82 research outputs found

    Landslide susceptibility analysis exploiting Persistent Scatterers data in the northern coast of Malta

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    During the last decade a pressing need for more adequate tools to manage the considerable increasing number of hydrogeological emergencies arose among land planning and civil protection authorities. As a consequence, both development and testing of different qualitative and quantitative methods for landslide displacements detection become fundamental in order to provide the best analysis performance in terms of cost-benefit and scientific reliability. Lately quantitative methods to measure deformations of unstable slopes had great advances. In this context, remotely sensed radar techniques, such as PSI (Persistent Scatterers Interferometry), can assist traditional landslide investigations in assessing ground and infrastructure deformations caused by large landslides. The main purpose of this study is exploiting the results of PSI analysis conducted over the Island of Malta to train a Bayesan model for evaluating active landslide susceptibility. This approach has been applied in the NW coast of Malta, where outstanding coastal landslides, such as rock spreads and block slides, have been recognized and mapped. The outcomes of the statistical analysis have been validated through specific field check and GNSS measurements. The results show that the developed susceptibility model predicts an acceptable percentage of landslides and can be considered reliable even if in areas without PSI data

    Geomorphological map of the NW Coast of the Island of Malta (Mediterranean Sea)

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    This paper presents the results of geomorphological investigations carried along the north-western coast of the Island of Malta. Field surveys, accompanied by aerial photo-intepretation, have led to the production of a geomorphological map at 1:7500 scale which outlines the main processes and related landforms. The latter are the result of the complex interplay of structural, gravitational, coastal and karst processes. Particular attention was devoted to the recognition, identification and mapping of landslides which affect large coastal sectors of the study area, locally giving rise to hazard conditions

    Studio multidisciplinare finalizzato alla riqualificazione ambientale della valle del Rio della Rocca (Comune di Castellarano, Provincia di Reggio Emilia)

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    La valle del Rio della Rocca nel Comune di Castellarano (Reggio Emilia) è stata interessata a partire dagli anni ‘50 del secolo scorso da attività estrattive che in parte ne hanno profondamente modificato le caratteristiche ambientali, in particolare quelle geomorfologiche. In considerazione dell’interesse paesaggistico della valle e ai fini di una riqualificazione ambientale del territorio, è stato realizzato uno studio multidisciplinare volto a delineare i principali aspetti geologici, paleontologici, floristici e faunistici. Specifica attenzione è stata posta alla valutazione dell’instabilità dei versanti e alla individuazione dei geositi presenti nell’area. Sulla scorta dei risultati delle ricerche effettuate sono state elaborate proposte di riqualificazione del territorio che prevedono una valorizzazione della valle a fini geoturistici e ricreativi

    Unveiling the nature of candidate high-mass young stellar objects in the Magellanic Clouds with near-IR spectroscopy

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    As nearby neighbors to the Milky Way, the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds (LMC and SMC) provide a unique opportunity to study star formation in the context of their galactic ecosystems. Thousands of young stellar objects (YSOs) have been characterized with large-scale Spitzer and Herschel surveys. In this paper, we present new near-IR spectroscopy of five high-mass YSOs in the LMC and one in the SMC. We detect multiple hydrogen recombination lines, as well as He I 2.058 μ\mum, H2_2, [Fe II], and [S III] in these highly excited sources. We estimate the internal extinction of each source and find that it is highest for sources with the youngest evolutionary classifications. Using line ratios, we assess the dominant excitation mechanism in the three sources where we detect both H2_2 2.12 μ\mum and [Fe II] 1.64 μ\mum. In each case, photoexcitation dominates over shock excitation. Finally, we detect CO bandhead absorption in one of our LMC sources. While this feature is often associated with evolved stars, this object is likely young with strong PAH and fine-structure emission lines tracing an H II region detected at longer wavelengths. Compared to high-mass YSOs in the Galaxy, our sources have higher bolometric and line luminosities, consistent with their selection as some of the brightest sources in the LMC and SMC.Comment: accepted for publication in MNRA

    Accelerating Sensitivity Analysis in Microscopy Image Segmentation Workflows

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    With the increasingly availability of digital microscopy imagery equipments there is a demand for efficient execution of whole slide tissue image applications. Through the process of sensitivity analysis it is possible to improve the output quality of such applications, and thus, improve the desired analysis quality. Due to the high computational cost of such analyses and the recurrent nature of executed tasks from sensitivity analysis methods (i.e., reexecution of tasks), the opportunity for computation reuse arises. By performing computation reuse we can optimize the run time of sensitivity analysis applications. This work focuses then on finding new ways to take advantage of computation reuse opportunities on multiple task abstraction levels. This is done by presenting the coarse-grain merging strategy and the new fine-grain merging algorithms, implemented on top of the Region Templates Framework.Comment: 44 page

    Multidisciplinary geological excursion in the open-air laboratory of the Island of Malta. 11-18 November 2010. Field-Trip Guide.

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    Si tratta della guida all'escursione geologica multidisciplinare tenutasi a Malta dall'11 al 18 novembre 2010, nell'ambito del progetto di internazionalizzazione dell'Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia dal titolo "Multidisciplinary research in the open-air laboratory of the island of Malta: an internazional network for landslide hazard assessment in coastal areas" (2008-2010) finanziato dalla Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Modena e Reggio Emilia, per i Corsi di Laurea Triennale in Scienze Geologiche e Magistrale in Scienze e Tecnologie Geologiche

    Reciclando la salud bucal

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    La Facultad de Odontología , representada por la Asignatura de Odontología Preventiva y Social , se encuentra realizando un programa de trabajos extramuros en su zona de influencia con 28 puntos estratégicos o unidades operativas distribuidas sistemáticamente y dirigida por un docente de la asignatura y un total de 2200 alumnos de 1° a 5° año. Este trabajo se viene realizando desde el año 1997 hasta la fecha y en base a los resultados obtenidos, concluimos que el 68% de las familias de la zona de La Plata, no tiene, a veces no conoce o no recambia sus cepillos de dientes, en especial si se trata de familias carenciadas.Resumen publicado en Libro de resúmenes. Producción en Investigación, Docencia, Gestión, Extensión. Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Rosario, 2009.Facultad de Odontologí

    Catástrofe Tartagal : Diagnóstico para la salud

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    La siguiente presentación se demuestra que en situaciones de catástrofe las Instituciones no están preparadas para los requerimientos para abordar esta problemática. Este grupo de trabajo se trasladó hasta la ciudad de Tartagal en un Tren Solidario cargado de insumos donados por la comunidad de la ciudad de La Plata principalmente de la comunidad universitaria, desbordando aún más la mínima organización que las entidades de distribución tenían. Los profesionales intervinientes realizaron un diagnóstico social del estado situacional de los distintos estratos económicos que el alud afectó.Resumen publicado en Libro de resúmenes. Producción en Investigación, Docencia, Gestión, Extensión. Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Rosario, 2009.Facultad de Odontologí