transurethral resection and multiple biopsies 108 patients with multifocal Tis, including 98 with T1 tumors, were randomized into 3 equal groups of 36 each who underwent 40 mg electromotive MMC instillation with 20 mA electric current for 30 minutes, 40 mg passive MMC with a dwell time of 60 minutes or 81 mg BCG with a dwell time of 120 minutes. Patients were scheduled for an initial 6 weekly treatments, a further 6 weekly treatments for nonresponders and a followup 10 monthly treatments for responders. Primary end points were the complete response rate at 3 and 6 months. MMC pharmacokinetics were assessed. RESULTS: The complete response for electromotive vs passive MMC at 3 and 6 months was 53% versus 28% (p = 0.036) and 58% versus 31% (p = 0.012). For BCG the responses were 56% and 64%. Median time to recurrence was 35 vs 19.5 months (p = 0.013) and for BCG it was 26 months. Peak plasma MMC was significantly higher following electromotive MMC than after MMC (43 vs 8 ng/ml), consistent with bladder content absorption. CONCLUSIONS: Intravesical electromotive administration increases bladder uptake of MMC, resulting in an improved response rate in cases of high risk superficial bladder cancer

    Intravesical oxybutynin: mode of action assessed by passive diffusion and electromotive administration with pharmacokinetics of oxybutynin and N-desethyl oxybutynin.

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    PURPOSE: A proportion of patients with detrusor hyperreflexia who are unresponsive to oral oxybutynin often benefit from intravesical oxybutynin instillation. To our knowledge the precise mode of action of this method is obscure. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In 12 patients with detrusor hyperreflexia who were previously unresponsive to oral and intravesical passive diffusion of 5 mg. oxybutynin we administered 5 mg. oxybutynin orally as well as increased doses of 15 mg. oxybutynin intravesically with passive diffusion and with 15 mA. associated electric current. Each administration mode per patient was associated with an 8-hour urodynamic monitoring session during which oxybutynin and N-desethyl oxybutynin plasma levels, and intravesical oxybutynin uptake were measured. RESULTS: A dose of 5 mg. oxybutynin orally induced no urodynamic improvement with an area under the plasma concentration time curve of combined N-desethyl oxybutynin plus oxybutynin of 16,297 ng./8 hours and an area under the curve ratio of N-desethyl oxybutynin-to-oxybutynin of 11:1. Passive diffusion oxybutynin resulted in 12 mg. oxybutynin intravesical uptake and significant improvement in 3 of 8 urodynamic measurements, although the area under the curve of combined N-desethyl oxybutynin plus oxybutynin was only 2,123 ng./8 hours and the N-desethyl oxybutynin-to-oxybutynin ratio was 1.1:1.0. Electromotive administration of oxybutynin resulted in almost complete intravesical uptake of the 15 mg. dose, significant improvement in all 8 urodynamic measurements and an increased oxybutynin level versus oral and passive diffusion, although the area under the curve of combined N-desethyl oxybutynin plus oxybutynin was 4,574 ng./8 hours and the N-desethyl oxybutynin-to-oxybutynin ratio was inverted at 1.0:1.4. The oral dose of 5 mg. oxybutynin caused anticholinergic side effects in 8 of the 12 patients. Neither intravesical passive diffusion nor electromotive administration caused side effects with an uptake of 12 and 15 mg., respectively. CONCLUSIONS: A large proportion of intravesical oxybutynin is sequestered, probably in the urothelium. Intravesical oxybutynin administration confers therapeutic benefits via localized direct action within the bladder wall. Comment in Intravesical treatment of bladder dysfunction. [J Urol. 2001

    Minimally invasive percutaneous treatment for osteoid osteoma of the Spine. A case report

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    Osteoid osteomas are benign but painful bone-forming tumors usually involving long bones, with localization at the spine in 10-20% of the cases. The most common symptom is back pain responding to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, but in some cases, also radicular pain can be present. For years, surgical excision has been considered the best choice of treatment for cases with unresponsive pain and has been practiced with a high percentage of success but also a high rate of fusion with instrumentation. In the last years, percutaneous radiofrequency ablation has been proposed as a new mini-invasive technique for the treatment of osteoid osteomas

    Biomass-derived carbons physically activated in one or two steps for CH4/CO2 separation

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    The present study aims at evaluating the suitability of producing activated carbons (ACs) derived from wheat straw by a one-step synthesis approach, as an alternative to more conventional two steps production processes (i.e., pyrolysis and subsequent activation). The performance of the produced ACs, in one or two steps, as sustainable and selective CO2 adsorbents for CH4/CO2 separation is compared. In addition, the influence of pyrolysis conditions on the properties of the resulting two-step ACs is carefully analyzed. We show that the biochar-based precursors of ACs presenting the best textural properties were obtained under mild conditions of maximum temperature and absolute pressure during pyrolysis. The one-step ACs were fully comparable —in terms of textural properties as well as CO2 uptake and selectivity— to those produced by the more conventional two-step synthesis process. In addition, results obtained from breakthrough curve simulations highlight that the best AC in terms of CH4 recovery under dynamic conditions was produced by a one-step activation. Therefore, the one-step process appears to be as an attractive route for the production of engineered carbon materials, which can lead to significant cost savings in large-scale production systems

    Biomass-derived activated carbon as catalyst in the leaching of metals from a copper sulfide concentrate

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    Chalcopyrite is the resource with the highest amount of Cu content representing around 70–80% of the known reserves in the world. However, chalcopyrite like other copper sulfides, is usually found in deposits with grades around 0.4–0.5% copper. The exploitation of these reserves using traditional flotation methods followed by pyrometallurgical treatment of copper concentrate is at the limit of economic viability. Hydrometallurgical route would be more suitable for treating of these low-graded sulfide ores. However, chalcopyrite is refractory in ferric/sulfuric acid media and shows slow dissolution rates. For this a number of researches were carried out to accelerate the kinetics of leaching by adding pyrite, iron powder, nanosized silica, coal and activated carbon. The main objective of the present work was to study the use of one biomass-derived activated carbon as catalysts in the leaching of copper from chalcopyrite. Sulfuric acid solution of pH 1 with 5 g L-1 of Fe3+ was used as leaching agent. Experiments were performed at 90 °C and 250 rpm, during 48 and 96 h. Concentration of Cu, Zn, As, Sb and Co in the liquid phase was determined in order to evaluate their extraction degree, whereas solid residues were characterized by SEM-EDS and XRD. The presence of biomass-derived activated carbon significantly increased the extraction of copper, decreasing the leaching of arsenic. Furthermore, the use of biomass-derived activated carbon led to lower amounts of crystalline sulfur in the final residue

    The stability of lidocaine and epinephrine solutions exposed to electric current and comparative administration rates of the two drugs into pig bladder wall.

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    Intravesical electromotive administration of local anesthetics is clinically successful but electrochemistry, cost and effectiveness limit the choice of drugs to diluted lidocaine HCl 4% mixed with epinephrine. These studies address the stability of lidocaine and epinephrine both over time and when exposed to electric current, i.e. transport rates with passive diffusion and electromotive administration. The drug mixture used was 50 ml lidocaine 4%, 50 ml H2O and 1 ml epinephrine 1/1000. For stability, the solution was placed either in bowls for 7 days or in a two chamber cell with the donor compartment (drugs) separated from the receptor compartment (NaCl solution) by a viable pig bladder wall. This was subjected to 30 mA for 45 min. Stability was measured with mass spectrometry. The cell was also used to determine transport rates with passive diffusion and currents of 20 mA and 30 mA, over 20, 30 and 45 min. Drug measurements in both compartments and bladder were made with HPLC. Lidocaine remained stable throughout the 7 days, epinephrine on day 1 only and both drugs were stable with 30 mA for 45 min. Comparing 20 mA and 30 mA with passive diffusion, there were significant differences in 6/6 donor compartment lidocaine levels, 4/6 receptor compartment levels and 6/6 bladder tissue levels and also in 6/6 epinephrine donor levels and 6/6 tissue levels. The combination lidocaine and epinephrine remains stable for 1 day and when exposed to 30 mA for 45 min. Electric current accelerates the transport of lidocaine and epinephrine