460 research outputs found

    La résistance du lexical à la dématérialisation : l’exemple des adverbes intensifs awfully, frightfully, terribly

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    Awfully, frightfully et terribly sont des modificateurs scalaires désignant le haut degré de la qualité adjectivale, et non un dernier point indépassable. Il est ici montré qu’en dépit de la fonction quantitative de ces adverbes intensifs, et de leur dématérialisation, le signifié lexical de l’adverbe est toujours disponible, moyennant un contexte approprié. La « résistance du lexical » à la dématérialisation se vérifie diversement. Ici, une lecture à rebours de la combinaison adverbe-adjectif permet de voir une relation de cause à effet ; ailleurs, le couple adverbe-adjectif forme la figure de l’oxymore ; ou une lecture métalinguistique semble permise lorsque la propriété dénotée par l’adverbe pris à la lettre désigne l’un des sèmes de l’adjectif.The common denominator of the three intensive adverbs here examined is the high degree of intensity of the emotion denoted by their nominal roots, enabling these adverbs to be used as scalar modifiers (boosters). This paper shows that the semantic component of these intensifiers is often barely perceptible, but can be made to reappear in appropriate contexts : the adjectival phrase (adverb plus adjective) can then allow a cause and effect interpretation through a right-to-left reading of the AP ; or a metalinguistic interpretation when the meaning of the adverb is perceived as one of the semantic components of the adjective. Elsewhere, an oxymoron (adverb + adjective) is created in the first of two coordinate clauses, undermining the adjectival property and paving the way for a second clause with implicit negation of this adjectival predication : a reversal which, it is claimed, is disallowed if adverbial modification of the adjective is done with a maximizer

    Les ressources de la linéarité : l’exemple de l’hypallage

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    Cette étude porte sur la figure de l’hypallage instanciée dans la relation adjectif-nom, autour de la notion de /silence/ (exemples du BNC, principalement). L’adjectif qualificatif prénominal aurait une propriété positionnelle caractérisée par un effet de préconstruction. Cependant, on peut faire valoir que l’objet référentiel est représenté avec un certain degré de préconstruction selon le choix du déterminant (article indéfini, déterminant possessif, article zéro). Il est ensuite montré que le SN-hypallagique considéré comme unité de narration codifie parfois des relations de cause à effet entre A et N ou entre deux adjectifs A1 et A2 sans que la syntaxe soit toujours iconique. Enfin, cette étude fait valoir qu’il existerait une variante de la figure lorsque l’adjectif reçoit d’abord et localement une interprétation tropique (connotative) avant de retrouver son sens propre dans une association avec un autre nom dans le co-texte proche ; illustrant ainsi une forme de condensation.This article examines hypallage as illustrated in the relationship between prenominal adjectives and nouns (A-N), in NPs headed by the noun “silence” (most examples taken from the BNC). The association of an attributive adjective and a head noun often denotes a familiar object. It is here claimed however that this impression varies according to the choice of the determiner in the DP construction [det + A + N]. Various interpretative paths are then illustrated, revealing implicit cause and effect relationships within NPs comprising one or more qualifying adjectives; the semantic discohesion between A and N is then partially eclipsed. Finally, it is here claimed that a qualifying adjective can appear both with a figurative and a literal meaning (a form of condensation), with a connotative meaning coming first; this implying some form of ‘deferred hypallage’

    Etude de l'implication des chimiokines et de leurs récepteurs dans la survenue d'une rechute métastatique chez des patients atteints d'un cancer du côlon métastatique et traités par chirurgie hépatique avec ou sans chimiothérapie néoadjuvante

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    Our aim was to analyze the potential role of chemokine receptors CXCR2 and CXCR4 signalling pathways in liver metastatic colorectal cancer (CRC) relapse. Expression levels of CXCR2, CXCR4, and their chemokine ligands were evaluated in liver metastases of colorectal cancer in order to study their correlation with overall and disease-free survival of patients having received, or not received, a neoadjuvant chemotherapy regimen.Quantitative RT-PCR and CXCR2 immunohistochemical staining were carried out using human CRC liver metastasis samples. Expression levels of CXCR2, CXCR4, and their ligands were statistically analyzed according to treatment with neoadjuvant chemotherapy and patients ' outcome. Murine models of subcutaneous and orthotopic intracaecal xenografts have been developed and used to study the expression of CXCR2, CXCR4 and CXCL7 in connection with the treatment of mice with chemotherapy.We showed that CXCR2 and CXCL7 overexpression are correlated to patient’s shorter overall and disease-free survival. By multivariate analysis, CXCR2 and CXCL7 expressions are independent factors of overall and disease-free survival. Neoadjuvant chemotherapy increases significantly the expression of CXCR2 and CXCL7 was overexpressed close to significance. Results of our mouse models have shown a trend over-expression of our interest genes in tumor tissues of the treated mice.In conclusion, we show the involvement of CXCL7/CXCR2 signalling pathways as a predictive factor of poor outcome in metastatic CRC. 5-Fluorouracil-based chemotherapy regimens increase the expression of these genes in liver metastasis, providing one explanation for aggressiveness of relapsed drug-resistant tumors. Selective blockage of CXCR2/CXCL7 signalling pathways could provide new potential therapeutic opportunities.Notre objectif était d’analyser l’implication potentielle des voies associées aux récepteurs de chimiokines CXCR2 et CXCR4 dans le cancer colorectal métastatique au foie. Les niveaux d’expression de CXCR2, CXCR4 et de leurs chimiokines étaient évalués dans les métastases hépatiques de cancers colorectaux dans le but d’étudier leurs corrélations avec la survie globale et la survie sans récidive de patients ayant reçu, ou non, une chimiothérapie néoadjuvante. Des analyses d’expression pour RT-PCR quantitative et immunohistochimie étaient réalisées en utilisant des prélèvements humains de métastases hépatiques de cancers colorectaux. Les niveaux d’expression de CXCR2, CXCR4 et de leurs ligands étaient statistiquement analysés en fonction des traitements par chimiothérapie néoadjuvante administrés ou non, et en fonction du suivi des patients. Des modèles murins de xénogreffes sous-cutanées et orthotopiques intracaecales ont été mis au point et utilisés pour étudier l’expression de CXCR2, CXCR4 et CXCL7 en relation avec le traitement des souris par chimiothérapie.Nous avons montré que la surexpression de CXCR2 et CXCL7 était corrélée à de plus courtes survies globales et sans récidive de nos patients. En analyse multivariée, l’expression de CXCR2 et de CXCL7 étaient des facteurs indépendants de survie globale et sans récidive. La chimiothérapie néoadjuvante augmentait significativement l’expression de CXCR2, et de CXCL7 de façon proche de la significativité. Les résultats de nos modèles murins ont montré une tendance à la surexpression de nos gènes d’intérêts dans les tissus tumoraux des souris traités. En conclusion, ces résultats suggèrent l’implication de la voie de signalisation CXCL7/CXCR2 comme facteur prédictif de mauvais pronostic dans le cancer colorectal métastatique. Les chimiothérapies à base de 5 Fluoro-uracile augmentent l’expression de ces gènes dans les métastases hépatiques, fournissant une explication sur l’agressivité des tumeurs métastatiques en échappement thérapeutique. Un blocage sélectif de l’axe CXCR2/CXL7 pourrait fournir de nouvelles opportunités thérapeutiques

    La inmunidad de jurisdicción civil de los agentes diplomáticos y de los cónsules

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    Este trabajo de fin de grado plantea los problemas derivados de la coexistencia de la inmunidad de jurisdicción civil de los agentes diplomáticos y de los cónsules consagradas por convenios internacionales y el derecho a la tutela judicial efectiva establecido en la Constitución española. Tras establecer la necesidad histórica de las inmunidades de jurisdicción civil de los agentes diplomáticos y consulares y su codificación en la normativa internacional y nacional, se analiza la jurisprudencia internacional y nacional que ponen de relieve la necesidad de coexistencia de los esos dos principios. Por último, se planteará la existencia actual de un contexto geopolítico y diplomático que necesita salvaguardar las inmunidades de jurisdicción civiles de los agentes diplomáticos y consulares. Este análisis se ha basado en la lectura de la doctrina, jurisprudencia, normativa internacional o nacional, actual y anterior. Concluye este trabajo de fin de grado afirmado que la coexistencia de las inmunidades de jurisdicción civiles de los agentes diplomáticos y consulares con la tutela judicial efectiva es necesaria para una buena relación internacional entre los Estados. Sin embargo, dado el contexto actual y la opinión global de poner fin a las impunidades la evolución de las inmunidades de los agentes diplomáticos y consulares podría pasar por la creación de un tribunal internacional permanente especializado.This thesis has for problematic to study the coexistence of the civil immunity jurisdiction of the diplomatic and the consul agents, and the right to effective judicial protection established in the Spanish Constitution. This civil immunity jurisdiction is consecrated by International Conventions of Vienne in both 1961 and 1963. After establishing the historical necessity of the civil immunities jurisdiction of diplomatic and consular agents, and their codification in national and international regulations, the national and international jurisprudence that emphasizes the coexistence of these two principles are analysed. Given the current state of geopolitical and diplomatic contexts the needs to safeguard the civil immunity jurisdiction of diplomatic and consular agents should be taken into consideration. This analysis was built upon the reading of doctrine, jurisprudence, legislation, national or international, previous and current. The end of this work will show that the coexistence of the civil immunities jurisdiction of diplomatic and consular agents with effective judicial protection, is necessary for a good international relationship between States. However, taking into account the current context and the overall view of ending impunity, the development of the immunities for diplomatic and consular agents, could lead to the creation of a permanent international specialized court

    Evolutionary history predicts plant defense against an invasive pest

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    It has long been hypothesized that invasive pests may be facilitated by the evolutionary naïveté of their new hosts, but this prediction has never been examined in a phylogenetic framework. To address the hypothesis, we have been studying the invasive viburnum leaf beetle (Pyrrhalta viburni), which is decimating North American native species of Viburnum, a clade of worldwide importance as understory shrubs and ornamentals. In a phylogenetic field experiment using 16 species of Viburnum, we show that old-world Viburnum species that evolved in the presence of Pyrrhalta beetles mount a massive defensive wound response that crushes eggs of the pest insect; in contrast, naïve North American species that share no evolutionary history with Pyrrhalta beetles show a markedly lower response. This convergent continental difference in the defensive response of Viburnum spp. against insect oviposition contrasts with little difference in the quality of leaves for beetle larvae. Females show strong oviposition preferences that correspond with larval performance regardless of continental origin, which has facilitated colonization of susceptible North American species. Thus, although much attention has been paid to escape from enemies as a factor in the establishment and spread of nonnative organisms, the colonization of undefended resources seems to play a major role in the success of invasive species such as the viburnum leaf beetleViburnum phylogenetic studies were supported by National Science Foundation Grant IOS-0842800 (to M.J.D.). This study was supported by US National Science Foundation Grant DEB-0950231 (to A.A.A.) and Federal Formula Funds allocated by the Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station (to A.A.A.)

    Combined use of herbivore-induced plant volatiles and sex pheromones for mate location in braconid parasitoids

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    Herbivore-induced plant volatiles (HIPVs) are important cues for female parasitic wasps to find hosts. Here, we investigated the possibility that HIPVs may also serve parasitoids as cues to locate mates. To test this, the odour preferences of four braconid wasps – the gregarious parasitoid Cotesia glomerata (L.) and the solitary parasitoids Cotesia marginiventris (Cresson), Microplitis rufiventris Kokujev and Microplitis mediator (Haliday) – were studied in olfactometers. Each species showed attraction to pheromones but in somewhat different ways.Males of the two Cotesia species were attracted to virgin females, whereas females of M. rufiventriswere attracted to virginmales. Male and female M.mediator exhibited attraction to both sexes. Importantly, female and male wasps of all four species were strongly attracted by HIPVs, independent of mating status. In most cases, male wasps were also attracted to intact plants. The wasps preferred the combination of HIPVs and pheromones over plant odours alone, except M.mediator, which appears to mainly use HIPVs for mate location. We discuss the ecological contexts in which the combined use of pheromones and HIPVs by parasitoids can be expected. To our knowledge, this is the first study to show that braconid parasitoids use HIPVs and pheromones in combination to locate mates