42 research outputs found

    Sensus y affectus : en la antropología de Alberto Magno

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    Nuestra investigación atiende a discutir la relevancia de la sensibilidad y la afectividad como manifestaciones vitales de las disposiciones anímicas humanas en la antropología de Alberto Magno. En la reflexión del Doctor Universal la función sensitiva del alma –el sensus- resulta integrada en los planos cognitivo y moral -como consecuencia de su comprensión en clave aristotélica-, diseñando así los fundamentos de una antropología filosófica de la vida. A su vez, la mencionada antropología nos demandará examinar la noción de affectus, integrada sistemáticamente en la definición albertina de la teología como scientia affectiva, por cuanto la tensión apetitiva del ser humano respecto de su fin provee orden y contenido a la totalidad de sus potencias en el movimiento fundado en su condición creatural.Our investigation attends to discuss the relevance of sensibility and affectivity like vital manifestations of the dispositions of the human soul in the anthropology of Albertus Magnus. In the reflection of the Doctor Universalis the sensitive function of the soul - sensus- is integrated in the cognitive and moral levels - like consequence of its understanding in aristotelian key-, designing therefore the foundations of a philosophical anthropology of the life. As well, the mentioned anthropology will demand us to examine the notion of affectus, integrated systematically in the definition of theology like scientia affectiva, insofar as the appetizing tension of the human being respect to his aim provides order and content to the totality of his potencies in the movement founded on his creatural condition.Fil: Dezzutto, Flavia. Universidad Nacional del Litora

    El Descenso de Er : la fundamentación filosófica de la ética en República X

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    El objetivo del presente trabajo es analizar el relato alegórico del libro X de la POLITEIA o República de Platón, conocido como el mito de Er, en la perspectiva que exponemos a continuación. Los "desplazamientos" hacia regiones inasequibles para los mortales, por las vías del sueño o la muerte, poseen la común característica, desde la más arcaica literatura griega, de constituir espacios de revelación de ciertas verdades. El paradigma del relato de ultratumba o la narración del sueño, así como las figuras que allí se hacen presentes, la topografía de esas regiones (también paradigmática), y los saberes y testimonios literarios que se recopilan en ese contexto, son decisivos para delimitar el campo de sentido que procura un contenido sustantivo a las revelaciones o conocimientos transmitidos. De tal manera, el campo de significación que aparece desde este análisis, remite a la tematización de una eticidad política, en la Grecia del siglo IV A.C. que nos posibilita discernir la construcción de un sentido prescriptivo, mediante recursos retóricos que adquieren relevancia, y se insertan en una tradición interpretativa compleja, pues los factores mencionados más arriba son el vehículo que nos instruye acerca de las doctrinas que se pretenden exponer. Éstas se exponen como fundamento de aquello que es modélico en la vida de los mortales, en un sentido filosófico, y aún presentan una valoración de las instituciones humanas que proviene de un ámbito ajeno a la intelección de quienes viven en el tiempo; los espacios fronterizos del sueño y la muerte.The objective of the present work is to analyze the allegorical story of the book X of the POLITEIA or Republic of Plato, known like the myth Er, in the perspective that we expose next. The "displacements", towards prohibitive regions for the mortals, by the routes of the dream or the death, have the common characteristic, from most archaic Greek Literature, to constitute spaces of revelation of certain truths. The paradigm of the ultra tomb story or the narration of the dream, as well as the literary figures that are made presents there, the topography of those regions, and the learning and testimonies that are compiled in that context, are decisive to delimit the sense field that tries a content transmitted to the revelations or knowledge. Of such way, the meaning field that appears from this analysis, sends the proposition of a political ethics, in the Greece of the IV century B.C. that makes possible to us discern the construction of a prescriptive sense, by means of rhetorical resources that acquire relevance, and they are inserted in a complex interpretative tradition, because the mentioned factors more above are the vehicle than instructs us about the doctrines that are tried to expose. These are exposed like the foundation of what is a model in the life of the mortals, in a philosophical sense, and still present an evaluation of the human institutions that comes from a strange place to the intellection of those who lives in the time; the border areas of the dream and the death

    Dilemas y desafíos de la extensión universitaria a 100 años de la Reforma de 1918

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    “Esa es la voz de la Reforma, pero no de la Reforma estancada en el simple entredicho de profesores y estudiantes, de la Reforma simplemente circunscripta a los lindes universitarios, sino de la Reforma que sale hacia la realidad social, que no quiere hacer del estudiante unacasta parasitaria, sino que lo desplaza hacia la vida, lo sitúa entre la clase trabajadora y lo prepara a ser colaborador y no instrumento de opresión para ella”.Víctor Raúl Haya de la Torre, La Reforma Universitaria y la realidad social (1925) Estamos en este año de 2018, a 100 años de la Reforma Universitaria, en un escenario arduo y difícil para cualquier actualización de los afanes emancipatorios de la generación del 18 en nuestro país y nuestra América

    Effect of dietary supplementation with insect fats on growth performance, digestive efficiency and health of rabbits

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    Background: The present work aimed at evaluating the effect of the dietary replacement of soybean oil (S) by two types of insect fats extracted from black soldier fly larvae (H, Hermetia illucens L.) and yellow mealworm larvae (T, Tenebrio molitor L.) on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood parameters, intestinal morphology and health of growing rabbits. Methods: At weaning, 200 crossbred rabbits (36 days old) were allotted to five dietary treatments (40 rabbits/group): a control diet (C) containing 1.5% of soybean oil and four experimental diets where soybean oil was partially (50%) or totally (100%) substituted by H (H50 and H100) or T (T50 and T100) fats. Total tract digestibility was evaluated on 12 rabbits per treatment. The growth trial lasted 41 d and, at slaughtering (78 days old), blood samples were collected from 15 rabbits per treatment, morphometric analyses were performed on duodenum, jejunum and ileum mucosa, and samples of liver, spleen and kidney were submitted to histological evaluation. Results: No difference was observed between the control and the experimental groups fed insect fats in terms of performance, morbidity, mortality and blood variables. The addition of H and T fats did not influence apparent digestibility coefficients of dry matter, protein, ether extract, fibre fractions and gross energy. Gut morphometric indices and organ histopathology were not affected by dietary inclusion of H and T fats. Conclusions: H and T fats are suitable sources of lipid in rabbit diets to replace soybean oil without any detrimental effect on growth performance, apparent digestibility, gut mucosa traits and health

    Detection of Leptospira spp. in Water Turtle (Trachemys scripta) Living in Ponds of Urban Parks

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    Urban parks are green areas of cities where families and children spend hours outside. Turtles often inhabit urban parks. However, even if the animals seem harmless, they may serve as both reservoirs or accidental hosts for different serotypes of Leptospira spp. Leptospira spp. is a waterborne zoonotic bacterium relevant for public health. Reptiles and amphibians may play a role in the epidemiology, transmission, and persistence of Leptospira spp. In the present study, we observed the presence of anti-leptospiral agglutinins in a group of freshwater turtles (Trachemys scripta) captured in three urban ponds of the metropolitan city of Turin, Italy