182 research outputs found

    E-health-IoT Universe: A Review

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) devices are able to collect and share data directly with other devices through the cloud environment, providing a huge amount of information to be gathered, stored and analyzed for data-analytics processes. The scenarios in which the IoT devices may be useful are amazing varying, from automotive, to industrial automation or remote monitoring of domestic environment. Furthermore, has been proved that healthcare applications represent an important field of interest for IoT devices, due to the capability of improving the access to care, reducing the cost of healthcare and most importantly increasing the quality of life of the patients. In this paper, we analyze the state-of-art of IoT in medical environment, illustrating an extended range of IoT-driven healthcare applications that, however, still need innovative and high technology-based solutions to be considered ready to market. In particular, problems regarding characteristics of response-time and precision will be examined.  Furthermore, wearable and energy saving properties will be investigated in this paper and also the IT architectures able to ensure security and privacy during the all data-transmission process. Finally, considerations about data mining applications, such as risks prediction, classification and clustering will be provided, that are considered fundamental issues to ensure the accuracy of the care processes

    Ancient wheat and health: a legend or the reality? A review on KAMUT khorasan wheat

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    After WWII, the industrialized agriculture selected modern varieties of Triticum turgidum spp. durum and spp. aestivum (durum wheat and common wheat) based on higher yields and technological characteristics. Nowadays, the use of whole ancient grains and pseudo cereals is considered nutritionally important. How ancient grains have positive effects is not entirely known, the fragmentation of the scientific knowledge being also related to the fact that ancient grains are not a homogeneous category. The KAMUT® trademark indicates a specific and ancient variety of grain (Triticum turgidum ssp. turanicum, commonly khorasan wheat), and guarantees certain attributes making studies sufficiently comparable. In this work, studies on KAMUT® khorasan wheat have been systematically reviewed, evidencing different aspects supporting its benefits. Although it is not possible to establish whether all ancient grains share these positive characteristics, in total or in part, this review provides further evidences supporting the consumption of ancient grains

    Energy Consumption Saving in Embedded Microprocessors Using Hardware Accelerators

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    This paper deals with the reduction of power consumption in embedded microprocessors. Computing power and energy efficiency are becoming the main challenges for embedded system applications. This is, in particular, the caseof wearable systems. When the power supply is provided by batteries, an important requirement for these systems is the long service life. This work investigates a method for the reduction of microprocessor energy consumption, based on the use of hardware accelerators. Their use allows to reduce the execution time and to decrease the clock frequency, so reducing the power consumption. In order to provide experimental results, authors analyze a case of study in the field of wearable devices for the processing of ECG signals. The experimental results show that the use of hardware accelerator significantly reduces the power consumption

    e health iot universe a review

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) devices are able to collect and share data directly with other devices through the cloud environment, providing a huge amount of information to be gathered, stored and analyzed for data-analytics processes. The scenarios in which the IoT devices may be useful are amazing varying, from automotive, to industrial automation or remote monitoring of domestic environment. Furthermore, has been proved that healthcare applications represent an important field of interest for IoT devices, due to the capability of improving the access to care, reducing the cost of healthcare and most importantly increasing the quality of life of the patients. In this paper, we analyze the state-of-art of IoT in medical environment, illustrating an extended range of IoT-driven healthcare applications that, however, still need innovative and high technology-based solutions to be considered ready to market. In particular, problems regarding characteristics of response-time and precision will be examined. Furthermore, wearable and energy saving properties will be investigated in this paper and also the IT architectures able to ensure security and privacy during the all data-transmission process. Finally, considerations about data mining applications, such as risks prediction, classification and clustering will be provided, that are considered fundamental issues to ensure the accuracy of the care processes

    Antioxidative and anti-inflammatory effect of in vitro digested cookies baked using different types of flours and fermentation methods

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    There is an increased amount of evidence showing that consumption of whole grains and whole-grain-based products is associated with a reduction of the risk of developing many diseases, due mainly to the anti-inflammatory and antioxidative effects of their components.In this study, cookies, baked using different types of flours and fermentation methods, were digested in vitro and supplemented to cultured liver cells. Three different flours (ancient KAMUT® khorasan wheat grown in North America, ancient khorasan wheat grown in Italy, and modern durum wheat) and two different types of fermentation (standard and lactic fermentation) were used. This experimental design allowed us to supplement cells with a real food part of the human diet, and to consider possible differences related to the food matrix (types of flour) and processing (methods of fermentation). Cells were supplemented with the bioaccessible fractions derived from cookies in vitro digestion. Although results herein reported highlight the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect of all the supplementations, cookies made with khorasan flours appeared the most effective, particularly when the ancient grain was grown in North America under the KAMUT® brand. In light of the attempts to produce healthier food, this study underlines the importance of the type of grain to obtain baked products with an increased nutritional and functional value

    811. Correction of Laminin-5 β3 Chain Deficiency in Human Epidermal Stem Cells by Transcriptionally Targeted Lentiviral Vectors

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    Mutations in any of the genes encoding the laminin 5 heterotrimer (|[alpha]|3, |[beta]|3 and |[gamma]|2) cause junctional epidermolysis bullosa (JEB), a severe and often fatal skin adhesion defect. We and others have shown that expression of a retrovirally transferred |[beta]|3-chain cDNA in keratinocytes from affected patients reconstitutes normal synthesis, assembly and secretion of laminin 5, and corrects the adhesion defect in vitro and in vivo. We have recently started a phase-I clinical trial of gene therapy of JEB based on transplantation of cultured skin derived from autologous epidermal stem cells transduced with a MLV-derived retroviral vector. Since gamma- retroviral vectors have raised safety concerns for the genotoxic risk associated with the insertion of LTR elements into the human genome, we developed an alternative gene transfer strategy based on LTR- modified, HIV-derived lentiviral vectors. Two self-inactivating (SIN) lentiviral vectors were built, in which expression of either GFP or a LAMB3 cDNA is under the control of either a constitutive promoter (PGK) or the keratinocyte-specific, 2.2-kb promoter-enhancer of keratin 14 (K14). In a third construct, expression of the transgene is under the control of the viral LTR, modified by replacing the U3 region with two K14 enhancer elements. Analysis in human keratinocyte cultures and in full-thickness human skin equivalents reconstituted onto immunodeficient mice showed that GFP expression directed by the K14 elements is tissue-specific and restricted to the basal layer of the epidermis. Expression of laminin5 from the three alternative vectors was evaluated in keratinocyte cultures derived from skin biopsies of JEB patients. Biochemical and cell kinetics assays demonstrated transduction of epidermal clonogenic stem/progenitor cells and full phenotypic correction of JEB keratinocytes with all vectors. Southern blot analysis of individual cell clones showed that LTR-modified lentiviral vectors are genetically stable and integrate in multiple copies in the human genome. This study shows that the use of lentiviral vectors transcriptionally targeted to the basal keratinocytes by the insertion of restricted enhancer elements is an effective, and potentially safer, alternative for gene therapy of JEB

    Intra- and Inter-Population Genetic Diversity of “Russello” and “Timilia” Landraces from Sicily: A Proxy towards the Identification of Favorable Alleles in Durum Wheat

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    Climate change and global population growth call for urgent recovery of genetic variation from underexploited or unexplored durum wheat (Triticum turgidum ssp. durum) landraces. Indeed, these untapped genetic resources can be a valuable source of favorable alleles for environmental adaptation and tolerance or resistance to (a)biotic stress. In southern Italy, in addition to the widespread modern and highly productive durum wheat cultivars, various landraces have been rediscovered and reused for their adaptation to sustainable and low-input cropping systems and for their peculiar qualitative characteristics. Sicily is a semiarid area rich in landraces, some of which are independently reproduced by many farmers. Among these, “Timilia” and “Russello” have been independently grown in various areas and are now cultivated, mostly under organic systems, for their hypothetical greater benefits and height, which give them a high level of competitiveness against weeds despite their low yield potential. So far, there is little information on the genetic variations of “Timilia” and “Russello” despite their putative origin from a common funder. This work aims to dissect the genetic variation patterns of two large germplasm collections of “Timilia” and “Russello” using SNP genotyping. The analysis of intra- and inter-population genetic variation and the identification of divergent loci between genetic groups showed that (i) there are two “Russello” genetic groups associated with different Sicilian geographical areas, which differ in important traits related to gluten quality and adaptation, and (ii) the individuals of “Timilia”, although presenting wide genetic variation, have undergone a conservative selection, likely associated with their distinctive traits. This work paves the way for a deeper exploration of the wide genetic diversity in Sicilian landraces, which could be conveniently exploited in future breeding programs, and points out that intra-population genetic diversity should be taken into account when ‘conservation varieties’ are to be registered in national registers of crop