187 research outputs found

    The ABCDEF's of Matrix Models for Supersymmetric Chern-Simons Theories

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    We consider N = 3 supersymmetric Chern-Simons gauge theories with product unitary and orthosymplectic groups and bifundamental and fundamental fields. We study the partition functions on an S^3 by using the Kapustin-Willett-Yaakov matrix model. The saddlepoint equations in a large N limit lead to a constraint that the long range forces between the eigenvalues must cancel; the resulting quiver theories are of affine Dynkin type. We introduce a folding/unfolding trick which lets us, at the level of the large N matrix model, (i) map quivers with orthosymplectic groups to those with unitary groups, and (ii) obtain non-simply laced quivers from the corresponding simply laced quivers using a Z_2 outer automorphism. The brane configurations of the quivers are described in string theory and the folding/unfolding is interpreted as the addition/subtraction of orientifold and orbifold planes. We also relate the U(N) quiver theories to the affine ADE quiver matrix models with a Stieltjes-Wigert type potential, and derive the generalized Seiberg duality in 2 + 1 dimensions from Seiberg duality in 3 + 1 dimensions.Comment: 30 pages, 5 figure

    Correlators of Wilson loops and local operators from multi-matrix models and strings in AdS

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    We study correlation functions of Wilson loops and local operators in a subsector of N=4 SYM which preserves two supercharges. Localization arguments allow to map the problem to a calculation in bosonic two-dimensional Yang-Mills theory. In turn, this can be reduced to computing correlators in certain Gaussian multi-matrix models. We focus on the correlation function of a Wilson loop and two local operators, and solve the corresponding three-matrix model exactly in the planar limit. We compare the strong coupling behavior to string theory in AdS_5xS^5, finding precise agreement. We pay particular attention to the case in which the local operators have large R-charge J \sim sqrt{lambda} at strong coupling.Comment: 50 pages, 9 figures. v2: minor changes, references adde

    The matrix model version of AGT conjecture and CIV-DV prepotential

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    Recently exact formulas were provided for partition function of conformal (multi-Penner) beta-ensemble in the Dijkgraaf-Vafa phase, which, if interpreted as Dotsenko-Fateev correlator of screenings and analytically continued in the number of screening insertions, represents generic Virasoro conformal blocks. Actually these formulas describe the lowest terms of the q_a-expansion, where q_a parameterize the shape of the Penner potential, and are exact in the filling numbers N_a. At the same time, the older theory of CIV-DV prepotential, straightforwardly extended to arbitrary beta and to non-polynomial potentials, provides an alternative expansion: in powers of N_a and exact in q_a. We check that the two expansions coincide in the overlapping region, i.e. for the lowest terms of expansions in both q_a and N_a. This coincidence is somewhat non-trivial, since the two methods use different integration contours: integrals in one case are of the B-function (Euler-Selberg) type, while in the other case they are Gaussian integrals.Comment: 27 pages, 1 figur

    Sh3pxd2b Mice Are a Model for Craniofacial Dysmorphology and Otitis Media

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    Craniofacial defects that occur through gene mutation during development increase vulnerability to eustachian tube dysfunction. These defects can lead to an increased incidence of otitis media. We examined the effects of a mutation in the Sh3pxd2b gene (Sh3pxd2bnee) on the progression of otitis media and hearing impairment at various developmental stages. We found that all mice that had the Sh3pxd2bnee mutation went on to develop craniofacial dysmorphologies and subsequently otitis media, by as early as 11 days of age. We found noteworthy changes in cilia and goblet cells of the middle ear mucosa in Sh3pxd2bnee mutant mice using scanning electronic microscopy. By measuring craniofacial dimensions, we determined for the first time in an animal model that this mouse has altered eustachian tube morphology consistent with a more horizontal position of the eustachian tube. All mutants were found to have hearing impairment. Expression of TNF-α and TLR2, which correlates with inflammation in otitis media, was up-regulated in the ears of mutant mice when examined by immunohistochemistry and semi-quantitative RT-PCR. The mouse model with a mutation in the Sh3pxd2b gene (Sh3pxd2bnee) mirrors craniofacial dysmorphology and otitis media in humans

    A note on the Virasoro blocks at order 1/c

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    We derive an explicit expression for the 1/c1/c contribution to the Virasoro blocks in 2D CFT in the limit of large cc with fixed values of the operators' dimensions. We follow the direct approach of orthonormalising, at order 1/c1/c, the space of the Virasoro descendants to obtain the blocks as a series expansion around z=0z=0. For generic conformal weights this expansion can be summed in terms of hypergeometric functions and their first derivatives with respect to one parameter. For integer conformal weights we provide an equivalent expression written in terms of a finite sum of undifferentiated hypergeometric functions. These results make the monodromies of the blocks around z=1z=1 manifest.Comment: 13 pages; v2: added references to previous wor

    A topologically twisted index for three-dimensional supersymmetric theories

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    We provide a general formula for the partition function of three-dimensional (formula presented) gauge theories placed on S2 7S1 with a topological twist along S2, which can be interpreted as an index for chiral states of the theories immersed in background magnetic fields. The result is expressed as a sum over magnetic fluxes of the residues of a meromorphic form which is a function of the scalar zero-modes. The partition function depends on a collection of background magnetic fluxes and fugacities for the global symmetries. We illustrate our formula in many examples of 3d Yang-Mills-Chern-Simons theories with matter, including Aharony and Giveon-Kutasov dualities. Finally, our formula generalizes to \u3a9-backgrounds, as well as two-dimensional theories on S2 and four-dimensional theories on S2 7 T2. In particular this provides an alternative way to compute genus-zero A-model topological amplitudes and Gromov-Witten invariants

    Cholesterol catalyses Aβ42 aggregation through a heterogeneous nucleation pathway in the presence of lipid membranes.

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    Alzheimer's disease is a neurodegenerative disorder associated with the aberrant aggregation of the amyloid-β peptide. Although increasing evidence implicates cholesterol in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease, the detailed mechanistic link between this lipid molecule and the disease process remains to be fully established. To address this problem, we adopt a kinetics-based strategy that reveals a specific catalytic role of cholesterol in the aggregation of Aβ42 (the 42-residue form of the amyloid-β peptide). More specifically, we demonstrate that lipid membranes containing cholesterol promote Aβ42 aggregation by enhancing its primary nucleation rate by up to 20-fold through a heterogeneous nucleation pathway. We further show that this process occurs as a result of cooperativity in the interaction of multiple cholesterol molecules with Aβ42. These results identify a specific microscopic pathway by which cholesterol dramatically enhances the onset of Aβ42 aggregation, thereby helping rationalize the link between Alzheimer's disease and the impairment of cholesterol homeostasis

    The role of open abdomen in non-trauma patient : WSES Consensus Paper

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    The open abdomen (OA) is defined as intentional decision to leave the fascial edges of the abdomen un-approximated after laparotomy (laparostomy). The abdominal contents are potentially exposed and therefore must be protected with a temporary coverage, which is referred to as temporal abdominal closure (TAC). OA use remains widely debated with many specific details deserving detailed assessment and clarification. To date, in patients with intra-abdominal emergencies, the OA has not been formally endorsed for routine utilization; although, utilization is seemingly increasing. Therefore, the World Society of Emergency Surgery (WSES), Abdominal Compartment Society (WSACS) and the Donegal Research Academy united a worldwide group of experts in an international consensus conference to review and thereafter propose the basis for evidence-directed utilization of OA management in non-trauma emergency surgery and critically ill patients. In addition to utilization recommendations, questions with insufficient evidence urgently requiring future study were identified.Peer reviewe
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