468 research outputs found

    La lettre aux Colossiens: une théologie de la mémoire

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    The letter to the Colossians—most probably a deuteropauline document—reflects a theology of memory. Far from having the ambition of saying something new, the author aims at offering the addressed community a re-reading—paradoxically highly original in its form and content—of its own religious tradition so that the addressees will be able to interpret in a persuasive way their present situation, a situation that became more and more opaque and conflictual. The explicit confrontation with the ‘Colossian philosophy' seems to be secondary at first sight, but a multiple reading of the letter allows one to discover strong ties between the non-polemical and the polemical parts of the letter. Read in this perspective, Col 2 reveals between the lines a conflict of interpretation about some central notions, such as ‘humility', ‘intelligence', ‘wisdom', among other

    Der Einfluss von kardiorespiratorischer Fitness auf das Adipositas-Paradoxon bei Personen mit einer kardiovaskulÀren Krankheit

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    Einleitung: KardiovaskulĂ€re Krankheiten zĂ€hlen zu den hĂ€ufigsten Todesursachen und werden durch Übergewicht und Adipositas begĂŒnstigt. Das sogenannte Adipositas-Paradoxon besagt, dass Übergewichtige oder Adipöse, die bereits an einer kardiovaskulĂ€ren Krankheit leiden, im Vergleich zu Normalgewichtigen mit derselben Krankheit, eine höhere Überlebenschance haben. ZusĂ€tzlich wird die kardiorespiratorische Fitness mit sinkender MortalitĂ€t in Verbindung gebracht. Ziel: Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, den Einfluss der kardiorespiratorischen Fitness auf das Adipositas-Paradoxon bei Personen mit einer koronaren Herzkrankheit oder Herzinsuffizienz aufzuzeigen und einen physiotherapeutisch relevanten Praxistransfer zu ziehen. Methode: Die fĂŒr die Beantwortung der Fragestellung relevanten Studien wurden durch definierte Ein- und Ausschlusskriterien mittels einer Literaturrecherche in den Datenbanken CINAHL, Cochrane, Medline, PEDro und PubMed gesucht. Die Bewertung der Studien erfolgte ĂŒber das AICA-Bewertungstool. Ergebnisse: Unter BerĂŒcksichtigung der kardiorespiratorischen Fitness konnte das Adipositas-Paradoxon nicht mehr oder nur noch in den tiefen Fitnessgruppen festgestellt werden. Alle Teilnehmenden der hohen Fitnessgruppe hatten eine tiefere MortalitĂ€tsrate als jene der tiefen Fitnessgruppe. Somit ist die kardiorespiratorische Fitness der ausschlaggebende prognostische Faktor bezĂŒglich der MortalitĂ€t. Schlussfolgerung: Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die kardiorespiratorische Fitness in der Praxis grosse Relevanz aufweist und diese Thematik weitere Forschung benötigt.Background: Cardiovascular diseases are counted among the most frequent causes of death and can be triggered by overweight and obesity. The obesity paradox indicates that overweight or obese people, who already suffer from a cardiovascular disease, have a higher survival rate than their normal weight counterparts. In addition, cardiorespiratory fitness is associated with a lower mortality rate. Aim: The aim of this bachelor thesis is to evaluate the influence of cardiorespiratory fitness on the obesity paradox in people with a coronary heart disease or heart failure and to demonstrate its practical application. Methods: Specific inclusion and exclusion criteria were applied to search for the main studies in the following databases: CINAHL, Cochrane, Medline, PEDro and PubMed. The appraisal was carried out using the AICA evaluation tool. Results: When adjusting for cardiorespiratory fitness, the obesity-paradox only persisted in some of the low fitness groups. All participants of the high fitness group had a lower mortality rate than those of the low fitness group. Thus, cardiorespiratory fitness is the determining prognostic factor in mortality. Conclusion: The results demonstrate the importance of cardiorespiratory fitness in practice, but further research is needed

    Förderung einer gesunden, ressourcenschonenden Esskultur : Bildungskonzept, Bildungsangebot und Wirkungsanalyse bei Jugendlichen

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    Good food, a sound environment, good health, the solution of world hunger and a world without animal suffering are desired by most humans. Still Swiss consumers invest less and less money and time into quality products and the preparation of meals, as statistics show. Studies proved: The average Swiss eating habits are the main cause for environmental stress, a major risk factor for the country’s most widespread diseases, the reason for a very intense use of farm animals and partially responsible for world hunger – which is not commonly known. Consumers need the competences that allow them to scrutinize their own habits and to implement solution based approaches. They must know what they eat and understand the consequences of it. They should develop their behavior consciously. This paper examines how an institutional education of juveniles can reach a positive contribution to the aforementioned development.Gutes Essen, eine intakte Umwelt, eine gute Gesundheit, die Lösung des Welthungerproblems und eine Welt ohne Tierleid wĂŒnschen sich grundsĂ€tzlich alle Menschen. Trotzdem sind den Schweizer Konsumierenden hochwertige Lebensmittel und die Mahlzeitenzubereitung immer weniger Geld und Zeit wert, wie Statistiken belegen. Studien zeigen: Das Essverhalten der Durchschnittsschweizer ist der Hauptverursacher ihrer Umweltbelastungen, ein Hauptrisikofaktor fĂŒr ihre Volkskrankheiten, der Grund fĂŒr die Ă€usserst intensive Nutztierhaltung und ein Auslöser von Welthunger – vielen ist das nicht bewusst. Die Konsumierenden benötigen Kompetenzen, die das Hinterfragen des eigenen Essverhaltens und das Umsetzen von LösungsansĂ€tzen ermöglichen. Sie mĂŒssen wissen, was sie essen, und die Auswirkungen davon verstehen. Ihr Verhalten sollen sie bewusst gestalten können. Die vorliegende Arbeit untersuchte, wie die institutionelle Bildung von Jugendlichen einen positiven Beitrag dazu leisten kann

    Hybrid Quantum Dot-2D Electron Gas Devices for Coherent Optoelectronics

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    We present an inverted GaAs 2D electron gas with self-assembled InAs quantum dots in close proximity, with the goal of combining quantum transport with quantum optics experiments. We have grown and characterized several wafers -- using transport, AFM and optics -- finding narrow-linewidth optical dots and high-mobility, single subband 2D gases. Despite being buried 500 nm below the surface, the dots are clearly visible on AFM scans, allowing precise localization and paving the way towards a hybrid quantum system integrating optical dots with surface gate-defined nanostructures in the 2D gas.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures (color

    Stretchable persistent spin helices in GaAs quantum wells

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    The Rashba and Dresselhaus spin-orbit (SO) interactions in 2D electron gases act as effective magnetic fields with momentum-dependent directions, which cause spin decay as the spins undergo arbitrary precessions about these randomly-oriented SO fields due to momentum scattering. Theoretically and experimentally, it has been established that by fine-tuning the Rashba α\alpha and Dresselhaus ÎČ\beta couplings to equal fixed\it{fixed} strengths α=ÎČ\alpha=\beta, the total SO field becomes unidirectional thus rendering the electron spins immune to dephasing due to momentum scattering. A robust persistent spin helix (PSH) has already been experimentally realized at this singular point α=ÎČ\alpha=\beta. Here we employ the suppression of weak antilocalization as a sensitive detector for matched SO fields together with a technique that allows for independent electrical control over the SO couplings via top gate voltage VTV_T and back gate voltage VBV_B. We demonstrate for the first time the gate control of ÎČ\beta and the continuous locking\it{continuous\,locking} of the SO fields at α=ÎČ\alpha=\beta, i.e., we are able to vary both α\alpha and ÎČ\beta controllably and continuously with VTV_T and VBV_B, while keeping them locked at equal strengths. This makes possible a new concept: "stretchable PSHs", i.e., helical spin patterns with continuously variable pitches PP over a wide parameter range. The extracted spin-diffusion lengths and decay times as a function of α/ÎČ\alpha/\beta show a significant enhancement near α/ÎČ=1\alpha/\beta=1. Since within the continuous-locking regime quantum transport is diffusive (2D) for charge while ballistic (1D) for spin and thus amenable to coherent spin control, stretchable PSHs could provide the platform for the much heralded long-distance communication ∌8−25\sim 8 - 25 ÎŒ\mum between solid-state spin qubits.Comment: 5 color figures, with supplementary info available on arXiv. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1403.351

    Electrical spin protection and manipulation via gate-locked spin-orbit fields

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    The spin-orbit (SO) interaction couples electron spin and momentum via a relativistic, effective magnetic field. While conveniently facilitating coherent spin manipulation in semiconductors, the SO interaction also inherently causes spin relaxation. A unique situation arises when the Rashba and Dresselhaus SO fields are matched, strongly protecting spins from relaxation, as recently demonstrated. Quantum computation and spintronics devices such as the paradigmatic spin transistor could vastly benefit if such spin protection could be expanded from a single point into a broad range accessible with in-situ gate-control, making possible tunable SO rotations under protection from relaxation. Here, we demonstrate broad, independent control of all relevant SO fields in GaAs quantum wells, allowing us to tune the Rashba and Dresselhaus SO fields while keeping both locked to each other using gate voltages. Thus, we can electrically control and simultaneously protect the spin. Our experiments employ quantum interference corrections to electrical conductivity as a sensitive probe of SO coupling. Finally, we combine transport data with numerical SO simulations to precisely quantify all SO terms.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures (color), plus supplementary information 18 pages, 8 figures (color) as ancillary arXiv pd

    Switzerland's Position Toward Currency Devaluation

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    Feline gastrointestinal eosinophilic sclerosing fibroplasia presenting as a rectal mass.

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    Case summary A 9-year-old neutered male cat was referred owing to dyschezia and weight loss. Abdominal CT revealed a heterogeneous mass in the rectum and thickening of one caudal mesenteric lymph node. The mass induced a focal rectal obstruction. Cytological evaluation of fine-needle aspirates showed signs of mixed inflammation for the rectal mass and a reactive lymph node. Because a definite diagnosis was not achieved, complete resection of the mass via a dorsal approach to the rectum was attempted. Histopathology confirmed complete removal and diagnosed feline gastrointestinal eosinophilic sclerosing fibroplasia (FGESF). The cat was treated with psyllium husks and lactulose after surgery. In the postoperative year, the owner reported normal behaviour, food intake and defecation of the patient. Dyschezia reoccurred 14 months after surgery. Imaging revealed recurrence of a rectal mass. Owing to clinical deterioration, the owner elected for euthanasia. Relevance and novel information This is the first report of rectal FGESF with dyschezia and weight loss as the main clinical signs. The case demonstrates an acceptable outcome for more than 1 year without additional immunosuppressive therapy, and emphasises that FGESF must be considered as a differential diagnosis for rectal masses in cats
