1,754 research outputs found

    BRS and Anti-BRS Symmetry in Topological Yang--Mills Theory

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    We incorporate both BRS symmetry and anti-BRS symmetry into the quantisation of topological Yang--Mills theory. This refines previous treatments which consider only the BRS symmetry. Our formalism brings out very clearly the geometrical meaning of topological Yang--Mills theory in terms of connections and curvatures in an enlarged superspace; and its simple relationship to the geometry of ordinary Yang--Mills theory. We also discover a certain SU(3) triality between physical spacetime, and the two ghost directions of superspace. Finally, we demonstrate how to recover the usual gauge-fixed topological Yang--Mills action from our formalism.Comment: 17 pages, harvmac, DAMTP R92/3

    A Clifford analysis approach to superspace

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    A new framework for studying superspace is given, based on methods from Clifford analysis. This leads to the introduction of both orthogonal and symplectic Clifford algebra generators, allowing for an easy and canonical introduction of a super-Dirac operator, a super-Laplace operator and the like. This framework is then used to define a super-Hodge coderivative, which, together with the exterior derivative, factorizes the Laplace operator. Finally both the cohomology of the exterior derivative and the homology of the Hodge operator on the level of polynomial-valued super-differential forms are studied. This leads to some interesting graphical representations and provides a better insight in the definition of the Berezin-integral.Comment: 15 pages, accepted for publication in Annals of Physic

    Dimensional regularization of nonlinear sigma models on a finite time interval

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    We extend dimensional regularization to the case of compact spaces. Contrary to previous regularization schemes employed for nonlinear sigma models on a finite time interval (``quantum mechanical path integrals in curved space'') dimensional regularization requires only a covariant finite two-loop counterterm. This counterterm is nonvanishing and given by R/8.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, LaTeX, minor changes in text and reference

    Nonrelativistic Quantum Particle in a Curved Space as a Constrained System

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    The operator and the functional formulations of the dynamics of constrained systems are explored for determining unambiguously the quantum Hamiltonian of a nonrelativistic particle in a curved space.Comment: 11 pages, latex, revtex, no figures. Accepted for publication in Phys. Lett.

    Quantum metamorphosis of conformal symmetry in N = 4 super Yang-Mills theory

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    In gauge theories, not all rigid symmetries of the classical action can be maintained manifestly in the quantization procedure, even in the absence of anomalies. If this occurs for an anomaly-free symmetry, the effective action is invariant under a transformation that differs from its classical counterpart by quantum corrections. As shown by Fradkin and Palchik years ago, such a phenomenon occurs for conformal symmetry in quantum Yang-Mills theories with vanishing beta function, such as the N = 4 super Yang-Mills theory. More recently, Jevicki et al demonstrated that the quantum metamorphosis of conformal symmetry sheds light on the nature of the AdS/CFT correspondence. In this paper, we derive the conformal Ward identity for the bosonic sector of the N = 4 super Yang-Mills theory using the background field method. We then compute the leading quantum modification of the conformal transformation for a specific Abelian background which is of interest in the context of the AdS/CFT correspondence. In the case of scalar fields, our final result agrees with that of Jevicki et al. The resulting vector and scalar transformations coincide with those which are characteristic of a D3-brane embedded in AdS5 x S5.Comment: 20 pages, latex, no figures; comments and references added, the final version to appear in NPB, the title changed on referee's reques

    One-loop Effective Actions in Shape-invariant Scalar Backgrounds

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    The field-theoretic one-loop effective action in a static scalar background depending nontrivially on a single spatial coordinate is related, in the proper-time formalism, to the trace of the evolution kernel (or heat kernel) for an appropriate, one dimensional, quantum-mechanical Hamiltonian. We describe a recursive procedure applicable to these traces for shape-invariant Hamiltonians, resolving subtleties from the continuum mode contributions by utilizing the expression for the regularized Witten index. For some cases which include those of domain-wall-type scalar backgrounds, our recursive procedure yields the full expression for the scalar or fermion one-loop effective action in both (1+1) and (3+1)-dimensions.Comment: 11 pages, LaTeX2

    The d=6 trace anomaly from quantum field theory four-loop graphs in one dimension

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    We calculate the integrated trace anomaly for a real spin-0 scalar field in six dimensions in a torsionless curved space without a boundary. We use a path integral approach for a corresponding supersymmetric quantum mechanical model. Weyl ordering the corresponding Hamiltonian in phase space, an extra two-loop counterterm 1/8(R+gijΓkilΓljk){1/8}\bigg(R + g^{ij} \Gamma^{l}_{k i} \Gamma^{k}_{l j} \bigg) is produced in the action. Applying a recursive method we evaluate the components of the metric tensor in Riemann normal coordinates in six dimensions and construct the interaction Langrangian density by employing the background field method. The calculation of the anomaly is based on the end-point scalar propagator and not on the string inspired center-of-mass propagator which gives incorrect results for the local trace anomaly. The manipulation of the Feynman diagrams is partly relied on the factorization of four dimensional subdiagrams and partly on a brute force computer algebra program developed to serve this specific purpose. The computer program enables one to perform index contractions of twelve quantum fields (10395 in the present case) a task which cannot be accomplished otherwise. We observe that the contribution of the disconnected diagrams is no longer proportional to the two dimensional trace anomaly (which vanishes in four dimensions). The integrated trace anomaly is finally expressed in terms of the 17 linearly independent scalar monomials constructed out of covariant derivatives and Riemann tensors.Comment: 23 pages, 17 figure

    Loop calculations in quantum-mechanical non-linear sigma models

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    By carefully analyzing the relations between operator methods and the discretized and continuum path integral formulations of quantum-mechanical systems, we have found the correct Feynman rules for one-dimensional path integrals in curved spacetime. Although the prescription how to deal with the products of distributions that appear in the computation of Feynman diagrams in configuration space is surprising, this prescription follows unambiguously from the discretized path integral. We check our results by an explicit two-loop calculation.Comment: 17 pages, LaTeX, and one figur

    Gravitomagnetic Field of a Rotating Superconductor and of a Rotating Superfluid

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    The quantization of the extended canonical momentum in quantum materials including the effects of gravitational drag is applied successively to the case of a multiply connected rotating superconductor and superfluid. Experiments carried out on rotating superconductors, based on the quantization of the magnetic flux in rotating superconductors, lead to a disagreement with the theoretical predictions derived from the quantization of a canonical momentum without any gravitomagnetic term. To what extent can these discrepancies be attributed to the additional gravitomagnetic term of the extended canonical momentum? This is an open and important question. For the case of multiply connected rotating neutral superfluids, gravitational drag effects derived from rotating superconductor data appear to be hidden in the noise of present experiments according to a first rough analysis

    Probing singularities in quantum cosmology with curvature scalars

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    We provide further evidence that the canonical quantization of cosmological models eliminates the classical Big Bang singularity, using the {\it DeBroglie-Bohm} interpretation of quantum mechanics. The usual criterion for absence of the Big Bang singularity in Friedmann-Robertson-Walker quantum cosmological models is the non-vanishing of the expectation value of the scale factor. We compute the `local expectation value' of the Ricci and Kretschmann scalars, for some quantum FRW models. We show that they are finite for all time. Since these scalars are elements of general scalar polynomials in the metric and the Riemann tensor, this result indicates that, for the quantum models treated here, the `local expectation value' of these general scalar polynomials should be finite everywhere. Therefore, we have further evidence that the quantization of the models treated here eliminates the classical Big Bang singularity. PACS: 04.40.Nr, 04.60.Ds, 98.80.Qc.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure
