295 research outputs found

    Narcissistic Self-Enhancement and Willingness to Seek Feedback on Weaknesses

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    In the current study, I investigated the relationship between narcissism level and feedback-seeking behavior. Using a dimensional approach to personality classification, I considered narcissism to be a component of normal personality and measured this construct with the Narcissistic Personality Inventory. I also investigated the willingness of narcissistic individuals to view feedback regarding their weaknesses, as well as the relationships between narcissism and different cognitive reactions to favorable and unfavorable feedback. Results indicated that, when given the opportunity, narcissistic people seek favorable feedback that pertains to their strengths, while passing on opportunities to receive feedback regarding their weaknesses. They also react to unfavorable feedback by perceiving that feedback as being inaccurate. I used self-enhancement and self-verification theories of self-concept formulation as applied to narcissism to explain the current findings

    Narcissistic Self-Enhancement and Willingness to Seek Feedback on Weaknesses

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    In the current study, I investigated the relationship between narcissism level and feedback-seeking behavior. Using a dimensional approach to personality classification, I considered narcissism to be a component of normal personality and measured this construct with the Narcissistic Personality Inventory. I also investigated the willingness of narcissistic individuals to view feedback regarding their weaknesses, as well as the relationships between narcissism and different cognitive reactions to favorable and unfavorable feedback. Results indicated that, when given the opportunity, narcissistic people seek favorable feedback that pertains to their strengths, while passing on opportunities to receive feedback regarding their weaknesses. They also react to unfavorable feedback by perceiving that feedback as being inaccurate. I used self-enhancement and self-verification theories of self-concept formulation as applied to narcissism to explain the current findings

    Narcissistic Self-Enhancement and Willingness to Seek Feedback on Weaknesses

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    In the current study, I investigated the relationship between narcissism level and feedback-seeking behavior. Using a dimensional approach to personality classification, I considered narcissism to be a component of normal personality and measured this construct with the Narcissistic Personality Inventory. I also investigated the willingness of narcissistic individuals to view feedback regarding their weaknesses, as well as the relationships between narcissism and different cognitive reactions to favorable and unfavorable feedback. Results indicated that, when given the opportunity, narcissistic people seek favorable feedback that pertains to their strengths, while passing on opportunities to receive feedback regarding their weaknesses. They also react to unfavorable feedback by perceiving that feedback as being inaccurate. I used self-enhancement and self-verification theories of self-concept formulation as applied to narcissism to explain the current findings


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    Angka kematian ibu dan bayi merupakan salah satu indikator utama dalam melihat derajat kesehatan suatu negara. Angka kematian ibu dan angka kematian bayi, dapat menunjukkan tingkat kemampuan dan kualitas pelayanan serta kualitas pendidikan dan pengetahuan masyarakat negara tersebut. Di provinsi jawa timur, AKI pada tahun 2014 mencapai 93,31/100.000 KH dan AKB mencapai 26,66/1.000 KH (KemenKes RI, 2014). Faktor penyebab tingginya AKI adalah perdarahan, preeklamsia, dan infeksi, sedangkan pada bayi baru lahir adalah asfiksia, BBLR, dan infeksi. Tujuan laporan tugas akhir ini untuk memberikan asuhan kebidanan secara continuity of care pada ibu hamil, bersalin, masa nifas, bayi baru lahir dan keluarga berencana dengan menggunakan manajemen kebidanan. Metode dalam melakukan asuhan continuity of care yaitu penulis mengukuti ibu dari mulai hamil, bersalin, nifas, dan KB. Dalam melakukan asuhan kebidanan ini penulis mendapat dukungan baik dari pihak kampus maupun lahan yaitu puskesmas Siwalankerto dan RSI jemursari Surabaya. Penulis juga mengambil data baik dari anamnesa langsung dengan pasien dan rekam medis pasien. Dalam hal ini penulis tidak mendapatkan penyulit selama melakukan observasi dengan pasien. Asuhan diberikan mulai dari tanggal 31 maret 2016 sampai tanggal 7 juni 2016. Kunjungan asuhan kebidanan dilakukan sebanyak 4 kali, kunjungan bersalin 1 kali, nifas 4 kali, neonatus 4 kali, dan keluarga berencana 2 kali. Pada kehamilan Ny. V proses kehamilan ibu berlangsung lama melebihi TP yaitu postdate. Maka dilakukan tindakan rujukan. Proses persalinan dirasakan ibu pada usia kehamilan 42 minggu lebih 3 hari tidak ada keluhan. Pada tanggal 3 Mei 2016 ibu dilakukan sectio caesarea dengan indikasi postdate di RSI Jemursari Surabaya oleh dokter obgyn. Keadaan ibu dan bayi baik tidak ada komplikasi pasca persalinan. Bayi lahir secara sectio caesarea langsung menangis keras, kulit kemerahan dan tonus otot kuat , jenis kelamin laki-laki. Pada kala IV dapat disimpulkan dapat berjalan secara fisiologis karena tanda-tanda vital, proses involusi dan laktasi ibu sesuai dengan teori yang dikemukakan. Pada setiap kunjungan keadaan umum ibu baik, ditandai dengan tanda-tanda vital dalam batas normal, proses laktasi dan involusi berjalan dengan normal, luka jahitan sectio baik dan telah menutup dan tidak ditemukan tanda-tanda bahaya nifas dan penyulit lainnyaPada neonatus dilakukan kunjungan bersamaan dengan kunjungan nifas 4 kali kunjungan kondisi bayi selalu sehat ditandai dengan baik dan cukup, serta bayi sudah mendapatkan imunisasi BCG pada tanggal 7 Juni 2016. Sedangkan hasil konseling KB, ibu ingin memilih metode KB suntik 3 bulan. Selama masa observasi kehamilan, persalinan, nifas dan KB penulis tidak menemukan kesenjangan yang terlalu ekstrim. Asuhan dan penatalaksanaan sudah sesuai dengan teori yang ada. Diharapkan penulis mampu mengebangkan dan menerapkan asuhan kebidanan secara continuity of care dengan tepat karena dapat meningkatkan derajat kesehatan ibu dan bayi

    Bakterielle Adhärenz an chirurgischen Nahtmaterialien: Vergleich von monofilen, geflochtenen und gezahnten Fäden in einem septischen Modell

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    Allen operativen Eingriffen ist das Risiko einer möglichen Infektion der Wunde oder des gesamten Organismus gemein. Die Minimierung dieses Risikos ist Bestandteil jeder operativen Behandlung. Bei der Entwicklung neuer Operationsmethoden oder Materialien ist dieses Risiko von großer Bedeutung. Neuartige Fäden mit Widerhaken sind eine solche Entwicklung und zeigen besonders im Bereich der mechanischen Belastung der Wunde sowie im Bereich der Nahttechnik entscheidende Vorteile im Vergleich mit herkömmlichen Fadenmaterialien. In der Literatur wurden zudem anderen monofilen Fäden überlegene mikrobiologische Eigenschaften beschrieben [50]. Dies erscheint bei vergrößerter Oberfläche und bestehenden Nischen unter den Widerhaken nicht schlüssig und war somit Anlass zu dieser Studie. Zur semiquantitativen Bestimmung der bakteriellen Adhärenz an den verwendeten Fadenmaterialien wurde ein Studienmodell mit Bebrütung auf Farbumschlag-Agar entwickelt. Anhand dieses Modells wurden 5 verschiedene Bakterien auf 4 verschiedene Fäden untersucht. Nach Kontamination der Fäden erfolgte in einem Studienarm die Untersuchung der Menge an adhärierten Bakterien, während in einem zweiten Arm nach initialer Inkubation die Wirksamkeit einer antibiotischen Therapie auf die adhärierten Bakterien getestet wurde. Die Ergebnisse zeigen die geringste Adhäsion am monofilen Faden, während der mit Widerhaken versehene Faden mehr Adhärenz zeigt. Im Vergleich zu den polyfilen Fäden zeigen sowohl der monofile, als auch der gezahnte Faden weniger Adhärenzen. Zur Lokalisation der adhärierten Bakterien auf den jeweiligen Fäden wurde eine Confocale Mikroskopie durchgeführt. Hierbei zeigten sich die Bakterienkolonien vornehmlich in vorgeformten Nischen auf der Fadenoberfläche. Bei einer zunehmenden Zahl von operativen Eingriffen weltweit und damit verbundenem Anstieg der Zahl der Wundinfektionen, sowie vor dem Hintergrund der stetigen Zunahme der bakteriellen Resistenzen gegenüber diversen Antibiotika, sind die Ergebnisse der Studie von Bedeutung für jegliche chirurgische Fachabteilung, insbesondere im Bereich der septischen Chirurgie

    Effects of a Demand-Valve SCUBA Regulator on Cardiorespiratory Response During Submaximal Exercise Under Normobaric Conditions: A Preliminary Investigation

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    SCUBA diving fatalities are often related to cardiac events triggered by stress linked to equipment. The purpose of this investigation was to examine the effects of a SCUBA regulator on cardiorespiratory exercise at a submaximal workload. Ten participants (mean = 21.5 yrs; s.d. = 1.16) completed two submaximal exercise tests at 1 ATA; one while breathing normally and a second while breathing directly from a demand valve SCUBA regulator. Total time to test completion (TOT), heart rate (HR), blood pressure (BP), rating of perceived exertion (RPE), and arterial oxygen levels were all assessed. No significant differences between conditions were found for measures of TOT, heart rate, blood pressure, RPE, and arterial oxygen measures. Statistical analysis suggested that use of a SCUBA regulator itself did not affect exercise tolerance or increase cardiorespiratory stress at submaximal workloads. Several anecdotal observations in HR, BP, TOT, and RPE responses suggested further research is warranted

    Unbiased analysis of obesity related, fat depot specific changes of adipocyte volumes and numbers using light sheet fluorescence microscopy

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    In translational obesity research, objective assessment of adipocyte sizes and numbers is essential to characterize histomorphological alterations linked to obesity, and to evaluate the efficacies of experimental medicinal or dietetic interventions. Design-based quantitative stereological techniques based on the analysis of 2D-histological sections provide unbiased estimates of relevant 3D-parameters of adipocyte morphology, but often involve complex and time-consuming tissue processing and analysis steps. Here we report the application of direct 3D light sheet fluorescence microscopy (LSFM) for effective and accurate analysis of adipocyte volumes and numbers in optically cleared adipose tissue samples from a porcine model of diet-induced obesity (DIO). Subcutaneous and visceral adipose tissue samples from DIO-minipigs and lean controls were systematically randomly sampled, optically cleared with 3DISCO (3-dimensional imaging of solvent cleared organs), stained with eosin, and subjected to LSFM for detection of adipocyte cell membrane autofluorescence. Individual adipocytes were unbiasedly sampled in digital 3D reconstructions of the adipose tissue samples, and their individual cell volumes were directly measured by automated digital image analysis. Adipocyte numbers and mean volumes obtained by LSFM analysis did not significantly differ from the corresponding values obtained by unbiased quantitative stereological analysis techniques performed on the same samples, thus proving the applicability of LSFM for efficient analysis of relevant morphological adipocyte parameters. The results of the present study demonstrate an adipose tissue depot specific plasticity of adipocyte growth responses to nutrient oversupply. This was characterized by an exclusively hypertrophic growth of visceral adipocytes, whereas adipocytes in subcutaneous fat tissue depots also displayed a marked (hyperplastic) increase in cell number. LSFM allows for accurate and efficient determination of relevant quantitative morphological adipocyte parameters. The applied stereological methods and LSFM protocols are described in detail and can serve as a guideline for unbiased quantitative morphological analyses of adipocytes in other studies and species