3,768 research outputs found

    CAD/CAM Diagnostic Esthetic Functional Splint (DEFS) as a removable prototype to evaluate the final prosthetic rehabilitation: a narrative review.

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    The main objective of this narrative review was to provide an overview of DEFS (Diagnostic Esthetic Functional Splint), namely CAD/CAM manufactured, “snap-retained”, tooth-colored splints available by materials exhibiting a certain degree of elasticity (like polycarbonates or acetal resins) for restoring function, esthetics and occlusion in several clinical situations, before or as an intermediate alternative to undergoing the final treatment. The search strategy included all papers dealing with snap-retained prosthetic systems and was based on a literature review of papers available in electronic databases (Pubmed/Medline, Evidence-Based Dentistry, BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine, Dynamed, Embase, BMJ Clinical Evidence, Web of Science, Scientific reports); eligible papers were researched on Opengreyand a manual search was performed, as well. From the electronic databases emerged 13,199 records, many of which were duplicates. The grey literature and the manual research did not produce any eligible article. After duplicates removal, 7690 records were obtained. Titles, abstracts and keywords were analyzed. The studies concerning the topic of interest were examined by the reviewers and discussed. Although no evidence-based data were found in the literature, according to the authors’ clinical experience, the DEFS (Diagnostic Esthetic Functional Splint) is a very promising solution in multiple clinical situations, due to its diagnostic, therapeutical, functional and esthetic versatility

    Vegetarian and vegan weaning of the infant: How common and how evidence-based? a population-based survey and narrative review

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    Background: Vegetarian and vegan weaning have increasing popularity among parents and families. However, if not correctly managed, they may lead to wrong feeding regimens, causing severe nutritional deficiencies requiring specific nutritional support or even the need for hospitalization. Aim: To assess the prevalence of vegetarian and vegan weaning among Italian families and to provide an up-to-date narrative review of supporting evidence. Materials and methods: We investigated 360 Italian families using a 40-item questionnaire. The narrative review was conducted searching scientific databases for articles reporting on vegetarian and vegan weaning. Results: 8.6% of mothers follow an alternative feeding regimen and 9.2% of infants were weaned according to a vegetarian or vegan diet. The breastfeeding duration was longer in vegetarian/vegan infants (15.8 vs. 9.7 months; p < 0.0001). Almost half of parents (45.2%) claim that their pediatrician was unable to provide sufficient information and adequate indications regarding unconventional weaning and 77.4% of parents reported the pediatrician’s resistance towards alternative weaning methods. Nine studies were suitable for the review process. The vast majority of authors agree on the fact that vegetarian and vegan weaning may cause severe nutritional deficiencies, whose detrimental effects are particularly significant in the early stages of life. Discussion and conclusion: Our results show that alternative weaning methods are followed by a significant number of families; in half of the cases, the family pediatrician was not perceived as an appropriate guide in this delicate process. To date, consistent findings to support both the safety and feasibility of alternative weaning methods are still lacking. Since the risk of nutritional deficiencies in the early stages of life is high, pediatricians have a pivotal role in guiding parents and advising them on the most appropriate and complete diet regimen during childhood. Efforts should be made to enhance nutritional understanding among pediatricians as an unsupervised vegetarian or vegan diet can cause severe nutritional deficiencies with possible detrimental long-term effects

    When does cyclic dominance lead to stable spiral waves?

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    Species diversity in ecosystems is often accompanied by characteristic spatio-temporal patterns. Here, we consider a generic two-dimensional population model and study the spiraling patterns arising from the combined effects of cyclic dominance of three species, mutation, pair-exchange and individual hopping. The dynamics is characterized by nonlinear mobility and a Hopf bifurcation around which the system's four-phase state diagram is inferred from a complex Ginzburg-Landau equation derived using a perturbative multiscale expansion. While the dynamics is generally characterized by spiraling patterns, we show that spiral waves are stable in only one of the four phases. Furthermore, we characterize a phase where nonlinearity leads to the annihilation of spirals and to the spatially uniform dominance of each species in turn. Away from the Hopf bifurcation, when the coexistence fixed point is unstable, the spiraling patterns are also affected by the nonlinear diffusion

    VHMPID: a new detector for the ALICE experiment at LHC

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    This article presents the basic idea of VHMPID, an upgrade detector for the ALICE experiment at LHC, CERN. The main goal of this detector is to extend the particle identification capabilities of ALICE to give more insight into the evolution of the hot and dense matter created in Pb-Pb collisions. Starting from the physics motivations and working principles the challenges and current status of development is detailed.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures. To be published in EPJ Web of Conference

    Background model systematics for the Fermi GeV excess

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    The possible gamma-ray excess in the inner Galaxy and the Galactic center (GC) suggested by Fermi-LAT observations has triggered a large number of studies. It has been interpreted as a variety of different phenomena such as a signal from WIMP dark matter annihilation, gamma-ray emission from a population of millisecond pulsars, or emission from cosmic rays injected in a sequence of burst-like events or continuously at the GC. We present the first comprehensive study of model systematics coming from the Galactic diffuse emission in the inner part of our Galaxy and their impact on the inferred properties of the excess emission at Galactic latitudes 2<b<202^\circ<|b|<20^\circ and 300 MeV to 500 GeV. We study both theoretical and empirical model systematics, which we deduce from a large range of Galactic diffuse emission models and a principal component analysis of residuals in numerous test regions along the Galactic plane. We show that the hypothesis of an extended spherical excess emission with a uniform energy spectrum is compatible with the Fermi-LAT data in our region of interest at 95%95\% CL. Assuming that this excess is the extended counterpart of the one seen in the inner few degrees of the Galaxy, we derive a lower limit of 10.010.0^\circ (95%95\% CL) on its extension away from the GC. We show that, in light of the large correlated uncertainties that affect the subtraction of the Galactic diffuse emission in the relevant regions, the energy spectrum of the excess is equally compatible with both a simple broken power-law of break energy 2.1±0.22.1\pm0.2 GeV, and with spectra predicted by the self-annihilation of dark matter, implying in the case of bˉb\bar{b}b final states a dark matter mass of 495.4+6.449^{+6.4}_{-5.4} GeV.Comment: 65 pages, 28 figures, 7 table

    Optimal and Automated Deployment for Microservices

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    Microservices are highly modular and scalable Service Oriented Architectures. They underpin automated deployment practices like Continuous Deployment and Autoscaling. In this paper, we formalize these practices and show that automated deployment - proven undecidable in the general case - is algorithmically treatable for microservices. Our key assumption is that the configuration life-cycle of a microservice is split into two phases: (i) creation, which entails establishing initial connections with already available microservices, and (ii) subsequent binding/unbinding with other microservices. To illustrate the applicability of our approach, we implement an automatic optimal deployment tool and compute deployment plans for a realistic microservice architecture, modeled in the Abstract Behavioral Specification (ABS) language

    Inter-society consensus for the use of inhaled corticosteroids in infants, children and adolescents with airway diseases

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    Background: In 2019, a multidisciplinary panel of experts from eight Italian scientific paediatric societies developed a consensus document for the use of inhaled corticosteroids in the management and prevention of the most common paediatric airways disorders. The aim is to provide healthcare providers with a multidisciplinary document including indications useful in the clinical practice. The consensus document was intended to be addressed to paediatricians who work in the Paediatric Divisions, the Primary Care Services and the Emergency Departments, as well as to Residents or PhD students, paediatric nurses and specialists or consultants in paediatric pulmonology, allergy, infectious diseases, and ear, nose, and throat medicine. Methods: Clinical questions identifying Population, Intervention(s), Comparison and Outcome(s) were addressed by methodologists and a general agreement on the topics and the strength of the recommendations (according to the GRADE system) was obtained following the Delphi method. The literature selection included secondary sources such as evidence-based guidelines and systematic reviews and was integrated with primary studies subsequently published. Results: The expert panel provided a number of recommendations on the use of inhaled corticosteroids in preschool wheezing, bronchial asthma, allergic and non-allergic rhinitis, acute and chronic rhinosinusitis, adenoid hypertrophy, laryngitis and laryngospasm. Conclusions: We provided a multidisciplinary update on the current recommendations for the management and prevention of the most common paediatric airways disorders requiring inhaled corticosteroids, in order to share useful indications, identify gaps in knowledge and drive future research

    Characterizing two solar-type Kepler subgiants with asteroseismology: KIC10920273 and KIC11395018

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    Determining fundamental properties of stars through stellar modeling has improved substantially due to recent advances in asteroseismology. Thanks to the unprecedented data quality obtained by space missions, particularly CoRoT and Kepler, invaluable information is extracted from the high-precision stellar oscillation frequencies, which provide very strong constraints on possible stellar models for a given set of classical observations. In this work, we have characterized two relatively faint stars, KIC10920273 and KIC11395018, using oscillation data from Kepler photometry and atmospheric constraints from ground-based spectroscopy. Both stars have very similar atmospheric properties; however, using the individual frequencies extracted from the Kepler data, we have determined quite distinct global properties, with increased precision compared to that of earlier results. We found that both stars have left the main sequence and characterized them as follows: KIC10920273 is a one-solar-mass star (M=1.00 +/- 0.04 M_sun), but much older than our Sun (t=7.12 +/- 0.47 Gyr), while KIC11395018 is significantly more massive than the Sun (M=1.27 +/- 0.04 M_sun) with an age close to that of the Sun (t=4.57 +/- 0.23 Gyr). We confirm that the high lithium abundance reported for these stars should not be considered to represent young ages, as we precisely determined them to be evolved subgiants. We discuss the use of surface lithium abundance, rotation and activity relations as potential age diagnostics.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures, 5 tables. Accepted by Ap