15 research outputs found


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    Legal relationship between the organizing body for private university and privatelecturers are contractual legal relationship . While the legal relationship of privatelecturer with private unversity is a continuation of the legal relationship between thelegal relationship with the organizing body for private university and privatelecturer, so that the relationship is only related to the legal relationships that arerelevant with “Tridharma. Agreement between the private universities withit’s lecturemust be based on the principles of the agreement first, the principle of freedom ofcontract; second, the principle of consesualime; third, pacta sun servanda principle;Fourth, the principle of good intention; Fifth, the principle of personality; and sixth,the principle of equality.Keyword: Legal relationship, Principle of agreement, and Authority of PrivateUniversitie

    Effects of iLearning Media on Student Learning Motivation

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    As we know today, Indonesia has entered the era of revolution 4.0 which in that era had a major influence on the changes that took place in all fields. Including in the field of education, in particular, the changes that occur in the world of education today are so rapid with the abandonment of learning methods that still use conventional methods. Doing tasks with books, face-to-face communication, collecting assignments in hard copy, which will certainly cause a lot of losses in a certain period of time, such as many assignments that are long buried and difficult to find when needed. This method is certainly considered a boring and time-consuming method, where students cannot explore in the learning process which will take a long time to do a manual search for the number of files that have been collected. At present, the application of learning methods with concepts organizes many reports on the work of assignments on a website content management system. This learning method is made to maximize the way to organize student assignment reports for time management efficiency, therefore this learning method can be applied as the management of education in higher education. It is expected that the existence of this method can improve time management in learning so that it motivates to explore abilities in the existing learning processAs we know today, Indonesia has entered the era of revolution 4.0 which in that era had a major influence on the changes that took place in all fields. Including in the field of education, in particular, the changes that occur in the world of education today are so rapid with the abandonment of learning methods that still use conventional methods. Doing tasks with books, face-to-face communication, collecting assignments in hard copy, which will certainly cause a lot of losses in a certain period of time, such as many assignments that are long buried and difficult to find when needed. This method is certainly considered a boring and time-consuming method, where students cannot explore in the learning process which will take a long time to do a manual search for the number of files that have been collected. At present, the application of learning methods with concepts organizes many reports on the work of assignments on a website content management system. This learning method is made to maximize the way to organize student assignment reports for time management efficiency, therefore this learning method can be applied as the management of education in higher education. It is expected that the existence of this method can improve time management in learning so that it motivates to explore abilities in the existing learning proces

    Gender leadership and inequality study on higher education in Indonesia.

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    Although the Republic of Indonesia had conducted number of gender equality programmes, it is still remaining as one of the highest inequality index in the far east. This shows that males are still dominant in each indicator, whether employment, education or representation in parliament. The importance of women's decision-making issues has been recognised within the framework of the millennium development goals. One of the indicators to monitor the Millennium Development Goal 3 on gender equality. One of the skill requirements for a leader that can be a benchmark of leadership effectiveness is decision making. The research was conducted at Universitas Narotama, Surabaya, while for survey and data collection was done at Ministry of Research and Technology Dikti and Kopertis VII East Java. One of the skill requirements for a leader that can be a benchmark of leadership effectiveness is decision making as one of the methodology content. The paper will provide an insight research on finding the impact of inequality gender within the University in Indonesia focusing on the management leadership. The paper will summaries and provide a recommendation to the Ministry of the Higher Education of Indonesia .N/

    Model of Customer Knowledge Level of Moslem Women and Its Impact on Hijab Purchase Decisions in Surabaya Indonesia

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    The purpose of this study is to prevent further misunderstanding regarding hijab for Moslems in Surabaya, understanding the correct knowledge of hijab will affect hijab manufacturers to produce hijab in accordance with Islamic Shari’a. This research is causal conclusive type with quantitative approach, since it aims to test specific relations. Analytical technique used in this research is logistic regression analysis to reveal the strength of prediction on knowledge level towards hijab purchasing decision. The results that the level of customer knowledge in hijab purchase is still at the level of know-how, which is not yet at the know-why level. Customer’s buying decision of hijab is based on the quality and color of the fabric, then whether the brand is famous or not. Afterwards, customer generally gains more knowledge regarding hijab and prefer hijab that is complying Islamic Shari'a. Keywords Hijab, Moslem Women, Level of Customer Knowledge, Hijab Purchase Decisions

    The Development of the Central Business District (CBD) Based on Public-Private Partnership

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    This research aims to develop a model of the development of the Central Business District (CBD) based on Public-Private Partnership. Objective is (1) To design a development model Central Business District-based public-private partnership (public-private partnership) through case studies in Surabaya (Suramadu Surabaya side managed by Badan Pengembangan Wilayah Suramadu), (2) Develop a feasibility analysis of the technical-economical (feasibility study) the development of Business Central District-based public-private partnership (public-private partnership) in Surabaya (Suramadu Surabaya side) managed by the BadanPengembangan Wilayah Suramadu, by mapping, identification-evaluation of the obstacles encountered, opportunities and strategies and formulations can be developed. Lease (HGB) 30 year Rp.500.000 /m2/yr; Sales 80%; Sales price /m2Rp. 15,000,000 /m2 (up 10%/yr); Management & Rental Public Facility 5% of sales revenue. Based on the analysis of the feasibility of investment in the CBD area pessimistic conditions, showed decent results with NPV Rp. 7,152,755,613,547, IRR 14.34%, 1.37 PI and PBP 17 years

    The Utilization Management of Path Analysis Methods to Improve Quality in Writing Research Reports at Higher Education

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    In writing a research report requires good management, starting from the start to the end pages must be neatly arranged in accordance with existing rules. In managing the research report method, a researcher can use a variety of methods available, tailored to what he studies. This study discusses the introduction of path analysis, the notion of path analysis, which is a method for studying the direct effects or indirect effects of hypothesized variables as the causes of the effects of variables needed in research, characteristics of path analysis and terms in path analysis . There are 2 (two) completion of path analysis, namely with simple correlation, completion of path analysis with linear regression. Literary research research methods were used in this study to add insight to researchers regarding writing management. With this research, it is expected to be able to help students who are compiling reports in higher education, and can improve the quality of management of research reports using path analysis methods

    Kajian Gender Leadership And Inequality Pada Perguruan Tinggi Di Indonesia

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    Ministry of Women Empowerment and Child Protection of Indonesia (2013), said that although Indonesia, Laos, and Cambodia has taken various gender equality programs, three countries including countries with high gender inequality index. This suggests that men are still dominant in each of the indicators, better employment, education and representation in parliament. The importance of decision-making on women's issues has been recognized within the framework of the millennium development goals. One of the indicators for monitoring the Millennium Development Goal 3 on gender equality. Research McKinsey and Company (2008) in his book entitled Women Matter 2 shows that having more women leaders ranks of upper management position can give companies a real competition atmosphere. One of the requirements of skills for a leader who can become a benchmark for the effectiveness of leadership is decision-making. Based on this, an organization can run productive and effective if the leader can be agile, intelligent, quick and thoughtful in making decisions. Research conducted at the University of Narotama, Surabaya, while for survey and data collection is done at the Research and Technology Ministry of Higher Education (PT in Indonesia) and Kopertis VII East Java (East Java PTS). More women leaders positioned above the management of Higher Education is expected to provide real competition atmosphere. One of the requirements of skills for a leader who can become a benchmark for the effectiveness of leadership is decision-making. Universities can run productive and effective if the leader can be agile, intelligent, quick and thoughtful in making decisions. The impact is the increased ranking Universities with the Rector of Women, in the classification and ranking of PT Ministry of Research and Technology of Higher Education as a description of continuous improvement and health organizations in implementing tri-dharm

    The Utilization Management of Path Analysis Methods to Improve Quality in Writing Research Reports at Higher Education

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    In writing a research report requires good management, starting from the start to the end pages must be neatly arranged in accordance with existing rules. In managing the research report method, a researcher can use a variety of methods available, tailored to what he studies. This study discusses the introduction of path analysis, the notion of path analysis, which is a method for studying the direct effects or indirect effects of hypothesized variables as the causes of the effects of variables needed in research, characteristics of path analysis and terms in path analysis . There are 2 (two) completion of path analysis, namely with simple correlation, completion of path analysis with linear regression. Literary research research methods were used in this study to add insight to researchers regarding writing management. With this research, it is expected to be able to help students who are compiling reports in higher education, and can improve the quality of management of research reports using path analysis methods

    Model of Customer Value Approach for Improving Satisfaction of the Hospital Patients

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    Health service is highly demanded by public therefore it need to be balanced with the development of health care providers. The development of health care provider plays important role in determining service satisfaction. Hospitals which are unable to provide excellent quality service will loss customer value trust which lead to customer dissatisfaction.The present study aims to examineimpact of service quality and confidence in the value of patientinrelated to patient satisfaction. The present study utilizes 100 patients of inpatient hospital clinic in Surabaya as respondents in which the daya is analyzed by using SEM analysis technique. The result shows that direct effect of service quality on satisfaction is smaller than the indirect effect of service quality on customer satisfaction through value. Furthermore, direct effect of trust on satisfaction is smaller than indirect effect of trust on satisfaction through customer value. Keywords: Service quality, trust, customer value, customer satisfactio


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    Narotama University is committed to continuously improve the customer satisfaction through the implementation of QMS (Quality Management System) ISO 9001: 2008 based on IWA 2: 2007. Narotama University providesthe adequate facilities for the customers, lecturers, and employees in order to carry out the process learning well as well as to produce the quality graduates who qualify: (1) Go Green for Eco Campus and (2) Strengthenfor utilization of ICT (Information and Communication Technology). Narotama University applied the certification of Environmental Management System (ISO 14001) for Eco Campus. It became the main strategy to reduce electricity consumption in the Narotama University. Narotama University got second place forEco Campus in 2012. Then, BLH of Surabaya City Government gave award in 2013, related to the implementation of environmentally sensitive campus and paperless activity. Meanwhile, the ICT implicationscould supportthe quality of Narotama services especially e-learning and e-library. The use of e-Learning Narotama (e-Lina) supportedthe online classes. It was conducted inthe second semester 2012 - 2013 for all faculties. E-Lina had been designed to ODL (Distance Learning) or online classes. E-libraryprovidede-Books (http://ebooks.narotama.ac.id), e-Journal (http://ojs.narotama.ac.id), e-Thesis (http: / /skripsi.narotama.ac.id) and e-Article. The use of e-lina and e-library madethe students easier to access the materials outside the campus so it automatically reduced the energy consumption