46 research outputs found

    ااستراتيجية تصميم وتنفيذ الجداريات بشکل نسقي داخل الاطار العمراني والمعماري

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    Abstract:Murals have been associated with architecture and urbanism throughout human history with its various civilizations, It does not represent an addition to the architectural and urban entity but it enters the heart of their fabric and participates primarily in their formation and style, The architectural entity or the urban space may derive its importance from what the murals offer from different themes that make them have the ability to change the sense of the dimensions of the spatial space and its feeling completely differently than if the walls were barren and devoid of them, As entities, they are considered one of the most important visual determinants of space in addition to their role as one of the aesthetics used in architecture and expressing the social and cultural identity of societies, Rather, it is a powerful means of linking the past and the present and documenting the most important events affecting the entity of society expressing its cultural identityThis research paper presents an analysis of the various aspects that must be taken into consideration while designing murals in architectural and urban spaces, So design considerations, scientific and technical systems and standards were put forwared that govern the basics of mural design, as well as the way to employ them as one of the elements of space in an integrated system, the designer should take into account to formulate murals according to a concept that is consistent with architecture and urbanism

    ااستراتيجية تصميم وتنفيذ الجداريات بشکل نسقي داخل الاطار العمراني والمعماري

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    Abstract:Murals have been associated with architecture and urbanism throughout human history with its various civilizations, It does not represent an addition to the architectural and urban entity but it enters the heart of their fabric and participates primarily in their formation and style, The architectural entity or the urban space may derive its importance from what the murals offer from different themes that make them have the ability to change the sense of the dimensions of the spatial space and its feeling completely differently than if the walls were barren and devoid of them, As entities, they are considered one of the most important visual determinants of space in addition to their role as one of the aesthetics used in architecture and expressing the social and cultural identity of societies, Rather, it is a powerful means of linking the past and the present and documenting the most important events affecting the entity of society expressing its cultural identityThis research paper presents an analysis of the various aspects that must be taken into consideration while designing murals in architectural and urban spaces, So design considerations, scientific and technical systems and standards were put forwared that govern the basics of mural design, as well as the way to employ them as one of the elements of space in an integrated system, the designer should take into account to formulate murals according to a concept that is consistent with architecture and urbanism

    Persistence of Hemoglobin Allergenicity and Antigenicity during Metamorphosis of Chironomidae (Insecta: Diptera)

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    Abstract. Chironomid hemoglobins are potent allergens. The allergenic and antigenic activities of these hemoglobins are studied with the help of RAST, RAST inhibition and double immunodiffusion. Human as well as rabbit antisera were used. It was shown that hemoglobins are the main antigenic/allergenic compo nents in extracts of Camptochironomus tentans larvae. Furthermore, immunological cross-reactivity among larvae, pupae and adult midges of this species are shown to be due to [he existence of hemoglobin antigenic de terminants in all developmental stages of this insect

    Functional material features of Bombyx mori silk light versus heavy chain proteins

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    Bombyx mori (BM) silk fibroin is composed of two different subunits; heavy chain and light chain fibroin linked by a covalent disulphide bond. Current methods of separating the two silk fractions is complicated and produces inadequate quantities of the isolated components for the study of the individual light and heavy chain silks with respect to new materials. We report a simple method of separating silk fractions using formic acid. The formic acid treatment partially releases predominately the light chain fragment (soluble fraction) and then the soluble fraction and insoluble fractions can be converted into new materials. The regenerated original (total) silk fibroin and the separated fractions (soluble vs. insoluble) had different molecular weights and showed distinctive pH stabilities against aggregation/precipitation based on particle charging. All silk fractions could be electrospun to give fibre mats with viscosity of the regenerated fractions being the controlling factor for successful electrospinning. The silk fractions could be mixed to give blends with different proportions of the two fractions to modify the diameter and uniformity of the electrospun fibres formed. The soluble fraction containing the light chain was able to modify the viscosity by thinning the insoluble fraction containing heavy chain fragments, perhaps analogous to its role in natural fibre formation where the light chain provides increased mobility and the heavy chain producing shear thickening effects. The simplicity of this new separation method should enable access to these different silk protein fractions and accelerate the identification of methods, modifications and potential applications of these materials in biomedical and industrial applications

    Assessment of the inhibitory effects of disinfectants on the embryonation of Ascaridia columbae eggs.

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    This study was set out with the aim of assessing the effects of the most commonly available commercial disinfectants on embryogenesis of A. columbae eggs. In addition to the distilled water treatment as a control group, four disinfectants were tested that included formalin, povidone iodide, TH4, and Virkon-S, in three independent experiments. In the first experiment, an overnight incubation with the working concentration of disinfectants resulted in significant inhibition of 80%, 85%, and 98% of embryonic development at day 9 post-treatment with formalin, povidone iodide, and TH4, respectively. This inhibition was continued through days 12 and 15 with the three tested disinfectants. Virkon-S did not affect embryogenesis with larval development comparable to that of the control group. In the second more dissected experiment, contact times of 10, 20, 30, and 60 minutes were set out for each disinfectant with embryogenesis inhibition results echoed that of the first experiment, with all disinfectants but Virkon-S inhibited larval development in significant proportions of eggs. Again, Virkon-S was very neutral in its effect on embryogenesis. When pigeon fecal matters were mixed with eggs and were subjected to disinfectants, discrepancies to results of the first two experiments were observed with only formalin inhibited embryogenesis in considerable proportion of eggs. Thus, and with the exception of Virkon-S, disinfectants tested at levels similar to those applicable in poultry in-houses and farms exhibited potent ovicidal activities on free eggs. To our knowledge, this is the first study involving the application of the commonly used in-poultry houses disinfectants to inactivate or delay the embryogenesis of bird Ascarids. The future perspective will potentially involve the in-field applications of the efficient disinfectants to eliminate or reduce the dissemination of infections with bird Ascarids in the chicken, turkey, pigeons, and other poultry houses

    Molecular and microscopic detection of natural and experimental infections of Toxocara vitulorum in bovine milk.

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    Toxocara vitulorum is an Ascarid nematode infecting the small intestine of buffalo and cattle particularly neonate calves, with the postnatal route through milk is the main infection source. However, little is known about shedding rates and the optimum detection methods of T. vitulorum larvae in the milk of the infected bovine hosts. In this study, we aimed to evaluate the use of two methods, microscopy and PCR, and their detection limits both under the experimental and natural infection situations. In doing this, T. vitulorum eggs extracted from naturally occurring adult female worms were successfully subjected to experimental embryonation, and larvae were implemented in experimental infection of milk in ascending infection doses of 0, 1, 5, 10, 20, 50 larvae/2-ml milk samples. With the except of negative control, microscopy-based examination detected larvae in all samples, albeit with means, ranges, and the total number of larvae were detected in exponential rates relative to larvae densities in milk samples. PCR technique corresponded well to microscopy in detecting genomic DNA of T. vitulorum larvae in all milk samples down to a single larva/sample. On the other hand, and by applying the same methodology approach on 50 naturally-occurring bovine colostrum/milk samples, 13 (26%) and 20 (40%) samples were tested positive for T. vitulorum infection by microscopy and the PCR-based detection, respectively. Of these, 11 out of 26 buffalo samples (42.30%) and 2 out of 24 cow samples (8.33%) were tested positive by microscopy, while 16 (61.54%) and 3 (12.50%) of buffalo and cow samples were tested positive by PCR, respectively. By applying the Agreement Coefficient, substantial agreement (0.77) between molecular and microscopy detection was detected from all tested samples. In conclusion, larvae of T. vitulorum were unequivocally detected by microscopy and molecular methods in milk samples both under the experimental and natural field situations. Nevertheless, slightly higher rates by PCR than microscopy were obtained when detecting naturally-infected milk samples. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first in situ detection of larvae of T. vitulorum in the milk of the naturally infected animals