40 research outputs found

    Potensi Pengembangan Kawasan Resapan Di Kota Semarang

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    INTISARI Kawasan resapan merupakan suatu ruang yang potensial dalam rneresapkan air ke dalam tanah, sehingga dapat menambah cadangan air tanah. Tujuan penelitian untuk identifikasi potensi kawasan resapan air, mengetahui respon masyarakat dalani mengelola kawasan resapan air, dan menganalisis alternatif kebijakan pengenibangan kawasan resapan di Kota Semarang. Hasil penehtian menunjukkan bahwa areal resapan di Kota Semarang masih potensial dikembangkan berupa areal resapan hijau 52,41% dan areal resapan biru sebesar 4,74%. Luas areal resapan hijau tersebut yang efektif nieresapkan air hanya 17,31% berupa hutan dan kebun campuran sedangkan 35,17% berupa sawah dan tegalan. Selain jilt kawasan sempadan sungai 3-5 In untuk yang bertanggul dan 1015 In bagi yang tidak bertanggul, sempadan pantai 100 in dari garis pantai, sempadan mata air 200 rn, garis sempadan SUTET 15 m dan sempadan rd kereta api 15 m. Alternatif kawasan resapan dikembangkan berdasarkan pada kriteria aspek fisik, kelayakan ekonomi, politik, dan administrant Kata kunci : kawasan resapan, resapan hijau, resapan biru, Semaran

    Hubungan Hujan dan Limpasan Pada Sub DAS Kecil Penggunaan Lahan Hutan, Sawah, Kebun Campuran di DAS Kreo

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    Tendency of land use conversion is followed by maximum discharge of Kreo River, but unknown land use type what which can race improvement of runoff. Purpose of the research is study the relation of rainfall runoff at forest, rice field, and mixed garden. Research about rainfall runoff study is including research type of experiment for purpose of descriptive, through observation of rain data and water level at small watershed with one land use types that is forest, rice field, and mixed garden. Instrument of rain and water level attached at small watershed during the rains 2007.Data analysis comprises analysis of stream hydrograph, rain analysis, stream coefficient, and statistic analysis as well. Big the so small runoff value is more determined by rainfall amounts happened non land use type. Number of big rains at one land use will yield big runoff also, while the same rainfall amounts at some land use types will yield varying runoff follows land use type and condition of soil At small watershed (less than 200 ha), the relation of rainfall (P) with direct runoff (DRO) has very strong correlation (R2 bigger than 0.7). Relation between rain intensity (I) with DRO; I with peak discharge (Qp); duration of rain (DR) with DRO; DR with Qp indicated weak reaction (R2 less than 0.3). It indicated there were many factors (more than 70%) which influenced the above mentioned relations. Runoff coefficient value at forest was 0,3566, mix forest was 0,4227, rice field was 0,6661, and mixed garden was 0,4227. Land ability to permeate in the forest (65%) is bigger than mixed garden (57%) and rice field (33%)

    Hubungan Hujan dan Limpasan Pada Sub DAS Kecil Penggunaan Lahan Hutan, Sawah, Kebun Campuran di DAS Kreo

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    Tendency of land use conversion is followed by maximum discharge of Kreo River, but unknown land use type what which can race improvement of runoff. Purpose of the research is study the relation of rainfall runoff at forest, rice field, and mixed garden. Research about rainfall runoff study is including research type of experiment for purpose of descriptive, through observation of rain data and water level at small watershed with one land use types that is forest, rice field, and mixed garden. Instrument of rain and water level attached at small watershed during the rains 2007.Data analysis comprises analysis of stream hydrograph, rain analysis, stream coefficient, and statistic analysis as well. Big the so small runoff value is more determined by rainfall amounts happened non land use type. Number of big rains at one land use will yield big runoff also, while the same rainfall amounts at some land use types will yield varying runoff follows land use type and condition of soil At small watershed (less than 200 ha), the relation of rainfall (P) with direct runoff (DRO) has very strong correlation (R2 bigger than 0.7). Relation between rain intensity (I) with DRO; I with peak discharge (Qp); duration of rain (DR) with DRO; DR with Qp indicated weak reaction (R2 less than 0.3). It indicated there were many factors (more than 70%) which influenced the above mentioned relations. Runoff coefficient value at forest was 0,3566, mix forest was 0,4227, rice field was 0,6661, and mixed garden was 0,4227. Land ability to permeate in the forest (65%) is bigger than mixed garden (57%) and rice field (33%)

    IKLIM MIKRO DAN KEBUTUHAN RUANG TERBUKA HIJAU DI KOTA SEMARANG (The Micro Climate and The Need of Green Open Space for The City of Semarang)

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    ABSTRAK Salah satu darnpak perkembangan jumlah penduduk kota adalah terjadinya konversi lahan. Konversi ruang terbuka hijau (RTH) menjadi fasilitas bangunan menyebabkan terjadi pencemaran di kota. Berkurangnya RTH mengakibatkan terjadinya kenaikan temperatur lokal dalam kota. Keberadaan RTH memiliki manfaat cukup besar dalam peningkatan kualitas lingkungan hidup kota, seperti sebagai pengendali iklim mikro. Sebaran vegetasi perindang termasuk kategori jarang, terutama komposisi vegetasi rendah dan kerapatan pohon sangat jarang. Kondisi Iklim mikro secara keseluruhan termasuk kategori sebagian tidak nyaman, khususnya pada siang hari. Kondisi tersebut dipengaruhi oleh kurangnya vegetasi perindang di sepanjang jalan, sehingga kondisi iklim mikro menjadi panas dan kering. Keberadaan RTH di Semarang Tengah yang hanya seluas 6,77% perlu ditambah RTH seluas 14,02%. Diharapkan luas RTH sebesar 20,79% dari total luas wilayah, sehingga akan dapat memperbaiki iklim mikro di kawasan perkotaan. ABSTRACT One of the impact of people growth in town is land conversion. Green open space conversion become building facilities cause contamination in the city. Decreasing of green open space result local temperature increase in the city. Existence of green open space have big enough benefit of the quality of city environment, for example by controller of micro climate. The leafy vegetation spread include categories seldom, especially composition of low vegetation and closeness of tree very rare. Condition of micro climate as categorized 'a part unpleasant', specially in the day time. The condition influenced by decrease of  vegetation in alongside street, so that cause situation of micro climate hot and dry. Existence of green open space in Middle Semarang which only for the width of 6.77% require to be added green open space by 14.02%. So that expectedly wide of green open space equal to 20,79% from wide of total region, will be able to improvement of micro climate in urban area

    Pengembangan Model Spot Capturing Problem untuk Membangun Karakter Siswa Sekolah Dasar

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    This study aims to develop a spot capturing problem-based model that teachers can use to foster student character values in elementary schools. The type and the research design used are Research and Development (R&D) according to Borg & Gall with research methods using experimental quasi one group pretest posttest study. The research data was taken using instrument observation sheet and questionnaire then analyzed using quantitative descriptive percentage. This study produced a spot capturing problem-based model consisting of six learning steps: (1) students’ orientation, (2) organizing students, (3) conducting investigations and troubleshooting, (4) presents the investigation results, (5) evaluation and reflection, (6) follow-up. The validity of the problem-based spot capturing learning model was obtained from an expert validation assessment with a score of 85.7%. The results of the limited trials show that the problem-based spot capturing model is effective to cultivate the character of the students in the elementary school: caring character obtained a score of 78% (good) and responsible character obtained score of 82% (very good). Spot capturing model based on practical problems used in elementary school learning is seen from student and teacher response questionnaire obtained an average score of 82.5% (practical).Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan spot capturing problem-based model yang dapat digunakan guru untuk mendorong nilai karakter siswa di sekolah dasar. Jenis dan desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian dan pengembangan menurut Borg & Gall dengan metode penelitian menggunakan penelitian kuasi eksperimental satu kelas pretest-posttest. Data penelitian diambil dengan menggunakan lembar observasi dan kuesioner kemudian dianalisis dengan menggunakan prosentase deskriptif kuantitatif. Penelitian ini menghasilkan sebuah model yang dinamakan spot capturing problem-based model yang terdiri dari enam langkah pembelajaran, yaitu: (1) melaksanakan orientasi siswa, (2) mengorganisasikan siswa, (3) melakukan penyelidikan dan pemecahan masalah, (4) menyajikan hasil penyelidikan, (5) melaksanakan evaluasi dan refleksi, (6) melaksanakan tindak lanjut. Validitas model pembelajaran pengambilan gambar berbasis masalah diperoleh dari penilaian validasi ahli dengan skor 85,7%. Hasil uji coba terbatas menunjukkan bahwa model pengambilan gambar berbasis masalah efektif untuk menumbuhkan karakter siswa di sekolah dasar yaitu: untuk karakter kepedulian diperoleh skor 78% (baik) dan untuk karakter yang bertanggung jawab diperoleh skor 82% (sangat baik). Model pengambilan gambar berdasarkan permasalahan praktis yang digunakan dalam pembelajaran sekolah dasar terlihat dari kuesioner respon siswa dan guru dengan perolehan skor rata-rata 82,5% (praktis)


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    Abstrak: Media pembelajaran berbasis android memudahkan siswa untuk belajar secara mandiri karena dirancang dengan konsep yang modern dan praktis. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis efektivitas penggunaan produk yang telah dikembangkan yaitu media pembelajaran gempa bumi berbasis android dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan dan kesiapsiagaan siswa terhadap bencana. Penelitian ini menggunakan tahapan model pengembangan ADDIE, alur pengujian one group pretest-posttest design, teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan probability sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara, soal latihan dan studi pustaka, teknik analisis data menggunakan uji validitas, reliabilitas, normalitas, homogenitas, analisis ketuntasan rata-rata, uji N-gain dan uji paired sample t-test. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan nilai rata-rata validasi ahli media sebesar 87% dan ahli materi sebesar 81%. Persentase ketuntasan rata-rata saat pretest aspek pengetahuan sebesar 28% dan aspek kesiapsiagaan sebesar 39% setelah mendapatkan treatment mengalami peningkatan saat posttest yaitu aspek pengetahuan mendapatkan persentase sebesar 61% dan aspek kesiapsiagaan sebesar 78%. Hasil uji N-Gain aspek pengetahuan sebesar 0,37 dan uji N-Gain aspek kesiapasiagaan sebesar 0,34. Hasil uji paired sample t-test baik aspek pengetahuan maupun kesiapsiagaan memperoleh nilai signifikansi sebesar 0,000. Berdasarkan data tersebut sehingga penelitian ini berhasil mengembangkan media pembelajaran gempa bumi berbasis android yang valid dan layak digunakan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan kesiapsiagaan siswa terhadap bencana. Abstract: Android-based learning media aided students to learn independently since it was designed in a modern and serviceable concept. This study aimed to analyze the effectiveness of using the development product of Android-based earthquake learning media in increasing students' knowledge and preparedness for disasters. The study used the phase of the ADDIE development model, the one-group pretest-posttest design. The sampling technique was probability sampling. The data collection techniques were observation, interviews, practice questions, and literature study. The data analysis techniques used were validity test, reliability test, normality test, homogeneity test, average completeness analysis, N-gain test, and paired sample t-test.The results showed that the average value of validation by media experts was 87% and by material experts was 81%. In the pretest, the average percentage on the knowledge aspect was 28%, and the preparedness aspect was 39%. After getting treatment, the posttest faced an enhancement in the average percentage of completeness. The knowledge aspect got 61%, and the preparedness aspect was 78%. In addition, the result of the N-Gain test for the knowledge aspect was 0.37, and the preparedness aspects were 0.34. The result of the paired sample t-test on both the knowledge and preparedness aspects obtained a significance value of 0.000. The result indicated the study was successful in developing a valid and feasible Android-based earthquake learning media to increase students' knowledge and preparedness for disasters

    Implementasi Interaksi Sosial dan Kearifan Lokal dalam Konservasi Lingkungan Kampung Sasirangan Banjarmasin

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    Local wisdom has been associated with environmental conservation. How local wisdom and social practice shape determine environmental conservation is apparent in the the communities living along the rivers in Banjarmasin Sasirangan. Based on a qualitative approach with case studies of Sasirangan craftsmen. In Sasirangan Village, Banjarmasin City, this study aims to analyses the correlation between social interaction, local wisdom, and environmental conservation Sasirangan. The informants are craftsmen and Sasirangan traders. The data was collected through observation, interviews with craftsmen and Sasirangan traders, as well as documents study. This study concludes that the social interactions occur between craftsmen and craftsmen, craftsmen and groups of craftsmen, and between groups of craftsmen by collaborating in making Sasirangan products and competition in determining the color, motif and Sasirangan marketing. In this process, local culture plays a key role in the form of Sasirangan cloth which has various colors and motifs with certain meanings which are continuously produced, preserved and passed down from generation to generation This creates a mechanis of social interaction and local wisdom that promotes environmental conservation through the cooperation between craftsmen in the manufacture of Sasirangan products using natural colors from nature that are environmentally friendly. By not using chemical coloring, the practice reduces the pollution of river environment in Sasirangan Village, Banjarmasin

    Perception and Local Initiation of Communities in Maintaining the Traditional Acehnese Houses

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    This study aims to 1) analyze the values of local wisdom Aceh traditional houses to mitigate earthquakes and tsunamis; 2) analyze community perceptions in maintaining (knowledge, attitudes, and behavior) local wisdom of Aceh traditional houses; and 3) reviewingtheroleofparentsinthelocalculturalinheritanceofAcehtraditionalhouses. The method used in this research is the qualitative method. Data collection is done by interviewing, observing, and documenting. The results show that: 1) Rumoh Aceh has the values of local wisdom to mitigate earthquakes and tsunamis. the values of local wisdom exist in the components of building forms and traditional ceremonies of Rumoh Aceh; 2) the knowledge, attitudes, and behavior of local wisdom in Rumoh Aceh teaches the community to adapt, care about cultural heritage, and form a social family system, and 3) the role of parents in the cultural inheritance local wisdom of Rumoh Aceh, carried out through civilization and socialization by involving the role of young people in traditional activities.     Keywords: community perceptions, local inheritance, traditional Acehnese houses, local wisdo

    The Effect of Social Interaction and Internet Utilization on Students’ Self-Regulated Learning

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    This study aims to analyze students' social interactions, internet use, self-regulated learning, and the influence of social interaction and internet use on self-regulated learning of students at SMP Islam Al-Azhar 5 Cirebon. This research is a quantitative study with a population of 180 students of class VIII SMP Islam Al-Azhar 5 Cirebon which were chosen using random sampling In this study, questionnaires and documentation were used to collect data. Multiple linear regression was employed in the data analysis approach. According to the findings of this study: (1) the level of students’ social interaction of 62% belongs to the fairly good category, (2) the level of student’s internet utilization by 59% belongs to the fairly good category, (3) the pearson correlations product moment value of social interaction and internet utilization on students’ self-regulated learning of 0.735 has a strong or high correlation, meaning "There is a significant effect of social interaction and internet use on self-regulated learning of students of SMP Islam Al-Azhar 5 Cirebon". The magnitude of the effect based on the analysis of the coefficient of determination is 53.2% while the remaining 46.8% is influenced by other variables not included in the research model

    The Integration of Living Environmental Education in the Behavior of High School Students in Brebes Regency

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    Life environment education gains the main priority for formal education. For school stakeholders, this condition should be responded to immediately. Schools have to struggle to improve their learners’ environmental awareness. This research describes and analyzes the Living Environmental education policy, its integration to a geographic lesson, and learners’ environmental awareness behaviors of Senior High Schools in Brebes. This research is qualitative. The data were collected by interviewing, observing, and studying the document. The applied data analysis stages were data reduction, display, and conclusion. The findings showed that 1) the Living Environmental education policy was determined by the school since there were no obligated rules from the government. 2) Living Environmental education integration had been promoted well in a geography lesson. It was realized into learning instrument administration and the learning process. This life environment education could be integrated into almost all basic competencies of all geographic materials. 3) learners were aware of a better living environment. They were aware and could understand the problems and negative impacts. In addition to these, learners also acted and were committed to keeping their life environment