21 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Daun Katuk (Sauropus androgynus (L.) Merr.) terhadap Waktu Perdarahan (Bleeding Time) pada Tikus Wistar Jantan sebagai Alternatif Obat Antitrombotik (The Effect of Star Gosseberry (Sauropus androgynus (L.) Merr.) to bleeding time of Male Wistar

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    Background: Cardiovascular disease can be treated with synthetic or traditional antithrombotic drugs (herbal). Synthetic antithrombotic drugs have a lot of side effects, so as an alternative antithrombotic is used traditional drugs, star gosseberry. Star gosseberry have many active compounds which are suspected to inhibit platelet aggregation. Objective: to know the effect of star gosseberry on bleeding time of male Wistar rats as an alternative antithrombotic drugs. Methods of research: this study was experimental laboratory research with post-test only control group design. The research samples were 24 male wistar rats and divided into 4 groups: negative control (distilled water), positive control (aspirin 5,85 mg dose), treatment 1 (star gosseberry 4,5 mg/g dose), and treatment 2 (star gosseberry 2.25 mg/g dose). The treatment was given for 8 days then the tail of samples were cut by 0.5 cm from the tip of the tail. Every 30 seconds the blood that dripped out was absorbed on absorbent papers until the bleeding stops. Bleeding time was measured from initial point of bleeding until the cessation of the bleeding point. Result: star gosseberry dose 4,5 mg/g had the same effect as aspirin that was prolonged bleeding time. Conclusion: star gosseberry could be prolonged bleeding time so it can be used as an alternative antithrombotic drugs. Keywords: Katuk leaf, bleeding time, antithrombotic, platele


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    Background: Nutrition and diet intake are such related with growth and development of body organs, including growth and development of bone and teeth. High quality and concentration of protein and cancium in food have linier relationship with growth and development of bone and teeth. Anchovies are high quality protein and calcium source. Anchovies are cheap calcium and protein source that can be available in Indonesia. This review was aimed to review the benefits of anchovies to development of bone and teeth. Discussion : DisAnchovies are high quality food because all of the body can be consumed. Bone of anchovies contains protein and calcium. Per 100 gram of anchovies contain 77 kcal of energy; l6 gr protein; 1.0 gr fat; 500 mg calcium; 500 mg phosfor; 1.0 mg ferrum; 47 Vit A; and 0.1 mg Vit B. Protein and calcium were needed by body fore repairing process and structed the tissue. Protein was as bone matrix. Calcium of anchovies was good for bone, teeth and had calming effect. Moreover, vitamin A of anchovies was also important for bone and teeth development. Conclusion: anchovies could be used as essential nutrition to optimal of bone and teeth development. Keywords: anchovies, calcium, protein, teeth, bon

    Pengaruh Stressor Renjatan Listrik (Electrical Foot Shock) Terhadap Kadar Serum Alkalin Fosfatase Tikus Wistar (Rattus Norvegicus) Jantan

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    Stres merupakan mekanisme kompensasi tubuh guna mempertahankan homeostasis walaupun dapat menyebabkan gangguan kesehatan. Hal ini disebabkan pada saat stres terjadi perubahan hormonal, terutama kortisol. Hormon kortisol dapat mempengaruhi kadar hormon estrogen atau androgen dimana kedua hormon tersebut berperan penting dalam proses metabolisme tulang. Pada metabolisme tulang, enzim alkalin fosfatase sangat dibutuhkan untuk pembentukan tulang. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh stressor renjatanlistrik pada kadar serum alkalin fosfatase tikus wistar jantan. Penelitian ini merupakan eksperimental laboratoris dengan rancangan penelitian the post test only control group design. Penelitian ini dibagi menjadi dua kelompok yaitu kelompok kontrol dan kelompok perlakuan yang diberi perlakuan berupa stresor rasa sakit renjatan listrik dengan mengalirkan arus listrik 5-30mA, tegangan 25V dan frekuensi 60Hz selama 14 hari. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata kadar serum alkalin fosfatase pada kelompok perlakuan lebih rendah dibanding kelompok kontrol. Hasil uji analisis Mann Whitney U menunjukan bahwa terdapat perbedaan yang bermaknaantara kelompok kontrol dan perlakuan (p0.05). Kesimpulan menunjukkan bahwa stresor renjatan listrik dapat mempengaruhi proses pembentukan tulang yang ditandai dengan penurunan kadar alkalin fosfatase


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    High degree of uric acid into blood or called hyperurecemia, could be caused by increasing of uric acid production, but excretion of uric acid that passed through renal decreased. Effort for overcoming, it was used drug that have diuretic effect. Bay leave was one of plant that can be used as diuretic. This study aimed to know ability bay leave (Eugenia polyantha W) to increase excretion of uric acid at male rats. This study was experimental laboratory study with pre and post control group design and used 30 sample male rats. The samples were divided into 6 groups. Before treatment urine of samples were taken in tubes for 24 hours. Then, samples were treated with high purin feeding and given bay leaves extract twice a day for 5 days. At 6th day, urine of samples were collected and centrifuged for getting urine sediment. They were observed and counted amount of uric acid sediment that use microscope. Result of anova test showed there are differences significantly amount of uric acid sediment for 24 hours at male rat urines, after they are given bay leaves extract in many dozes, aquadest sterile, and probenesid (p < 0,005). Bay leaves have ability to increase amount of uric acid excreation. Flavonoid that be contented in bay leaves can increase catch point in renal for producting urine and decrease reabsorbsion of uric acid through proximale kontortus tubule of renal, so excretion uric acid sediment increase. Flavonoid also had antioxidane effect that can inhibit xantine oxidase enzyme and reaction of superoxide, so formation uric acis is lower or inhibit. Conclution this study is infusa of bay leaves 100 % in many dozes cab increase excretion of uric acid sediment at male rats


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    Background: Chronic periodontitis occurred mostly in productive ages. Chronic periodontitis was started by adherence and accumulation of plaque bacteria that caused vascular enhancement, PMN infiltration, and periodontal tissue destruction. This process caused bone calcium solubitily which went trough blood stream and excreted to gungiva sulci. Calcium in periodontal tissue could be found both in extracellular and intracellular matrix. Purpose: Purpose of this study was to know calcium level in gingival crevicular fluid of chronic periodontitis and compare calcium level in chronic periodontitis and gingivitis. Method: This study was analytic observational with cross sectional approach and got admission from ethic comission of Dental Faculty, Gadjah Mada University. The subjects were patients who came to dental hospital of Jember University. The subjects had to full fill informed consent. The subjects were selected according inclusion and exclusion criteria. Subjects  complying inclusion criteria were divided into gingivitis group (PI score 0 – 0.7) and chronic periodontitis (PI score 1 – 8.0). Gingival crevicular fluid samples were collected from teeth which got gingivitis and chronic periodontitis, GCF was absorbed using paperpoint and stored inside eppendorf tube. Paperpoint was added with 50 μL 0.02 M PBS pH 7.4 and 100 μL distilled water. Calcium level was measured by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS). Result: The result showed there was calcium in gingival crevicular fluid of chronic periodontitis. Mean of calcium level of chronic periodontitis was higher than  gingivitis. Conclusion: This study concluded there was calcium in gingival crevicular fluid of chronic periodontitis and calcium level of chronic periodontitis was higher than gingivitis. Keywords: gingival crevicular fluid, calcium, periodontal tissue, chronic periodontiti


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    Background: Menopause is physiological condition signed estrogen deficiency. Porphyromonas gingivalis (Pg), Gram-negative bacteria, and the products might induce estrogen deficiency. Estrogen is a sex steroid hormone played an essential role in bone remodeling. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Pg infection to menopause on the mechanical strength of the mandible and the femur. Following this study, we suggested that there were efforts to improve the health of oral, reproductive, and bones, particularly improving women's quality of life. This study was an experimental laboratory by post-test only control group design.Method: This study used female Wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus) divided into four groups. The groups were the control group (K), ovariectomy (OVX), Pg- induced (PG), and Pg-induced ovariectomy (OPG). OVX indicated ovarian dysfunction due to physiological processes. PG indicated experimental animals infected with Pg bacteria which was suspected of causing ovarian dysfunction. OPG indicated that experimental animals infected with Pg bacteria were in a state of menopause. A three-point bending test analyzed bone strength. Result: The results showed that the average mechanical strength of the mandibular bone in the control group and the treatment group had a significant difference (p0.05).Conclusion: Pg infection in menopause triggered a decrease in the mechanical strength of bones, especially the mandibular bone

    Effect of Porphyromonas gingivalis infection on leukocyte count in rat model of diabetes mellitus

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    Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a metabolic disorder characterized by hyperglycemia and become the third cause of death in Indonesia. The most common oral complications occured in DM is periodontitis. Porphyromonas gingivalis (Pg) is the main etiology of periodontitis, one of periodonthopathogen relate to systemic disease. However this theory still controversial, DM and periodontitis have the same pathogenesis, thus are cellular changes. Pg is predicted affect the total leukocytes count in DM. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of Pg infection to total leukocytes count in DM rat model. The rat model of DM was obtained by injection of streptozotocin with different dosage for 5 days sequentially then injected by Pg on distobuccal and distopalatal sulcus of the maxillary first molars for 19 days with interval 3 days. The total leukocytes were calculated manually by Neubauer improved cell counting chamber. The results demonstrated that rat model of DM which injected by Pg has the lowest total leukocytes count. Therefore, Pg infection decreased the total leukocytesin DM rat model

    Education on Maintaining Food Hygiene as an Effort to Prevent Disease Transmission

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    Foodborne disease is caused by various biological contaminants from food contamination caused by worms, parasites, bacteria, fungi and viruses. The spread of various diseases is often known to be related to food hygiene and sanitation, thus triggering poisoning, allergies, diarrhoea, hepatitis A and even COVID-19. Community service activities aim to accompany community behaviour and food hygiene in the midst of the new normal era at BUMDES Griya Kuliner Pacet. Community service activities were carried out for 30 days at Griya Culinary, Pacet Village, Mojokerto, East Java. The method used in this activity is the assistance of the head of the Culinary House management and several traders. In order to maximize the mentoring process, the community service team conducted surveys up to the evaluation stage. Before the service team provided this, respondents' knowledge and methods of hygienic food processing still needed to be improved. However, after education regarding hygienic food processing was carried out, respondents' knowledge increased. Results were achieved through Community Service activities regarding safe, clean and healthy food processing and serving methods, as well as the availability of health promotion media in the form of leafletKeyword : community empowerment; education; foodborne; food hygien


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    ABSTRAKPandemi Covid 19 memberikan dampak yang luas di masyarakat yaitu penyakit pernafasan akibat virus SARCov-2 dan juga masalah ekonomi. Pemasaran digital dan kemasan makanan berdasar standar kesehatan merupakan hal yang penting di era Pandemi Covid-19 ini. Pedagang Pasar Sultan memerlukan pengembangan usaha berbasis teknologi sehingga dapat bersaing dengan usaha-usaha baru yang berbasis online. Pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan melakukan pelatihan kepada pedagang pasar Sultan melalui pelatihan keterampilan pemasaran digital dan pembuatan kemasan dengan standar kesehatan. Peserta pelatihan terdiri dari 25 orang pedagang pasar Sultan kampung Nitikan Umbulharjo Yogyakarta. Metode pengabdian berupa pelatihan pemasaran digital dan penyuluhan standar kesehatan pada kemasan makanan meliputi: 1). Pelatihan standar kesehatan dan halal pada kemasan makanan; 2). Menumbuhan jiwa kewirausahaan dan memberikan insipirasi dari keberhasilan bisnis online; 3). Sharing session dengan pengusaha online yang sukses; 4) Pelatihan pemasaran digital (menggunakan platform pemasaran online); 5). Pre dan post test dilakukan pada seluruh peserta untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat perbedaan pengetahuan dan keterampilan sebelum dan sesudah dilakukan penyuluhan dan pelatihan. Hasil penyuluhan adalah terdapat peningkatan pengetahuan dan keterampilan pedagang pasar Sultan mengenai standar kesehatan pada kemasan makanan dan pemasaran digital.Terbentuk web pasar, penjualan berbagai macam produk makanan di market place serta google businness. Kata Kunci: covid-19; pasar sultan; pemasaran digital ABSTRACTThe COVID-19 pandemic has a broad impact on society, the main problem is the respiratory disease due to the SARCov-2 and economy problem. Marketing digital and health standards is important in this era of the Covid-19 Pandemic. Pasar Sultan traders need technology-based business development so that they can compete with new online-based businesses. This community service aims to develop a Sultan market trader business through digital marketing training. Participants consisted of 25 traders from the Sultan's market Nitikan Umbulharjo Yogyakarta. The service method in the form of counseling on food packaging health standards and digital marketing training includes: 1). Health and halal standard training on food packaging; 2). Foster an entrepreneurial spirit and provide inspiration for online business success; 3). Sharing sessions; 4). Digital marketing training (using online market platforms); 5). Pre and post-test tests were carried out on all participants to determine whether there were differences in knowledge and skills before and after counseling and training. The results of the counseling showed an increase in the knowledge and skills of the Sultan's market traders regarding food packaging health standards and digital marketing. A web market was formed, sales of various kinds of food products in market places and google business. Keywords: sultan market; digital marketing; health standard

    The Influence of Educational Level and Income on Community's Dental and Oral Health Maintenance Behavior

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    Awareness of the importance of dental and oral health maintenance among the community is still low due to a lack of education, which impacts their behavior, especially among those with lower socioeconomic status. They are more focused on meeting daily needs and thus tend to neglect dental and oral health, which is considered less important. Individuals with lower education levels also struggle to process information effectively, often misinterpreting the information they receive. The purpose of this study is to determine whether there is an influence between income level and education level on the behavior of maintaining dental and oral health. The design of this study is descriptive analytic with a cross-sectional approach. The data collection method used is a survey method with questionnaires. Sampling was done using proportionate stratified random sampling. The sample consisted of 30 heads of families for the income variable and 30 heads of families for the education level variable. The study found that the higher the income and education of the respondents, the better their behavior in maintaining dental and oral health. It was found that the p-value for income and last education variables with respondent behavior is ≤α (α=0.05), meaning there is a significant relationship between income and last education on knowledge, attitudes, actions, dental and oral healt