53 research outputs found

    Customer-based Brand Equity in Digital Age: A Conceptual Approach

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    Although there has been a lot of research done to understand how to create a corporate brand that can generate profits for the company, there are still few studies that examine how brand equity is created and measured in the digital era full of internet. This study aims to broaden the conceptual framework regarding existing consumer-based brand equity by combining several constructs from a cognitive perspective and also conceptual perspective on brand equity and implementing them in online-based companies in the current digital era. Methode Spoken in research this is method descriptive, with collecting data used is with use conceptual review that later on reference theory gained will made as foundation basic in get results research. Results of reserch put forward that in equity brand based on consumers in the digital age need to be it is modification of the model from the equity model brand traditional with add online elements like manufacture and website enhancement and more emphasize on trust consumers. Implications from this research, that must it is attention more big about how company create the brand equity on companies online-based, so brand permanent will become the main capital companies that can create great value to company.     Keywords: Brand Equity, Consumer-Based Brand Equity, e-Commerce, Digital Ag

    Diagenesis dan Properti Batuan Karbonat Miosen Tengah Cekungan Jawa Barat Utara

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    Daerah penelitian secara administratif terletak pada daerah Citeurep provinsi Jawa Barat dan secara geografis daerah penelitian terletak pada koordinat 106o 28' 26,4” – 107o 00” 00'BT dan 06o 28' 26,4” – 06o 30' 54” LS. Deskripsi megaskopis dan sayatan tipis menunjukan fasies yang terdiri dari Skeletal Packstone, Red Algae Packstone, Foram Packstone, dan Boundstone dengan lingkungan diagenesa mulai dari Mixing Zone, Fresh Water Phreatic, dan Meteoric Vadose. Porositas dan Permeabilitas didefinisikan dengan melakukan analisis routine dari core plug singkapan dan ditunjang oleh sayatan tipis untuk melihat jenis dari porositas yang ada. Grup dengan lingkungan diagenesa Meteoric Vadose memiliki porositas 10%-22% dan permeabilitas 0.03 mD – 1.3 mD, group dengan lingkungan diagenesa Fresh Water Phreatic memiliki porositas 3% - 24% dan permeabilitas 0.02 mD – 1.5 mD, sedangkan grup dengan lingkungan diagenesa Mixing Zone memiliki porositas 20% dan permeabilitas 0.03 mD

    Actor Ideology and Public Perception of Sand Mining Impacts on Rural Galunggung Mountain

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    Pasca erupsi, kawasan Gunung Galunggung merupakan salah satu kawasan yang menjadi arena besar pertarungan kepentingan antara pemerintah, masyarakat dan swasta. Objek pasir yang berlimpah menjadikan pertambangan skala besar hadir dan berimplikasi secara esensial terhadap kehidupan masyarakat lokal yang tidak hanya berada dekat dengan kawasan pertambangan, namun juga berada jauh dengan lokasi pertambangan. Terlebih diketahui bahwa ideologi masyarakat yang menekankan pada kesejahteraan dan populisme, berbanding terbalik dengan ideologi swasta dan pemerintah yang menekankan pada profit dan pembangunan. Dampak negatif dan positif aktivitas pertambangan mulai secara nyata dirasakan oleh masyarakat, diantaranya seperti degradasi kualitas air, tingkat pendapatan atau konflik yang secara krusial merepresentasikan respons masyarakat terhadap keberadaan Perusahaan pertambangan pasir yang telah hampir tiga puluh tahun mengeruk kawasan ini. Kata kunci: Analisis aktor, analisis dampak, pemanfaatan sumber daya alam, persepsi masyarakat, pertambangan pasi

    The Influence of Livelihood Assets in Livelihood Resilience Farm Household at Sukabakti Village, Bekasi

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the use of livelihood assets by farm household and their influence o n th e leve l o f fa rm h o u seh o ld 's res ili en ce a t S u kab a kti villa g e. Fa rm h o u seh o ld wa s d i vid e d in to t wo a rea s that was farm household in the flood area and farm household in the not flood area. In addition, the research also view structure a living that on farm, off farm, and non farm built by farm household in two areas. This study combined quantitative approach using questioner method and qualitative approach using depth interview method. The result of these study explained livelihood asset used by farmers in Sukabakti village highly influencin g th eir resil ien ce 's le vel. There are significant differences between the two areas where farm household in the flood area are dominated in non farm sector, while in the not flood area are d o m ina ted o n fa rm an d o ff fa rm secto r. T h e lev el o f h o u seho ld 's resil ien ce in th e n o t flood a rea is h igh er than farm household in the flood area

    Structural integrity and damage tolerance of composite t-joints in naval vessels

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    In this thesis, the application of composite materials for marine structures and specifically naval vessels has been explored by investigating its damage criticality. The use of composite materials for Mine Counter Measure Vessels (MCMVs) was desirable, especially for producing material characteristics, such as light weight, corrosion resistance, design flexibility due to its anisotropic nature and most importantly stealth capability. The T-Joint structure, as the primary connection between the hull and bulkhead forms the focus of this research. The aim of the research was to determine the methodology to predict the damage criticality of the T-Joint under a pull-off tensile loading using FE (Finite Element) based fracture mechanics theory. The outcome of the research was that the Finite Element (FE) simulations were used in conjunction with fracture mechanics theory to determine the failure mechanism of the T-Joint in the presence of disbonds in the critical location. It enables certain pre-emptive strengthening mechanisms or other preventive solutions to be made since the T-Joint responses can be predicted precisely. This knowledge contributes to the damage tolerance design methodology for ship structures, particularly in the T-Joint design. The results comparison between the VCCT (Virtual Crack Closure Technique) analysis and the experiment results showed that the VCCT is a dependable analytical method to predict the T-Joint failure mechanisms. It was capable of accurately determining the crack initiation and final fracture load. The maximum difference between the VCCT analysis with the experiment results was approximately 25% for the T-Joint with a horizontal disbond. However, the application of the CTE (Crack Tip Element) method for the T-Joint displayed a huge discrepancy compared with the results (fracture toughness) obtained using the VCCT method, because the current T-Join t structure geometry did not meet the Classical Laminate Plate Theory (CLPT) criteria. The minimum fracture toughness difference for both analytical methods was approximately 50%. However, it also has been tested that when the T-Joint structure geometry satisfied the CLPT criteria, the maximum fracture toughness discrepancy between both analytical methods was only approximately 10%. It was later discovered from the Griffith energy principle that the fracture toughness differences between both analytical methods were due to the material compliance difference as both analytical methods used different T-Joint structures

    Roles of polyurethane foam in aerobic moving and fixed bed bioreactors

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the performance of sponge as an active mobile carrier for attachedgrowth biomass in three typical types of aerobic bioreactors to treat a high strength synthetic wastewater. The results show that sponge thickness deteriorated the organic and nutrient removal and 1 cm is the optimumthickness for fixed-bed sponge biofilter (SBF). The sponge volume had significant impact on phosphorus removal rather than organic or nitrogen removal, and 20% volume of sponge could achieve 100% T-P removal within 3 h in a sponge batch reactor (SBR). When sponge coupled with submerged membrane bioreactor (SMBR), the single system show outstanding ammonium (100% at filtration flux of 10 and 15 L/m2 h) and phosphorus (>91% at all fluxes range) removal with optimum pH range of 6-7. © 2009 Elsevier Ltd

    Path Analysis on Factors Associated with the Risk of Scabies Among Students at Darussalam Islamic Boarding School, Blokagung, Banyuwangi, Indonesia

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    Background: Scabies is an infectious disease that is particularly important in populations with low socioeconomic level in developing countries. Scabies is not life-threatening so usually get treatment is low. But actually the chronic and severe scabies can cause dangerous complications. This study aimed to analyze factors associated the students with scabies disease.Subjects and Methods: This was an observational analytical study with cross-sectional design. This was conducted at Darussalam Islamic Boarding School of Blokagung Banyuwangi, Indonesia in March 23 to April 30,2016. A total of 90 samples were amounted 30 students with scabies and 60 had not scabies. Data collection was using questionnaire. Data analysis used STATA 13.Results: Four variables associated with scabies was associated indirectly obtained between knowledge and myth was negative amounting to the value of -1.88 (p < 0.001) path coefficient between knowledge and healthy behaviors is positive that amounting to 1.68 with value (p = 0.016), the path coefficient between myth - 2:39 (p = 0.038), the path coefficient between allowance to health behaviors positive value that is equal to 2:00 (p = 0.026), the path coefficient between health behavior with scabies is negative in the amount - 3:43 (p < 0.001).Conclusion: The level of knowledge, myths, pocket money indirectly related to the incidence of scabies through healthy behaviors. It is expected to reduce disease scabies students can change the behavior of health to be good.Keywords: scabies, level of knowledge, myths, pocket moneyCorrespondence: Febrika Devi Nanda. Bakti Indonesia University, Banyuwangi. Email: [email protected] of Epidemiology and Public Health (2016), 1(1): 18-26https://doi.org/10.26911/jepublichealth.2016.01.01.0

    Pertarungan Gagasan dan Kekuasaan dalam Pemekaran Wilayah : Studi Kasus: Kabupaten Bungo dan Kabupaten Tebo di Propinsi Jambi

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    Pemekaran Wilayah menjadi semakain marak di Indonesia , dan dikarenakan beberapa alas an yang melatarbelakanginya. Tujuan ideal dari suatu pemekaran wilayah adalah untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Hal ini juga ditujukan untuk memperpendek, mengefektifkan birokrasi, sehingga penggunaan, pengoilahan dapat langsung diawasi dan dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat local, sehingga menjadikan masyarakat lebih mudah untuk mengontrolnya. Namun demikian, fakta dilapangan menunjukkan adanya penyalahgunaan oleh sekelompok pihak untuk mencapai tujuan dan kepentingan golongan. Salah satunya adalah untuk memperoleh kekuasaan di wilayah baru. Ada banyak aktor yang terlibat di dalam pemekaran, dan masing-masing dari mereka memiliki tujuan dan kepentingan tersendiri. Salah satu wilayah yang mengalami pemekaran adalah kabupaten Bungo an Kabupaten Tebo di propinsi Jambi. Pemekaran diwilayah ini pada awalnya memang diberikan kesempatan oleh pusat, dengan adanya kesempatan tersebut, pemerintah daerah Bungo-Tebo, sangat mendukung dilakukan pemekaran dan menjadikan isu ‘kepentingan masyarakat' sebagai alas an dilakukan pemekaran tersebut. Untuk memenuhi persayaratan dan mempersiapkan perencanaan pemekaran, pemerintah daerah bekerja sama dengan banyak aktor. Namun, dikarenakan ktidaksiapan perencanaan tersebut, ada banyak persyaratan pemekaran yang belum mampu dipenuhi daerah sehingga muncul rekayasa-rekayasa agar pemekaran dapat dilakukan. Akibat ketidaksiapan ini, ketika pemekaran terjadi tujuan untuk mensejahterakan masyarakat tidak tercapai. Berdasarkan latar belakang pemekaran seperti itu, menunjukkan bahwa selamna sepuluh tahun, pemekaran tidak membarikan keuntungan bagi masayarakat, ketidakpuasan terhadap pemekaran, terjadi konflik kepentingan di masyarrakat, dan pemekaran lebih sebagai perebutan kekuasaan di wilayah baru. Dengan demikian, patut dipertimbangkan jika pemekaran wilayah tidak dilanjutkan