192 research outputs found

    Minoranze linguistiche: la comunità Arbëresh

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    L'intensificazione dei flussi migratori e il fenomeno della globalizzazione hanno creato una realtà interconnessa, dinamica e multietnica. Negli Stati più sviluppati in termini di economia e tasso di occupazione, le società odierne sono disomogenee in quanto sono sempre più multiculturali e caratterizzate da gruppi minoritari.Nell’alveo dei diritti fondamentali, la tutela dei diritti delle minoranze è certamente rilevante e attuale, ed è, inoltre, un problema che richiede la consapevolezza di dover difendere le identità e le diversità per la costruzione di società democratiche e pluraliste.A tal riguardo, si possono esperire riflessioni non solo giuridiche, ma anche storiche, sociologiche e geografiche. Basti ricordare che l'Italia è certamente un unicum nel panorama internazionale per la ricchezza del suo patrimonio socio-culturale.  A prova di ciò, le statistiche pubblicate dal Ministero dell'Interno mostrano che circa il 5% della popolazione italiana ha, come lingua madre, un idioma diverso dall'italiano.Ricostruendo il sistema delle fonti che tutelano i diritti linguistici delle minoranze, il presente contributo analizza le forme di tutela in sede processuale. Così come confermato da granitica giurisprudenza, il riconoscimento del diritto ad utilizzare la propria lingua dinanzi alle autorità giudiziarie ha quale substrato normativo il diritto costituzionale alla difesa e al giusto processo. L’art. 24 Cost. italiana, infatti, prevede la possibilità di utilizzare una lingua diversa dalla lingua italiana nei procedimenti giudiziari.Altresì, si offre una breve disamina degli strumenti normativi per la protezione dei diritti de quo, tenendo conto sia della normativa dell'UE, sia di quelle nazionali, a partire dalla Carta costituzionale e proseguendo poi con la legge n.482 del 1999.Quest'ultima identifica le minoranze linguistiche storiche e ufficiali, comprese le popolazioni albanesi radicate in diverse regioni italiane tra cui Abruzzo, Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Molise, Puglia e Sicilia.   Gli arbëreshë parlano l’arbërisht, antica variante del tosco, dialetto albanese parlato nel sud dell’Albania e appartenente al gruppo delle lingue indoeuropee. Tali comunità sono un grande esempio di integrazione che dura ormai da secoli, testimoniando lo stretto legame storico tra l’Italia e l’Albania.In vero, significativi sono gli insediamenti albanesi in Puglia presenti in alcune zone del Tarantino che formavano la cosiddetta Albania Tarantina (Salentina, secondo altri), quasi una sorta di entità territoriale omogenea per lingua, tradizione, costumi e fede religiosa.In merito al numero reale di italiani-albanesi non ci sono dati attendibili. Gli ultimi dati statisticamente certi sono quelli del censimento del 1997, che mostra una popolazione di 197.000 persone, anche se nel 1998 il ministero dell'Interno ha stimato la minoranza albanese in Italia in un numero di 98.000 individui. Al di là dei numeri, le identità culturali non sono mai statiche, ma si evolvono nel tempo custodendo un senso di appartenenza ad un gruppo che si mantiene costante nonostante i cambiamenti. E questo senso di appartenenza è quello che resta agli Arbëresh di oggi, in un mondo globalizzato ed interconnesso

    Candida albicans and oral carcinogenesis. A brief review.

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    Current medical knowledge and research on patients’ management are still evolving, and several protocols on minimizing risk of infection by Candidaspp.among the population have developed. The aim of this workis to reviewthe epidemiological and biomolecular characteristics and the various histopathological carcinogenesis hypothesis mechanisms that can occur during Candida albicansinfections. Current evidence from the literature on the role of C. albicansduring potentially malignant oral disorders and oral cancer has been sought.Thus, these biomolecular processes can give or contribute to benign lesions,also in precancerous or cancerous situations. Alongside this, the physiological microorganism oral flora (microbiota) can play a crucial role in maintaining oral health during those infections and therefore avoid carcinogenesis

    Efficacy of a Non-addictive Nasal Irrigation Based on Sea Salt Enriched with Natural Enzymes among Patients with Sinusitis: An In Vivo, Randomized, Controlled Trial

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    BACKGROUND: Chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) is a common condition that is defined as inflammation of the nose and paranasal sinuses. Nasal irrigation plays an important role in the treatment of CRS. Evidence from basic research favors hypertonic saline over isotonic saline for mucociliary clearance, but evidence from clinical studies is controversial. AIM: This study aims to investigate the hypothesis that the use of daily nasal irrigation based on sea salt, enriched with natural enzymes and lysozyme, may be useful in patients with CRS. PATIENT AND METHODS: Patients (30 men and 30 women) 18–55 years old (mean age 41 ± 3 y.o.), with two episodes of acute sinusitis or one episode of chronic sinusitis per year for 2 consecutive years, were enrolled stratified by sex and age and randomly divided into two groups supplementation: Group A (test) and Group B (control/placebo). Moreover, an exit questionnaire was asked to Group A subjects to report whether their sinus-related quality of life has gotten worse, stayed the same, or improved (scale from 0 to ±100%). RESULTS: The result showed that in the test group (A) from T0 to T1, a reduction of 17.65% for the symptoms related headache and/or facial pressure and a reduction of the 18.18%, for the symptoms relates to congestion and/or nasal discharge. On the other hand, the control group (B) shown less difference between T0 and T1. CONCLUSIONS: This study strengthens the argument that the tested formulation is a safe, well-tolerated, long-term therapy that patients with chronic sinonasal complaints can and will use at home with minimal training and follow-up

    Efficacy of a Non-addictive Nasal Irrigation Based on Sea Salt Enriched with Natural Enzymes among Patients with Sinusitis: An In Vivo, Randomized, Controlled Trial

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    BACKGROUND: Chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) is a common condition that is defined as inflammation of the nose and paranasal sinuses. Nasal irrigation plays an important role in the treatment of CRS. Evidence from basic research favors hypertonic saline over isotonic saline for mucociliary clearance, but evidence from clinical studies is controversial. AIM: This study aims to investigate the hypothesis that the use of daily nasal irrigation based on sea salt, enriched with natural enzymes and lysozyme, may be useful in patients with CRS. PATIENT AND METHODS: Patients (30 men and 30 women) 18–55 years old (mean age 41 ± 3 y.o.), with two episodes of acute sinusitis or one episode of chronic sinusitis per year for 2 consecutive years, were enrolled stratified by sex and age and randomly divided into two groups supplementation: Group A (test) and Group B (control/ placebo). Moreover, an exit questionnaire was asked to Group A subjects to report whether their sinus-related quality of life has gotten worse, stayed the same, or improved (scale from 0 to ±100%). RESULTS: The result showed that in the test group (A) from T0 to T1, a reduction of 17.65% for the symptoms related headache and/or facial pressure and a reduction of the 18.18%, for the symptoms relates to congestion and/ or nasal discharge. On the other hand, the control group (B) shown less difference between T0 and T1. CONCLUSIONS: This study strengthens the argument that the tested formulation is a safe, well-tolerated, long-term therapy that patients with chronic sinonasal complaints can and will use at home with minimal training and follow-up

    Focus on the cariogenic process: microbial and biochemical interactions with teeth and oral environment

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    This paper aims to describe the biochemical interactions between teeth and the oral environment that occur during the caries process, hence it covers all the steps related to physico-chemical reactions, including the most up-to-date theoretical basis in the clinical application for the prevention and treatment of caries. The terms 'demineralization' and 'remineralization' that characterise this process were analysed, as well as the role of the microbiota in its interaction with the hard surface of the teeth. The biochemical mechanisms that lead to the onset of carious lesions and those that occur during the healing and repair of such lesions are listed

    Fibrolipoma gigante de la mejilla: a propĂłsito de un caso

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    El fibrolipoma es una neoplasia de origen mesenquimal, rara en la cavidad oral, representando el 1% de todos los tumores benignos orales. Es una variante histológica del lipoma simple, que normalmente se manifiesta a nivel de la mucosa oral, suelo de la boca, lengua y labios. La etiología suele ser traumática cuando afecta localizaciones extraorales, mientras se considera idiopática al manifestarse a nivel bucal. En este artículo se presenta un raro caso de fibrolipoma de mejilla, y se discuten los aspectos diagnósticos, histo-patológicos y de tratamiento de acuerdo a la literatura. Lipomas are common soft tissue mesenchymal neoplasms, rare in the oral cavity, representing 1% of all benign oral tumors. Fibrolipoma is a histological variant of the classic lipoma which normally affects buccal mucosa, floor of the mouth, tongue and lips. In this article is presented a rare case of fibrolipoma of the cheek and are discussed all the aspects of diagnosis, histology and surgical treatment, according to literature data

    Update on gingival overgrowth by cyclosporine A in renal transplants

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    Severe gingival overgrowth is one of the most frequent side effects in renal transplant patients associated with assumption of cyclosporine A. Several associations with age, sex, dosage, duration of therapy or interval since transplantation have been hypothesized. The introduction of alternative immunosuppressant drugs have been suggested to permit better long-term transplant outcomes and a decrease in incidence of gingival overgrowth. The aim of the present paper is to summarize current knowledge regarding aetiology, pathogenesis and management of gingival overgrowth induced by Cyclosporine A
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