9 research outputs found


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    Penelitian iniĀ  bertujuanĀ  mengetahui gambaran kerusakanĀ  jaringan hati, lambung,Ā  danĀ  ususĀ  ikan cakalang (Katsuwonus pelamis) yang terinfestasi cacing endoparasit. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Mei hingga Juli 2018 di Tempat Pelelangan Ikan (TPI) Paotere dan di Laboratorium Histologi Klinik Hewan Pendidikan Universitas Hasanuddin. Sebanyak 30 ekor ikan cakalang yang berasal dari TPI Paotere digunakan sebagai sampel penelitian, ikan kemudian dibedah untuk diambil bagian dalam organ tubuhnya yang terinfestasi cacing endoparasit kemudian difiksasi dan dibuat preparat slide histopatalogisnya dengan prosedur mikroteknik dan pewarnaan hematoksilin-eosin untuk diamati di bawah mikroskop. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa infestasi cacing endoparasit pada tubuh ikan cakalang dapat berakibat pada kerusakan jaringan tubuh berupa peradangan, hemorhagi, dan kongesti

    Effect of cross linking agent and polymer on the characteristics of ovalbumin loaded alginate microspheres

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    Objective: The aim of the present research was to investigate effect of polymer and cross linking agent on the characteristics of ovalbumin-loaded alginate microspheres. Ovalbumin was selected as a protein model antigen; barium chloride and calcium chloride were used as cross linking agent. Methods: Ionotropic gelation using aerosolisation and drop technique were applied in this study. The microspheres produce were characterized for the size, morphology, encapsulation efficiency, protein loading, yield and in vitro release. Release of the protein was also studied. Results: Ovalbumin-loaded alginate microspheres were successfully produced by aerosolisation with maximum encapsulation efficiency and loadings of about 89%. Smooth and spherical microspheres were shown for both alginate microspheres produced using Ca of the aerosolisation method with average sizes from 12 to 30Āµm. In case drop technique, bigger microspheres size was produced of around 1-3 mm. The in vitro release study revealed that protein release decreased by decreasing alginate concentration, whereas no significant differences of ovalbumin release by decreasing calcium chloride concentration. Interestingly, alginate microspheres produced using barium chloride resulted burst and faster release behaviour of ovalbumin in HCl pH 1.2 and PBS pH 7.4 release medium. Conclusion: This result suggested that modification of cross linking agent and polymer concentration were important for sustained release characteristics of ovalbumin-loaded alginate microspheres

    Literature Review Hubungan Pengetahuan dengan KEK pda Wanita Prakonsepsi

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    Nutritional status during the preconception period is one of the determinants of the quality of maternal and infant health, because it is related to the increased morbidity and mortality caused by the incidence of KEK and anemia in mothersduring pregnancy, childbirth until the puerperium. knowledge at premarital time about preconception nutritional status so that it will have a negative impact on the health condition of the newborn later. Because after marriage, women will immediately undergo the fertilization process, malnutrition in pregnant women will have the potential for premature, low birth weight, congenital defects and affect growth and development problems in children (stunting). This literature review is a literature study of various references, namely research articles or journals, annual reports and supporting data regarding the relationship between knowledge and preconception nutritional status published in the last 6 years starting from 2015-2018. The journals found were 5 journals consisting of national journals. The search was carried out using the electronicreferenceslibrary, namelyfrom Google Scholar and PupMed. Based on the results of a literature review, It can be seen that poor knowledge of preconception nutritional status will have a negative impact on mother and baby, because mother's ignorance of preconception nutritional status can cause CED in the mother. Therefore, good knowledge is also accompanied by a positive attitude to apply the knowledge they have.AbstrakStatus gizi pada masa prakonsepsi merupakan salah satu penentu kualitas kesehatan ibu dan bayi, karena berkaitan dengan meningkatnya angka kesakitan dan kematian yang disebabkan oleh kajadian KEK dan anemia pada ibu dalam proses kehamilan, persalinan sampai dengan masa nifas, secara tidak langsung status gizi prakonsepsi dipengaruhi oleh pengetahuan saat pranikah tentang status gizi prakonsepsi sehinggaakan berdampak negative pada kondisi kesehatan bayi baru lahir nantinya. Karena setelah menikah wanita akan langsung menjalani proses pembuahan, kekurangan gizi pada ibu hamil akan berpotensi terjadinya premature, BBLR, cacat bawaan dan mempengaruhi masalah pertumbuhan dan perkembangan pada anak (stunting). Literature review ini adalah studi literatur berbagai referensi, yaitu artikel atau jurnal penelitian, annualreport dan data-data yang mendukung dengan hubungan pengetahuan dengan status gizi prakonsepsi yang diterbitkan 6 tahun terakhir mulai dari tahun 2015-2019. Jurnal yang ditemukan sebanyak 3 jurnal yang terdiri dari 5 jurnal nasional. Pencarian dilakukan menggunakan electronic references library yaitu dari google cendekia dan PupMed. Berdasarkan hasil literature review, dapat diketahui bahwa pengetahuan status gizi prakonsepsi yang kurang baik akan berdampak negative pada ibu dan bayi, karena ketidaktahuan ibu terhadap status gizi prakonsepsi dapat menyebabkan kejadian KEK pada ibu. Oleh karenanya pengetahuan yang baik juga disertai sikap positif untuk menerapkan ilmu yang di miliki

    Literature Review Hubungan Pengetahuan dengan KEK pda Wanita Prakonsepsi

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    Nutritional status during the preconception period is one of the determinants of the quality of maternal and infant health, because it is related to the increased morbidity and mortality caused by the incidence of KEK and anemia in mothersduring pregnancy, childbirth until the puerperium. knowledge at premarital time about preconception nutritional status so that it will have a negative impact on the health condition of the newborn later. Because after marriage, women will immediately undergo the fertilization process, malnutrition in pregnant women will have the potential for premature, low birth weight, congenital defects and affect growth and development problems in children (stunting). This literature review is a literature study of various references, namely research articles or journals, annual reports and supporting data regarding the relationship between knowledge and preconception nutritional status published in the last 6 years starting from 2015-2018. The journals found were 5 journals consisting of national journals. The search was carried out using the electronicreferenceslibrary, namelyfrom Google Scholar and PupMed. Based on the results of a literature review, It can be seen that poor knowledge of preconception nutritional status will have a negative impact on mother and baby, because mother's ignorance of preconception nutritional status can cause CED in the mother. Therefore, good knowledge is also accompanied by a positive attitude to apply the knowledge they have.AbstrakStatus gizi pada masa prakonsepsi merupakan salah satu penentu kualitas kesehatan ibu dan bayi, karena berkaitan dengan meningkatnya angka kesakitan dan kematian yang disebabkan oleh kajadian KEK dan anemia pada ibu dalam proses kehamilan, persalinan sampai dengan masa nifas, secara tidak langsung status gizi prakonsepsi dipengaruhi oleh pengetahuan saat pranikah tentang status gizi prakonsepsi sehinggaakan berdampak negative pada kondisi kesehatan bayi baru lahir nantinya. Karena setelah menikah wanita akan langsung menjalani proses pembuahan, kekurangan gizi pada ibu hamil akan berpotensi terjadinya premature, BBLR, cacat bawaan dan mempengaruhi masalah pertumbuhan dan perkembangan pada anak (stunting). Literature review ini adalah studi literatur berbagai referensi, yaitu artikel atau jurnal penelitian, annualreport dan data-data yang mendukung dengan hubungan pengetahuan dengan status gizi prakonsepsi yang diterbitkan 6 tahun terakhir mulai dari tahun 2015-2019. Jurnal yang ditemukan sebanyak 3 jurnal yang terdiri dari 5 jurnal nasional. Pencarian dilakukan menggunakan electronic references library yaitu dari google cendekia dan PupMed. Berdasarkan hasil literature review, dapat diketahui bahwa pengetahuan status gizi prakonsepsi yang kurang baik akan berdampak negative pada ibu dan bayi, karena ketidaktahuan ibu terhadap status gizi prakonsepsi dapat menyebabkan kejadian KEK pada ibu. Oleh karenanya pengetahuan yang baik juga disertai sikap positif untuk menerapkan ilmu yang di miliki

    Distribution Patterns of Mast Cells on Skipjack (Katsuwonus Pelamis) Infested with Endoparasitic Worms as Triggers for Anaphylactic Reactions

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    This study aims to examine the pattern of mast cell distribution in the intestinal tract of skipjack fish (Katsuwono pelamis) infested with endoparasitic worms and prove the correlation between endoparasitic worms and mast cells which are always involved in hypersensitivity responses. The study was conducted in May to July 2018 at the Paotere Fish Auction Place and at the Animal Climatology Histology Laboratory of Hasanuddin University. A total of 30 skipjack fish originating from the Paotere TPI were used as research samples, the fish were then dissected to be taken inside the organs infested with endoparasitic worms and then fixed and made histopatalogis slide preparations with microtechnic procedures and hematoxylin-eosin staining to be observed under a microscope. The results showed that infestation of endoparasitic worms in the body of skipjack fish could grasp the active mast cells. Mast cells are distributed only to the gonads, gills and heart of skipjack fish (Katsuwonus pelamis)

    Effect of Cross Linking Agent and Polymer on The Characteristics of Ovalbumin Loaded Alginater Microspheres

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    Objective: The aim of the present research was to investigate effect of polymer and cross linking agent on the characteristics of ovalbumin-loaded alginate microspheres. Ovalbumin was selected as a protein model antigen; barium chloride and calcium chloride were used as cross linking agent. Methods: Ionotropic gelation using aerosolisation and drop technique were applied in this study. The microspheres produce were characterized for the size, morphology, encapsulation efficiency, protein loading, yield and in vitro release. Release of the protein was also studied. Results: Ovalbumin-loaded alginate microspheres were successfully produced by aerosolisation with maximum encapsulation efficiency and loadings of about 89%. Smooth and spherical microspheres were shown for both alginate microspheres produced using Ca2+ and Ba2+ of the aerosolisation method with average sizes from 12 to 30Āµm. In case drop technique, bigger microspheres size was produced of around 1-3 mm. The in vitro release study revealed that protein release decreased by decreasing alginate concentration, whereas no significant differences of ovalbumin release by decreasing calcium chloride concentration. Interestingly, alginate microspheres produced using barium chloride resulted burst and faster release behaviour of ovalbumin in HCl pH 1.2 and PBS pH 7.4 release medium. Conclusion: This result suggested that modification of cross linking agent and polymer concentration were important for sustained release characteristics of ovalbumin-loaded alginate microspheres

    Impact of Climate Change on Human Health in Developing Countries

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    The causes of climate patchy rope in heat up temperature, change in precipitation, degree of utmost conditions occasions like melting of glaciers, polar ice-caps, mount in sea levels, etc. These impacts eventually fall our income by touching the rations we eat, the water we drink, the air we breathe and the earth somewhere we live. Frequent impacts caused fitting to excessive exposure of heat waves such as round stroke, dehydration, cardiovascular, respiratory and neural comborbidities. Climate conversion alters the ecology of vectors and these vectors are capable of have in stock causal agents such as viruses, bacteria and protozoa from animals to humans. Malaria, tick-borne encephalitis, fair fever, plague, and dengue obtain lengthened their geographical ranges as their carriers migrated to privileged latitudes. Droughts canister take part in adverse property on being health, as they over and over again suggest itself in mishmash with other sit out conditions, such as warm waves, wildfires and dust storms. Reduced water quantity may cause decreased water flow during periods of drought, encouraging the development of pathogens which prefer dry, stagnant environments. Altering climatic situation know how to be attributed to mounting international temperatures, spread in the dimensions of ambient fill up fumes and changes in the announce motion as mutual together. Extreme season and climate-related actions are famous to set off fundamental infrastructure failures, lucrative harm and relocation of communities, ensuing in a quantity of health problems