18 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACTPerang Bangkat Ceremony is one proof of the diversity of cultures in Banyuwangi. Thiscustom is held at a bride and groom event at the Osing tribe, but not all weddinggatherings use the Perang Bangkat Ceremony. Perang Bangkat is used when the brideis the eldest and youngest child in her family.The Osing people believe that if the eldestchild marries the youngest child, then in his household there will be many problems ortemptations that occur. This is where the osing community feels it is necessary to do thePerang Bangkat in the event of a wedding gathering which is intended to keep theobstacles or obstacles in the household that will be lived by the bride and groom. Withthe above conditions it can be known at this time that very few people understand theJavanese language spoken at the traditional ceremony of the Perang Bangkat. So thatin determining the respondents the author uses the snowball method. The data collectionused the method of observation, interviews and documentation. From the explanationabove, the writer would like to examine further the meaning contained in the BangkatCustomary Ceremony as an effort to increase knowledge about Javanese language andcultural heritage which are intended to increase love and care for the BangkatCustomary Customs in the modernization era. Therefore the authors feel the need tofurther study the customs of warfare and conduct research with the title "Dialogue ofJavanese Language in the Form of Osing Tribal War Sing Singuruh Subdistrict" Themethod used in descriptive qualitative data analysis with interactive analysis techniquesand using the checking of findings by triangulation source.Keywords: Javanese dialectic, Perang Bangka


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    This research aims at designing local culture based digital comics for eighth year students of SMP Negeri 1 Kalipuro, Banyuwangi, East Java, Indonesia.  These are designed based on the English syllabus of reading skill and are developed in order to improve the students’ reading comprehension skill, especially in comprehending narrative texts. Also, it aims at preserving local wisdoms of Banyuwangi through English language teaching. The research and development steps comprise some steps adapted from the pattern developed by Borg and Gall. The researchers administered need analysis to 35 students in class VIII.1 in order to gather information dealing with the materials and media in English language teaching and the need on local culture based digital comics. The data was taken from questionnaire, interview, and document analysis. The results of need analysis reveal that the students need to be taught narrative texts with local culture content and a suitable interesting media in the form of digital comics.Keywords: local wisdom, need analysis, comics, reading

    Preserving Local Culture through Digital Comics

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    Digital environment offers teachers and students with a plethora of information and resources for learning. Nowadays, students who are mostly digital natives are used to utilizing technology in their daily life. This condition should make teachers as technology leaders responsible to provide a good learning environment where the students are involved in their own learning and that best suits to them in in a particular context. Therefore, this study aimed at developing local culture based digital comics for narrative reading comprehension and inserting local culture of Banyuwangi in English language teaching. This study followed the research and development design adapting the pattern developed by Borg and Gall. Based on the result of need analysis administered to students in class VIII of SMPN 1 Kalipuro, Banyuwangi, the product was developed by inserting local culture content into narrative texts in the form of digital comics. The digital comics had two titles: The Dance Competition and The Legend of Banyuwangi. The product was validated by the experts and tried out to the students. The result showed that the local culture based digital comics were applicable to be used in the teaching and learning narrative text reading comprehension


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    Ider salvation hometown and earth represents the culture of the village Rejosari in Banyuwangi. Every year the villagers held a series of cultural and it has become a tradition for them. Tradition salvation hometown and earth Ider conducted one week after Eid al-Adha. The process begins with doing Ider earth went around the village and ends with a meal with their families in the courtyard of the house. Ider village and the salvation of the earth has significance for the villagers Rejosari. Some of them are as repellent reinforcements and pagebluk. In addition there is also interpret it as a time to gather with relatives. In the implementation of salvation village tradition and Ider earth can not be separated from the committee system. The system may come from the community itself or come from rural management system. Both systems can not be separated from the influence of the head of the village. The village head has a strong role salvation implementation Ider village and the earth in the village Rejosari. Keywords : hegemony, tradition, salvation village, Ider eart

    Rekontruksi Bangker Jepang Sebagai Obyek Pariwisata Melalui Sarana Olahraga (Studi Kasus Gumok Kantong Kecamatan Muncar Kabupaten Banyuwangi)

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    Penelitian tentang rekontruksi peninggalan sejarah melalui pariwisata dengan metode sarana olahraga telah dimulai sejak tahun 1970-an dan dari penelitian ini telah membuktikan bahwa even olahraga memiliki dampak yang besar pada sektor pariwisata. Namun di Indonesia, hanya sedikit masyarakat dan pemerintah yang peduli dengan pelaksanaan even olahraga bagi pariwisata dan pelestarinan peninggalan sejarahnya. Padahal dengan adanya penyelenggaraan even olahraga dan sarana  sangatlah berpengaruh pada bidang ekonomi, politik, dan pariwisata dan pelestarian sejarah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk merekonturksi Banker Jepang sebagai Obyek wisata baru melalui sarana olahraga. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif. Dalam penelitian ini, ada dua jenis data yang digunakan, data primer diambil dengan menggunakan metode dokumenter, yaitu data tentang peluang yang bisa di ambil dari pendapat masyarakat dan opini pemuka masyarakat, dan data sekunder dengan menggunakan wawancara untuk  para pedagang  yang berada di sekitar daerah tujuan wisata serta semua pihak yang berkaitan dengan pelaksanaan rekontruksi. Selain itu, data sekunder juga berasal para wisatawan untuk mengetahui alasan mereka datang tempat tersebut. Penelitian ini diharapakan bisa digunakan sebagi reverensi bagi dinas yang terkait baik dinas pariwisata maupun pemerintah daerah, kebarauan dari penelitin ini masih belum ada peneliti yang melakukan penelitian ini sehingga secara teoritis ini saying penting untuk dilakukan agar bisa menumbuhkan ekonomi dari sector pariwisata melalui pelestarian sejarah dengan metode sarana olahraga


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    Dalam rangka mencapai tujuan pendidikan Nasional yakni mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa dan mengembangkan manusia seutuhnya maka sangat dibutuhkan peran pendidik yang profesional. Profesionalisme guru dituntut agar terus berkembang sesuai dengan perkembangan jaman, ilmu pengetahuan dan tekhnologi, serta kebutuhan masyarakat termasuk kebutuhan terhadap sumberdaya manusia yang berkualitas dan mampu bersaing baik dalam forum regional, nasional maupun Internasional. Dalam upaya pembangunan pendidikan nasional, sangat diperlukan guru (pendidik) dalam jumlah yang memadai dan standard mutu kompetensi dan profesionalisme yang terjamin. Untuk mencapai jumlah guru yang profesional yang mencukupi dan dapat menggerakkan dinamika kemajuan pendidikan nasional diperlukan suatu proses yang terus menerus, tepat sasaran dan efektif.Berkaitan dengan pentingnya kemampuan guru dalam meningkatkan aktivitas belajar siswa, maka penulis tertarik untuk melakukan penelitian dengan judul "Korelasi Antara Profesionalisme Guru Dengan Aktivitas Belajar Pada Siswa KelasVIII Semester Genap Di Smpn 1 Wongsorejo Tahun Pelajaran 2013/2014". Pada dasarnya penelitian itu  dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mendapatkan data yang antara lain dapat digunakan untuk memecahkan masalah dan setiap penelitian selalu berangkat dari masalah


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    Suatu bidang pengetahuan akan lebih mudah dipelajari seseorang, tetapi bagi yang lain tidak mudah. Seorang siswa mungkin dapat berbuat lebih sekadar dari menghafal. Ia mampu menyusun fakta-fakta menjadi pemikiran yang lebih teratur atau bisa juga dikatakan bahwa aktivitas belajar menghasilkan hal yang berbeda bagi tiap-tiap individu. Tujuanpenelitianadalahsecara mayor untukmengetahuiadatidaknyakorelasikarakteristikbelajarsiswadenganaktivitasbelajardansecara minor terbagimenjadiduayaitu minor I adalahadatidaknyakorelasikarakteristikbelajarsiswadenganaktivitasbelajar di sekolahdan minor II adalahadatidaknyakorelasikarakteristikbelajarsiswadenganaktivitasbelajar di rumahdansecara minor. Hasilnya menunjukan hipotesa nihil (Ho) ditolak dan hipotesa kerja (Ha) diterima yang berarti ada korelasi karakteristik belajar dengan aktivitas belajar di sekolah pada siswa kelas XI IPS semester genap SMA PGRI Purwoharjo Tahun Pelajaran 2014/2015”. Interprestasi hipotesa kerja minor I dapat dilihat dari koefisien korelasi hasil hitung rXYI adalah 0,801 terletak antara 0,600 – 0,800 berarti tergolong korelasi cukup.Hipotesa nihil (Ho) ditolak dan hipotesa kerja (Ha) diterima yang berarti ada korelasi karakteristik belajar dengan aktivitas belajar di rumah pada Interprestasi hipotesa kerja minor II dapat dilihat dari koefisien korelasi hasil hitung rXY2 adalah 0,527 terletak antara 0,400 – 0,600 berarti tergolong korelasi sedang. Hipotesa nihil (Ho) pada hipotesa kerja mayor (Ho) ditolak dan hipotesa kerja (Ha) diterima yang berarti ada korelasi karakteristik belajar dengan aktivitas belajar pada siswa kelas XI IPS semester genap SMA PGRI Purwoharjo Tahun Pelajaran 2014/2015”. Interprestasi hipotesa kerja mayor dapat dilihat dari koefisien korelasi hasil hitung rXY adalah 0,819 terletak antara 0,800 – 1,000 berarti tergolong korelasi tinggi.

    Implementation of Community Service in The Introduction of History in the Sembulungan Peninsula, Banyuwangi Regency, East Java Province Indonesia

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    One of the relics whose existence must be preserved and preserved is in Banyuwangi Regency, precisely in Alas Purwo National Park (TN Alas Purwo), a national park located in Banyuwangi covering an area of 43,420 hectares. In addition to having a diversity of flora and fauna in the Alas Purwo National Park area, there are also many objects and buildings of the past, especially on the Sembulungan peninsula, which was formerly known as an entry and exit route for colonial trade commodities. However, let alone the student community who are academics who are not very familiar with the relics on the Sembulungan peninsula, the method used in this service is qualitative analysis by coming to the location directly and conducting observations and collecting data through structured interviews with a triangulation approach. The results show that students' insight has increased by looking at the relics of the Japanese military in maintaining power in the form of bunkers, cannons, and military strategies developed on the Sembulungan peninsula for maritime security

    Practicing Student Critical Thinking Through Problem Solving and Disscuss (PSD) Learning

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    Critical thinking is the ability to draw conclusions with the right facts and knowledge. Critical thinking is needed in the era of globalization. The low critical thinking skills of students are trained through the PSD learning model. This research was conducted to train students' critical thinking skills with classroom action research methods. The results of the implementation of classroom action research namely in the first cycle of critical thinking skills of students with a score of 61.6% and the second cycle of critical thinking skills of students with a score of 70%. Thus, the application of the PSD model can train students' critical thinking skills with an increase of 8.4%


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    Education according to the Big Indonesian Dictionary is a process of human interaction with the environment that takes place consciously and planned in order to develop all its potential, both physically (physical health) and spiritually (thinking, feeling, creating, and creating positive changes and progress). both cognitive, affective, and psychomotor that take place continuously to achieve their life goals. The method (KBBI, 2008:952) is "an orderly way used to carry out a job so that it is achieved as desired; a systematic way of working to facilitate the implementation of an activity in order to achieve the specified goals