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    Pendidikan seharusnya menghasilkan insan yang cerdas dalam ilmu pengetahuan dan ber`akhlāq mulia. Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh keadaan `akhlāq peserta didik saat ini. `akhlāq yang mencerminkan kurang baiknya hubungan ṣilaturaḥim antara peserta didik dan pendidik. Ṣilaturaḥim merupakan aktivitas manusia dalam menjalin hubungan kasih sayang antar sesama manusia. Ṣilaturaḥim merupakan sumber kekuatan untuk meraih ketentraman dan perdamaian hidup. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan konsep ṣilaturaḥim dalam Alquran, kemudian dicari implikasinya terhadap pendidikan agama Islām di Sekolah. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan mengoperasikan metode tafsir mauḍu’ī, dengan menelusuri dan menganalisis seluruh term ṣilaturaḥim dalam Alquran. Data penelitian ini adalah tafsiran ayat-ayat Alquran yang dipilih yang berkaitan dengan tema ṣilaturaḥim yang ditafsirkan oleh mufasirin. Adapun data primer penelitian ini adalah Tafsīr Al-Azhar, Tafsīr Al-Nūr dan Tafsīr Al-Miṣbāḥ. Sedangkan, data sekundernya adalah tafsir terjemah, yaitu Tafsīr Fī Ẓilālil Qurān, Tafsīr Ibnu Kaṡīr, Tafsīr Aṭ-Ṭabari, Tafsīr Al-Qurṭubi, Tafsīr Al-Aisar, Tafsīr Muyassar, Tafsīr Al-Bayan, dan Tafsīr Al-Maraghi, sebagai penunjang dan memperkaya dalam analisis dan pembahasan ayat-ayat. Peneliti juga menggunakan sumber lain seperti buku-buku, jurnal dan sumber dari website yang dapat dijadikan referensi yang merujuk pada pembahasan penelitian ini. Penelitian ini mendapatkan: makna ṣilaturaḥim, tujuan ṣilaturaḥim dalam Alquran yaitu, 1) meluruskan ‘aqῑdaħ, 2) taat kepada Allāh, 3) menentukan ahli waris, 4) perwalian, 5) mempererat tali persaudaraan antar sesama, 6) ber`akhlāq baik. Kedudukan ṣilaturaḥim dalam Alquran yaitu mendapatkan raḥmaħ dan dijauhkan dari azab. Selain itu ada manfaat yang akan didapatkan yaitu, saling menolong dan lapang rezeki serta panjang umur. Berdasarkan penelitian ini, konsep ṣilaturaḥim dalam Alquran memiliki implikasi terhadap pendidik, meliputi tujuan, pendidik, peserta didik, kurikulum, fungsi, prinsip-prinsip, dan metode pendidikan. --- Education has to result in qualified generation and strong personality of human being. This study is underpined by a moral of students these days. It means that moral which represent lacking of ṣilaturaḥim between educators and students. Ṣilaturaḥim is an aspect of affection spread among society and creating a peace of life. This research is purposed to investigate a concept of ṣilaturaḥim in Alquran relating to the implication for Islāmic education at school. This research uses qualitative approach and using mauḍu’ī to identify and analyze all term of Ṣilaturaḥim in Alquran. The data of this research is chosen tafsīr Alquran relating to the topic by mufasirin. Furthermore, primary data of this research is Tafsīr Al-Azhar, Tafsīr Al-Nūr and Tafsīr Al-Miṣbāḥ Meanwhile, the secondary data is translation Tafsīr, those are Tafsīr Fī Ẓilālil Qurān, Tafsīr Ibnu Kaṡīr, Tafsīr Aṭ-Ṭabari, Tafsīr Al-Qurṭubi, Tafsīr Al-Aisar, Tafsīr Muyassar, Tafsīr Al-Bayan, dan Tafsīr Al-Maraghi as complement and support in analysis of verses. The researcher also uses other sources such as book, journal, and website as references for the research. This research is based on the meaning of ṣilaturaḥim in Alquran will obtain 1) as a guide for ‘aqῑdaħ, 2) generating devotion to Allāh, 3) deciding heirs, 4) trusteeship, 5) creating essential relationships among society, 6) `akhlāqul karimaħ. The standpoint of Ṣilaturaḥim in Alquran can lead to acquire raḥmaħ, kept away from adzab, help each other, gain livelihood, and have a long life. Based on this research, the concept of ṣilaturaḥim in Alquran has implications for educators, those are educators, students, curriculum, function, principles, and teaching method orientation

    Analisis Geografi Terhadap Produksi Tanaman Kopi Di Kecamatan Buay Pemaca Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ulu Selatan Sumatera Selatan

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan di Kecamatan Buay Pemaca Kabupaten Oku Selatan Sumatera Selatan berjudul “Analisis Geografi Terhadap Produksi Tanaman Kopi Di Kecamatan Buay Pemaca Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ulu Selatan Sumatera Selatan”, bertujuan: 1) mengetahui pengaruh pengetahuan petani terhadap produktivitas kopi, 2) mengetahui pengaruh perilaku petani terhadap produktivitas kopi dan 3) mengetahui pengaruh kondisi fisik daerah penelitian terhadap hasil usaha perkebunan kopi atau produktivitas kopi di daerah penelitian. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode survei melalui wawancara dengan petani dengan menggunakan daftar pertanyaan (kuisioner). Responden penelitian ini adalah petani kopi. Responden diambil di Desa Kotaway dan Serakat Jaya berdasarkan pada jenis topografi yang berbeda.. Jumlah responden yang diambil 5 % dari populasi sebanyak 3.000 petani, yaitu sebanyak 150 petani. Data dan informasi yang telah dikumpulkan di analisis dengan menggunakan tabel frekuensi, tabel silang dan analisis product moment. Hasil penelitian ini : 1) Kurang ada hubungan antara tingkat pengetahuan petani dengan produktivitas kopi pada topografi perbukitan hingga pegunungan hal ini ditunjukkan dengan nilai r = 0,408, begitu pula untuk daerah yang bertopografi datar yang ditujukkan dengan nilai 0,180 2) Kurang ada hubungan antara perilaku petani dengan produktivitas kopi pada topografi datar hal ini ditunjukkan dengan nilai r = 0,233, begitu pula untuk daerah yang bertopografi perbukitan hingga pegugungan yang ditunjukkan dengan nilai r 0,290 3) Produktivias kopi pada topografi datar rata-rata 2,616 ton/ha/th, untuk topografi perbukitan hingga pegunungan mempunyai rata-rata 3,467 ton/ha/th. Hal ini berarti pada topografi perbukitan hingga pegunungan mempunyai kualitas lebih baik daripada topografi datar dalam kesesuaiannya untuk tanaman kopi


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    Language style is the entity of a speaker. There are many factors that influence one’s language style, such as: gender, social status, educational background, etc. Both of men and women have their own characteristic and behavior in the society so it can make them become different in some aspect, especially in the way they use a language. It means gender influence one’s language style. Men and women have different role and status in the society. The way of their thought and then represent it into a language is also different. This article describes about analysis of Margaret Thatcher’s quotes. Most of Margaret Thatcher’s quotes shows that she uses more Men’s language than Women’s language. It means that women do not automatically use the feminin language. It depends on some factors


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    Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan panjang telapak kaki dan tungkai bawah secara bersama-sama dengan kemampuan daya loncat serta hubungan daya loncat dengan kemampuan smash dalam bolavoli. Metode penelitian menggunakan analisis jalur. Populasi penelitian merupakan seluruh atlet bolavoli putri di klub-klub terkenal di Kota Pontianak yang berjumlah 150 orang. Sampel penelitian berjumlah 50 orang dengan menggunakan purposive random sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan pengukuran dengan alat pengumpul data adalah tes. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah korelasi product moment dan regresi. Hasil penelitian adalah: (1) Panjang telapak kaki dengan daya loncat memiliki hubungan yang kuat dan positif; (2) Panjang tungkai bawah dengan daya loncat memiliki hubungan yang kuat dan positif; dan (3) Daya loncat dengan kemampuan smash memiliki hubungan yang sedang dan positif. Kata Kunci: panjang telapak kaki, panjang tungkai bawah, daya loncat, smash


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan kesegaran jasmani siswa Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 21 Pontianak dengan hasil belajar Pendidikan Jasmani di sekolah. Selain itu penelitian ini juga untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang hasil dari setiap item tes kebugaran jasmani. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif. Data yang dikumpulkan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan instrumen tes kesegaran jasmani Indonesia (TKJI) dan hasil belajar Pendidikan Jasmani. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang positif dan signifikan antara kesegaran jasmani dengan hasil belajar pendidikan jasmani siswa Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 21 Pontianak dengan tingkat koefisien korelasi yang rendah. Kata Kunci: Kesegaran jasmani, hasil belajar Pendidikan Jasmani


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    Multimodality is a theory of communication and social semiotics. Multimodality is a term widely discussed by linguists and semioticians. A wide range of semiotic resources has been used to construct meaning. Multimodality describes communication practices in terms of the textual, oral, linguistic, spatial, and visual resources - or modes - used to compose messages. In this paper, the ads “BODREX EXTRA” in electronic media was analyzed by five semiotic systems of multimodal (sign, symbol and or code). Based on the  analysis of linguistic, visual, audio, spatial, and gestural, it was found there are some of strenghtness and the weakness of the ads BODREX EXTRAMultimodality is a theory of communication and social semiotics.  Multimodality is a term widely discussed by linguists and semioticians. A wide range of semiotic resources has been used to construct meaning. Multimodality describes communication practices in terms of the textual, oral, linguistic, spatial, and visual resources - or modes - used to compose messages. In this paper, the ads “BODREX EXTRA” in electronic media was analyzed by five semiotic systems of multimodal (sign, symbol and or code). Based on the  analysis of linguistic, visual, audio, spatial, and gestural, it was found there are some of strenghtness and the weakness of the ads BODREX EXTR


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    The aim of study was to find out improvement of students’ ability in reading narrative text by using TPS strategy. This study was conducted by applying Classroom Action Research (CAR), which was carried out through four steps. They were plan, action, observation and reflection The subject of research was the grade VIII-A students of SMP IT AR-Rasyid Medan Senembah, TanjungMorawa which consisted of 30 students academic years 2015/2016. The research was conducted in two cycle, cycle I consisted of three meetings and cycle II consisted of two meetings. Instruments for data collection were test, observation sheet, interview sheet, diary note and documentation.Based on the result of the data analysis showed that mean of the first cycle was 63,3. The mean of second cycle was 73,5. The percentage of students who got point up 70 also grew up. In the pre test, students who got up 70 were only 1 of 30 students (3,3 %). In the post test of cycle I, students who got up 70 were only 14 of 30 students (46,6 %). It mean that there was improvement about 43,3 %. In the post test of cycle II, students who got up 70 were 26 of 30 students (86,7 %). The improvement was about 40 %. The total improvement of the students’ score from the pre test to post test of cycle II 83,3%. So the result of  the research showed that Think Pair Share (TPS) strategy significantly improved students’ ability in reading narrative text.Key Word: Improving Ability, reading, narrative teks, Think Pair Share Strategy, Class Roo


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh profitabilitas, leverage, ukuran perusahan dan struktur kepemilikan terhadap ketepatan waktu pelaporan keuangan. Populasi penelitian adalah seluruh perusahaan bank yang terdaftar di BEI periode 2011-2015 yang seluruhnya berjumlah 43 perusahaan bank, dan sampel dalam penelitian yang memenuhi kriteria yang dipilih dalam penentuan sampel adalah 28 perusahaan. Teknik analisis dalam penelitian ini menggunakan regresi logistik Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ukuran perusahaan berpengaruh positif terhadap ketepatan waktu, sedangakan profitabilitas, leverage, dan struktur kepemilikan tidak berpengaruh terhadap ketepatan waktu pelaporan keuangan

    PENGARUH TERPAAN IKLAN DI TELEVISI TERHADAP LOYALITAS PELANGGANStudi pada Pengguna Kartu XL Mahasiswa Ilmu KomunikasiAngkatan 2007 Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

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    This research at constitutes for emolation phenomena based on business operator seluler that latterly gets tights only, one of it descries from advertising assembly various operator seluler at television. Advertising strategi at utilizes is such as of the ways to promote their service operator seluler. The advertisement they make such a way to be able to interest costumer, are not all operator seluler advertising interpose compotiter weakness flonk it. That competitor is sharply important thing to be loyalty merk. This loyalty will be determine deep long term growth all of advertisement at television usually to not loyalty phenomena. For users on services their operator seluler, this advertising make as one news format cast a glance at television too. Market will interest costumer by cheap prize. The problem to work in their experient is there will be impact of advertising at television to costumer loyalty? How big advertising onrush influence at television to costumer loyalty? That theory is utilized in this research in cognivitive AIDDA. That is advertising, one the convers: Attention which is attention, Interest wich is anxienly, Desire wich is wish, decision which is decision and Action which is action. In another sigh, the research is using survey system, by eksplanasi obsevationt type because this research is relations by two variabel. The object of observational is knowledge majors college student generation communication 2007, meanwhile brand as many 33 people respondent that at gets by use of tech sample total. Then researcher broadcasts kuesioner as collector of sample. Than, kuesioneris at validity. Than, that kuesioner at validity level quiz by using of product correlation tech moment and the realydity quiz with tech alpha. Based on the result of the research got the calculation of coleration coefficient 0.624 it mean that there is a corelation between independent variable with dependent varable. Based on test F and t test t got the result Fcalculated is 19.737, besides on the level of significance 0.05 got from Ftable with the result 4.15 and result calculated is 4.443. Therefore on the level of significance 5% got t tabel with the result 2.042 it mean that Fcalculated bigger from Ftable and tcalculate more bigger than t table so Ho refused and Hi accepeted, its mean that advertising onrush matter XL at television is increases. There for will be increase to customer loyality. In this research is getting determinant coefficient as that is mean 38.9% variable loyalty will be regard by its free variable which is advertising onrush XL at television. Meanwhile its rest 61.1% variabel loyalty. That is not at competition in orbervationat. Besides, the account linear regressing can known to out grow it variable influence in free to bronded variable be as big as 30.8%