449 research outputs found

    Radionauta: comunicación y horizontes colectivos

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    El propósito de esta tesis de investigación es sistematizar y describir procesos de conformación de medios y de redes de medios populares-alternativos-comunitarios (sociales) que exceden los límites geográficos y buscan el trabajo colectivo en pos de un objetivo de transformación social amplio, sustentados en proyectos sociales y políticos. Mediante la participación observante, siempre cerca de los colectivos, incluso impulsando y protagonizando actividades conjuntas, buscamos contar la experiencia desde las sensaciones y construcciones propias. Así como dar cuenta de los espacios de formación inherente a las prácticas de comunicación surgidas de la voluntad y el deseo compartido, en una búsqueda por crear y producir modos de comunicación para las necesidades propias. A partir de entrevistas en profundidad, y reportajes realizados por mail buscamos analizar las perspectivas de los sujetos involucrados en esos colectivos para analizar su visión de las prácticas, las búsquedas individuales y colectivas en los procesos de construcción de radios, programas de radio y portales de comunicación en Internet. Con esta tesis creemos contribuir al vasto estudio la comunicación alternativa, proponiendo nuevas conceptualizaciones para pensar estas prácticas, en relación al escenario actual planteado por la inserción de internet al campo de las comunicaciones y la información. Asimismo reflexionar sobre el mapa planteado luego de la sanción de la LSCA.Facultad de Periodismo y Comunicación Socia

    Adolescencias en escenarios educativos

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    Como integrantes del grupo de investigación interdisciplinario "La escuela como texto. Los sujetos pedagógicos en escenarios desiguales"expondremos algunos conceptos que se incluyen dentro de la elaboración del Marco Teórico. Este proyecto representa la continuación de dos proyectos anteriores: "Lugar de la escuela en la constitución de la subjetividad adolescente actual" y "Constitución de la subjetividad adolescente y desigualdad educativa", proyecto trianual. El interrogante general que orienta la tarea investigativa refiere al lugar de la institución escolar en la construcción de la subjetividad adolescente en el marco de la desigualdad educativa. Nuestra mira se dirige a la institución escuela, como uno de los escenarios donde se manifiestan marcas de época tales como la desigualdad y la vulnerabilidad, interrogándonos acerca de su función en la construcción subjetiva adolescente.Eje temático: Psicología educacional y orientación vocacionalFacultad de Psicologí

    Adolescencias en escenarios educativos

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    Como integrantes del grupo de investigación interdisciplinario "La escuela como texto. Los sujetos pedagógicos en escenarios desiguales"expondremos algunos conceptos que se incluyen dentro de la elaboración del Marco Teórico. Este proyecto representa la continuación de dos proyectos anteriores: "Lugar de la escuela en la constitución de la subjetividad adolescente actual" y "Constitución de la subjetividad adolescente y desigualdad educativa", proyecto trianual. El interrogante general que orienta la tarea investigativa refiere al lugar de la institución escolar en la construcción de la subjetividad adolescente en el marco de la desigualdad educativa. Nuestra mira se dirige a la institución escuela, como uno de los escenarios donde se manifiestan marcas de época tales como la desigualdad y la vulnerabilidad, interrogándonos acerca de su función en la construcción subjetiva adolescente.Eje temático: Psicología educacional y orientación vocacionalFacultad de Psicologí

    An overlook on the current registries for rare and complex connective tissue diseases and the future scenario of TogethERN ReCONNET

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    European Reference Networks; Rare and complex connective tissue diseases; RegistriesRedes Europeas de Referencia; Enfermedades raras y complejas del tejido conjuntivo; RegistrosXarxes de referència europees; Malalties rares i complexes del teixit conjuntiu; RegistresBackground: Patient registries play a crucial role in supporting clinical practice, healthcare planning and medical research, offering a real-world picture on rare and complex connective tissue diseases (rCTDs). ERN ReCONNET launched the first European Registry Infrastructure with the aim to plan, upgrade and link registries for rCTDs, with the final goal to promote a harmonized data collection approach all over Europe for rCTDs. Methods: An online survey addressed to healthcare professionals and patients' representatives active in the field of rCTDs was integrated by an extensive database search in order to build a mapping of existing registries for rCTDs. Findings: A total of 140 registries were found, 38 of which include multiple diseases. No disease-specific registry was identified for relapsing polychondritis, mixed connective tissue disease and undifferentiated connective tissue disease. Discussion: This overview on the existing registries for rCTDs provides a useful starting point to identify the gaps and the strengths of registries on the coverage of rCTDs, and to develop a common data set and data collection approach for the establishment of the TogethERN ReCONNET Infrastructure.This work was funded by the European Union's Health Program (2014–2020). ERN ReCONNET is one of the 24 European Reference Networks (ERNs) approved by the ERN Board of Member States. The ERNs are co-funded by the EC (European Commission) (grant no. 947700)

    Quality of Life, Wishes, and Needs in Women with Gestational Diabetes: Italian DAWN Pregnancy Study

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    The DAWN (Diabetes Attitudes, Wishes and Needs) study is a survey promoted by the International Diabetes Federation to recognize the perceptions and attitudes of people suffering from diabetes mellitus. In this context, we evaluated the quality of life of Italian and immigrant women with gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM). Information was gathered using a structured questionnaire for patients' self-compilation. In a 3-month period, a 51-item questionnaire was submitted to 198 Italians and 88 immigrants (from 27 different foreign nationalities). Italian women were older and had higher education than the immigrants. 60% of the Italians and 38% of the immigrants had a family history of diabetes mellitus. In both groups, the diagnosis of GDM caused anxiety; one-third of women feared their child could contract diabetes at delivery and/or have congenital malformations. Some women had trouble in following treatment regimens: the major concern being dietary advice and blood glucose testing. Most women were satisfied (34%) or highly satisfied (60%) with the quality of care, although the degree of cooperation between diabetes specialists and gynaecologists was considered sometimes unsatisfactory. In order to optimize maternal and foetal outcomes, educational projects and improved communication between patients and the healthcare provider team are recommended

    A novel similarity-measure for the analysis of genetic data in complex phenotypes

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    BACKGROUND: Recent technological advances in DNA sequencing and genotyping have led to the accumulation of a remarkable quantity of data on genetic polymorphisms. However, the development of new statistical and computational tools for effective processing of these data has not been equally as fast. In particular, Machine Learning literature is limited to relatively few papers which are focused on the development and application of data mining methods for the analysis of genetic variability. On the other hand, these papers apply to genetic data procedures which had been developed for a different kind of analysis and do not take into account the peculiarities of population genetics. The aim of our study was to define a new similarity measure, specifically conceived for measuring the similarity between the genetic profiles of two groups of subjects (i.e., cases and controls) taking into account that genetic profiles are usually distributed in a population group according to the Hardy Weinberg equilibrium. RESULTS: We set up a new kernel function consisting of a similarity measure between groups of subjects genotyped for numerous genetic loci. This measure weighs different genetic profiles according to the estimates of gene frequencies at Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium in the population. We named this function the "Hardy-Weinberg kernel". The effectiveness of the Hardy-Weinberg kernel was compared to the performance of the well established linear kernel. We found that the Hardy-Weinberg kernel significantly outperformed the linear kernel in a number of experiments where we used either simulated data or real data. CONCLUSION: The "Hardy-Weinberg kernel" reported here represents one of the first attempts at incorporating genetic knowledge into the definition of a kernel function designed for the analysis of genetic data. We show that the best performance of the "Hardy-Weinberg kernel" is observed when rare genotypes have different frequencies in cases and controls. The ability to capture the effect of rare genotypes on phenotypic traits might be a very important and useful feature, as most of the current statistical tools loose most of their statistical power when rare genotypes are involved in the susceptibility to the trait under study

    Montgomery salivary bypass tube in head and neck cancer: the experience of our otolaryngology clinic

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    Introduction: One of the most common complications in the immediate and late postoperative period following total laryngectomy or pharyngolaryngectomy is pharyngocutaneous fistulae (PCF) formation and pharyngoesophageal stenosis (PES), causing significant mortality and morbidity. Since 1978, Montgomery salivary bypass tube (MSBT) has been used to reduce the incidence of PCF and PES. The aim of this retrospective study was to analyze the outcomes of using MSBT both as a tool to prevent PCF and PES and to treat these complications in the postoperative period. Methods: Between January 2013 and December 2019, we inserted 109 MSBT in 87 patients with laryngeal/hypopharyngeal cancer treated in the Unit of Otolaryngology of our University Hospital. Results: Sixty (86.9%) patients healed from complications with primary and secondary placement of MSBT. Seven patients presented a persistence of PCF and 2 presented a recurrence of PES. Secondary placement of MSBT allowed treating successfully 15 (83%) of 18 patients. Only 3 of them presented a PCF at the end of the follow-up period. Conclusion: According to our experience, the MSBT is an affordable, easy to apply and well-tolerated tool. Although it is generally used for PCF treatment, it can also be used intraoperatively for PCF and PES prevention

    Sexuality and speeches. ¿What do teachers transmit?

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    A los fines de esta ponencia priorizamos los siguientes objetivos específicos a ser desarrollados: describir valores y discursos sobre la sexualidad, relaciones de género y generacionales instituidas en la escuela, especificar fenómenos que explican y/o manifiestan los cambios en las creencias, actitudes y comportamientos en torno a la sexualidad y formular herramientas conceptuales y metodológicas para las prácticas docentes. Nuestra hipótesis de trabajo postula que en tiempos adolescentes acontece la conformación del cuerpo sexuado, condicionado por discursos y construcciones sociales y subjetivas. Las prácticas instauran una subjetividad socialmente instituida y las sociedades varían en sus estrategias de producir una sexualidad compatible con la armonía de los lazos sociales. Estas no son entendidas como simples acciones, sino como un complejo sistema de relaciones que vehiculizan propuestas identificatorias y que en sí mismas pueden ser portadoras de diferencia. Si en el campo de lo humano la materialidad del cuerpo no permanece independiente de los discursos sociales y estos representan, e incluso en cierto sentido otorgan existencia, a los cuerpos es necesario, entonces, estudiar las condiciones bajo las cuales el cuerpo material se convierte en sexuado. Por lo expuesto, nuestro objetivo en este encuentro apunta a describir y analizar los discursos y concepciones de docentes sobre sexualidad a partir de la administración de entrevistas. Consideramos que el proceso investigativo es inseparable de una práctica docente comprometida con las realidades sociohistóricas de educación.For the purposes of this presentation we prioritize the following specific objectives to be developed: values and discourses about sexuality, gender and generationally instituted relationships in school, specifying phenomena that explain and/or show changes in beliefs, attitudes and behaviors around sexuality and formulating conceptual and methodological tools for teaching practices. Our working hypothesis posits that in adolescent times occurs the conformation of the sexed body conditioned by social and subjective discourses and constructions. Practices establish a socially instituted subjectivity and societies vary in their strategies for producing a sexuality compatible with the harmony of social ties. These are not understood as mere actions, but as a complex system of relationships that pass on identifying proposals and which, themselves, can be carriers of difference. If in the human field the materiality of the body does not remain independent of social discourses and these represent and even, in a sense, grant existence to the bodies, it is necessary, then, to study the conditions under which the material body becomes sexed. For the said above, our objective in this meeting aims to describe and analyze the discourses and conceptions that teachers have about sexuality from the administration of interviews. We consider the research process to be inseparable from a teaching practice committed to the socio-historical realities of education.Facultad de Psicologí

    The AMD ANNALS: A continuous initiative for the improvement of type 2 diabetes care

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    Aims: Since 2006, the Italian AMD (Associations of Medical Diabetologists) Annals Initiative promoted a continuous monitoring of the quality of diabetes care, that was effective in improving process, treatment and outcome indicators through a periodic assessment of standardized measures. Here, we show the 2022 AMD Annals data on type 2 diabetes (T2D).Methods: A network involving similar to 1/3 of diabetes centers in Italy periodically extracts anonymous data from electronic clinical records, by a standardized software. Process, treatment and outcome indicators, and a vali-dated score of overall care, the Q-score, were evaluated.Results: 295 centers provided the annual sample of 502,747 T2D patients. Overall, HbA1c value 25.Conclusions: The 2022 AMD Annals data show an improvement in the use of innovative drugs and in the overall quality of T2D care in everyday clinical practice. However, additional efforts are needed to reach the recom-mended targets for HbA1c and major CVD risk factors

    High-Resolution 3D Fabrication of Glass Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Nanocomposite (FRPN) Objects by Two-Photon Direct Laser Writing

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    This paper reports on the nanofabrication of a fiber-reinforced polymer nanocomposite (FRPN) by two-photon direct laser writing (TP-DLW) using silica nanowires (SiO2 NWs) as nanofillers, since they feature a refractive index very close to that of the photoresist used as a polymeric matrix. This allows for the best resolution offered by the TP-DLW technique, even with high loads of SiO2 NWs, up to 70 wt %. The FRPN presented an increase of approximately 4 times in Young's modulus (8.23 GPa) and nanohardness (120 MPa) when compared to those of the bare photoresist, indicating how the proposed technique is well-suited for applications with higher structural requirements. Moreover, three different printing configurations can be implemented thanks to the use of silicon chips, on which the SiO2 NWs are grown, as fabrication substrates. First, they can be effectively used as an adhesive layer when the laser beam is focused at the interface with the silicon substrate. Second, they can be used as a sacrificial layer, when the laser beam is focused in a plane inside the SiO2 NW layer. Third, only the outer shell of the object is printed so that the SiO2 NW tangle acts as the internal skeleton for the structure being fabricated in the so-called shell and scaffold printing strategy